{ "Desc": "Paragon nodes within range gain {c_number}+[{GlyphAffixScalar}|1%|]{/c} bonus to their Non-physical damage and damage reduction modifiers." }
{ "__fileName__": "base/meta/ParagonGlyphAffix/Nodes_BonusToNonPhysical.gaf", "unk_3bfd2fb": [ { "eAttribute": 235, "nParam": 3 }, { "eAttribute": 72, "nParam": 3 }, { "eAttribute": 235, "nParam": 1 }, { "eAttribute": 72, "nParam": 1 }, { "eAttribute": 235, "nParam": 2 }, { "eAttribute": 72, "nParam": 2 }, { "eAttribute": 264, "nParam": 2 }, { "eAttribute": 235, "nParam": 4 }, { "eAttribute": 72, "nParam": 4 }, { "eAttribute": 235, "nParam": 5 }, { "eAttribute": 72, "nParam": 5 }, { "eAttribute": 237, "nParam": -1 }, { "eAttribute": 73, "nParam": -1 }, { "eAttribute": 670, "nParam": 1 }, { "eAttribute": 670, "nParam": 3 }, { "eAttribute": 333, "nParam": -1 }, { "eAttribute": 670, "nParam": 2 }, { "eAttribute": 670, "nParam": 5 }, { "eAttribute": 670, "nParam": 4 } ], "eAffectedNodeRarity": 0, "unk_e53c570": 0, "arThresholdSelector": [], "eBonusOperation": 1, "unk_e80c332": [], "gbidPowerBudgetFormula": { "group": 22, "name": "ParagonGlyphAdditive_Rare_BonusToNodes" }, "flStartingBonusScalar": 150, "flAddedBonusScalarPerLevel": 30, "unk_12a5abd": 100, "arBonusAttributes": [], "arAffixSkillTags": [ { "group": 56, "name": "Search_NonPhysical" }, { "group": 56, "name": "Search_Resistance" }, { "group": 56, "name": "Search_Damage" } ], "eRequiredRarity": 0 }