{ "Name": "Poison Support", "Description": "{c_number}[{SF_9}*100]%{/c} of the supported skill's damage dealt is applied as Poison damage over {c_number}[{SF_1}+{SF_4}|1|]{/c} seconds. This poison has a {c_number}[Collectible_Power_Value_1#S03_Tuning_DoT_Poison*100]%{/c} chance each second to spread all Poison damage to an additional enemy.", "Next_Rank": "Spread Chance {icon:arrow,1.2} {c_number}[Collectible_Power_Value_1#S03_Tuning_DoT_Poison*100+1]%{/c} Per Second", "Modifier": "{c_number}[{SF_0}*100]%{/c} of the damage is applied as Poison damage.", "HowToUnlock": "Acquired by overcoming Vault challenges" }
References to other File
{ "__fileName__": "base/meta/CollectiblePower/S03_Tuning_DoT_Poison.cpw", "hIcon": 2967354398, "eType": 1, "arExperienceDeltas": [ 10, 10, 10, 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60 ], "nMaxExperience": 240, "nExperienceGain": 10, "snoPower": "Power/S03_TuningStone_DoT_Poison", "bIsPassivePower": true, "unk_6c192e5": false, "unk_884f537": true, "unk_5148745": true, "ptAttributes": [ { "eAttribute": 1255, "nParam": -1, "szAttributeFormula": { "value": "0.1 + (0.01 * GetCollectiblePowerLevel(SNO.CollectiblePower.S03_Tuning_DoT_Poison))", "compiled": "BgAAAM3MzD0GAAAACtcjPAUAAABZAAAADycaAAAAAAAAAAAAAQAAAGQAAAANAAAACwAAAAAAAAA=" }, "unk_dffdf28": { "value": "0", "compiled": "BgAAAAAAAAAAAAAA" } } ], "arKeywordSkillTags": [ { "group": 56, "name": "S03_Construct_Buddy_Melee" }, { "group": 56, "name": "S03_Construct_Buddy_Ranged" } ], "unk_653d125": "TreasureClass/1773612", "snoBlockedCollectiblePowers": [] }