{ "__fileName__": "enUS_Text/meta/StringList/Bnet_Party.stl", "arStrings": [ { "szLabel": "OptionsButton", "szText": "Party Options", "hLabel": 1926085864 }, { "szLabel": "DialogErrorText", "szText": "Select the invite level of your party:", "hLabel": 3212102911 }, { "szLabel": "DialogConfirmationRequired", "szText": "Confirmation Required", "hLabel": 4230563706 }, { "szLabel": "DialogOpenToFriends", "szText": "Open to Friends", "hLabel": 1328434160 }, { "szLabel": "DialogOpen", "szText": "Open", "hLabel": 1679922850 }, { "szLabel": "LeaderIconTooltip", "szText": "This player is the Party Leader.", "hLabel": 447324513 }, { "szLabel": "VoiceChatIconTooltip", "szText": "Voice Chat Indicator", "hLabel": 3100687498 }, { "szLabel": "Leader", "szText": "Party Leader", "hLabel": 55031405 }, { "szLabel": "LeaveParty", "szText": "Leave Party", "hLabel": 2643615389 }, { "szLabel": "ManageParty", "szText": "Call to Arms", "hLabel": 3477977241 }, { "szLabel": "InviteToParty", "szText": "Invite", "hLabel": 2725006370 }, { "szLabel": "SlotOpen", "szText": "Open to Real ID Friends", "hLabel": 2793587380 }, { "szLabel": "SlotOpenToFriends", "szText": "Open to Real ID Friends", "hLabel": 3898551362 }, { "szLabel": "SlotOpenToPublic", "szText": "to public", "hLabel": 3115815990 }, { "szLabel": "SlotOpenToRecentlyPlayed", "szText": "to recently played characters", "hLabel": 4226148508 }, { "szLabel": "Level", "szText": "lv", "hLabel": 131841048 }, { "szLabel": "InviteDialogTitle", "szText": "Invite", "hLabel": 976725889 }, { "szLabel": "InviteDialogContext", "szText": "invites you to a party - {s1}", "hLabel": 2545440420 }, { "szLabel": "InviteDialogTimeRemaining", "szText": "Time Remaining", "hLabel": 1888867496 }, { "szLabel": "InviteDialogAcceptButton", "szText": "Accept", "hLabel": 1952655947 }, { "szLabel": "InviteDialogDeclineButton", "szText": "Decline", "hLabel": 1859325743 }, { "szLabel": "JoinRequestDialogTitle", "szText": "Join Request", "hLabel": 1908889867 }, { "szLabel": "JoinRequestDialogContext", "szText": "has requested to join your party. - {s1}", "hLabel": 4059730606 }, { "szLabel": "JoinRequestDialogInviteButton", "szText": "Invite", "hLabel": 611155732 }, { "szLabel": "JoinRequestDialogIgnoreButton", "szText": "Ignore", "hLabel": 1089928585 }, { "szLabel": "InviteAcceptConfirmationTitle", "szText": "There are pending invites.", "hLabel": 3556637994 }, { "szLabel": "InviteAcceptConfirmationMessage", "szText": "Accepting this invite will remove all other invites. Do you really want to accept this invite?", "hLabel": 2805423789 }, { "szLabel": "SlotPending", "szText": "Invite Sent...", "hLabel": 3455508999 }, { "szLabel": "ChannelLabel", "szText": "Party", "hLabel": 2550797593 }, { "szLabel": "LeaveConfirmationTitle", "szText": "Leave Party?", "hLabel": 3328315256 }, { "szLabel": "LeaveConfirmationMessage", "szText": "Are you sure you would like to leave the party?", "hLabel": 3270065275 }, { "szLabel": "JoinLeaveWarning", "szText": "Joining this party will cause you to leave your current party. Do you accept?", "hLabel": 2829099443 }, { "szLabel": "LeaveWithSentInvitesConfirmationMessage", "szText": "Leaving the party now will cancel all the other party invites you've sent. Do you want to leave the party?", "hLabel": 587798675 }, { "szLabel": "StayInParty", "szText": "Stay in Party", "hLabel": 655350984 }, { "szLabel": "JoinLeaveWithInvitesWarning", "szText": "Joining this party will cause you to leave your current party and cancel all outstanding party invites you've sent. Do you accept?", "hLabel": 1471318513 }, { "szLabel": "JoinWithInvitesWarning", "szText": "Joining this party will cancel all outstanding party invites you've sent. Accept?", "hLabel": 1750895044 }, { "szLabel": "AcceptPartyInviteWithInvitesPendingPrompt", "szText": "Accepting the party invite will cancel all outstanding party invites you've sent.", "hLabel": 1261641556 }, { "szLabel": "ButtonSocialRequests", "szText": "Party", "hLabel": 3575796563 }, { "szLabel": "PartyPanel", "szText": "Party", "hLabel": 551330336 }, { "szLabel": "AcceptPartyInvite", "szText": "Accept party invite?", "hLabel": 4143541423 }, { "szLabel": "CancelInvite", "szText": "Cancel Invite", "hLabel": 3949538325 }, { "szLabel": "ClickToProfile", "szText": "{icon:lmb} to view profile. {icon:rmb} for player options.", "hLabel": 3043746586 }, { "szLabel": "ClickToBanner", "szText": "{icon:lmb} to customize banner.", "hLabel": 2777914335 }, { "szLabel": "KickedFromGameBecausePartyFull", "szText": "{s1} tried to join the game, but the game is full.", "hLabel": 2505098740 }, { "szLabel": "ClickToJoinGame", "szText": "{icon:lmb} to join game.", "hLabel": 3841924339 }, { "szLabel": "InvitePending", "szText": "{C:FFC47D30}Invite Pending{/c:c47d30}", "hLabel": 1460473812 }, { "szLabel": "ClickToSwitchHero", "szText": "{icon:lmb} to switch character. {icon:rmb} for player options.", "hLabel": 2927726249 }, { "szLabel": "PartyInviteTimer", "szText": "{s1} - {s2}", "hLabel": 2405070976 }, { "szLabel": "PendingInviteRequestsLabel", "szText": "{s1} Pending invite requests", "hLabel": 4082205488 }, { "szLabel": "SelectingHero", "szText": "Selecting Character", "hLabel": 2276327276 }, { "szLabel": "HeroLevelInfo", "szText": "Level {s1} {s2}", "hLabel": 2076497234 }, { "szLabel": "HeroLevelInfoHardCore", "szText": "Level {s1} Hardcore {s2}", "hLabel": 275473082 }, { "szLabel": "LeaveGameAndPartyWithSentInvitesConfirmationMessage", "szText": "Leaving the party now will cancel all the other party invites you've sent. Do you want to leave the party and the game?", "hLabel": 945732624 }, { "szLabel": "LeaveGameAndPartyConfirmationMessage", "szText": "Are you sure you would like to leave the party and the game?", "hLabel": 4067603864 }, { "szLabel": "Portrait", "szText": "{s1} {s2}", "hLabel": 3484211733 }, { "szLabel": "UnableToAddMemberToGame_ContentLevel", "szText": "{s1} is unable to join this game because the player is not eligible for the current game content.", "hLabel": 2432740682 }, { "szLabel": "UnableToJoinPartysGame_ContentLevel", "szText": "Unable to join the party's game because you are not eligible to play the current game content.", "hLabel": 1876622553 }, { "szLabel": "PartyNotJoinable_AlreadyInParty", "szText": "That player is in your party.", "hLabel": 3891760109 }, { "szLabel": "PartyNotJoinable_PartyFull", "szText": "This party is full.", "hLabel": 1070739271 }, { "szLabel": "PartyNotJoinable_VersionMistmatch", "szText": "Different versions of Diablo IV cannot play together. Make sure all players are running the latest version of Diablo IV.", "hLabel": 38517716 }, { "szLabel": "PartyNotJoinable_PartyNotAvailable", "szText": "Party unavailable.", "hLabel": 2909725958 }, { "szLabel": "ConfirmForceTransfer", "szText": "You are about to be transferred to the Party Leader's world.", "hLabel": 1703534818 }, { "szLabel": "PartyNotJoinable_NotInGame", "szText": "This player is not in game.", "hLabel": 3254244870 }, { "szLabel": "Cancel", "szText": "Cancel", "hLabel": 3993502566 }, { "szLabel": "PartyNotJoinable_HardcoreMismatch", "szText": "Different character types cannot play together. Make sure all players have Hardcore characters.", "hLabel": 389200770 }, { "szLabel": "PartyNotJoinable_SeasonMismatch", "szText": "Different character types cannot play together. Make sure all players have seasonal characters.", "hLabel": 2946036739 }, { "szLabel": "CancelPartyJoin", "szText": "Leave Party", "hLabel": 3441648134 }, { "szLabel": "ConfirmTransferNow", "szText": "Transfer Now", "hLabel": 4118768487 }, { "szLabel": "PartyNotJoinable_QueuedForLFP", "szText": "The party is queued for Looking-for-Party, invites are not available.", "hLabel": 3402122998 }, { "szLabel": "CancelRequest", "szText": "Cancel Request", "hLabel": 4161290319 }, { "szLabel": "PartyNotJoinable_PartyLocked", "szText": "The party is locked; invites are not available.", "hLabel": 2326304646 }, { "szLabel": "ConfirmTurningHostile", "szText": "You will become {c_highlight}Bloodmarked{/c} if you join this party.", "hLabel": 924790637 }, { "szLabel": "ConfirmJoinNow", "szText": "Join Now", "hLabel": 2307474322 }, { "szLabel": "PartyNotJoinable_CrossplayDenied", "szText": "Crossplay is not available with this player's platform.", "hLabel": 3352762861 }, { "szLabel": "PartyContentInvite", "szText": "{s1} is about to start {s2}. Would you like to join them?", "hLabel": 2705555482 }, { "szLabel": "PartyRequiredContent", "szText": "{s1} is initiating content that requires the full party. You will be teleported to them at the end of the countdown.", "hLabel": 3056646412 }, { "szLabel": "PartyRequiredContentDetails", "szText": "If you do not wish to be teleported, you must leave the party.", "hLabel": 2346675890 }, { "szLabel": "PlayerNotUnmutable_CrossPlayDenied", "szText": "Cannot unmute player due to crossplay incompatibility", "hLabel": 1770441683 }, { "szLabel": "PartyNotJoinable_NotInvitable", "szText": "This player is already in a party.", "hLabel": 2646891987 }, { "szLabel": "PartyNotJoinable_MultiplayerNotAllowed", "szText": "Action unavailable.", "hLabel": 351920597 }, { "szLabel": "PartyNotJoinable_IneligibleForWorldTier", "szText": "That player has not unlocked access to your current World Tier.", "hLabel": 1161333115 }, { "szLabel": "PartyNotJoinable_PrologueContainment", "szText": "That player must complete the prologue before they can join your party.", "hLabel": 1019301937 }, { "szLabel": "PartyNotJoinable_PlayerBlocked", "szText": "Player is blocked.", "hLabel": 3339802117 }, { "szLabel": "PartyNotJoinable_IneligibleForWorldTier_Request", "szText": "You have not unlocked access to the party's current World Tier.", "hLabel": 1966120867 }, { "szLabel": "PartyNotJoinable_CrossPlayMismatch", "szText": "Crossplay settings must match. ", "hLabel": 2821653754 }, { "szLabel": "PartyNotJoinable_TargetDeceased", "szText": "This player is deceased.", "hLabel": 2542925241 }, { "szLabel": "PartyNotJoinable_InviterDeceased", "szText": "You are deceased.", "hLabel": 3276415507 }, { "szLabel": "PartyCampaignState_Warning", "szText": "Your party campaign state does not match with the party leader's. You will only be making progress on the party leader's campaign.", "hLabel": 1654603590 }, { "szLabel": "PartyNotJoinable_AlreadyInvited", "szText": "The player is already invited to your party.", "hLabel": 3899164793 }, { "szLabel": "SetCampaignStateNotAllowed_PrologueContainment", "szText": "You cannot return to your campaign state because one or more players in your party have not completed the Prologue yet.", "hLabel": 1136626290 }, { "szLabel": "PartyNotJoinable_NotInvitableInChallengerRift", "szText": "This player is busy and cannot be invited yet.", "hLabel": 321146612 }, { "szLabel": "PartyNotJoinable_TargetHostile", "szText": "You cannot invite Bloodmarked players to your party while not Bloodmarked.", "hLabel": 708086499 }, { "szLabel": "PartyNotJoinable_TargetHostile_Request", "szText": "You cannot request to join a party which is not Bloodmarked while Bloodmarked.", "hLabel": 1697351947 }, { "szLabel": "PartyRequiredContent_EntitlementMissing", "szText": "{s1} is initiating content that requires the full party and you do not have access to that location. You will be removed from the party at the end of the countdown.", "hLabel": 2572470766 }, { "szLabel": "PartyRequiredContent_EntitlementMissing_ModalBody", "szText": "This content requires your entire party to be present, but some of your party members do not have access to this location. If you continue, they will be removed from the party. ", "hLabel": 2653285160 } ], "ptMapStringTable": "0" }