{ "MenuLabel": "\"Parlami di questa nuova malattia.\"", "Line1.1028C0": "È iniziata con un uomo... Credo si chiamasse Brecht. Poveraccio. Se ricordo bene, è giunto qui con sua sorella, entrambi in fuga dal nord.", "Line1.1028C0.F": "È iniziata con un uomo... Credo si chiamasse Brecht. Poveraccio. Se ricordo bene, è giunto qui con sua sorella, entrambi in fuga dal nord." }
Audio /1
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It started with a man. I think his name was Brec Porcelo. As I recall, he came here with his sister, both refugees from the north.
References to other File
{ "__fileName__": "base/meta/Conversation/QST_Hawe_Verge_S05_ElderOrina.cnv", "eConvType": 3, "unk_b7531ee": 0, "flCooldownTime": 0, "flCancelDistance": 0, "bFadeAtStart": false, "bFadeAtEnd": false, "bJournalVO": false, "unk_ac91f5d": false, "unk_e1d8535": false, "bBookendConversation": false, "bIsInterruptible": false, "tRequirementsToBeActive": { "arSeasons": [] }, "dwFlags": 8, "arRootNodes": [ { "dwType": 2571982133, "dwPad": 0, "dwNodeID": 1, "dwNextNodeID": 4294967295, "dwParentNodeID": 0, "ptNextNode": "0", "dwFlags": 0, "szComment": "", "arChildNodes": [ { "dwType": 3220679561, "dwPad": 0, "dwNodeID": 2, "dwNextNodeID": 4294967295, "dwParentNodeID": 1, "ptNextNode": "0", "dwFlags": 0, "szComment": "The player is trying to figure out the origins and background of a new plague. Player prompt: \"Tell me about this new sickness.\" Pronunciation for Brecht = BREK", "snoSpeaker": "Speaker/NPCF_ElderOrina", "eSpeakerTarget": 0, "eGender": -1, "ePlayerClass": -1, "tDisplayTimes": [ { "flDisplayTime": [ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ] }, { "flDisplayTime": [ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ] }, { "flDisplayTime": [ 13.3325834274292, 13.3325834274292, 13.3325834274292, 13.3325834274292, 13.3325834274292, 13.3325834274292, 13.3325834274292, 13.3325834274292, 13.3325834274292, 13.3325834274292 ] }, { "flDisplayTime": [ 13.3325834274292, 13.3325834274292, 13.3325834274292, 13.3325834274292, 13.3325834274292, 13.3325834274292, 13.3325834274292, 13.3325834274292, 13.3325834274292, 13.3325834274292 ] }, { "flDisplayTime": [ 16.308395385742188, 16.308395385742188, 16.308395385742188, 16.308395385742188, 16.308395385742188, 16.308395385742188, 16.308395385742188, 16.308395385742188, 16.308395385742188, 16.308395385742188 ] }, { "flDisplayTime": [ 16.27750015258789, 16.27750015258789, 16.27750015258789, 16.27750015258789, 16.27750015258789, 16.27750015258789, 16.27750015258789, 16.27750015258789, 16.27750015258789, 16.27750015258789 ] }, { "flDisplayTime": [ 12.601645469665527, 12.601645469665527, 12.601645469665527, 12.601645469665527, 12.601645469665527, 12.601645469665527, 12.601645469665527, 12.601645469665527, 12.601645469665527, 12.601645469665527 ] }, { "flDisplayTime": [ 15.732604026794434, 15.732604026794434, 15.732604026794434, 15.732604026794434, 15.732604026794434, 15.732604026794434, 15.732604026794434, 15.732604026794434, 15.732604026794434, 15.732604026794434 ] }, { "flDisplayTime": [ 13.241437911987305, 13.241437911987305, 13.241437911987305, 13.241437911987305, 13.241437911987305, 13.241437911987305, 13.241437911987305, 13.241437911987305, 13.241437911987305, 13.241437911987305 ] }, { "flDisplayTime": [ 19.78754234313965, 19.78754234313965, 19.78754234313965, 19.78754234313965, 19.78754234313965, 19.78754234313965, 19.78754234313965, 19.78754234313965, 19.78754234313965, 19.78754234313965 ] }, { "flDisplayTime": [ 15.633125305175781, 15.633125305175781, 15.633125305175781, 15.633125305175781, 15.633125305175781, 15.633125305175781, 15.633125305175781, 15.633125305175781, 15.633125305175781, 15.633125305175781 ] }, { "flDisplayTime": [ 15.992395401000977, 15.992395401000977, 15.992395401000977, 15.992395401000977, 15.992395401000977, 15.992395401000977, 15.992395401000977, 15.992395401000977, 15.992395401000977, 15.992395401000977 ] }, { "flDisplayTime": [ 15.5, 15.5, 15.5, 15.5, 15.5, 15.5, 15.5, 15.5, 15.5, 15.5 ] }, { "flDisplayTime": [ 16.78874969482422, 16.78874969482422, 16.78874969482422, 16.78874969482422, 16.78874969482422, 16.78874969482422, 16.78874969482422, 16.78874969482422, 16.78874969482422, 16.78874969482422 ] }, { "flDisplayTime": [ 18.01420783996582, 18.01420783996582, 18.01420783996582, 18.01420783996582, 18.01420783996582, 18.01420783996582, 18.01420783996582, 18.01420783996582, 18.01420783996582, 18.01420783996582 ] }, { "flDisplayTime": [ 15.633125305175781, 15.633125305175781, 15.633125305175781, 15.633125305175781, 15.633125305175781, 15.633125305175781, 15.633125305175781, 15.633125305175781, 15.633125305175781, 15.633125305175781 ] }, { "flDisplayTime": [ 16.29364585876465, 16.29364585876465, 16.29364585876465, 16.29364585876465, 16.29364585876465, 16.29364585876465, 16.29364585876465, 16.29364585876465, 16.29364585876465, 16.29364585876465 ] }, { "flDisplayTime": [ 13.3325834274292, 13.3325834274292, 13.3325834274292, 13.3325834274292, 13.3325834274292, 13.3325834274292, 13.3325834274292, 13.3325834274292, 13.3325834274292, 13.3325834274292 ] }, { "flDisplayTime": [ 13.3325834274292, 13.3325834274292, 13.3325834274292, 13.3325834274292, 13.3325834274292, 13.3325834274292, 13.3325834274292, 13.3325834274292, 13.3325834274292, 13.3325834274292 ] } ], "flSoundEffectDuration": 1, "unk_357a6f3": false } ], "unk_d8bf9e4": false, "snoSpeaker": "Speaker/NPCF_ElderOrina", "fIsSkipPoint": false, "unk_ecabee0": true, "unk_2e54e3c": false, "flDurationAdjustment": 0.5, "arListenerReactions": [], "unk_aae0113": [], "unk_f95422b": [], "unk_b882e13": true, "unk_748463e": true, "unk_76d4bd": true } ], "szSetPlayerFlag": "", "dwNextNodeID": 3 }