{ "Line5.BAE4": "I know who my real allies are: my friends. Take me back to them.", "VoiceDir5.BAE4": "Resolute" }
Audio /10
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I know who my real allies are. My friends, take me back to them.
I know who my real allies are. My friends, take me back to them.
I know who my real allies are. My friends. Take me back to them.
I know who my real allies are. My friends, take me back to them.
I know who my real allies are. My friends. Take me back to them.
I know who my real allies are. My friends, take me back to them.
I know who my real allies are. My friends. Take me back to them.
I know who my real allies are. My friends. Take me back to them.
I know who my real allies are. My friends, take me back to them.
I know who my real allies are. My friends, take me back to them.
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