Fields of Hatred (PVP event)

Fields of Hatred (PVP event)

Now wether you like PVP or not, the PVP area offers one of the most viable way to farm legendary equip.

Purify Seeds of Hatred at an Altar of Extraction to turn them into Red Dust

There are a lot of monsters there, even PVP Boss, which you can farm for Seed of Hatred (or even regular gear, since density is pretty good). Seed of Hatred is a currency which, once converted via the PVP altars, allows you to gamble for gear (also offers a few cosmetics).

It was the most viable way to farm gear, and so most players didn't Bloodmark (pvp flag) themselves so they could cooperate and simply PVE farm.

Bloodmarking oneself allows you to attack anyone (including non-Bloodmarked players), it's basically "hostile mode", and doing so increases your Seed of Hatred rate, but you can choose not to Bloodmark yourself and cooperate with other non-Bloodmarked players to simply farm PVE monsters. This will not prevent you from being attacked by hostile "Bloodmarked" players though.


  • Extremely variable depending on the hostile Bloodmarked players present. PVE monsters themselves are moderately challenging (easy with a half decent build). The roaming boss Khazra Abomination can be challenging and depending on your class/build, may not be soloed. Playing in group is more efficient and will give you a significant advantage.


  • Seeds of Hatred (allows you to gamble gear and buy a few cosmetics, can't be gotten anywhere else).
  • Monsters also drop regular gear, including legendary. Density is pretty good.
  • 你可以按{hotkey:SOCIAL_WHEEL}滚动至对应轮盘选项使自己带有鲜血标记。一旦带有鲜血标记,你就可以攻击其他玩家。
  • 可以使用在城镇中的“净化祭坛”抹去鲜血标记。
  • 憎恨之种可以从怪物、事件和宝箱中获得。掉落的憎恨之种可以被任意玩家拾取。憎恨之种在玩家死亡时会掉落,并且离开PvP区域时会被完全净化。
  • 举行净化仪式来将憎恨之种永久转化成红色尘埃。红色尘埃可在城镇中的各种商人处使用。
  • 在带有鲜血标记的状态下击败玩家即可成为憎恨的钦选者。憎恨的钦选者所在的位置会暴露给区域内的所有玩家,并且你无法在萃取祭坛举行仪式。若能存活下来即可获得强大的奖励。如果进入城镇或离开区域,憎恨的钦选者身份将被收回。