References to this File
References to other File
  • Weather/weather_CHT_DecreasedWave
  • Actor/camera_rig
  • Animation/IGC_CHT_camera_1010
  • Power/AnimKey_CC_igc_base
  • Actor/
  • Animation/AMB_frog_idle
  • Animation/AMB_frog_walk_01
  • Actor/ambient_snake_CHT
  • Animation/AMB_snake_walk_01
  • Particle/CHT_Location_Bubbles
  • Actor/IGC_Chtplanks
  • Animation/IGC_CHT_chtplanks_1010
  • Sound/Play_HardFX_WaterSplash
  • Sound/Play_HardFX_CHT_SnakeSwim
  • Sound/Play_HardFX_CHT_Snake_VOX
  • Particle/
  • Particle/CHT_dock_break_water_disturbance
  • Particle/CHT_snake_waterdisturbance
  • Particle/CHT_casket_waterdisturbance
  • Particle/environmentVFX_ocean_splash_CHT_Edit
  • Particle/CHT_casket_waterdisturbance_drown_retime
  • Particle/CHT_Casket_top_bubbles
  • Particle/CHT_Casket_bottom bubbles
  • Particle/surface_water_trailDecal_CHT_edit_pierbreak
  • Particle/surface_water_trailDecal_CHT_edit_bubbles
  • Particle/environmentVFX_ocean_shimmer_epic_timed_CHT_edit
  • Particle/environmentVFX_ocean_splash_foam_epic_timed_CHT_edit
  • Particle/surface_water_trailDecal_CHT_edit_casketTrailoff
  • Particle/environmentVFX_ocean_splash_small_timed_CHT_edit_secondary
  • Particle/CHT_casket_waterdisturbance_drown
  • Actor/barbarianF
  • AnimSet/barF_CC_igc_conv_CHT
  • Actor/barbarianM
  • AnimSet/barM_CC_igc_conv_CHT
  • Actor/druidF
  • AnimSet/druF_CC_igc_conv_CHT
  • Actor/druidM
  • AnimSet/druM_CC_igc_conv_CHT
  • Actor/necromancerF
  • AnimSet/necF_CC_igc_conv_CHT
  • Actor/necromancerM
  • AnimSet/necM_CC_igc_conv_CHT
  • Actor/rogueF
  • AnimSet/rogF_CC_igc_conv_CHT
  • Actor/rogueM
  • AnimSet/rogM_CC_igc_conv_CHT
  • Actor/sorcererF
  • AnimSet/sorF_CC_igc_conv_CHT
  • Actor/sorcererM
  • AnimSet/sorM_CC_igc_conv_CHT
  • Actor/igc_t3coffin
  • Animation/IGC_CHT_t3coffin_1010
  • Sound/Play_HardFX_CHT_HeartBeat_Fast_Loop
  • Sound/Play_HardFX_CHT_HeartBeat_Slow_Loop
  • Sound/Play_HardFX_CHT_HeartBeat_Faster_Loop
  • Sound/Play_HardFX_CHT_HeartBeat_Extreme_Loop
  • Music/Music_IGC_CC_CHT
  • Particle/CHT_coffinfollower_mrhardpoint
  • 934324
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