References to this File
References to other File
  • ShaderMap/prop_def_gbuff_LiquidFill
  • MaterialValue/emissive multiplier
  • MaterialValue/Env Alpha
  • MaterialValue/Env Alpha Bias
  • MaterialValue/Translucency Intensity
  • MaterialValue/Emissive Multiplier - Night
  • MaterialValue/Emissive Multiplier - Day
  • MaterialValue/Specular Reflectance
  • MaterialValue/Env Flicker Speed
  • MaterialValue/Env Flicker Speed Final Mult
  • MaterialValue/Env Flicker Intensity
  • MaterialValue/Env Static Use Flicker
  • MaterialValue/Liquid Fill Amount
  • MaterialValue/Liquid Fill Surface Scattering Factor
  • MaterialValue/Liquid Fill Scattering Intensity
  • MaterialValue/Liquid Fill Scattering Fade
  • MaterialValue/Liquid Fill Density
  • MaterialValue/Liquid Fresnel
  • MaterialValue/Liquid Wave Height Movement
  • MaterialValue/Liquid Height Smoothness
  • MaterialValue/Liquid Texture Scale
  • MaterialValue/Liquid Fresnel Intensity
  • MaterialValue/Liquid Bubble Size
  • MaterialValue/Liquid Fill Amount -X Offset
  • MaterialValue/Liquid Fill Surface Smoothness Freq
  • MaterialValue/Liquid Fill Concave Factor
  • MaterialValue/Liquid Amount Multiplier Top
  • MaterialValue/Liquid Amount Multiplier Bottom
  • MaterialValue/Liquid Wave Frequency
  • MaterialValue/Liquid Color Variation
  • MaterialValue/Liquid Surface Speed
  • MaterialValue/Liquid Parallax
  • MaterialValue/Liquid Internal Movement
  • MaterialValue/Custom BBox - X Max
  • MaterialValue/Custom BBox - X Min
  • MaterialValue/Custom BBox - Y Max
  • MaterialValue/Custom BBox - Y Min
  • MaterialValue/Custom BBox - Z Max
  • MaterialValue/Custom BBox - Z Min
  • MaterialValue/Use Custom BBox
  • MaterialValue/emissive color
  • MaterialValue/Translucency Color
  • MaterialValue/Liquid Color
  • MaterialValue/Liquid Surface Color
  • 1651045
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