{ "SeasonName": "Season of Hatred Rising", "SeasonDescription": "Hatred seeps from the jungles of Nahantu as the mysterious Realmwalkers spread Mephisto's influence across Sanctuary.", "SeasonBeginText": "開始日: {s1}", "SeasonEndText": "終了日: {s1}", "SeasonInfoText": "{c_highlight}{icon:bullet, 1}Realmwalkers:{/c} Slay these hulking demons to open a portal to a Seething Realm\r\n\r\n{c_highlight}{icon:bullet, 1}Seething Realms:{/c} Choose your path and clear the dungeon to earn a Seething Opal\r\n\r\n{c_highlight}{icon:bullet, 1}Seething Opals:{/c} Powerful consumables with your buff of choice\r\n\r\n{c_highlight}{icon:bullet, 1}Corrupted Wells of Reflection:{/c} Find and cleanse these pools to earn greater Experience" }
{ "__fileName__": "base/meta/Season/Season 6.sea", "uSeasonFeature": 0, "arWorldTiers": [ [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [] ], "unk_9b70c7c": [], "tFavorTableData": "GameBalance/FavorTable", "tFavorData": { "group": 70, "name": "Season 6" }, "tBlessingData": { "nStartingRefundGoldCost": 1000, "nRefundCostMultiplier": 1000, "nMaxRefundCost": 3000 }, "arBlessings": [ { "group": 67, "name": "Monster XP Bonus" }, { "group": 67, "name": "BSK Reputation Bonus" }, { "group": 67, "name": "BSK Legendary Bonus" }, { "group": 67, "name": "BSK Consumable Bonus" }, { "group": 67, "name": "Glyph XP Bonus" } ], "arAspectAchievements": [], "snoPremiumPass": "StoreProduct/Bundle_Battlepass_Premium_s06", "snoAcceleratedPass": "StoreProduct/Bundle_Battlepass_Accelerated_s06", "snoChapters": "Challenge/Season6", "snoRewardTrack": "Challenge/Season6_Rewards", "uCollectiblePowerTypes": 0, "tCollectiblePowerCollections": { "arRootSlots": [] }, "arDungeons": [], "unk_e03bad7": 0, "arChallengerRiftDivisionData": [ { "gbidChallengerRiftDivisionType": { "group": 79, "name": "NotPlaced" }, "flDivisionScoreMultiplier": 0, "tChallengerRiftRewardData": { "nCacheCount": 0 } }, { "gbidChallengerRiftDivisionType": { "group": 79, "name": "Silver" }, "flDivisionScoreMultiplier": 1, "tChallengerRiftRewardData": { "snoCacheReward": "Item/ChallengeRift_WeekEndRewards", "nCacheCount": 1 } }, { "gbidChallengerRiftDivisionType": { "group": 79, "name": "Gold" }, "flDivisionScoreMultiplier": 2, "tChallengerRiftRewardData": { "snoCacheReward": "Item/ChallengeRift_WeekEndRewards", "nCacheCount": 2 } }, { "gbidChallengerRiftDivisionType": { "group": 79, "name": "Elite" }, "flDivisionScoreMultiplier": 5, "tChallengerRiftRewardData": { "snoCacheReward": "Item/ChallengeRift_WeekEndRewards", "nCacheCount": 3 } }, { "gbidChallengerRiftDivisionType": { "group": 79, "name": "Conqueror" }, "flDivisionScoreMultiplier": 10, "tChallengerRiftRewardData": { "snoCacheReward": "Item/ChallengeRift_WeekEndRewards_Worthy", "nCacheCount": 4 } } ], "unk_710df1f": [ 19500, 25200, 26000, 16000, 16000, 16000, 16000, 16000, 0 ], "arWeekScoreMultiplier": [ 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1 ], "unk_b4c7436": [ 2999, 9999, 19999, 29999 ], "snoPassUpgrade": "StoreProduct/Bundle_Battlepass_Accelerated_Upgrade_s06", "flAnimationMinTime": 2, "flAnimationMaxTime": 10, "unk_9787190": 10, "unk_86b7fa5": 70, "fFloatingWorldMarker": false, "hSeasonInfoImage": 3053804252, "snoCampaignCompleteTutorialOverride": "Tutorial/Campaign_Complete_Season1", "hSeasonalInventoryTabIcon": 0, "unk_4113c9b": 0, "hSeasonSigilIcon": 4195016575, "tEmblemIcon": { "hImageHandle": 0 }, "arSeasonalItemTooltips": [] }