{ "MenuLabel": "Lilith ai Cancelli degli Inferi", "Line5.BD31C": "Percepisco la tua paura, padre.", "Line5.BD31C.F": "Percepisco la tua paura, padre." }
Audio /1
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I can sense your fear. Father.
{ "__fileName__": "base/meta/Conversation/QST_Kehj_Caldeum_Cine_BLI.cnv", "eConvType": 3, "unk_b7531ee": 0, "snoConversationFollowup": "Conversation/QST_Kehj_Caldeum_02_Ney_RTC", "flCooldownTime": 0, "flCancelDistance": 0, "bFadeAtStart": false, "bFadeAtEnd": false, "bJournalVO": false, "unk_ac91f5d": true, "unk_e1d8535": true, "bBookendConversation": false, "bIsInterruptible": false, "tRequirementsToBeActive": { "arSeasons": [] }, "dwFlags": 128, "arRootNodes": [ { "dwType": 2571982133, "dwPad": 0, "dwNodeID": 5, "dwNextNodeID": 4294967295, "dwParentNodeID": 0, "ptNextNode": "0", "dwFlags": 0, "szComment": "", "arChildNodes": [ { "dwType": 3220679561, "dwPad": 0, "dwNodeID": 6, "dwNextNodeID": 4294967295, "dwParentNodeID": 5, "ptNextNode": "0", "dwFlags": 0, "szComment": "INT. BENEATH THE PALACE We open on an ESTABLISHING SHOT of LILITH before the GATE TO HELL. A group of CULTISTS line the walls behind her, respectfully bearing witness to the glory of this moment. It is DARK beneath the palace. Remains of the ruined floor litter the area. Long untouched statues depicting demons and the other wretches of the Hells decorate the walls. A DIM ORANGE GLOW emanates from its cracks. LILITH approaches the gate with purpose, the barbed HELL KEY from Rathma in hand. It begins to GLOW the same hue as the door. As it activates, the DOORS SWING OPEN, bathing herself and the room in fiery orange and red LIGHT. She disappears into the flames, her towering form silhouetted by the fiery glow. BLOOD PETALS fall in her wake. There is a quiet tension in the cultists. Something deeply sacred has taken place. What happens next is yet to be seen.", "snoSpeaker": "Speaker/NPC_QST_Lilith", "eSpeakerTarget": 0, "eGender": -1, "ePlayerClass": -1, "tDisplayTimes": [ { "flDisplayTime": [ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ] }, { "flDisplayTime": [ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ] }, { "flDisplayTime": [ 5.199999809265137, 5.199999809265137, 5.199999809265137, 5.199999809265137, 5.199999809265137, 5.199999809265137, 5.199999809265137, 5.199999809265137, 5.199999809265137, 5.199999809265137 ] }, { "flDisplayTime": [ 5.199999809265137, 5.199999809265137, 5.199999809265137, 5.199999809265137, 5.199999809265137, 5.199999809265137, 5.199999809265137, 5.199999809265137, 5.199999809265137, 5.199999809265137 ] }, { "flDisplayTime": [ 5.199999809265137, 5.199999809265137, 5.199999809265137, 5.199999809265137, 5.199999809265137, 5.199999809265137, 5.199999809265137, 5.199999809265137, 5.199999809265137, 5.199999809265137 ] }, { "flDisplayTime": [ 5.199999809265137, 5.199999809265137, 5.199999809265137, 5.199999809265137, 5.199999809265137, 5.199999809265137, 5.199999809265137, 5.199999809265137, 5.199999809265137, 5.199999809265137 ] }, { "flDisplayTime": [ 5.199999809265137, 5.199999809265137, 5.199999809265137, 5.199999809265137, 5.199999809265137, 5.199999809265137, 5.199999809265137, 5.199999809265137, 5.199999809265137, 5.199999809265137 ] }, { "flDisplayTime": [ 5.199999809265137, 5.199999809265137, 5.199999809265137, 5.199999809265137, 5.199999809265137, 5.199999809265137, 5.199999809265137, 5.199999809265137, 5.199999809265137, 5.199999809265137 ] }, { "flDisplayTime": [ 5.199999809265137, 5.199999809265137, 5.199999809265137, 5.199999809265137, 5.199999809265137, 5.199999809265137, 5.199999809265137, 5.199999809265137, 5.199999809265137, 5.199999809265137 ] }, { "flDisplayTime": [ 5.199999809265137, 5.199999809265137, 5.199999809265137, 5.199999809265137, 5.199999809265137, 5.199999809265137, 5.199999809265137, 5.199999809265137, 5.199999809265137, 5.199999809265137 ] }, { "flDisplayTime": [ 5.199999809265137, 5.199999809265137, 5.199999809265137, 5.199999809265137, 5.199999809265137, 5.199999809265137, 5.199999809265137, 5.199999809265137, 5.199999809265137, 5.199999809265137 ] }, { "flDisplayTime": [ 5.199979305267334, 5.199979305267334, 5.199979305267334, 5.199979305267334, 5.199979305267334, 5.199979305267334, 5.199979305267334, 5.199979305267334, 5.199979305267334, 5.199979305267334 ] }, { "flDisplayTime": [ 5.199999809265137, 5.199999809265137, 5.199999809265137, 5.199999809265137, 5.199999809265137, 5.199999809265137, 5.199999809265137, 5.199999809265137, 5.199999809265137, 5.199999809265137 ] }, { "flDisplayTime": [ 5.199999809265137, 5.199999809265137, 5.199999809265137, 5.199999809265137, 5.199999809265137, 5.199999809265137, 5.199999809265137, 5.199999809265137, 5.199999809265137, 5.199999809265137 ] }, { "flDisplayTime": [ 5.199999809265137, 5.199999809265137, 5.199999809265137, 5.199999809265137, 5.199999809265137, 5.199999809265137, 5.199999809265137, 5.199999809265137, 5.199999809265137, 5.199999809265137 ] }, { "flDisplayTime": [ 5.199999809265137, 5.199999809265137, 5.199999809265137, 5.199999809265137, 5.199999809265137, 5.199999809265137, 5.199999809265137, 5.199999809265137, 5.199999809265137, 5.199999809265137 ] }, { "flDisplayTime": [ 5.199999809265137, 5.199999809265137, 5.199999809265137, 5.199999809265137, 5.199999809265137, 5.199999809265137, 5.199999809265137, 5.199999809265137, 5.199999809265137, 5.199999809265137 ] }, { "flDisplayTime": [ 5.199999809265137, 5.199999809265137, 5.199999809265137, 5.199999809265137, 5.199999809265137, 5.199999809265137, 5.199999809265137, 5.199999809265137, 5.199999809265137, 5.199999809265137 ] }, { "flDisplayTime": [ 5.199999809265137, 5.199999809265137, 5.199999809265137, 5.199999809265137, 5.199999809265137, 5.199999809265137, 5.199999809265137, 5.199999809265137, 5.199999809265137, 5.199999809265137 ] } ], "snoSoundOverride": "Sound/Play_EXT_Voice_Cinematic_IGC_0db_2d", "flSoundEffectDuration": 1, "unk_357a6f3": false } ], "unk_d8bf9e4": false, "snoSpeaker": "Speaker/NPC_QST_Lilith", "fIsSkipPoint": false, "unk_ecabee0": true, "unk_2e54e3c": false, "flDurationAdjustment": 0.5, "arListenerReactions": [], "unk_aae0113": [], "unk_f95422b": [], "unk_b882e13": true, "unk_748463e": true, "unk_76d4bd": true } ], "szSetPlayerFlag": "", "dwNextNodeID": 7 }