{ "Desc": "{c_important}Chain Lightning{/c} alternates between orbiting you and seeking up to {c_number}[Affix.\"Static Value 2\"]{/c} enemies. When it returns, it drains {c_number}[Affix.\"Static Value 0\"]{/c} Mana from you for each active {c_important}Chain Lightning{/c}. After draining {c_number}[Affix.\"Static Value 3\"]{/c} total Mana, the bolt explodes for {c_random}[(Owner.Weapon_Damage_Min_Total + Owner.Weapon_Damage_Delta_Total) * Affix_Value_1 * Affix.\"Static Value 1\"]{/c} Lightning Damage.\r\n                       \r\n{c_important}Chain Lightning{/c} expires if you don't have enough Mana for it to drain." }
References to other File
{ "__fileName__": "base/meta/Affix/Pants_Unique_Sorc_101.aff", "dwFlags": 4, "eMagicType": 2, "eCategory": 0, "nItemPowerMin": 1, "nItemPowerMax": 2000, "tCost": { "value": "0", "compiled": "BgAAAAAAAAAAAAAA" }, "nWeight": 100, "flGreaterAffixPowerBonus": -1, "fAllowedForPlayerClass": [ 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ], "arAllowedItemLabels": [ 30 ], "unk_5e84277": 0, "dwAllowedQualityLevels": 0, "eAffixType": 1, "arMaxLegendaryRanks": [ 8, 12, 16 ], "ptItemAffixAttributes": [ { "bIgnoreLegendaryScaling": false, "bLowerIsBetter": false, "unk_1cbe733": false, "tAttribute": { "eAttribute": 1098, "nParam": -1, "szAttributeFormula": { "value": "FloatRandomRangeWithInterval(20, 0.10, 0.4)", "compiled": "BgAAAAAAoEEGAAAAzczMPQYAAADNzMw+AQAAAGIAAAAAAAAA" }, "unk_dffdf28": { "value": "0", "compiled": "BgAAAAAAAAAAAAAA" } } } ], "arStaticValues": [ 6, 15, 3, 66 ], "snoPassivePower": "Power/Pants_Unique_Sorc_101", "arAffixSkillTags": [ { "group": 56, "name": "FILTER_Legendary_Offensive" }, { "group": 56, "name": "FILTER_Spender_Sorc_ChainLightning" }, { "group": 56, "name": "Search_ResourceMana" } ], "arPowerToModify": [], "arSkillTagsToAdd": [], "arSkillTagsToRemove": [], "arConditionalSkillTags": [], "bIsTemperedAffix": false }