The Midwinter Blight Quest /3
label name
NameThe Midwinter Blight
Toasttemp text
The Midwinter Blight Quest /4
label name
NameThe Midwinter Blight
ToastAn old tradition, the Midwinter Blight, is a symbol of hope in a difficult time.


  • Speak with Gileon the Bard in Kyovashad to learn more about the Midwinter Blight.
  • Phase7

  • Speak with Gileon the Bard in Kyovashad
  • Phase22

  • Collect Midwinter Materials from Blightfiends, Frigid Husks, and the Red-Cloaked Horror in Fractured Peaks. Exchange them for a Midwinter Proof at the Collection's Table in Kyovashad.
  • Phase26

  • Gather and exchange Midwinter Materials for a Midwinter Proof
  • The Midwinter Blight
  • The Red-Cloaked Horror and its mischievous Blightfiends are relentlessly terrorizing the Fractured Peaks.
  • Conquer Midwinter Blight monsters and activities to collect Blighted Fragments, Lost Heirlooms, and Red-Cloaked Trophy event materials.
  • Exchange event materials for Midwinter Proofs at the Collections Table in Kyovashad to upgrade the Midwinter Square and unlock a series of rewards.
  • Use {icon:hibernal_proofs, 2.5}Midwinter Proofs to purchase limited-time event rewards from Gileon.