{ "__fileName__": "enUS_Text/meta/StringList/Character.stl", "arStrings": [ { "szLabel": "ReplaceHeart", "szText": "Replace Heart", "hLabel": 2415228048 }, { "szLabel": "Replace", "szText": "Replace", "hLabel": 992981148 }, { "szLabel": "AreYouSure", "szText": "Are you sure", "hLabel": 186508564 }, { "szLabel": "TopSocket", "szText": "Top Socket", "hLabel": 4206564572 }, { "szLabel": "BottomSocket", "szText": "Bottom Socket", "hLabel": 2029156318 }, { "szLabel": "DetroyHeartWarning", "szText": "{c_warning}(This will permanently destroy the existing heart in this socket){/c}", "hLabel": 198764289 }, { "szLabel": "ConfirmationText", "szText": "Are you sure you want to replace the Malignant Heart in this socket? This will {c_warning}permanently destroy{/c} the existing heart. ", "hLabel": 2552842574 }, { "szLabel": "SocketFavoritedItemTitle", "szText": "Socket Favorited Item", "hLabel": 575309758 }, { "szLabel": "SocketFavoritedItemBody", "szText": "Are you sure you want to socket a favorited item?", "hLabel": 3270555882 } ], "ptMapStringTable": "0" }