References to this File
References to other File
  • Actor/camera_rig
  • Actor/IGC_Monkb
  • Actor/igc_wolfhires_look_altA
  • Animation/igc_kel_camera_1120
  • MarkerSet/IGC_KEL_1120_Lighting_v002
  • Weather/IGC_KEL_weather_1180_blue
  • Particle/IGC_KEL_1120_blood_pool_decal_small
  • Particle/IGC_KEL_1120_mm_blood_decal_A_1
  • Particle/IGC_KEL_1120_mm_blood_decal_A_2
  • Particle/IGC_KEL_1070_mm_bloodPaw_C_2
  • Particle/IGC_KEL_1070_mm_bloodPaw_C_4
  • Particle/IGC_KEL_1070_mm_bloodPaw_C_3
  • Particle/IGC_KEL_1120_mm_bloodPaw_C_1
  • Particle/IGC_KEL_1070_mm_bloodPaw_B_2
  • Particle/IGC_KEL_1070_mm_bloodPaw_B_1
  • Particle/IGC_KEL_1070_mm_bloodPaw_A_1
  • Particle/IGC_KEL_1120_mm_bloodWipe_A_1
  • Particle/IGC_KEL_1120_mm_bloodWipe_A_4
  • Particle/IGC_KEL_1120_mm_bloodWipe_A_2
  • Particle/IGC_KEL_1120_mm_bloodWipe_B_3
  • Particle/IGC_KEL_1070_mm_bloodWipe_C_2
  • Particle/IGC_KEL_1120_blood_lib_splat_D_1
  • Particle/IGC_KEL_1070_blood_lib_smear_long_hand_D_2
  • Particle/IGC_KEL_1070_blood_lib_smear_long_hand_C_2
  • Particle/IGC_KEL_1070_blood_lib_smear_long_hand_B_2
  • Animation/igc_kel_monkb_1120
  • Animation/igc_kel_wolf_01_1120
  • Animation/igc_kel_wolf_02_1120
  • Animation/igc_kel_wolf_03_1120
  • Actor/igc_entrails
  • Animation/IGC_KEL_entrails_01_1120
  • Animation/IGC_KEL_entrails_02_1120
  • Particle/IGC_KEL_heavy_sand_dust_medium
  • Particle/IGC_KEL_heavy_sand_dust_1120
  • Particle/IGC_KEL_heavy_sand_dust_large_1120
  • Particle/IGC_KEL_heavy_sand_dust_large_redux_tame_1120
  • Particle/IGC_KEL_heavy_sand_dust
  • Particle/IGC_KEL_sand_mist_impact_1120
  • Particle/IGC_KEL_sand_debris_impact_1120
  • Particle/IGC_KEL_sand_spray_lift_1120
  • Particle/IGC_KEL_1120_envFX_cloud_warm_02_group
  • Particle/IGC_KEL_1120_blood_pool_decal
  • Particle/IGC_KEL_1120_blood_lib_splat_long_D_1
  • Particle/IGC_KEL_1070_blood_lib_smear_long_hand_C_1
  • Particle/IGC_KEL_1070_blood_lib_smear_long_hand_D_1
  • Particle/IGC_KEL_1070_blood_lib_smear_long_hand_B_1
  • Particle/IGC_KEL_1120_mm_bloodWipe_B_2
  • Particle/IGC_KEL_1070_mm_bloodWipe_C_1
  • Particle/IGC_KEL_1120_blood_lib_splat_D_4
  • Particle/IGC_KEL_1120_blood_lib_splat_D_5
  • Particle/IGC_KEL_1120_mm_bloodWipe_A_3
  • Particle/IGC_KEL_1120_mm_bloodWipe_A_7
  • Particle/IGC_KEL_1120_mm_bloodWipe_A_5
  • Particle/IGC_KEL_1120_mm_bloodWipe_A_6
  • Particle/IGC_KEL_1120_mm_bloodWipe_A_8
  • Particle/IGC_KEL_1120_mm_bloodWipe_A_11
  • Particle/IGC_KEL_1120_mm_bloodWipe_A_9
  • Particle/IGC_KEL_1120_mm_bloodWipe_A_10
  • 785615
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