{ "MenuLabel": "Introduzione di Karamat", "Line34.371E1": "Non so cos'hanno trovato laggiù, ma il cardinale Maldul ha ordinato agli Alti Sacerdoti di sigillare la strada alle sue spalle.", "Line34.371E1.F": "Non so cos'hanno trovato laggiù, ma il cardinale Maldul ha ordinato agli Alti Sacerdoti di sigillare la strada alle sue spalle." }
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and not show what they found on there. McCurden and Maldool ordered the high priest to seal the way behind him.
References to other File
{ "__fileName__": "base/meta/Conversation/CAMP_Karamat_Cultist_Intro2.cnv", "eConvType": 0, "unk_b7531ee": 0, "flCooldownTime": 0, "flCancelDistance": 0, "bFadeAtStart": false, "bFadeAtEnd": false, "bJournalVO": false, "unk_ac91f5d": false, "unk_e1d8535": false, "bBookendConversation": false, "bIsInterruptible": false, "tRequirementsToBeActive": { "arSeasons": [] }, "dwFlags": 0, "arRootNodes": [ { "dwType": 2571982133, "dwPad": 0, "dwNodeID": 34, "dwNextNodeID": 4294967295, "dwParentNodeID": 0, "ptNextNode": "0", "dwFlags": 0, "szComment": "", "arChildNodes": [ { "dwType": 3220679561, "dwPad": 0, "dwNodeID": 35, "dwNextNodeID": 4294967295, "dwParentNodeID": 34, "ptNextNode": "0", "dwFlags": 0, "szComment": "The player overhears this line when they enter the temple section for the first time. They overhear it through holes/ gaps in the wall. 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