{ "Name": "of the Malignant Pact", "Desc": "Cycle through a Malignant bonus every {c_number}[Affix.\"Static Value 0\"]{/c} kills.\r\n\r\n{c_label}Vicious: {/c}Gain {c_number}[Affix.\"Static Value 1\"+Affix_Value_1|%+|]{/c} Attack Speed.\r\n{c_label}Devious: {/c}{c_important}Core{/c} and {c_important}Basic{/c} Skills have a {c_number}[Affix.\"Static Value 2\"+Affix_Value_1]%{/c} chance to fully restore your Primary Resource.\r\n{c_label}Brutal: {/c}Every {c_number}[Affix.\"Static Value 3\"-Affix_Value_1]{/c} seconds, gain a {c_important}{u}Barrier{/u}{/c} absorbing {c_random}[Affix_Flat_Value_1]{/c} damage." }
References to this File
References to other File
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