{ "Name": "of Legend 1", "Desc": "This is the descriptive text for the Legendary Power 1 affix.\r\n\r\nDash no longer costs Energy but instead has a [Affix_Value_1] second cooldown. In addition, enemies hit by Dash deal {c_number}[Affix_Value_2|%|]{/c} less damage to you for 7 seconds." }
References to this File
References to other File
{ "__fileName__": "base/meta/Affix/TEST_Legendary_Power1.aff", "dwFlags": 13, "eMagicType": 1, "eCategory": 0, "nItemPowerMin": 270, "nItemPowerMax": 2000, "tCost": { "value": "0", "compiled": "BgAAAAAAAAAAAAAA" }, "nWeight": 100, "flGreaterAffixPowerBonus": -1, "gbidAffixFamily": { "group": 18 }, "fAllowedForPlayerClass": [ 1, 1, 1, 1, 1 ], "arAllowedItemLabels": [ 10, 19 ], "dwAllowedQualityLevels": 0, "eAffixType": 1, "unk_e9c00d3": [ 8, 12, 16 ], "ptItemAffixAttributes": [ { "bIgnoreLegendaryScaling": false, "bLowerIsBetter": false, "unk_1cbe733": false, "tAttribute": { "eAttribute": 1048, "nParam": -1, "szAttributeFormula": { "value": "5", "compiled": "BgAAAAAAoEAAAAAA" }, "unk_dffdf28": { "value": "0", "compiled": "BgAAAAAAAAAAAAAA" } } }, { "bIgnoreLegendaryScaling": false, "bLowerIsBetter": false, "unk_1cbe733": false, "tAttribute": { "eAttribute": 1049, "nParam": -1, "szAttributeFormula": { "value": "RandomInt(40,50)", "compiled": "BgAAAAAAIEIGAAAAAABIQgEAAAAEAAAAAAAAAA==" }, "unk_dffdf28": { "value": "0", "compiled": "BgAAAAAAAAAAAAAA" } } } ], "arStaticValues": [], "snoPassivePower": "Power/TEST_Legendary_Power1", "arAffixSkillTags": [], "arPowerToModify": [], "arSkillTagsToAdd": [], "arSkillTagsToRemove": [], "bIsTemperedAffix": false }