{ "Name": "變身之", "Desc": "當你{c_important}閃避{/c}時,你會變成一群蝙蝠,並進入{c_important}{u}無阻{/u}{/c}狀態,持續 {c_number}[Affix.\"Static Value 0\"|1|]{/c} 秒。你會對路徑上的敵人造成 {c_number}[(Owner.Weapon_Damage_Min_Total + Owner.Weapon_Damage_Delta_Total) * (1 + Owner.Main_Hand_Damage_Percent_Bonus) * 2]{/c} 點物理傷害,並施加{c_important}{u}吸血鬼詛咒{/u}{/c}。{c_important}閃避{/c}的冷卻時間延長 {c_random}[Affix_Value_1|1|]{/c} 秒。", "CodexDesc": "{c_important}閃避{/c}時進入{c_important}{u}無阻{/u}{/c}狀態,變成一群蝙蝠並造成 {c_number}[(Owner.Weapon_Damage_Min_Total + Owner.Weapon_Damage_Delta_Total) * (1 + Owner.Main_Hand_Damage_Percent_Bonus) * 2]{/c} 點物理傷害。" }
References to this File
References to other File
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