{ "Name": "Fortify Support", "Description": "When the Seneschal Construct uses the supported Skill, you gain {c_number}{SF_1}{/c} {c_important}Fortify{/c}. Skills with slower attack speeds or skills with cooldowns will increase the amount of {c_important}Fortify{/c} granted.", "Next_Rank": "{c_important}Fortify{/c} Granted {icon:arrow,1.2} {c_number}{SF_2}{/c}", "Modifier": "Grants the player {c_important}Fortify{/c} on use.", "HowToUnlock": "Acquired by overcoming Vault challenges" }
References to other File
  • Power/S03_TuningStone_Fortify
  • TreasureClass/1773612
  • 1723044
    { "__fileName__": "base/meta/CollectiblePower/S03_Tuning_Fortify.cpw", "hIcon": 4281000030, "eType": 1, "arExperienceDeltas": [ 10, 10, 10, 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60 ], "nMaxExperience": 240, "nExperienceGain": 10, "snoPower": "Power/S03_TuningStone_Fortify", "bIsPassivePower": true, "unk_6c192e5": false, "unk_884f537": true, "unk_5148745": true, "ptAttributes": [], "arKeywordSkillTags": [ { "group": 56, "name": "S03_Construct_Buddy_Melee" }, { "group": 56, "name": "S03_Construct_Buddy_Ranged" }, { "group": 56, "name": "S03_Construct_Buddy_Utility" } ], "unk_653d125": "TreasureClass/1773612", "snoBlockedCollectiblePowers": [] }