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"szText": "{icon:CoP_DruidFilter_Icon, 2.0} My class only (Druid)", "hLabel": 661933587 }, { "szLabel": "DiscoveredInDungeonNameOnly", "szText": "{c_number_req}Unlocked by completing{/c}{icon:Marker_DungeonEntrance, 2.5}{c_important}{s1}{/c}", "hLabel": 3697295218 }, { "szLabel": "EditFilters", "szText": "Edit Filters", "hLabel": 2937622783 }, { "szLabel": "AspectUnlocked_Title", "szText": "Aspect Unlocked", "hLabel": 2993567094 }, { "szLabel": "AspectUnlocked_Description", "szText": "{s1} has been added to the Codex of Power", "hLabel": 1407603224 }, { "szLabel": "AspectUpgraded_Title", "szText": "Aspect Upgraded", "hLabel": 3037027341 }, { "szLabel": "AspectUpgraded_Description", "szText": "{s1} has been upgraded in the Codex of Power", "hLabel": 945540591 }, { "szLabel": "AspectUpgradeDescription", "szText": "{icon:Crafting_Blacksmith_SalvageItems, 2.0} Salvage a Legendary item with {c_important}{s1}{/c} of higher roll to upgrade", "hLabel": 2878019212 }, { "szLabel": "Tooltip_RankProgress", "szText": "Rank {s1} / {s2}", "hLabel": 2960469739 }, { "szLabel": "Unlock_SeasonJourney_Short", "szText": "Unlocked by completing {c_important}{s1}{/c} in {c_important}Season Journey{/c}", "hLabel": 3088964751 }, { "szLabel": "NewFilter", "szText": "{icon:CoP_NewlyAcquiredFilter_Icon, 2.0} Newly acquired", "hLabel": 22755792 }, { "szLabel": "SwitchToFilters", "szText": "Switch to Filters", "hLabel": 3100338958 }, { "szLabel": "SwitchToList", "szText": "Switch to List", "hLabel": 636354545 }, { "szLabel": "TabNameFormat", "szText": "{s1} {s2} ({s3}/{s4})", "hLabel": 1564347521 }, { "szLabel": "FavoriteFilter", "szText": "{icon:CoP_FavoriteFilter_Icon, 2.0} Favorite Aspects", "hLabel": 131992326 }, { "szLabel": "MarkFavorite", "szText": "Mark as Favorite", "hLabel": 1155321387 }, { "szLabel": "UnmarkFavorite", "szText": "Unmark as Favorite", "hLabel": 1947023918 }, { "szLabel": "ClearTextFilter", "szText": "Clear Text", "hLabel": 3278812242 }, { "szLabel": 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