{ "Line1.BAE4.Bar.F": "光よ、この女の中に潜む闇を祓いたまえ!主よ、この悪魔を追い出したまえ!", "Line1.BAE4.Bar.M": "光よ、この女の中に潜む闇を祓いたまえ!主よ、この悪魔を追い出したまえ!", "Line1.BAE4.Dru.F": "光よ、この女の中に潜む闇を祓いたまえ!主よ、この悪魔を追い出したまえ!", "Line1.BAE4.Dru.M": "光よ、この女の中に潜む闇を祓いたまえ!主よ、この悪魔を追い出したまえ!", "Line1.BAE4.Nec.F": "光よ、この女の中に潜む闇を祓いたまえ!主よ、この悪魔を追い出したまえ!", "Line1.BAE4.Nec.M": "光よ、この女の中に潜む闇を祓いたまえ!主よ、この悪魔を追い出したまえ!", "Line1.BAE4.Rog.F": "光よ、この女の中に潜む闇を祓いたまえ!主よ、この悪魔を追い出したまえ!", "Line1.BAE4.Rog.M": "光よ、この女の中に潜む闇を祓いたまえ!主よ、この悪魔を追い出したまえ!", "Line1.BAE4.Sor.F": "光よ、この女の中に潜む闇を祓いたまえ!主よ、この悪魔を追い出したまえ!", "Line1.BAE4.Sor.M": "光よ、この女の中に潜む闇を祓いたまえ!主よ、この悪魔を追い出したまえ!" }
Audio /10
play content
Let the light push out the darkness hiding within this woman. Father, force this demon out.
Let the light push out the darkness hiding within this woman. Father, force this demon out!
Let the light push out the darkness hiding within this woman. Father, force this demon out.
Let the light push out the darkness hiding within this woman. Father, force this demon out!
Let the light push out the darkness hiding within this woman. Father, force this demon out.
Let the light push out the darkness hiding within this woman. Father, force this demon out!
Let the light push out the darkness hiding within this woman. Father, force this demon out!
Let the light push out the darkness hiding within this woman. Father, force this demon out.
Let the light push out the darkness, hiding within this woman. Father, force this demon out!
Let the light push out the darkness, hiding within this woman. Father, force this demon out!
References to other File
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