Item /86
稀有 声望宝匣
[PH] Powerful items and rare crafting mats.
[PH] Feel the power of hatred surge through you.
野蛮人, 德鲁伊, 死灵法师, 游侠, 巫师, 灵巫
传奇 声望宝匣
[PH] Powerful items and rare crafting mats.
[PH] Feel the power of hatred surge through you.
野蛮人, 德鲁伊, 死灵法师, 游侠, 巫师, 灵巫
魔法 声望宝匣
[PH] A chance for powerful items and common crafting mats.
[PH] A taste of the power of hatred.
野蛮人, 德鲁伊, 死灵法师, 游侠, 巫师, 灵巫
[PH] A chance for items and common crafting mats.
[PH] A small taste of the power of hatred.
野蛮人, 德鲁伊, 死灵法师, 游侠, 巫师, 灵巫