References to this File
References to other File
  • ShaderMap/scene_def_global_layered_2_mask_blend
  • Texture/Zak_Ext_Brick_A_Normal
  • Texture/Zak_Ext_Brick_A_ColorandHeight
  • Texture/ZaK_Ext_Building_Grime_A_ColorandHeight
  • Texture/ZaK_Ext_Building_Grime_A_Normal
  • Texture/Zak_Ext_Building_Noise_Simple_A
  • Texture/Zak_Ext_Brick_A_Mask
  • Texture/Zak_Ext_Brick_A_ID_Mask
  • Texture/Zak_Ext_Brick_A_Rough
  • Texture/ZaK_Ext_Building_Grime_A_Rough
  • MaterialValue/layered_directional_opacity
  • MaterialValue/Env Soft Alpha Power
  • MaterialValue/layered_tiling_1
  • MaterialValue/layered_tiling_2
  • MaterialValue/layered_edge_color_max
  • MaterialValue/layered_cavity_color_max
  • MaterialValue/layered_cavity_color_min
  • MaterialValue/layered_edge_color_min
  • MaterialValue/layered_height_intensity
  • MaterialValue/layered_height_invert
  • MaterialValue/layered_height_power
  • MaterialValue/layered_tiling_noise
  • MaterialValue/layered_noise_power
  • MaterialValue/layered_edge_color_opacity
  • MaterialValue/layered_cavity_color_opacity
  • MaterialValue/Env Soft Alpha Distance
  • MaterialValue/Env Porosity World Mask Scale
  • MaterialValue/Env Porosity Curvature Power
  • MaterialValue/Env AO from Mask 1 Influence
  • MaterialValue/Env Porosity Debug
  • MaterialValue/Env Wetness Bias
  • MaterialValue/Env Ripple Multiplier
  • MaterialValue/Env Porosity World Mask Slope Influence
  • MaterialValue/Env Porosity Curvature Bias
  • MaterialValue/Env Porosity World Mask Influence
  • MaterialValue/Env Porosity Slope Influence
  • MaterialValue/Env Porosity Curvature Influence
  • MaterialValue/Env Porosity Slope Power
  • MaterialValue/Env Porosity Slope Multiplier
  • MaterialValue/Env Porosity Final Multiplier
  • MaterialValue/Use Wetness
  • MaterialValue/Env Roughness Lerp
  • MaterialValue/Env Albedo Brightness
  • MaterialValue/Low Quality
  • MaterialValue/layered_edge_color
  • MaterialValue/layered_cavity_color
  • 651486
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