References to this File
{ "__fileName__": "enUS_Text/meta/StringList/PvPMessages.stl", "arStrings": [ { "szLabel": "Entering PvP Area", "szText": "Entering Fields of Hatred", "hLabel": 1428812971 }, { "szLabel": "OpenWorld_TurnInStarted", "szText": "Purifying ritual started and will complete in {c_yellow}{Param1}{/c} seconds. Leaving the area will cancel the process.", "hLabel": 3664695376 }, { "szLabel": "OpenWorld_TurnInStartedOthers", "szText": "A player has started a ritual at {c_yellow}{s1}{/c}.", "hLabel": 3755493573 }, { "szLabel": "OpenWorld_TurnInStartedTeam", "szText": "{c_yellow}A player in your party has started a ritual.{/c}", "hLabel": 457166551 }, { "szLabel": "EnteringPVP_SubMenu", "szText": "{c_red}Bloodmarked{/c} players can attack you.", "hLabel": 3289638736 }, { "szLabel": "ExitingPVP", "szText": "Exiting Fields of Hatred", "hLabel": 4157778638 }, { "szLabel": "VesselOfHatred_Label", "szText": "Hatred's Chosen", "hLabel": 473648350 }, { "szLabel": "VesselOfHatred_Description", "szText": "Gain hatred by defeating players. Survive long enough as Hatred's Chosen and you will be rewarded.", "hLabel": 3145770370 }, { "szLabel": "VesselOfHatred_Gained", "szText": "You have been chosen. Other players can see your position on the map. Survive and remain in the Fields of Hatred for {s2}", "hLabel": 2550077926 }, { "szLabel": "VesselOfHatred_Town_Warning", "szText": "You will no longer be Hatred's Chosen if you enter town!", "hLabel": 194705435 }, { "szLabel": "VesselOfHatred_LostByTown", "szText": "You have given up being Hatred's Chosen by entering town.", "hLabel": 3394660995 }, { "szLabel": "VesselOfHatred_Status_Broadcast", "szText": "A player has become Hatred's Chosen. Hunt them down for rewards.", "hLabel": 3948096628 }, { "szLabel": "VesselOfHatred_Slayed_Broadcast", "szText": "A Hatred's Chosen has been slain.", "hLabel": 2119072018 }, { "szLabel": "OpenWorld_CurrencyCapWarningThreshold", "szText": "You are close to your Red Dust cap.", "hLabel": 79599995 }, { "szLabel": "ShrineTurnIn_ExceedCap", "szText": "Not all Seeds will be purified, you will exceed your Red Dust cap.", "hLabel": 328657738 }, { "szLabel": "OpenWorld_CombatPenaltyWarning", "szText": "You are entering a lower rated PvP area due to your party state. Your combat efficiency will be reduced. ", "hLabel": 2852040162 }, { "szLabel": "VesselofHatred_Ritual_Warning", "szText": "You cannot perform a ritual while Hatred's Chosen.", "hLabel": 2946059236 }, { "szLabel": "OpenWorld_TurnInAbandoned", "szText": "You have abandoned the ritual.", "hLabel": 1502790549 }, { "szLabel": "LeavingPvPShrineTurnIn", "szText": "Leaving the ring will result in abandoning the ritual.", "hLabel": 363928837 }, { "szLabel": "VesselOfHatred_LostByDeath", "szText": "You have fallen, and are no longer the Hatred's Chosen.", "hLabel": 335305377 }, { "szLabel": "VesselOfHatred_LostByExit", "szText": "You have given up being Hatred's Chosen by exiting the Fields of Hatred.", "hLabel": 3394131285 }, { "szLabel": "VesselOfHatred_Lost", "szText": "You are no longer the Hatred's Chosen.", "hLabel": 1055572992 }, { "szLabel": "test_x1_pvp_arena_boss_powerup", "szText": "{c_red}BLOODSHED HAS INCREASED THE BOSSES POWER{/c}", "hLabel": 2986629706 }, { "szLabel": "test_x1_pvp_arena_champion", "szText": "{param1} IS CHAMPION OF THE ARENA!", "hLabel": 2935316081 }, { "szLabel": "test_x1_pvp_arena_portal_closed", "szText": "{c_red}PORTAL CLOSED{/c}", "hLabel": 43226925 } ], "ptMapStringTable": "0" }