References to this File
References to other File
  • Cloth/barM_stor173_LEG_accesories_sim
  • Cloth/barM_stor173_LEG_accesories_mount_override_sim
  • Animation/barM_mount_horse_nav_jump
  • Cloth/barM_stor173_LEG_accessories_jump_override_sim
  • Cloth/barM_stor173_LEG_skirts_sim
  • Cloth/barM_stor173_LEG_skirts_stable_override_sim
  • Animation/barM_mount_hth_event_dismount_damage
  • Cloth/barM_stor173_LEG_skirts_mount_override_sim
  • Animation/barM_2HM_attk_rupture
  • Animation/barM_2HP_attk_rupture
  • Animation/barM_2HS_attk_rupture
  • Animation/barM_DW_attk_rupture
  • Animation/barM_2HM_attk_kick
  • Animation/barM_2HP_attk_kick
  • Animation/barM_2HS_attk_kick
  • Animation/barM_DW_attk_kick
  • Animation/barM_2HM_nav_evade
  • Cloth/barM_stor173_LEG_skirts_evade_override_sim
  • Animation/barM_2HS_nav_evade
  • Cloth/barM_stor173_TRS_cape_evade_override_sim
  • Animation/barM_DW_nav_evade
  • Animation/barM_HTH_nav_evade
  • Animation/barM_2HM_attk_lungingStrike
  • Animation/barM_2HP_attk_LungingStrike
  • Animation/barM_2HS_attk_LungingStrike
  • Animation/barM_DW_attk_lungingStrike
  • Animation/barM_2HM_attk_primalAxe
  • Animation/barM_2HP_attk_primalAxe
  • Animation/barM_2HS_attk_primalAxe
  • Animation/barM_DW_attk_primalAxe
  • Animation/barM_2HM_attk_upheaval
  • Animation/barM_2HP_attk_Upheaval
  • Animation/barM_2HS_attk_upheaval
  • Animation/barM_2HM_attk_whirlwind
  • Animation/barM_2HP_attk_whirlwind
  • Animation/barM_2HS_attk_whirlwind
  • Animation/barM_2HS_attk_whirlwind_Talic
  • Animation/barM_DW_attk_whirlwind
  • Animation/barM_2HM_attk_WotB
  • Animation/barM_2HS_attk_WotB
  • Animation/barM_DW_attk_WotB
  • Animation/barM_2HM_attk_cleave
  • Animation/barM_2HP_attk_cleave
  • Animation/barM_2HS_attk_cleave
  • Animation/barM_DW_attk_cleave
  • Animation/barM_2HM_attk_groundStomp
  • Cloth/barM_stor173_LEG_skirts_groundStomp_override_sim
  • Animation/barM_2HP_attk_groundstomp
  • Animation/barM_2HS_attk_groundstomp
  • Animation/barM_DW_attk_groundstomp
  • Animation/S02_Bloodseeker_barM_2HM_attk_bash
  • Cloth/barM_stor173_TRS_cape_leap_override_sim
  • Animation/S02_BloodSeeker_barM_2HM_attk_leap
  • Animation/S02_BloodSeeker_barM_DW_attk_leap
  • Cloth/barM_stor173_LEG_skirts_leap_override_sim
  • Animation/barM_2HM_attk_leap
  • Animation/barM_2HP_attk_leap
  • Animation/barM_2HS_attk_leap
  • Animation/barM_DW_attk_cota_leap
  • Animation/barM_DW_attk_leap
  • Animation/barM_mount_horse_2HM_attk_dismount_leap
  • Animation/barM_mount_horse_2HS_attk_dismount_leap
  • Animation/barM_HTH_trav_climb_down
  • Animation/barM_HTH_trav_climb_up
  • Animation/barM_HTH_trav_jumpAcross
  • Animation/barM_HTH_trav_ladder_climb_down
  • Animation/barM_HTH_trav_ladder_climb_up
  • Animation/barM_HTH_trav_ropeAcross
  • Animation/barM_HTH_trav_slide_down
  • Animation/barM_Mount_horse_nav_idle
  • Animation/barM_mount_horse_nav_cantor
  • Animation/barM_mount_horse_nav_walk
  • Animation/barM_mount_horse_nav_trot
  • Animation/barM_mount_horse_attk_dismount_chainhook
  • Animation/barM_mount_horse_event_climbUp_R
  • Animation/barM_Mount_Horse_Gallop_Boost_RT
  • Cloth/barM_stor173_LEG_skirts_gallopBoost_override_sim
  • Animation/barM_mount_horse_nav_cantor_L
  • Animation/barM_mount_horse_nav_cantor_R
  • Animation/barM_mount_horse_nav_trot_L
  • Animation/barM_mount_horse_nav_trot_R
  • Animation/barM_mount_hth_event_pet
  • Animation/barM_HTH_trav_crawl
  • Animation/barM_mount_horse_event_climbDown
  • Cloth/barM_stor173_LEG_skirts_dismount_override_sim
  • Animation/barF_2HM_attk_IronMaelstrom_1st
  • Cloth/barF_stor173_LEG_skirts_stable_override_sim
  • Animation/barF_2HM_attk_IronMaelstrom_2nd
  • Animation/barF_2HS_attk_Iron_Maelstrom_ChainWhip
  • Animation/barF_2HS_attk_Iron_Maelstrom_Pull
  • Animation/barF_2HS_attk_Iron_Maelstrom_Slam
  • Animation/barF_2HS_attk_IronMaelstrom_2nd
  • Animation/barF_DW_attk_IronMaelstrom_3rd
  • Material/barM_stor173_LEG_mat
  • Material/armor_skin_mat
  • 1647360
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