References to other File
  • MaterialValue/Alpha Dissolve Power Max
  • MaterialValue/UV Distortion Global Strength
  • MaterialValue/Fresnel Power
  • MaterialValue/Fresnel Slope
  • MaterialValue/Fresnel Inverse
  • MaterialValue/Alpha Brightness Global
  • MaterialValue/Alpha Noise Multiplier
  • MaterialValue/UV Distortion 1 U Strength
  • MaterialValue/UV Distortion 1 V Strength
  • MaterialValue/Alpha Shape-Noise Multiplier
  • MaterialValue/UV Distortion Shape Strength
  • MaterialValue/Alpha Dissolve
  • MaterialValue/Alpha Soft Distance
  • MaterialValue/Noise 1 - Alpha lerp to white
  • MaterialValue/Noise 2 - Alpha lerp to white
  • MaterialValue/UV Distortion Dissolve Strength
  • MaterialValue/UV Distortion Noise1 Strength
  • MaterialValue/UV Distortion Noise2 Strength
  • MaterialValue/zSwitch UVsets Alpha 1
  • MaterialValue/Fresnel Double Sided
  • MaterialValue/Invert Soft Alpha
  • MaterialValue/Low EV Alpha
  • MaterialValue/High EV Alpha
  • MaterialValue/Alpha 2 Soft Distance
  • MaterialValue/Use Alpha 2 Soft Distance
  • MaterialValue/Alpha Test Threshold
  • MaterialValue/Alpha Dissolve Harshness
  • MaterialValue/Use Vertex Alpha
  • MaterialValue/Vert Anim Noise Min
  • MaterialValue/Vert Anim Noise Max
  • MaterialValue/Vert Anim Noise Direction
  • MaterialValue/Vert Anim Noise Direction X
  • MaterialValue/Vert Anim Noise Direction Y
  • MaterialValue/Vert Anim Noise Direction Z
  • MaterialValue/Vert Anim Noise Contrast Factor
  • MaterialValue/Vert Anim Noise Source
  • MaterialValue/Invert Soft Alpha 2
  • MaterialValue/Druid Human Form Alpha
  • MaterialValue/zSwitch Actor Noise Method
  • MaterialValue/zSwitch Actor Distortion Method
  • MaterialValue/zSwitch Actor Fresnel Alpha Method
  • Texture/flat_NM
  • Texture/solid_white
  • 1518996
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