References to this File
{ "__fileName__": "enUS_Text/meta/StringList/RaidDifficulty.stl", "arStrings": [ { "szLabel": "RaidDifficulty_Title", "szText": "RAID DIFFICULTY", "hLabel": 3809119668 }, { "szLabel": "RaidDifficulty1", "szText": "Easy", "hLabel": 2761968708 }, { "szLabel": "RaidDifficulty3", "szText": "Hard", "hLabel": 2761968710 }, { "szLabel": "RaidDifficulty_Warning", "szText": "[PH] Difficulty will switch to a different World Tier. Changing your World Tier terminates all active portals, resets all incomplete Whisper progress, and closes any active Nightmare Dungeon.", "hLabel": 2751939400 }, { "szLabel": "RaidDifficulty_Confirm", "szText": "{Icon:button4, 2.0} Confirm Selection", "hLabel": 3235248256 }, { "szLabel": "RaidDifficulty2", "szText": "Normal", "hLabel": 2761968709 }, { "szLabel": "RaidDifficultyH2", "szText": "[PH] Raid Name Goes here", "hLabel": 950656013 }, { "szLabel": "SelectButton", "szText": "Select", "hLabel": 1886222268 }, { "szLabel": "BackButton", "szText": "Back", "hLabel": 643788909 }, { "szLabel": "SelectButtonController", "szText": "{icon:button1, 2} Select", "hLabel": 784153472 }, { "szLabel": "BackButtonController", "szText": "{icon:button2, 2} Back", "hLabel": 3399386481 }, { "szLabel": "Confirm", "szText": "Confirm", "hLabel": 3484573774 }, { "szLabel": "Close", "szText": "Close", "hLabel": 121412150 }, { "szLabel": "Close_Prompt", "szText": "{icon:button2, 2} Close", "hLabel": 437926295 }, { "szLabel": "Confirm_Prompt", "szText": "{icon:button4, 2} Confirm", "hLabel": 1036072111 }, { "szLabel": "EnemyInfo", "szText": "Enemy Details:", "hLabel": 3743898890 }, { "szLabel": "ItemDrops", "szText": "New:", "hLabel": 959254711 }, { "szLabel": "Recommeded", "szText": "Recommended for:", "hLabel": 2247275861 }, { "szLabel": "Active", "szText": "Active", "hLabel": 3917826332 }, { "szLabel": "TimerFormat", "szText": "%02u:%02u:%02u until reset", "hLabel": 583204874 }, { "szLabel": "[PH] Raid Flavor Text", "szText": "{icon:bullet, 1} [PH] This text is located in the per-raid StringList", "hLabel": 3677699231 }, { "szLabel": "MechanicsInfo", "szText": "Mechanics:", "hLabel": 2080265079 }, { "szLabel": "NumPlayersFormat", "szText": "%d", "hLabel": 2668407097 }, { "szLabel": "WingName", "szText": "Name", "hLabel": 1834626454 } ], "ptMapStringTable": "0" }