{ "MenuLabel": "\"You... are you the one who has been calling me?\"", "Line1.14656B": "Please forgive the mental intrusion. I could only trust another mage. I’ve searched too long and too far for the hidden archives to give up at its entrance.", "Line3.14656B": "I’m looking for a book, known as the Forgotten Codex, said to be in the archives. According to legend, the Forgotten Codex is a compendium of enchantment techniques developed by the Ennead Mage Clan. Some say Zoltun Kulle himself was one of the authors!", "Line9.14656B": "Unfortunately, the place is overrun with demons beyond my skills. If you can retrieve the Codex, I can teach you the magic it contains. Could be an excellent outcome for both of us, eh?", "Line15.BAE4.Sor": "I'll see what I can do." }
Audio /5
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Please forgive the mental intrusion. I could only trust another mage. I've searched too long and too far for the hidden archives to give up at its entrance.
I'm looking for a book, known as the Forgotten Codex, said to be in the archives. According to legend, the Forgotten Codex is a compendium of enchantment techniques developed by the Enneer Mage clan. Some say, Zoltan Kule himself was one of the authors.
Unfortunately, the place is overrun with demons beyond my skills. If you can retrieve the Codex, I can teach you the magic it contains. Could be an excellent outcome for both of us, eh?
I'll see what I can do.
I'll see what I can do.
References to this File
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