Unique /17
Unique Ring
800 Item Power
Gain Toxic Skin's Passive Effect.
The inner curve of this band is lined with thorns that tear the skin whenever it is unbound.
Unique Ring
800 Item Power
Your Pestilent Swarms now orbit around you and generate 3 Vigor per hit.
"Within this corpse-bound carapace we writhe. Chaotic winds converge to churn your bones. Our beat and breath a ceaseless war to break. The wretched cyclone black beyond the bounds." - Balazan's Dream
Unique Ring
800 Item Power
Gain Armored Hide's Passive Effect.
A gentle whisper glides upon the winds. The words elude the grasp of mortal ken. They weave through the soul like a melody forgotten, and from this arises a name: Adarja, the First-Breather.
Unique Ring
800 Item Power
Gaining Ferocity also grants Resolve.
"In Natsalarwaka, no blood shall mar the earth. Even bitter enemies must forgo their blades before entering the haven. Breaking this accord will invoke Wasipotsu's wrath." - Oral Oaxazi Scripture
Unique Ring
800 Item Power
While you have Ferocity, your Poisoning effects deal their damage across [(1-(1/(1+0.5))) * 100|%|] of the normal duration.
"At midday thundered the first brother, Nyamoyo, lord of predators. Survival is his blessing, hunting is his prayer. Honor him and prowess shall be your reward." - The Nitī Sē, Verse IV
Unique Ring
800 Item Power
Gain Counterattack's Passive Effect.
"At midnight laughed the second brother, Nebahayomo, spirit of cunning. Trickery is his blessing, suffering is his prayer. Honor him and shrewdness shall be your reward." - The Nitī Sē, Verse V
Unique Boots
800 Item Power
400 Armor
Soar deals [[0.5 – 1]*100|%x|] increased damage.
"Sky Spirits weave the winds. Thunder is their laughter and auroras their crowns. Those they bless learn to scorn the earth, for from above, it is but a distant memory." - Lintel VII
Unique Gloves
800 Item Power
400 Armor
Lucky Hit: Direct damage has up to a 25% chance based on your Poisoned Life percentage to infect an enemy with Touch of Death.
T'an seized a spear and drove it thrice into his mad brother Tan. Alas, the craftier of the twin gods wove one last cunning snare. In place of blood, the wound wept venom and consumed all in its wake.
Unique Chest Armor
800 Item Power
1,400 Armor
Every second, your active Cooldowns each drain 10.000000149012% Maximum Life from you to reduce their durations by 2 seconds.
This ceremonial armor was once adorned during the He Sutsar Puchē, where sacred blood is drawn by jacinth lancets and offered to flames. It retains the scents of incensed smoke and scorched copper.
Mythic Unique Glaive
800 Item Power
1,838 Damage Per Second
- [1,470 – 2,206] Damage per Hit
- 1.00 Attacks per Second
Hitting a marked enemy 10 times clears the mark from them.
Requires Level 35
In the days when Ajaw Y'ishich ruled Nahantu, the phoenix constellation's crown fell in burning glory. From it was forged a blade that withered valor, heralding an age of despair.
Unique Quarterstaff
800 Item Power
1,838 Damage Per Second
- [1,337 – 2,005] Damage per Hit
- 1.10 Attacks per Second (Fast)
Every 3rd cast of a Basic Skill strikes three times.
To the silent skies, the hunter Etzlek raised his staff and then smote the numen. "Release her!" came his cries as he desecrated the hallowed ground. On the third strike, the spirit answered...
Unique Helm
800 Item Power
1,000 Armor
Your Skills deal x[10 – 30]% increased damage per Spirit type they have.
Only Ebewaka has walked amid a dozen Guardians. In death, they waged war for his spirit, yet none prevailed. Thus, the Guardians shared dominion, granting Ebewaka to roam freely amid all their realms.
Unique Helm
800 Item Power
1,000 Armor
Their bonuses are 100% more potent.
Skills of their Base Spirit gain [20 – 60]% Vigor Cost Reduction.
Skills of their Base Spirit gain [20 – 60]% Cooldown Reduction.
During a Trial of Mists, a small spirit noticed an unclaimed boy. In pity, it spared him. "I will follow you always," vowed the boy. He remained true even after Ah Bulan called the spirit home.
Unique Glaive
800 Item Power
1,838 Damage Per Second
- [1,470 – 2,206] Damage per Hit
- 1.00 Attacks per Second
Your Ultimate Skills each gain an additional Skill Type:
The Seeker is a Focus Skill.
The Hunter is a Mobility Skill.
The Devourer is a Potency Skill.
The Protector is a Defensive Skill.
"Fear not the limits of your flesh, Spiritborn! As our ancestors said: wushe nak pa! Transcend your being!" - Maka
Unique Pants
800 Item Power
800 Armor
After standing still for 2 seconds, you become Unstoppable until you move.
"To commune with spirits, listen to whispers unseen. Root yourself unto the earth and let its pulse still the mind. Hear the ancient guardians – they rise to aid you." -Ysevete, the First Spiritborn
Unique Quarterstaff
800 Item Power
1,838 Damage Per Second
- [1,337 – 2,005] Damage per Hit
- 1.10 Attacks per Second (Fast)
"A relic of an old, forgotten religion lost to time and expansion. The staff retains a faint warmth as if still blessed by the dead god it once served." - Ser Paget's notes from the Tiklan excavation
Unique Quarterstaff
800 Item Power
1,838 Damage Per Second
- [1,337 – 2,005] Damage per Hit
- 1.10 Attacks per Second (Fast)
When cast at Maximum Vigor, your Core Skills consume all Vigor to cast at their largest Size, and become guaranteed Critical Strikes, with x[0.1 – 0.5]% increased Critical Strike Damage for each point of Vigor spent this way.
"Beyond the world disc doth lie the keeper serpent Kepeleke. Ceaseless the serpent grows, and thus must ever consume his own tail, lest the world be overtaken." - Lintel XII
Legendary /54
Spiritborn, Offensive, Codex of Power
Allowed Item Types: Gloves, Offhand, 1H Weapon, 2H Weapon [+100%], Ring, Amulet [+50%]
(PH) of Offense
Spiritborn, Offensive
Allowed Item Types: Gloves, Offhand, 1H Weapon, 2H Weapon [+100%], Ring, Amulet [+50%]
(PH) of Defense
Spiritborn, Defensive
Allowed Item Types: Helm, Chest Armor, Pants, Amulet [+50%]
(PH) of Resource
Spiritborn, Resource
Allowed Item Types: Ring
(PH) of Utility
Spiritborn, Utility
Allowed Item Types: Helm, Chest Armor, Gloves, Boots, Shield, Amulet [+50%]
(PH) of Movement
Spiritborn, Mobility
Allowed Item Types: Boots, Amulet [+50%]
Spiritborn, Utility, Codex of Power
Allowed Item Types: Helm, Chest Armor, Gloves, Boots, Shield, Amulet [+50%]
Spiritborn, Resource, Codex of Power
Allowed Item Types: Ring
Spiritborn, Offensive, Codex of Power
Unlocked by completing Hierophant Pyre in OR salvaging a Legendary item with {s3}
Allowed Item Types: Gloves, Offhand, 1H Weapon, 2H Weapon [+100%], Ring, Amulet [+50%]
Spiritborn, Offensive, Codex of Power
Allowed Item Types: Gloves, Offhand, 1H Weapon, 2H Weapon [+100%], Ring, Amulet [+50%]
Spiritborn, Offensive, Codex of Power
Allowed Item Types: Gloves, Offhand, 1H Weapon, 2H Weapon [+100%], Ring, Amulet [+50%]
Spiritborn, Offensive, Codex of Power
Pestilent Swarms now also deal 100% of their Base damage as Poisoning damage over 6 seconds.
Allowed Item Types: Gloves, Offhand, 1H Weapon, 2H Weapon [+100%], Ring, Amulet [+50%]
Spiritborn, Defensive, Codex of Power
Unlocked by completing Caves of Kutokue in OR salvaging a Legendary item with {s3}
Allowed Item Types: Helm, Chest Armor, Pants, Amulet [+50%]
Spiritborn, Utility, Codex of Power
Allowed Item Types: Helm, Chest Armor, Gloves, Boots, Shield, Amulet [+50%]
Spiritborn, Offensive, Codex of Power
Storm Feathers now drop from the sky as they are spawned, each dealing [3700 * 0.5 * (1+Owner.Bonus_Percent_Per_Power#Spiritborn_Feather_Spawn)] Lightning damage on impact.
Unlocked by completing Vile Hive in OR salvaging a Legendary item with {s3}
Allowed Item Types: Gloves, Offhand, 1H Weapon, 2H Weapon [+100%], Ring, Amulet [+50%]
Spiritborn, Defensive, Codex of Power
Allowed Item Types: Helm, Chest Armor, Pants, Amulet [+50%]
Spiritborn, Offensive, Codex of Power
Unlocked by completing Murmuring Spiral in OR salvaging a Legendary item with {s3}
Allowed Item Types: Gloves, Offhand, 1H Weapon, 2H Weapon [+100%], Ring, Amulet [+50%]
Spiritborn, Utility, Codex of Power
Allowed Item Types: Helm, Chest Armor, Gloves, Boots, Shield, Amulet [+50%]
Spiritborn, Offensive, Codex of Power
Unlocked by completing Remnants of Rage in OR salvaging a Legendary item with {s3}
Allowed Item Types: Gloves, Offhand, 1H Weapon, 2H Weapon [+100%], Ring, Amulet [+50%]
Spiritborn, Offensive, Codex of Power
Unlocked by completing Forge of Malice in OR salvaging a Legendary item with {s3}
Allowed Item Types: Gloves, Offhand, 1H Weapon, 2H Weapon [+100%], Ring, Amulet [+50%]
Spiritborn, Offensive, Codex of Power
Pestilent Swarms now last +50% longer and spiral outwards.
Unlocked by completing Hallowed Stones in OR salvaging a Legendary item with {s3}
Allowed Item Types: Gloves, Offhand, 1H Weapon, 2H Weapon [+100%], Ring, Amulet [+50%]
Spiritborn, Offensive, Codex of Power
Unlocked by completing Iron Cenotaph in OR salvaging a Legendary item with {s3}
Allowed Item Types: Gloves, Offhand, 1H Weapon, 2H Weapon [+100%], Ring, Amulet [+50%]
Spiritborn, Offensive, Codex of Power
Unlocked by completing Betrayed Tomb in OR salvaging a Legendary item with {s3}
Allowed Item Types: Gloves, Offhand, 1H Weapon, 2H Weapon [+100%], Ring, Amulet [+50%]
Necromancer, Spiritborn, Offensive, Codex of Power
Unlocked by completing Razak's Descent in OR salvaging a Legendary item with {s3}
Allowed Item Types: Gloves, Offhand, 1H Weapon, 2H Weapon [+100%], Ring, Amulet [+50%]
Spiritborn, Offensive, Codex of Power
Unlocked by completing Forgotten Remains in OR salvaging a Legendary item with {s3}
Allowed Item Types: Gloves, Offhand, 1H Weapon, 2H Weapon [+100%], Ring, Amulet [+50%]
Necromancer, Spiritborn, Offensive, Codex of Power
Allowed Item Types: Gloves, Offhand, 1H Weapon, 2H Weapon [+100%], Ring, Amulet [+50%]
Spiritborn, Offensive, Codex of Power
Unlocked by completing Ularian Sepulcher in OR salvaging a Legendary item with {s3}
Allowed Item Types: Gloves, Offhand, 1H Weapon, 2H Weapon [+100%], Ring, Amulet [+50%]
Spiritborn, Offensive, Codex of Power
Allowed Item Types: Gloves, Offhand, 1H Weapon, 2H Weapon [+100%], Ring, Amulet [+50%]
Spiritborn, Mobility, Codex of Power
Unlocked by completing Seething Underpass in OR salvaging a Legendary item with {s3}
Allowed Item Types: Boots, Amulet [+50%]
Spiritborn, Mobility, Codex of Power
Passive: You are Unhindered.
Active: You gain +15% increased Movement Speed per active Razor Wing.
Allowed Item Types: Boots, Amulet [+50%]
Spiritborn, Defensive, Codex of Power
Allowed Item Types: Helm, Chest Armor, Pants, Amulet [+50%]
Spiritborn, Utility, Codex of Power
Unlocked by completing Skatsimi Fane in OR salvaging a Legendary item with {s3}
Allowed Item Types: Helm, Chest Armor, Gloves, Boots, Shield, Amulet [+50%]
Spiritborn, Offensive, Codex of Power
If there are no Nearby Storm Feathers, the cast instead spawns 10 randomly around you.
Allowed Item Types: Gloves, Offhand, 1H Weapon, 2H Weapon [+100%], Ring, Amulet [+50%]
Spiritborn, Resource, Codex of Power
Each Storm Feather you pick up now also reduces your Mobility Skill Cooldowns by [0.5 * (1+Owner.Bonus_Percent_Per_Power#Spiritborn_Feather_Spawn)|1|] seconds.
Allowed Item Types: Ring
Spiritborn, Mobility, Codex of Power
Casting a Eagle Skill in Mystic Circles empowers them to move with you and explode for [3700 * 0.45 * (1 + Owner.Bonus_Percent_Per_Power#Spiritborn_RuneArea)] Lightning damage when you Evade.
Allowed Item Types: Boots, Amulet [+50%]
Spiritborn, Utility, Codex of Power
Casting a Centipede Skill in Mystic Circles empowers them to periodically apply [3700 * 1.8 * (1 + Owner.Bonus_Percent_Per_Power#Spiritborn_RuneArea)] Poisoning damage over 6 seconds to enemies within while extending any Crowd Controls affecting them.
Allowed Item Types: Helm, Chest Armor, Gloves, Boots, Shield, Amulet [+50%]
Spiritborn, Defensive, Codex of Power
Casting a Gorilla Skill in Mystic Circles empowers them to periodically grant you a Barrier for 25% of your Maximum Life which increases your Armor by [5 * (1 + Owner.Bonus_Percent_Per_Power#Spiritborn_RuneArea)|%+|] while active.
Allowed Item Types: Helm, Chest Armor, Pants, Amulet [+50%]
Spiritborn, Offensive, Codex of Power
Casting a Jaguar Skill in Mystic Circles empowers them to keep your Ferocity at Maximum and increase your damage by [2 * (1 + Owner.Bonus_Percent_Per_Power#Spiritborn_RuneArea)|%x1|] per stack while you remain within.
Allowed Item Types: Gloves, Offhand, 1H Weapon, 2H Weapon [+100%], Ring, Amulet [+50%]
Spiritborn, Defensive, Codex of Power
Unlocked by completing Sleepless Hollow in OR salvaging a Legendary item with {s3}
Allowed Item Types: Helm, Chest Armor, Pants, Amulet [+50%]
Spiritborn, Offensive, Codex of Power
Allowed Item Types: Gloves, Offhand, 1H Weapon, 2H Weapon [+100%], Ring, Amulet [+50%]
Spiritborn, Utility, Codex of Power
Allowed Item Types: Helm, Chest Armor, Gloves, Boots, Shield, Amulet [+50%]
Spiritborn, Defensive, Codex of Power
Unlocked by completing Farai Cliffs in OR salvaging a Legendary item with {s3}
Allowed Item Types: Helm, Chest Armor, Pants, Amulet [+50%]
Spiritborn, Utility, Codex of Power
Blocking an attack from an enemy has a 30% chance to cast a free Concussive Stomp at them.
Allowed Item Types: Helm, Chest Armor, Gloves, Boots, Shield, Amulet [+50%]
Spiritborn, Utility, Codex of Power
Unlocked by completing Ruined Wild in OR salvaging a Legendary item with {s3}
Allowed Item Types: Helm, Chest Armor, Gloves, Boots, Shield, Amulet [+50%]
Spiritborn, Mobility, Codex of Power
Unlocked by completing Beast Graveyard in OR salvaging a Legendary item with {s3}
Allowed Item Types: Boots, Amulet [+50%]
Spiritborn, Defensive, Codex of Power
Unlocked by completing Feeding Grounds in OR salvaging a Legendary item with {s3}
Allowed Item Types: Helm, Chest Armor, Pants, Amulet [+50%]
Spiritborn, Defensive, Codex of Power
Allowed Item Types: Helm, Chest Armor, Pants, Amulet [+50%]
Necromancer, Spiritborn, Defensive, Codex of Power
Allowed Item Types: Helm, Chest Armor, Pants, Amulet [+50%]
Spiritborn, Defensive, Codex of Power
Allowed Item Types: Helm, Chest Armor, Pants, Amulet [+50%]
Spiritborn, Offensive, Codex of Power
Allowed Item Types: Gloves, Offhand, 1H Weapon, 2H Weapon [+100%], Ring, Amulet [+50%]
Spiritborn, Resource, Codex of Power
Allowed Item Types: Ring
Spiritborn, Defensive, Codex of Power
Unlocked by completing Putrescent Larder in OR salvaging a Legendary item with {s3}
Allowed Item Types: Helm, Chest Armor, Pants, Amulet [+50%]
Spiritborn, Defensive, Codex of Power
Allowed Item Types: Helm, Chest Armor, Pants, Amulet [+50%]
Spiritborn, Offensive, Codex of Power
Allowed Item Types: Gloves, Offhand, 1H Weapon, 2H Weapon [+100%], Ring, Amulet [+50%]
Spiritborn Skills /24
Lucky Hit Chance: 28%
Rush at a target and clobber enemies in front of you, dealing *100% damage.
Your 3rd attack strikes enemies around you, dealing 0*100% damage.
Rank Up:
Damage *100%
3rd Hit Damage 0*100%
3rd Hit Damage 0*100%
- Enhanced Rock Splitter: Rock Splitter increases your Block Chance by +15% for [5] seconds and when you Block you gain 11 Vigor.
- Accelerated Rock Splitter: Rock Splitter increases your Thorns by [ToPlayerDmgNum0.2] for [5] seconds and your 3rd attack deals 100% of your Thorns to enemies.
- Sharp Rock Splitter: Rock Splitter's 3rd attack Knocks enemies Back and grants Resolve per enemy hit.
Lucky Hit Chance: 22%
Quickly jab forward with a piercing strike dealing *100% damage.
Your 3rd attack pierces further, dealing 0*100% damage and reducing your Evade Cooldown by 5 seconds.
Rank Up:
Damage *100%
3rd Hit Damage 0*100%
3rd Hit Damage 0*100%
- Enhanced Thunderspike: Thunderspike generates 7 additional Vigor if you have moved in the last 2 seconds.
- Accelerated Thunderspike: When you Evade, you attack with Thunderspike along the way and make enemies Vulnerable for 3 seconds.
- Sharp Thunderspike: Thunderspike's 3rd attack strikes back again, Pulling in and Knocking Down Distant enemies for 3 seconds.
Lucky Hit Chance: 20%
Dive at an enemy and slash into it dealing *100% damage.
Your 3rd attack unleashes a rapid series of slashes around your target, dealing a total of 0*100% damage.
Rank Up:
Damage *100%
3rd Hit Damage 0*100%
3rd Hit Damage 0*100%
- Enhanced Thrash: After killing an enemy, your next Thrash generates 10 additional Vigor, up to 10 casts of Thrash.
- Accelerated Thrash: Thrash continues to unleash its 3rd attack if cast again within 1.5 seconds.
- Sharp Thrash: Thrash's 3rd attack grants 2 stacks of Ferocity.
Lucky Hit Chance: 25%
Dart at and jab an enemy several times, dealing a total of 0*100% damage and applying [6*0]*100% Poisoning damage over [6] seconds.
Your 3rd attack bursts on your target, damaging surrounding enemies and Slowing them by 40% for 3 seconds.
Rank Up:
Damage *100%
Poisoning Damage [6*0]*100%
Poisoning Damage [6*0]*100%
- Enhanced Withering Fist: You gain 1 Vigor per second for every Nearby enemy Poisoned by Withering Fist, up to 10 .
- Accelerated Withering Fist: Enemies Poisoned by Withering Fist deal 20% less damage.
- Sharp Withering Fist: Withering Fist's 3rd attack spreads its Poisoning to 5 Nearby unaffected enemies. Hitting a Vulnerable enemy will also spread that effect to all hit.
Lucky Hit Chance: 25%
Smash down next to you with devastating force, creating 2 shockwaves on either side that overlap and each deal *100% damage.
Rank Up:
Damage *100%
- Enhanced Crushing Hand: Crushing Hand grants a Barrier equal to 10% of the damage it deals for 2 seconds, up to 40% of your Maximum Life ([PlayerHealthMax() * 0.4]).
- Rampant Crushing Hand: Crushing Hand's damage increases by x3% for every stack of Resolve you have, up to x0.03*0*100%.
- Advantageous Crushing Hand: Enemies hit by both strikes of Crushing Hand are Knocked Down for 2 seconds.
- (PH) Forest Core Upgrade C:
- (PH) Forest Spirit: (PH) Activates Forest Core Empowerment
Lucky Hit Chance: 12%
Hurl 5 feathers that pierce through enemies, each dealing *100% damage.
Rank Up:
Damage *100%
- Enhanced Quill Volley: Quill Volley makes enemies Vulnerable for 3 seconds if they are hit with at least 3 feathers at once.
- Rampant Quill Volley: Quill Volley's feathers fly 50% further and converge on your target with +0.2% additional Critical Strike Chance for each point of Vigor you had on cast.
- Advantageous Quill Volley: Quill Volley hurls out 3 additional feathers and deals x10% increased damage to each enemy per hit.
- (PH) Sky Core Upgrade C:
- (PH) Sky Spirit: (PH) Activates Sky Core Empowerment
Lucky Hit Chance: 18%
Conjure claws that rake through enemies in front of you, dealing *100% damage before exploding for an additional *100% damage.
Rank Up:
Damage *100%
Explosion Damage *100%
Explosion Damage *100%
- Enhanced Rake: Casting Rake grants a stack of Ferocity.
- Advantageous Rake: Hitting at least one enemy with Rake reduces your longest active Cooldown by 0.5 seconds.
- Rampant Rake: Rake's Vigor cost is reduced by [2] per stack of Ferocity you have.
- (PH) Plains Core Upgrade C:
- (PH) Plains Spirit: (PH) Activates Plains Core Empowerment
Lucky Hit Chance: 20%
Strike a small area, dealing *100% damage to enemies within as well as all surrounding Poisoned enemies.
Rank Up:
Damage *100%
- Enhanced Stinger: Stinger applies 60% of its Base damage as Poisoning over [6] seconds to all enemies hit.
- Rampant Stinger: Stinger does x40% increased damage if it only hits a single enemy. Instead of echoing to surrounding Poisoned enemies, Stinger now draws from each to hit enemies in the primary area again for an additional 10% of its Base damage, up to 5 times.
- Advantageous Stinger: If Stinger strikes a Vulnerable enemy it Heals you for 10% of your Maximum Life ([Max(1,PlayerHealthMax() * 0.1)]). If you are Healthy it makes enemies Vulnerable for 3 seconds.
Lucky Hit Chance: 30%
Passive: Gain 1 Resolve every 5 seconds.
Active: Encase yourself, becoming Unstoppable and gaining +100% Block Chance for seconds.
Rank Up:
Active Duration
Rank (Ceil((sLevel)/5))* 5:
Passive Resolve [1 + Ceil((sLevel)/5) * 1]
Rank (Ceil((sLevel)/5))* 5:
Passive Resolve [1 + Ceil((sLevel)/5) * 1]
- Enhanced Armored Hide: Activating Armored Hide grants you Maximum Resolve and increases your Thorns by [ToPlayerDmgNum1] for the duration.
- Adaptable Armored Hide: When you Evade through enemies with Armored Hide active, you deal 100% of your Thorns to them and Heal for 5% of your Maximum Life ([Max(1,PlayerHealthMax() * 0.05)]) per hit.
- Reinforced Armored Hide: While active, Armored Hide increases your Blocked Damage Reduction by +5% for every Nearby enemy, up to +20%.
Charge Cooldown: 10 seconds
{else}Cooldown: 0 seconds
Lucky Hit Chance: 20%
Stomp in front of you, releasing a shockwave that deals *100% damage and Knocks Down enemies for seconds.
Rank Up:
Damage *100%
Knockdown Duration
Knockdown Duration
- Enhanced Concussive Stomp: Concussive Stomp grants a Barrier equal to 10% of your Maximum Life ([PlayerHealthMax() * 0.1]) per enemy hit for 3 seconds, up to 30%.
- Adaptable Concussive Stomp: When enemies recover from Concussive Stomp, you Dodge their next 3 |4attack:attacks;.
- Reinforced Concussive Stomp: Concussive Stomp gains an additional Charge and does x600% increased damage to Unstoppable enemies and Bosses.
- (PH) Forest Control Upgrade C:
Charge Cooldown: 0.25 seconds
Lucky Hit Chance: 30%
Passive: Gain 10% Dodge Chance and automatically retaliate against Close enemies for *100% damage when you Dodge their attacks.
Active: Dodge all direct attacks for 3 seconds per cast, up to 6 seconds.
Rank Up:
Damage *100%
Rank (Ceil((sLevel)/5))* 5:
Passive Dodge [0.1 + Ceil((sLevel)/5) * 5|%|]
Rank (Ceil((sLevel)/5))* 5:
Passive Dodge [0.1 + Ceil((sLevel)/5) * 5|%|]
- Counterattack Enhancement: Counterattack's Cooldown is reduced by 0.5 seconds per stack of Ferocity you have.
- Adaptable Counterattack: When you Dodge a Control Impairing attack with Counterattack it will reflect that Crowd Control to all Close enemies for 2 seconds.
- Reinforced Counterattack: Counterattack passively increases your Critical Strike Damage by x6% for every Close enemy, up to x30%.
- (PH) Plains Defense Upgrade C:
Lucky Hit Chance: 10%
Call forth a wave of insects that bite enemies, Fearing and Slowing them by 50% for [3] seconds while applying [6*0]*100% Poisoning damage over [6] seconds.
Rank Up:
Poisoning Damage [6*0]*100%
- Enhanced Scourge: Each time you hit an enemy with Scourge you gain x1% increased damage vs Crowd Controlled enemies for 6 seconds, up to x50%.
- Adaptable Scourge: Lucky Hit: Hitting an enemy affected by Scourge has up to a 60% chance to Life Steal 35% of the damage done, up to 35% of your Maximum Life ([PlayerHealthMax() * 0.35]).
- Reinforced Scourge: Casting Scourge grants 60% of your Maximum Vigor over 6 seconds.
- (PH) Soil Control2 Upgrade C:
Cooldown: 0 seconds
Lucky Hit Chance: 30%
Smash enemies in front of you, dealing *100% damage.
When attacked, you have a 35% chance to reduce Payback's active Cooldown by 1 seconds.
Rank Up:
Damage *100%
- Enhanced Payback: Each time an enemy attacks you the damage they take from Payback is increased by x5% for 60 seconds, up to x100%.
- Invasive Payback: Becoming Control Impaired while Payback is on Cooldown makes it free to cast and grants you Unstoppable for 5 seconds. Can only occur once every 8 seconds.
- Poised Payback: Payback passively grants you Vigor when you take damage. Payback is now also a Core Skill and consumes all available Vigor to increase its damage by x0.5% for each point you had on cast.
- (PH) Upgrade C:
Charge Cooldown: 0 seconds
Lucky Hit Chance: 22%
Whirl out a cluster of razor sharp feathers that rebound back, dealing *100% damage each way.
You can have up to 15 active Razor Wings.
Rank Up:
Damage *100%
- Enhanced Razor Wings: Razor Wings makes enemies Vulnerable for 5 seconds when hitting with a Critical Strike or from behind.
- Poised Razor Wings: Razor Wings has a 10% chance to regain a Charge when hitting an enemy. Double this chance if you have an active Barrier.
- Invasive Razor Wings: Razor Wings last 300% longer and spiral outwards.
- (PH) Sky Offense1 Upgrade C:
Charge Cooldown: 5 per 0 seconds
Lucky Hit Chance: 25%
Slash a short distance through an enemy, striking all enemies along the way twice for a total of *100% total damage.
Rank Up:
Damage *100%
- Enhanced Rushing Claw: Enemies hit by Rushing Claw take x20% increased damage from Rushing Claw, up to x100%.
- Poised Rushing Claw: When Rushing Claw hits an Elite enemy you gain 10% increased Dodge Chance for 6 seconds.
- Invasive Rushing Claw: Using Rushing Claw's last Charge will refill 4 Charges by consuming 4 stacks of Ferocity.
- (PH) Plains Offense Upgrade C:
{else}Cooldown: 0 seconds
Lucky Hit Chance: 20%
Strike an enemy and infect them, dealing 5% damage and applying [9*0]*100% Poisoning damage over [9] seconds.
When the infection expires or the host dies, a swarm hatches and seeks enemies for 9 seconds, dealing *100% damage per hit.
You can have up to 3 swarms active at once.
Rank Up:
Poisoning Damage [9*0]*100%
Swarm Damage *100%
Swarm Damage *100%
- Enhanced Touch of Death: Touch of Death's infection Heals you for 2% of your Maximum Life ([Max(1,PlayerHealthMax() * 0.02)]) per second for a total of 18% Maximum Life ([Max(1,PlayerHealthMax() * 0.02*9)]). You Heal any remaining when the swarm hatches.
- Invasive Touch of Death: Touch of Death's swarm bursts every second, applying 30% of its Base Poisoning damage over [6] seconds to surrounding enemies.
- Poised Touch of Death: Touch of Death is now also a Core Skill which costs 70 Vigor and has no Cooldown.
- (PH) Soil Defense Upgrade C:
Lucky Hit Chance: 20%
Create a cyclone that Pulls enemies inward followed by a crushing downdraft that deals *100% damage to them.
Rank Up:
Damage *100%
- Enhanced Vortex: Casting Vortex increases the damage of the next Skill cast by x20%.
- Replenishing Vortex: Critical Strikes with Vortex reduce its Cooldown by 1 seconds.
- Measured Vortex: While you have an active Barrier, your Vortex does x300% additional damage and Knocks enemies down for 3 seconds.
- (PH) Sky Control Upgrade C:
Lucky Hit Chance: 25%
Fly into the air, creating a cloud which makes enemies at your target location Vulnerable for 5 seconds before you crash down upon them dealing *100% damage.
Rank Up:
Damage *100%
- Enhanced Soar: The next hit against an enemy struck by Soar is a guaranteed Critical Strike. If Soar hits no enemies you instead gain +50% increased Movement Speed for 3 seconds.
- Measured Soar: Soar makes you Unstoppable for 4 seconds.
- Replenishing Soar: Soar's cloud remains around you for 4 seconds after landing and continues to make enemies Vulnerable.
Lucky Hit Chance: 30%
Passive: Minimum Ferocity increased by +2.
Active: Unleash a savage roar, causing each of your attacks to trigger an additional *100% damage strike per enemy for 6 seconds.
Rank Up:
Damage *100%
Rank (Ceil((sLevel)/5))* 5:
Minimum Ferocity [2 + Ceil((sLevel)/5) * 1]
Rank (Ceil((sLevel)/5))* 5:
Minimum Ferocity [2 + Ceil((sLevel)/5) * 1]
- Enhanced Ravager: Ravager's duration is extended by [2] seconds per kill while active. This bonus is reduced by 0.25 each kill, to a minimum of 0.25 seconds.
- Measured Ravager: While Ravager is active, your Core Skills instantly dash to your target and all Vigor Generation is increased by x30%.
- Replenishing Ravager: Ravager passively stockpiles any Healing you receive up to 40 stacks. While active, Ravager spends stacks to strike Elite enemies up to an additional [(1.1/0.25)] times.
- (PH) Plains Mobility2 Upgrade C:
Lucky Hit Chance: 20%
Passive: Enemies that attack you are Poisoned for [3*0]*100% damage over [3] seconds.
Active: Your toxins overflow, applying the Poisoning in a trail and making you Unhindered for [|1|] seconds.
Rank Up:
Poisoning Damage [3*0]*100%
Active Duration [|1|] seconds
Rank (Ceil((sLevel)/5))* 5:
Poisoning Duration [3 + Ceil((sLevel)/5) * 2]
Active Duration [|1|] seconds
Rank (Ceil((sLevel)/5))* 5:
Poisoning Duration [3 + Ceil((sLevel)/5) * 2]
- Enhanced Toxic Skin: While active, Toxic Skin's Poisoning is increased by 130% to [3*0]*100% over [3] seconds.
- Replenishing Toxic Skin: Toxic Skin passively increases Thorns damage you deal to Poisoned enemies by x100%.
- Measured Toxic Skin: While Toxic Skin is active, you deal an additional 0*100% Poison damage as Critical Strikes to Nearby Vulnerable Poisoned enemies every second.
- (PH) Soil Offense Upgrade C:
Lucky Hit Chance: 15%
The Gorilla Spirit protects an area for 6 seconds, continuously smashing surrounding enemies for *100% damage and granting you Barrier for 15% of your Maximum Life ([PlayerHealthMax() * 0.15]) every 1.5333 seconds.
The Protector's area deals x100% of your Thorns damage to enemies within every 1 seconds.
Rank Up:
Damage *100%
Cooldown 0 seconds
At Rank 5:
The Protector's area deals x100% of your Thorns damage to enemies within every 1 seconds
Cooldown 0 seconds
At Rank 5:
The Protector's area deals x100% of your Thorns damage to enemies within every 1 seconds
- (PH) Ultimate Gorilla: (PH) Ultimate Gorilla
When you activate Invoke, the Gorilla protects an area for 6 seconds, continuously smashing surrounding enemies for *100% Physical damage and sending out waves that deal 100% of your Thorns damage. Within the protected area you have 100% Block Chance and Block Damage Reduction. - Harmonious Protector: The Protector's strikes deal x300% increased damage to Non-Elite enemies and reduce the damage you take from Elite enemies by 30% for 6 seconds.
- :
Charge Cooldown: 0.25 seconds
Lucky Hit Chance: 35%
The Eagle Spirit swoops down and deals *100% damage. After a short delay it blasts off dealing *100% damage.
The Seeker's damage is increased by x15% of your Critical Strike and Vulnerable Damage bonuses.
Current Bonus: x10.5%.
Rank Up:
Landing Damage *100%
Blast Damage *100%
Charge Cooldown 0.25 seconds
At Rank 5:
The Seeker's damage is increased by x15% of your Critical Strike and Vulnerable Damage bonuses
Blast Damage *100%
Charge Cooldown 0.25 seconds
At Rank 5:
The Seeker's damage is increased by x15% of your Critical Strike and Vulnerable Damage bonuses
- :
Lucky Hit Chance: 15%
Bound across the battlefield with the Jaguar Spirit, dealing *100% damage upon landing and then rapidly slashing enemies in the area for *100% total damage over 7 strikes.
The Hunter's initial damage will Execute Injured Non-Boss enemies.
Rank Up:
Landing Damage *100%
Slashes Damage *100%
Cooldown 0 seconds
At Rank 5:
The Hunter's initial damage will Execute Injured Non-Boss enemies.
Slashes Damage *100%
Cooldown 0 seconds
At Rank 5:
The Hunter's initial damage will Execute Injured Non-Boss enemies.
- (PH) Ultimate Jaguar: (PH) Ultimate Jaguar
The Jaguar manifests and bounds around the battlefield for 9 seconds, causing 6 massive novae that each deal *100% Fire damage. - Harmonious Hunter: The Hunter overfills your Ferocity by 4 stacks and causes you to deal x100% increased damage to Injured enemies for 8 seconds.
- :
Lucky Hit Chance: 10%
The Centipede Spirit emerges, blasting enemies in a line for 0*100% damage and spitting at others for *100% damage. Lasts for 15 seconds.
The Devourer's damage is increased by x150% of your Healing Received bonus.
Current Bonus: [0 * 100|1%x|].
Rank Up:
Blast Damage 0*100%
Spit Damage *100%
Cooldown 0 seconds
At Rank 5:
The Devourer's damage is increased by x150% of your Healing Received bonus
Spit Damage *100%
Cooldown 0 seconds
At Rank 5:
The Devourer's damage is increased by x150% of your Healing Received bonus
- (PH) Ultimate Centipede: (PH) Ultimate Centipede
The Centipede emerges and Knocks Down enemies, dealing 15% Poison damage and applying 199.95% Poisoning over 15 seconds. Non-Boss enemies are instantly consumed if their entire remaining Life becomes Poisoned while in the area. - Harmonious Devourer: As it emerges, The Devourer launches 10 toxic globs that apply [6*]*100% Poisoning damage over [6] seconds wherever they land.
- :
Spiritborn Skill Tree /135
Require Points: 2
Require Points: 6
Require Points: 11
Require Points: 16
Withering Fist
Generate Vigor: 9Lucky Hit Chance: [25|%|]
Dart at and jab an enemy several times, dealing a total of 0*100% damage and applying [6*0]*100% Poisoning damage over [6] seconds.
Your 3rd attack bursts on your target, damaging surrounding enemies and Slowing them by [40|%|] for 3 seconds.
Ranks: 5
Cooldown: 0 secondsLucky Hit Chance: 20%
Create a cyclone that Pulls enemies inward followed by a crushing downdraft that deals *100% damage to them.
Ranks: 5
Crushing Hand
Vigor Cost: 30Lucky Hit Chance: 25%
Smash down next to you with devastating force, creating 2 shockwaves on either side that overlap and each deal *100% damage.
Ranks: 5
Cooldown: 0 secondsLucky Hit Chance: 10%
Call forth a wave of insects that bite enemies, Fearing and Slowing them by [50|%|] for [3] seconds while applying [6*0]*100% Poisoning damage over [6] seconds.
Ranks: 5
Vigor Cost: All Remaining VigorCooldown: 0 seconds
Lucky Hit Chance: 30%
Smash enemies in front of you, dealing *100% damage.
When attacked, you have a [35|%|] chance to reduce Payback's active Cooldown by [1|1|] seconds.
Ranks: 5
Generate Vigor: 8Lucky Hit Chance: 20%
Dive at an enemy and slash into it dealing *100% damage.
Your 3rd attack unleashes a rapid series of slashes around your target, dealing a total of 0*100% damage.
Ranks: 5
Rock Splitter
Generate Vigor: 11Lucky Hit Chance: 28%
Rush at a target and clobber enemies in front of you, dealing *100% damage.
Your 3rd attack strikes enemies around you, dealing 0*100% damage.
Ranks: 5
Generate Vigor: 9Lucky Hit Chance: 22%
Quickly jab forward with a piercing strike dealing *100% damage.
Your 3rd attack pierces further, dealing 0*100% damage and reducing your Evade Cooldown by 5 seconds.
Ranks: 5
Vigor Cost: 30Lucky Hit Chance: 18%
Conjure claws that rake through enemies in front of you, dealing *100% damage before exploding for an additional *100% damage.
Ranks: 5
Quill Volley
Vigor Cost: 35Lucky Hit Chance: 12%
Hurl 5 feathers that pierce through enemies, each dealing *100% damage.
Ranks: 5
Toxic Skin
Cooldown: 0 secondsLucky Hit Chance: [20|%|]
Passive: Enemies that attack you are Poisoned for [3*0]*100% damage over [3] seconds.
Active: Your toxins overflow, applying the Poisoning in a trail and making you Unhindered for [|1|] seconds.
Ranks: 5
Rushing Claw
Charges: 5Charge Cooldown: 5 per 0 seconds
Lucky Hit Chance: 25%
Slash a short distance through an enemy, striking all enemies along the way twice for a total of *100% total damage.
Ranks: 5
Armored Hide
Cooldown: 0 secondsLucky Hit Chance: 30%
Passive: Gain 1 Resolve every [5|1|] seconds.
Active: Encase yourself, becoming Unstoppable and gaining [100|%+|] Block Chance for seconds.
Ranks: 5
Cooldown: 0 secondsLucky Hit Chance: 25%
Fly into the air, creating a cloud which makes enemies at your target location Vulnerable for 5 seconds before you crash down upon them dealing *100% damage.
Ranks: 5
Cooldown: 0 secondsLucky Hit Chance: 30%
Passive: Minimum Ferocity increased by [2|+|].
Active: Unleash a savage roar, causing each of your attacks to trigger an additional *100% damage strike per enemy for 6 seconds.
Ranks: 5
Concussive Stomp
Charges: 2Charge Cooldown: 10 seconds
{else}Cooldown: 0 seconds
Lucky Hit Chance: 20%
Stomp in front of you, releasing a shockwave that deals *100% damage and Knocks Down enemies for seconds.
Ranks: 5
Charges: 3Charge Cooldown: 0.25 seconds
Lucky Hit Chance: 30%
Passive: Gain [10|%|] Dodge Chance and automatically retaliate against Close enemies for *100% damage when you Dodge their attacks.
Active: Dodge all direct attacks for 3 seconds per cast, up to 6 seconds.
Ranks: 5
Require Points: 23
Vigor Cost: 40Lucky Hit Chance: [20|%|]
Strike a small area, dealing *100% damage to enemies within as well as all surrounding Poisoned enemies.
Ranks: 5
Require Points: 33
Vital Strikes
You deal [45|%x|] increased damage to Vulnerable enemies.After making an enemy Vulnerable, your next Direct damage dealt to them:
Heals you for [2|%|] of your Maximum Life ([Max(1,PlayerHealthMax() * 0.02)])
Generates [5] Vigor
Removes the Vulnerable effect
Ranks: 1
Adaptive Stances
The Base Spirit of a Skill cast grants:Eagle: [30|%+|] Movement Speed
Gorilla: [30|%|] Damage Reduction
Jaguar: [30|%+|] Attack Speed
Centipede: [3|%|] Life per Second
Casting a Skill of a different Base Spirit:
Swaps to the new bonus
Increases Core Stats by [50|%+|] for 7 seconds
Ranks: 1
Prodigy's Tempo
Every 3rd consecutive cast of the same Basic Skill increases all purchased Skills' Ranks by 2 for 5 seconds.Every 3rd consecutive cast of the same Core or Potency Skill reduces all Skills' active Cooldowns by [10|%|], increased by [2|%|] for each of their Skill Ranks.
Ranks: 1
Noxious Resonance
Your Critical Strikes cause your Poisoning on an enemy to burst, dealing [100|%|] of the total Poisoning instantly to them and [20|%|] of it to surrounding enemies before removing the Poisoning effect from the primary target.Damage increased by [30|x%|] of your Critical Strike Damage bonus.
Current Damage Bonus: [0 * 100|%x|]
Ranks: 1
Charges: 3Charge Cooldown: 0.25 seconds
Lucky Hit Chance: 30%
Passive: Gain [10|%|] Dodge Chance and automatically retaliate against Close enemies for *100% damage when you Dodge their attacks.
Active: Dodge all direct attacks for 3 seconds per cast, up to 6 seconds.
Reinforced Counterattack
Counterattack passively increases your Critical Strike Damage by [6|%x|] for every Close enemy, up to [30|%x|].Adaptable Counterattack
When you Dodge a Control Impairing attack with Counterattack it will reflect that Crowd Control to all Close enemies for 2 seconds.Concussive Stomp
Charges: 2Charge Cooldown: 10 seconds
{else}Cooldown: 0 seconds
Lucky Hit Chance: 20%
Stomp in front of you, releasing a shockwave that deals *100% damage and Knocks Down enemies for seconds.
Reinforced Concussive Stomp
Concussive Stomp gains an additional Charge and does [600|%x|] increased damage to Unstoppable enemies and Bosses.Adaptable Concussive Stomp
When enemies recover from Concussive Stomp, you Dodge their next 3 |4attack:attacks;.Scourge
Cooldown: 0 secondsLucky Hit Chance: 10%
Call forth a wave of insects that bite enemies, Fearing and Slowing them by [50|%|] for [3] seconds while applying [6*0]*100% Poisoning damage over [6] seconds.
Reinforced Scourge
Casting Scourge grants [60|%|] of your Maximum Vigor over 6 seconds.Adaptable Scourge
Lucky Hit: Hitting an enemy affected by Scourge has up to a [60|%|] chance to Life Steal [35|%|] of the damage done, up to [35|%|] of your Maximum Life ([PlayerHealthMax() * 0.35]).Armored Hide
Cooldown: 0 secondsLucky Hit Chance: 30%
Passive: Gain 1 Resolve every [5|1|] seconds.
Active: Encase yourself, becoming Unstoppable and gaining [100|%+|] Block Chance for seconds.
Reinforced Armored Hide
While active, Armored Hide increases your Blocked Damage Reduction by [5|%+|] for every Nearby enemy, up to [20|%+|].Adaptable Armored Hide
When you Evade through enemies with Armored Hide active, you deal [100|%|] of your Thorns to them and Heal for [5|%|] of your Maximum Life ([Max(1,PlayerHealthMax() * 0.05)]) per hit.Ravager
Cooldown: 0 secondsLucky Hit Chance: 30%
Passive: Minimum Ferocity increased by [2|+|].
Active: Unleash a savage roar, causing each of your attacks to trigger an additional *100% damage strike per enemy for 6 seconds.
Measured Ravager
While Ravager is active, your Core Skills instantly dash to your target and all Vigor Generation is increased by [30|%x|].Replenishing Ravager
Ravager passively stockpiles any Healing you receive up to 40 stacks. While active, Ravager spends stacks to strike Elite enemies up to an additional [(1.1/0.25)] times.Soar
Cooldown: 0 secondsLucky Hit Chance: 25%
Fly into the air, creating a cloud which makes enemies at your target location Vulnerable for 5 seconds before you crash down upon them dealing *100% damage.
Measured Soar
Soar makes you Unstoppable for 4 seconds.Replenishing Soar
Soar's cloud remains around you for 4 seconds after landing and continues to make enemies Vulnerable.Vortex
Cooldown: 0 secondsLucky Hit Chance: 20%
Create a cyclone that Pulls enemies inward followed by a crushing downdraft that deals *100% damage to them.
Replenishing Vortex
Critical Strikes with Vortex reduce its Cooldown by 1 seconds.Measured Vortex
While you have an active Barrier, your Vortex does [300|%x|] additional damage and Knocks enemies down for 3 seconds.Rushing Claw
Charges: 5Charge Cooldown: 5 per 0 seconds
Lucky Hit Chance: 25%
Slash a short distance through an enemy, striking all enemies along the way twice for a total of *100% total damage.
Poised Rushing Claw
When Rushing Claw hits an Elite enemy you gain [10|%|] increased Dodge Chance for 6 seconds.Invasive Rushing Claw
Using Rushing Claw's last Charge will refill 4 Charges by consuming 4 stacks of Ferocity.Toxic Skin
Cooldown: 0 secondsLucky Hit Chance: [20|%|]
Passive: Enemies that attack you are Poisoned for [3*0]*100% damage over [3] seconds.
Active: Your toxins overflow, applying the Poisoning in a trail and making you Unhindered for [|1|] seconds.
Replenishing Toxic Skin
Toxic Skin passively increases Thorns damage you deal to Poisoned enemies by [100|%x|].Measured Toxic Skin
While Toxic Skin is active, you deal an additional 0*100% Poison damage as Critical Strikes to Nearby Vulnerable Poisoned enemies every second.Payback
Vigor Cost: All Remaining VigorCooldown: 0 seconds
Lucky Hit Chance: 30%
Smash enemies in front of you, dealing *100% damage.
When attacked, you have a [35|%|] chance to reduce Payback's active Cooldown by [1|1|] seconds.
Invasive Payback
Becoming Control Impaired while Payback is on Cooldown makes it free to cast and grants you Unstoppable for 5 seconds. Can only occur once every 8 seconds.Poised Payback
Payback passively grants you Vigor when you take damage. Payback is now also a Core Skill and consumes all available Vigor to increase its damage by [0.5|1%x|] for each point you had on cast.Rampant Stinger
Stinger does [40|x%|] increased damage if it only hits a single enemy. Instead of echoing to surrounding Poisoned enemies, Stinger now draws from each to hit enemies in the primary area again for an additional [10|%|] of its Base damage, up to 5 times.Advantageous Stinger
If Stinger strikes a Vulnerable enemy it Heals you for [10|%|] of your Maximum Life ([Max(1,PlayerHealthMax() * 0.1)]). If you are Healthy it makes enemies Vulnerable for 3 seconds.Enhanced Stinger
Stinger applies [60|%|] of its Base damage as Poisoning over [6] seconds to all enemies hit.Rampant Crushing Hand
Crushing Hand's damage increases by [3|x%|] for every stack of Resolve you have, up to [0.03*0*100|x%|].Advantageous Crushing Hand
Enemies hit by both strikes of Crushing Hand are Knocked Down for 2 seconds.Crushing Hand
Vigor Cost: 30Lucky Hit Chance: 25%
Smash down next to you with devastating force, creating 2 shockwaves on either side that overlap and each deal *100% damage.
Rampant Quill Volley
Quill Volley's feathers fly [50|%|] further and converge on your target with [0.2|%2+|] additional Critical Strike Chance for each point of Vigor you had on cast.Advantageous Quill Volley
Quill Volley hurls out 3 additional feathers and deals [10|x%|] increased damage to each enemy per hit.Quill Volley
Vigor Cost: 35Lucky Hit Chance: 12%
Hurl 5 feathers that pierce through enemies, each dealing *100% damage.
Advantageous Rake
Hitting at least one enemy with Rake reduces your longest active Cooldown by [0.5|1|] seconds.Rampant Rake
Rake's Vigor cost is reduced by [2] per stack of Ferocity you have.Rake
Vigor Cost: 30Lucky Hit Chance: 18%
Conjure claws that rake through enemies in front of you, dealing *100% damage before exploding for an additional *100% damage.
Rock Splitter
Generate Vigor: 11Lucky Hit Chance: 28%
Rush at a target and clobber enemies in front of you, dealing *100% damage.
Your 3rd attack strikes enemies around you, dealing 0*100% damage.
Sharp Rock Splitter
Rock Splitter's 3rd attack Knocks enemies Back and grants Resolve per enemy hit.Accelerated Rock Splitter
Rock Splitter increases your Thorns by [ToPlayerDmgNum0.2] for [5] seconds and your 3rd attack deals [100|%|] of your Thorns to enemies.Thunderspike
Generate Vigor: 9Lucky Hit Chance: 22%
Quickly jab forward with a piercing strike dealing *100% damage.
Your 3rd attack pierces further, dealing 0*100% damage and reducing your Evade Cooldown by 5 seconds.
Accelerated Thunderspike
When you Evade, you attack with Thunderspike along the way and make enemies Vulnerable for 3 seconds.Sharp Thunderspike
Thunderspike's 3rd attack strikes back again, Pulling in and Knocking Down Distant enemies for [3|1|] seconds.Sharp Thrash
Thrash's 3rd attack grants 2 stacks of Ferocity.Accelerated Thrash
Thrash continues to unleash its 3rd attack if cast again within [1.5|1|] seconds.Thrash
Generate Vigor: 8Lucky Hit Chance: 20%
Dive at an enemy and slash into it dealing *100% damage.
Your 3rd attack unleashes a rapid series of slashes around your target, dealing a total of 0*100% damage.
Accelerated Withering Fist
Enemies Poisoned by Withering Fist deal [20|%|] less damage.Sharp Withering Fist
Withering Fist's 3rd attack spreads its Poisoning to 5 Nearby unaffected enemies. Hitting a Vulnerable enemy will also spread that effect to all hit.Withering Fist
Generate Vigor: 9Lucky Hit Chance: [25|%|]
Dart at and jab an enemy several times, dealing a total of 0*100% damage and applying [6*0]*100% Poisoning damage over [6] seconds.
Your 3rd attack bursts on your target, damaging surrounding enemies and Slowing them by [40|%|] for 3 seconds.
Poised Touch of Death
Touch of Death is now also a Core Skill which costs 70 Vigor and has no Cooldown.Invasive Touch of Death
Touch of Death's swarm bursts every second, applying [30|%|] of its Base Poisoning damage over [6] seconds to surrounding enemies.Touch of Death
Vigor Cost: 0{else}Cooldown: 0 seconds
Lucky Hit Chance: [20|%|]
Strike an enemy and infect them, dealing 5% damage and applying [9*0]*100% Poisoning damage over [9] seconds.
When the infection expires or the host dies, a swarm hatches and seeks enemies for 9 seconds, dealing *100% damage per hit.
You can have up to 3 swarms active at once.
Touch of Death
Vigor Cost: 0{else}Cooldown: 0 seconds
Lucky Hit Chance: [20|%|]
Strike an enemy and infect them, dealing 5% damage and applying [9*0]*100% Poisoning damage over [9] seconds.
When the infection expires or the host dies, a swarm hatches and seeks enemies for 9 seconds, dealing *100% damage per hit.
You can have up to 3 swarms active at once.
Ranks: 5
Harmonious Protector
The Protector's strikes deal [300|%x|] increased damage to Non-Elite enemies and reduce the damage you take from Elite enemies by [30|%|] for 6 seconds.Exalted Protector
The Protector's area persists for an additional 6 seconds. While in the area you are Unstoppable and any enemies or Small Missiles inside are Slowed by [80|%|].Harmonious Devourer
As it emerges, The Devourer launches 10 toxic globs that apply [6*]*100% Poisoning damage over [6] seconds wherever they land.Exalted Devourer
While The Devourer is active, if a Non-Boss enemy's remaining Life becomes Poisoned they die instantly and unleash a Pestilent Swarm that deals *100% damage per hit to enemies it passes through.Exalted Hunter
Killing an enemy while The Hunter is present has a [40|%|] chance to instantly reset its Cooldown. This chance is halved after each consecutive reset.Harmonious Hunter
The Hunter overfills your Ferocity by 4 stacks and causes you to deal [100|%x|] increased damage to Injured enemies for 8 seconds.Exalted Seeker
The Seeker constantly makes all Nearby enemies Vulnerable while active.Harmonious Seeker
The Seeker's first hit Knocks Down enemies for [4] seconds. Both its first and second hits are guaranteed to Critically Strike.The Devourer
Cooldown: 0 secondsLucky Hit Chance: 10%
The Centipede Spirit emerges, blasting enemies in a line for 0*100% damage and spitting at others for *100% damage. Lasts for 15 seconds.
The Devourer's damage is increased by [150|x%|] of your Healing Received bonus.
Current Bonus: [0 * 100|1%x|].
Ranks: 5
The Seeker
Charges: 4Charge Cooldown: 0.25 seconds
Lucky Hit Chance: 35%
The Eagle Spirit swoops down and deals *100% damage. After a short delay it blasts off dealing *100% damage.
The Seeker's damage is increased by [15|x%|] of your Critical Strike and Vulnerable Damage bonuses.
Current Bonus: [10.5|1%x|].
Ranks: 5
The Hunter
Cooldown: 0 secondsLucky Hit Chance: 15%
Bound across the battlefield with the Jaguar Spirit, dealing *100% damage upon landing and then rapidly slashing enemies in the area for *100% total damage over 7 strikes.
The Hunter's initial damage will Execute Injured Non-Boss enemies.
Ranks: 5
The Protector
Cooldown: 0 secondsLucky Hit Chance: 15%
The Gorilla Spirit protects an area for 6 seconds, continuously smashing surrounding enemies for *100% damage and granting you Barrier for [15|%|] of your Maximum Life ([PlayerHealthMax() * 0.15]) every [1.5333|1|] seconds.
The Protector's area deals [100|%x|] of your Thorns damage to enemies within every [1|1|] seconds.
Ranks: 5
Casting a Core Skill increases all Vigor Generation by [5|%x|] for 3 seconds.Ranks: 3
Gorilla Skills deal [5|%x|] increased damage to Knocked Down enemies and their first hits have a [5|%|] chance to Execute Non-Bosses.Ranks: 3
Casting a Defensive Skill grants 10 Vigor.Ranks: 3
Gain [1|+|] additional Evade |4Charge:Charges;. After you Evade, your Eagle Skills deal [8|%x|] increased damage for [2] seconds.Ranks: 3
You accumulate [10/10|%|] of your Maximum Life ([Max(1,PlayerHealthMax() * 0.1/10)]) as Barrier every second, up to [10|%|] ([Max(1,PlayerHealthMax() * 0.1)]).Taking damage prevents additional accumulation for [2] seconds.
Ranks: 3
Patient Guard
You gain [10|%+|] Block Chance. After standing still for [0.5|1|] seconds, you gain [3|%+|] Blocked Damage Reduction until you move.
Ranks: 3
Gain [0.5|%1|] additional Damage Reduction per stack of Resolve.Ranks: 3
Vulnerable enemies deal [5|%|] less damage to you.Ranks: 3
Casting a Gorilla Skill grants [5|%x|] increased Maximum Life for 10 seconds.Ranks: 3
Gain ToPlayerDmgNum0.3 Thorns. While you have a Barrier your Thorns are increased by [20|%x|].Ranks: 3
Jaguar Skills deal [0.5|%x1|] increased Critical Strike Damage per stack of Ferocity.Ranks: 3
Follow Through
Your Basic Skills deal [2|%x|] increased damage, doubled to [4|%x|] for 3rd casts.Ranks: 3
You deal [3|%x|] increased Vulnerable damage. Double this bonus vs Elite enemies.Ranks: 3
Hitting enemies with Jaguar Skills increases the damage they take from you by [0.1|1%x|], up to [10|%x|].Ranks: 3
Gain increased Life On Kill equal to [5|%|] of your Maximum Life ([Max(1,PlayerHealthMax() * 0.05)]) while you have at least 4 stacks of Ferocity.Ranks: 3
You gain [15|%+|] increased Poison Resistance and your Maximum Poison Resistance is increased by [3|%+|].Ranks: 3
Your Centipede Skills deal [2.5|%1x|] increased damage. Double this bonus vs Healthy enemies.Ranks: 3
Your Healing is increased by [20|%+|]. Whenever you Heal, your Poisoning Damage is increased by [4|%x|] for 3 seconds.Ranks: 3
Your Centipede Skills deal [4|%x|] increased damage to Crowd Controlled enemies and gain [30|%+|] increased Crowd Control Durations.Ranks: 3
Gain [20|%+|] increased Dodge Chance during Evade. Whenever you Dodge, you gain [5|%+|] Critical Strike Chance for 3 seconds.Ranks: 3
Generate 1 Vigor per second while moving.Ranks: 3
Your Eagle Skill damage is increased by [3|%1x|] of your Movement Speed.Current Bonus: [0 * 100|%1x|]
Ranks: 3
Unrestrained Power
You deal [4|%x|] increased damage while Unhindered or Unstoppable.Ranks: 3
Your Mobility Skill Cooldowns are reduced up to [1] seconds based on how far you travel with them.Ranks: 3
Poised Razor Wings
Razor Wings has a [10|%|] chance to regain a Charge when hitting an enemy. Double this chance if you have an active Barrier.Invasive Razor Wings
Razor Wings last [300|%|] longer and spiral outwards.Razor Wings
Charges: 4Charge Cooldown: 0 seconds
Lucky Hit Chance: [22|%|]
Whirl out a cluster of razor sharp feathers that rebound back, dealing *100% damage each way.
You can have up to 15 active Razor Wings.
Razor Wings
Charges: 4Charge Cooldown: 0 seconds
Lucky Hit Chance: [22|%|]
Whirl out a cluster of razor sharp feathers that rebound back, dealing *100% damage each way.
You can have up to 15 active Razor Wings.
Ranks: 5
Hitting enemies with Ultimate Skills Heals you for [2|%|] of your Maximum Life ([Max(1,PlayerHealthMax() * 0.02)]).Ranks: 3
Casting an Ultimate Skill makes you Unstoppable for 2 seconds.Ranks: 3
Casting an Ultimate Skill grants [5|x%|] increased damage to Elites for 3 seconds. Double this bonus if you are only fighting one enemy.Ranks: 3
Spiritual Attunement
Your maximum Vigor is increased by 10 while you have an Ultimate Skill equipped.Ranks: 3
Upon casting an Ultimate Skill, the last different Potency, Defensive, or Focus Skill you cast prior is reset and can be cast for free up to 1 times in the next 7 seconds.Ranks: 3
Any enemies you kill while an Ultimate Skill is active grants a stack of Supremacy, each increasing your damage by [1|x%|], up to [10|x%|]. When an Ultimate Skill ends, you gain [5] stacks of Supremacy, but you begin to lose one stack every second.Ranks: 3
Your Potency Skills deal [10|%x|] increased damage, but have [5|%|] increased Cooldowns.Ranks: 3
Balanced Exertion
Your Core Skills cost [3|x%|] more Vigor, but deal [5|%x|] increased damage.Ranks: 3
Focal Point
Gain a bonus based on the weapon type you wield. Casting a Focus Skill doubles this bonus for 5 seconds: Glaive: [5|%+|] Bonus Lucky Hit Chance
Quarterstaff: [3|+%|] Blocked Damage Reduction
Polearm: [10|%+|] Lucky Hit Chance to make enemies Vulnerable
Ranks: 3
Paragon /95
Legendary Node
When you Dodge or Block an attack you gain +2% increased Attack Speed and x1% increased Damage for [5] seconds, stacking up to [9] times.
When you Dodge or Block an attack you gain +2% increased Attack Speed and x1% increased Damage for [5] seconds, stacking up to [9] times.
Glyph Socket: 25 Strength, 15 Intelligence, 10 Willpower, 60 Dexterity
Legendary Node
When you use a Cooldown you gain 35% Thorns for [5] seconds.
Spiney Skin
When you use a Cooldown you gain 35% Thorns for [5] seconds.
Glyph Socket: 20 Strength, 20 Intelligence, 15 Willpower, 60 Dexterity
Legendary Node
You do x1% increased damage for each 3% of your Maximum Life you have as a Barrier.
Viscous Shield
You do x1% increased damage for each 3% of your Maximum Life you have as a Barrier.
Glyph Socket: 15 Strength, 20 Intelligence, 5 Willpower, 40 Dexterity
Legendary Node
After Healing for 100% of your Maximum Life you afflict Close enemies, dealing 199.98% Poisoning damage over [6] seconds and causing them to take x10% more Poisoning damage, up to x40%.
Bitter Medicine
After Healing for 100% of your Maximum Life you afflict Close enemies, dealing 199.98% Poisoning damage over [6] seconds and causing them to take x10% more Poisoning damage, up to x40%.
Glyph Socket: 15 Strength, 25 Intelligence, 5 Willpower, 55 Dexterity
Legendary Node
Lucky Hit: Up to a 30% chance to Knock Down Vulnerable enemies. You deal x30% increased damage to Crowd Controlled enemies.
Lucky Hit: Up to a 30% chance to Knock Down Vulnerable enemies. You deal x30% increased damage to Crowd Controlled enemies.
Glyph Socket: 25 Strength, 15 Intelligence, 5 Willpower, 55 Dexterity
Legendary Node
After moving [10] meters, you deal x3% increased damage for [10] seconds. This can stack up to [10] times.
After moving [10] meters, you deal x3% increased damage for [10] seconds. This can stack up to [10] times.
Glyph Socket: 15 Strength, 25 Intelligence, 10 Willpower, 50 Dexterity
Legendary Node
You deal bonus damage equal to x20% of your 2 highest bonuses to damage types combined, up to 30% total.
You deal bonus damage equal to x20% of your 2 highest bonuses to damage types combined, up to 30% total.
Glyph Socket: 30 Strength, 10 Intelligence, 5 Willpower, 55 Dexterity
Legendary Node
When you cast [3] Gorilla, Jaguar, Eagle, or Centipede Skills with the same Spirit in a row, restore 15% of your Vigor and deal x30% increased damage for [5] seconds.
When you cast [3] Gorilla, Jaguar, Eagle, or Centipede Skills with the same Spirit in a row, restore 15% of your Vigor and deal x30% increased damage for [5] seconds.
Glyph Socket: 15 Strength, 30 Intelligence, 5 Willpower, 40 Dexterity
Rare Node
+0.2*100% Damage +10 Dexterity
Bonus: Another +0.2*100% Damage if requirements met:[210 + (75 * EquipIndex)] Intelligence
Rare Node
+0.3*100% Damage to Elites +10 Dexterity
Bonus: Another +0.3*100% Damage to Elites if requirements met:[190 + (75 * EquipIndex)] Strength
Rare Node
0.04*100% Maximum Life +[30] Armor
Bonus: Another 0.04*100% Maximum Life if requirements met:[190 + (75 * EquipIndex)] Strength
Bonus: Another 0.04*100% Maximum Life if requirements met:[630 + (455 * EquipIndex)] Strength
Bonus: Another 0.04*100% Maximum Life if requirements met:[630 + (455 * EquipIndex)] Willpower
Bonus: Another 0.04*100% Maximum Life if requirements met:[190 + (75 * EquipIndex)] Willpower
Rare Node
+0.2*100% Damage 0.04*100% Maximum Life
Bonus: Another +0.2*100% Damage if requirements met:[190 + (75 * EquipIndex)] Intelligence
Bonus: Another +0.2*100% Damage if requirements met:[190 + (75 * EquipIndex)] Willpower
Rare Node
+0.2*100% Damage +10 Dexterity
Bonus: Another +0.2*100% Damage if requirements met:[210 + (75 * EquipIndex)] Strength
Rare Node
+0.2*100% Damage +10 Dexterity
Bonus: Another +0.2*100% Damage if requirements met:[210 + (75 * EquipIndex)] Intelligence
Rare Node
0.04*100% Maximum Life +0.03*100% Resistance to All Elements
Bonus: Another 0.04*100% Maximum Life if requirements met:[210 + (75 * EquipIndex)] Strength
Rare Node
0.05*100% Block Chance +0.03*100% Resistance to All Elements
Primal Rage
Bonus: Another 0.05*100% Block Chance if requirements met:[190 + (75 * EquipIndex)] Strength
Rare Node
[0.02 * 100|1%|] Dodge Chance +[30] Armor
Bonus: Another [0.02 * 100|1%|] Dodge Chance if requirements met:[700 + (455 * EquipIndex)] Dexterity [185 + (70 * EquipIndex)] Intelligence
Rare Node
+0.1*100% Fire Resistance +0.02*100% Maximum Fire Resistance
Bonus: Another +0.1*100% Fire Resistance if requirements met:[210 + (75 * EquipIndex)] Intelligence
Rare Node
0.02*100% Cooldown Reduction 0.04*100% Maximum Life
Bonus: Another 0.02*100% Cooldown Reduction if requirements met:[190 + (70 * EquipIndex)] Strength [185 + (70 * EquipIndex)] Intelligence
Rare Node
0.04*100% Maximum Life +[1.5] Thorns
Bonus: Another 0.04*100% Maximum Life if requirements met:[190 + (75 * EquipIndex)] Intelligence
Rare Node
+[1.5] Thorns +10 Dexterity
Bonus: Another +[1.5] Thorns if requirements met:[210 + (75 * EquipIndex)] Intelligence
Rare Node
+0.2*100% Damage +10 Dexterity
Bonus: Another +0.2*100% Damage if requirements met:[210 + (75 * EquipIndex)] Strength
Rare Node
+[30] Armor +0.03*100% Resistance to All Elements
Bonus: Another +[30] Armor if requirements met:[890 + (455 * EquipIndex)] Dexterity
Rare Node
+0.03*100% Resistance to All Elements +[1.5] Thorns
Bonus: Another +0.03*100% Resistance to All Elements if requirements met:[190 + (75 * EquipIndex)] Strength
Rare Node
+0.06*100% Barrier Generation +0.3*100% Critical Strike Damage
Primal Ward
Bonus: Another +0.06*100% Barrier Generation if requirements met:[630 + (455 * EquipIndex)] Dexterity
Rare Node
+[30] Armor 0.04*100% Maximum Life
Bonus: Another +[30] Armor if requirements met:[210 + (75 * EquipIndex)] Strength
Bonus: Another +[30] Armor if requirements met:[190 + (70 * EquipIndex)] Dexterity [185 + (70 * EquipIndex)] Willpower
Bonus: Another +[30] Armor if requirements met:[700 + (455 * EquipIndex)] Strength [190 + (70 * EquipIndex)] Willpower
Bonus: Another +[30] Armor if requirements met:[700 + (455 * EquipIndex)] Willpower [190 + (70 * EquipIndex)] Intelligence
Rare Node
+0.3*100% Critical Strike Damage +10 Dexterity
Bonus: Another +0.3*100% Critical Strike Damage if requirements met:[230 + (75 * EquipIndex)] Intelligence
Rare Node
+0.2*100% Damage while You Have a Barrier +10 Dexterity
Bonus: Another +0.2*100% Damage while You Have a Barrier if requirements met:[210 + (75 * EquipIndex)] Strength
Rare Node
0.06*100% Damage Reduction while You Have a Barrier +0.25*100% Vulnerable Damage
Bonus: Another 0.06*100% Damage Reduction while You Have a Barrier if requirements met:[760 + (455 * EquipIndex)] Dexterity
Rare Node
+0.05*100% Lucky Hit Chance +0.1*100% Lightning Resistance
Bonus: Another +0.05*100% Lucky Hit Chance if requirements met:[630 + (455 * EquipIndex)] Dexterity
Rare Node
+0.2*100% Damage +10 Dexterity
Bonus: Another +0.2*100% Damage if requirements met:[210 + (75 * EquipIndex)] Strength
Rare Node
+0.24*100% Damage to Close Enemies +10 Dexterity
Bonus: Another +0.24*100% Damage to Close Enemies if requirements met:[210 + (75 * EquipIndex)] Intelligence
Rare Node
+0.1*100% Poison Resistance +0.02*100% Maximum Poison Resistance
Poison Resilience
Bonus: Another +0.1*100% Poison Resistance if requirements met:[210 + (75 * EquipIndex)] Dexterity
Bonus: Another +0.1*100% Poison Resistance if requirements met:[190 + (75 * EquipIndex)] Strength
Rare Node
0.04*100% Maximum Life +0.06*100% Healing Received
Bonus: Another 0.04*100% Maximum Life if requirements met:[210 + (75 * EquipIndex)] Willpower
Bonus: Another 0.04*100% Maximum Life if requirements met:[210 + (75 * EquipIndex)] Intelligence
Rare Node
+0.06*100% Healing Received +0.1*100% Fire Resistance
Natural Vitality
Bonus: Another +0.06*100% Healing Received if requirements met:[890 + (455 * EquipIndex)] Dexterity
Rare Node
+[0.025 * 100|1%|] Attack Speed +0.2*100% Damage
Flash Fire
Bonus: Another +[0.025 * 100|1%|] Attack Speed if requirements met:[230 + (75 * EquipIndex)] Strength
Rare Node
0.04*100% Maximum Life +[30] Armor
Bonus: Another 0.04*100% Maximum Life if requirements met:[230 + (75 * EquipIndex)] Intelligence
Rare Node
+[30] Armor +[0.02 * 100|1%|] Dodge Chance
Bonus: Another +[30] Armor if requirements met:[190 + (70 * EquipIndex)] Strength [185 + (70 * EquipIndex)] Intelligence
Rare Node
+[0.025 * 100|1%|] Attack Speed +0.1*100% Poison Resistance
Bonus: Another +[0.025 * 100|1%|] Attack Speed if requirements met:[760 + (455 * EquipIndex)] Dexterity
Rare Node
+0.25*100% Vulnerable Damage +10 Dexterity
Bonus: Another +0.25*100% Vulnerable Damage if requirements met:[210 + (75 * EquipIndex)] Intelligence
Rare Node
+0.35*100% Damage to Crowd Controlled Enemies +10 Dexterity
Venom Weaver
Bonus: Another +0.35*100% Damage to Crowd Controlled Enemies if requirements met:[210 + (75 * EquipIndex)] Strength
Rare Node
+[0.02 * 100|1%|] Dodge Chance +0.05*100% Lucky Hit Chance
Nature's Dance
Bonus: Another +[0.02 * 100|1%|] Dodge Chance if requirements met:[700 + (455 * EquipIndex)] Dexterity [185 + (70 * EquipIndex)] Intelligence
Rare Node
+0.05*100% Movement Speed +0.02*100% Critical Strike Chance
Piercing Gale
Bonus: Another +0.05*100% Movement Speed if requirements met:[700 + (455 * EquipIndex)] Dexterity [185 + (70 * EquipIndex)] Strength
Rare Node
0.08*100% Damage Reduction while Moving 0.04*100% Maximum Life
Bonus: Another 0.08*100% Damage Reduction while Moving if requirements met:[630 + (455 * EquipIndex)] Dexterity
Rare Node
+0.25*100% Vulnerable Damage +10 Dexterity
Bonus: Another +0.25*100% Vulnerable Damage if requirements met:[210 + (75 * EquipIndex)] Strength
Rare Node
+0.2*100% Damage +10 Dexterity
Bonus: Another +0.2*100% Damage if requirements met:[210 + (75 * EquipIndex)] Intelligence
Rare Node
+[0.2 * 100|1%|] Non-Physical Damage 0.04*100% Maximum Life
Bonus: Another +[0.2 * 100|1%|] Non-Physical Damage if requirements met:[630 + (455 * EquipIndex)] Intelligence
Bonus: Another +[0.2 * 100|1%|] Non-Physical Damage if requirements met:[230 + (75 * EquipIndex)] Intelligence
Rare Node
+[0.2 * 100|1%|] Non-Physical Damage +[0.025 * 100|1%|] Attack Speed
Bonus: Another +[0.2 * 100|1%|] Non-Physical Damage if requirements met:[190 + (75 * EquipIndex)] Willpower
Bonus: Another +[0.2 * 100|1%|] Non-Physical Damage if requirements met:[230 + (75 * EquipIndex)] Intelligence
Rare Node
+0.03*100% Resistance to All Elements +[30] Armor
Bonus: Another +0.03*100% Resistance to All Elements if requirements met:[190 + (75 * EquipIndex)] Dexterity
Bonus: Another +0.03*100% Resistance to All Elements if requirements met:[190 + (75 * EquipIndex)] Strength
Rare Node
+0.2*100% Damage +10 Dexterity
Bonus: Another +0.2*100% Damage if requirements met:[210 + (75 * EquipIndex)] Strength
Rare Node
+0.2*100% Damage +10 Dexterity
Bonus: Another +0.2*100% Damage if requirements met:[210 + (75 * EquipIndex)] Intelligence
Rare Node
+0.2*100% Damage +10 Dexterity
Bonus: Another +0.2*100% Damage if requirements met:[210 + (75 * EquipIndex)] Intelligence
Rare Node
+[4] Maximum Resource +10 Dexterity
Eager Prey
Bonus: Another +[4] Maximum Resource if requirements met:[210 + (75 * EquipIndex)] Strength
Rare Node
+[0.025 * 100|1%|] Attack Speed +[0.02 * 100|1%|] Dodge Chance
Bonus: Another +[0.025 * 100|1%|] Attack Speed if requirements met:[230 + (75 * EquipIndex)] Intelligence
Rare Node
+0.03*100% Resistance to All Elements 0.04*100% Maximum Life
Bonus: Another +0.03*100% Resistance to All Elements if requirements met:[700 + (455 * EquipIndex)] Strength [190 + (70 * EquipIndex)] Dexterity
Bonus: Another +0.03*100% Resistance to All Elements if requirements met:[210 + (75 * EquipIndex)] Dexterity
Bonus: Another +0.03*100% Resistance to All Elements if requirements met:[210 + (75 * EquipIndex)] Strength
Rare Node
0.04*100% Resource Generation +[8] Maximum Resource
Bonus: Another 0.04*100% Resource Generation if requirements met:[190 + (70 * EquipIndex)] Strength [185 + (70 * EquipIndex)] Intelligence
Magic Node
+7 Intelligence
Magic Node
+0.02*100% Damage
Magic Node
+0.03*100% Damage to Elites
Magic Node
+7 Strength
Magic Node
0.01*100% Maximum Life
Magic Node
+[7.5] Armor
Magic Node
+0.0075*100% Resistance to All Elements
Magic Node
0.01*100% Block Chance
Magic Node
[0.005 * 100|1%|] Dodge Chance
Magic Node
+0.025*100% Fire Resistance
Magic Node
+0.005*100% Maximum Fire Resistance
Magic Node
0.005*100% Cooldown Reduction
Magic Node
+[0.15] Thorns
Magic Node
+0.015*100% Barrier Generation
Magic Node
+0.03*100% Critical Strike Damage
Magic Node
+0.02*100% Damage while You Have a Barrier
Magic Node
0.015*100% Damage Reduction while You Have a Barrier
Magic Node
+0.025*100% Vulnerable Damage
Magic Node
+0.025*100% Lightning Resistance
Magic Node
+0.024*100% Damage to Close Enemies
Magic Node
+0.025*100% Poison Resistance
Magic Node
+0.005*100% Maximum Poison Resistance
Magic Node
+0.015*100% Healing Received
Magic Node
+[0.005 * 100|1%|] Attack Speed
Magic Node
+0.005*100% Lucky Hit Chance
Magic Node
+0.035*100% Damage to Crowd Controlled Enemies
Magic Node
+0.01*100% Critical Strike Chance
Magic Node
+0.025*100% Movement Speed
Magic Node
0.02*100% Damage Reduction while Moving
Magic Node
+[0.02 * 100|1%|] Non-Physical Damage
Magic Node
+[0.8] Maximum Resource
Magic Node
0.01*100% Resource Generation
Normal Node
+5 Strength +5 Intelligence +5 Willpower +5 Dexterity
Board Attachment Gate
Normal Node
+5 Intelligence
Normal Node
+5 Dexterity
Normal Node
+5 Willpower
Normal Node
+5 Strength
Normal Node
Glyph Socket
Normal Node
Paragon Starting Node
Start Paragon /17
Normal Node
+5 Strength +5 Intelligence +5 Willpower +5 Dexterity
Board Attachment Gate
Normal Node
+5 Intelligence
Normal Node
+5 Dexterity
Normal Node
+5 Willpower
Normal Node
+5 Strength
Magic Node
+7 Intelligence
Magic Node
+0.02*100% Damage
Magic Node
+0.03*100% Damage to Elites
Magic Node
+7 Strength
Rare Node
+0.2*100% Damage +10 Dexterity
Bonus: Another +0.2*100% Damage if requirements met:[210 + (75 * EquipIndex)] Intelligence
Rare Node
+0.3*100% Damage to Elites +10 Dexterity
Bonus: Another +0.3*100% Damage to Elites if requirements met:[190 + (75 * EquipIndex)] Strength
Normal Node
Glyph Socket
Magic Node
0.01*100% Maximum Life
Magic Node
+[7.5] Armor
Rare Node
0.04*100% Maximum Life +[30] Armor
Bonus: Another 0.04*100% Maximum Life if requirements met:[190 + (75 * EquipIndex)] Strength
Bonus: Another 0.04*100% Maximum Life if requirements met:[630 + (455 * EquipIndex)] Strength
Bonus: Another 0.04*100% Maximum Life if requirements met:[630 + (455 * EquipIndex)] Willpower
Bonus: Another 0.04*100% Maximum Life if requirements met:[190 + (75 * EquipIndex)] Willpower
Rare Node
+0.2*100% Damage 0.04*100% Maximum Life
Bonus: Another +0.2*100% Damage if requirements met:[190 + (75 * EquipIndex)] Intelligence
Bonus: Another +0.2*100% Damage if requirements met:[190 + (75 * EquipIndex)] Willpower
Normal Node
Paragon Starting Node
In-Fighter Paragon /23
Normal Node
+5 Strength +5 Intelligence +5 Willpower +5 Dexterity
Board Attachment Gate
Normal Node
+5 Dexterity
Normal Node
+5 Intelligence
Normal Node
+5 Strength
Magic Node
+7 Strength
Magic Node
+0.02*100% Damage
Rare Node
+0.2*100% Damage +10 Dexterity
Bonus: Another +0.2*100% Damage if requirements met:[210 + (75 * EquipIndex)] Strength
Normal Node
+5 Willpower
Magic Node
+7 Intelligence
Normal Node
Glyph Socket
Rare Node
+0.2*100% Damage +10 Dexterity
Bonus: Another +0.2*100% Damage if requirements met:[210 + (75 * EquipIndex)] Intelligence
Magic Node
+0.0075*100% Resistance to All Elements
Magic Node
0.01*100% Maximum Life
Rare Node
0.04*100% Maximum Life +0.03*100% Resistance to All Elements
Bonus: Another 0.04*100% Maximum Life if requirements met:[210 + (75 * EquipIndex)] Strength
Magic Node
0.01*100% Block Chance
Rare Node
0.05*100% Block Chance +0.03*100% Resistance to All Elements
Primal Rage
Bonus: Another 0.05*100% Block Chance if requirements met:[190 + (75 * EquipIndex)] Strength
Magic Node
[0.005 * 100|1%|] Dodge Chance
Magic Node
+[7.5] Armor
Legendary Node
When you Dodge or Block an attack you gain +2% increased Attack Speed and x1% increased Damage for [5] seconds, stacking up to [9] times.
When you Dodge or Block an attack you gain +2% increased Attack Speed and x1% increased Damage for [5] seconds, stacking up to [9] times.
Glyph Socket: 25 Strength, 15 Intelligence, 10 Willpower, 60 Dexterity
Rare Node
[0.02 * 100|1%|] Dodge Chance +[30] Armor
Bonus: Another [0.02 * 100|1%|] Dodge Chance if requirements met:[700 + (455 * EquipIndex)] Dexterity [185 + (70 * EquipIndex)] Intelligence
Magic Node
+0.025*100% Fire Resistance
Magic Node
+0.005*100% Maximum Fire Resistance
Rare Node
+0.1*100% Fire Resistance +0.02*100% Maximum Fire Resistance
Bonus: Another +0.1*100% Fire Resistance if requirements met:[210 + (75 * EquipIndex)] Intelligence
Spiney Skin Paragon /21
Normal Node
+5 Strength +5 Intelligence +5 Willpower +5 Dexterity
Board Attachment Gate
Normal Node
+5 Intelligence
Normal Node
+5 Dexterity
Normal Node
+5 Willpower
Normal Node
+5 Strength
Magic Node
0.01*100% Maximum Life
Magic Node
0.005*100% Cooldown Reduction
Rare Node
0.02*100% Cooldown Reduction 0.04*100% Maximum Life
Bonus: Another 0.02*100% Cooldown Reduction if requirements met:[190 + (70 * EquipIndex)] Strength [185 + (70 * EquipIndex)] Intelligence
Rare Node
0.04*100% Maximum Life +[1.5] Thorns
Bonus: Another 0.04*100% Maximum Life if requirements met:[190 + (75 * EquipIndex)] Intelligence
Magic Node
+[0.15] Thorns
Magic Node
+7 Intelligence
Legendary Node
When you use a Cooldown you gain 35% Thorns for [5] seconds.
Spiney Skin
When you use a Cooldown you gain 35% Thorns for [5] seconds.
Glyph Socket: 20 Strength, 20 Intelligence, 15 Willpower, 60 Dexterity
Rare Node
+[1.5] Thorns +10 Dexterity
Bonus: Another +[1.5] Thorns if requirements met:[210 + (75 * EquipIndex)] Intelligence
Magic Node
+7 Strength
Magic Node
+0.02*100% Damage
Rare Node
+0.2*100% Damage +10 Dexterity
Bonus: Another +0.2*100% Damage if requirements met:[210 + (75 * EquipIndex)] Strength
Normal Node
Glyph Socket
Magic Node
+[7.5] Armor
Magic Node
+0.0075*100% Resistance to All Elements
Rare Node
+[30] Armor +0.03*100% Resistance to All Elements
Bonus: Another +[30] Armor if requirements met:[890 + (455 * EquipIndex)] Dexterity
Rare Node
+0.03*100% Resistance to All Elements +[1.5] Thorns
Bonus: Another +0.03*100% Resistance to All Elements if requirements met:[190 + (75 * EquipIndex)] Strength
Viscous Shield Paragon /23
Normal Node
+5 Strength +5 Intelligence +5 Willpower +5 Dexterity
Board Attachment Gate
Normal Node
+5 Intelligence
Normal Node
+5 Dexterity
Normal Node
+5 Strength
Magic Node
+0.015*100% Barrier Generation
Magic Node
+0.03*100% Critical Strike Damage
Rare Node
+0.06*100% Barrier Generation +0.3*100% Critical Strike Damage
Primal Ward
Bonus: Another +0.06*100% Barrier Generation if requirements met:[630 + (455 * EquipIndex)] Dexterity
Normal Node
+5 Willpower
Rare Node
+[30] Armor 0.04*100% Maximum Life
Bonus: Another +[30] Armor if requirements met:[210 + (75 * EquipIndex)] Strength
Bonus: Another +[30] Armor if requirements met:[190 + (70 * EquipIndex)] Dexterity [185 + (70 * EquipIndex)] Willpower
Bonus: Another +[30] Armor if requirements met:[700 + (455 * EquipIndex)] Strength [190 + (70 * EquipIndex)] Willpower
Bonus: Another +[30] Armor if requirements met:[700 + (455 * EquipIndex)] Willpower [190 + (70 * EquipIndex)] Intelligence
Magic Node
0.01*100% Maximum Life
Magic Node
+[7.5] Armor
Magic Node
+7 Intelligence
Rare Node
+0.3*100% Critical Strike Damage +10 Dexterity
Bonus: Another +0.3*100% Critical Strike Damage if requirements met:[230 + (75 * EquipIndex)] Intelligence
Legendary Node
You do x1% increased damage for each 3% of your Maximum Life you have as a Barrier.
Viscous Shield
You do x1% increased damage for each 3% of your Maximum Life you have as a Barrier.
Glyph Socket: 15 Strength, 20 Intelligence, 5 Willpower, 40 Dexterity
Normal Node
Glyph Socket
Magic Node
+7 Strength
Magic Node
+0.02*100% Damage while You Have a Barrier
Magic Node
0.015*100% Damage Reduction while You Have a Barrier
Rare Node
+0.2*100% Damage while You Have a Barrier +10 Dexterity
Bonus: Another +0.2*100% Damage while You Have a Barrier if requirements met:[210 + (75 * EquipIndex)] Strength
Magic Node
+0.025*100% Vulnerable Damage
Rare Node
0.06*100% Damage Reduction while You Have a Barrier +0.25*100% Vulnerable Damage
Bonus: Another 0.06*100% Damage Reduction while You Have a Barrier if requirements met:[760 + (455 * EquipIndex)] Dexterity
Magic Node
+0.025*100% Lightning Resistance
Rare Node
+0.05*100% Lucky Hit Chance +0.1*100% Lightning Resistance
Bonus: Another +0.05*100% Lucky Hit Chance if requirements met:[630 + (455 * EquipIndex)] Dexterity
Bitter Medicine Paragon /23
Normal Node
+5 Strength +5 Intelligence +5 Willpower +5 Dexterity
Board Attachment Gate
Normal Node
+5 Intelligence
Normal Node
+5 Dexterity
Normal Node
+5 Willpower
Normal Node
+5 Strength
Magic Node
+7 Strength
Magic Node
+7 Intelligence
Magic Node
+0.02*100% Damage
Rare Node
+0.2*100% Damage +10 Dexterity
Bonus: Another +0.2*100% Damage if requirements met:[210 + (75 * EquipIndex)] Strength
Normal Node
Glyph Socket
Magic Node
+0.024*100% Damage to Close Enemies
Rare Node
+0.24*100% Damage to Close Enemies +10 Dexterity
Bonus: Another +0.24*100% Damage to Close Enemies if requirements met:[210 + (75 * EquipIndex)] Intelligence
Magic Node
+0.025*100% Poison Resistance
Magic Node
0.01*100% Maximum Life
Magic Node
+0.005*100% Maximum Poison Resistance
Magic Node
+0.015*100% Healing Received
Rare Node
+0.1*100% Poison Resistance +0.02*100% Maximum Poison Resistance
Poison Resilience
Bonus: Another +0.1*100% Poison Resistance if requirements met:[210 + (75 * EquipIndex)] Dexterity
Bonus: Another +0.1*100% Poison Resistance if requirements met:[190 + (75 * EquipIndex)] Strength
Rare Node
0.04*100% Maximum Life +0.06*100% Healing Received
Bonus: Another 0.04*100% Maximum Life if requirements met:[210 + (75 * EquipIndex)] Willpower
Bonus: Another 0.04*100% Maximum Life if requirements met:[210 + (75 * EquipIndex)] Intelligence
Magic Node
+0.025*100% Fire Resistance
Legendary Node
After Healing for 100% of your Maximum Life you afflict Close enemies, dealing 199.98% Poisoning damage over [6] seconds and causing them to take x10% more Poisoning damage, up to x40%.
Bitter Medicine
After Healing for 100% of your Maximum Life you afflict Close enemies, dealing 199.98% Poisoning damage over [6] seconds and causing them to take x10% more Poisoning damage, up to x40%.
Glyph Socket: 15 Strength, 25 Intelligence, 5 Willpower, 55 Dexterity
Rare Node
+0.06*100% Healing Received +0.1*100% Fire Resistance
Natural Vitality
Bonus: Another +0.06*100% Healing Received if requirements met:[890 + (455 * EquipIndex)] Dexterity
Rare Node
+[0.025 * 100|1%|] Attack Speed +0.2*100% Damage
Flash Fire
Bonus: Another +[0.025 * 100|1%|] Attack Speed if requirements met:[230 + (75 * EquipIndex)] Strength
Magic Node
+[0.005 * 100|1%|] Attack Speed
Revealing Paragon /24
Normal Node
+5 Strength +5 Intelligence +5 Willpower +5 Dexterity
Board Attachment Gate
Normal Node
+5 Intelligence
Normal Node
+5 Dexterity
Normal Node
+5 Strength
Normal Node
+5 Willpower
Legendary Node
Lucky Hit: Up to a 30% chance to Knock Down Vulnerable enemies. You deal x30% increased damage to Crowd Controlled enemies.
Lucky Hit: Up to a 30% chance to Knock Down Vulnerable enemies. You deal x30% increased damage to Crowd Controlled enemies.
Glyph Socket: 25 Strength, 15 Intelligence, 5 Willpower, 55 Dexterity
Magic Node
0.01*100% Maximum Life
Magic Node
+[7.5] Armor
Rare Node
0.04*100% Maximum Life +[30] Armor
Bonus: Another 0.04*100% Maximum Life if requirements met:[230 + (75 * EquipIndex)] Intelligence
Rare Node
+[30] Armor +[0.02 * 100|1%|] Dodge Chance
Bonus: Another +[30] Armor if requirements met:[190 + (70 * EquipIndex)] Strength [185 + (70 * EquipIndex)] Intelligence
Magic Node
[0.005 * 100|1%|] Dodge Chance
Magic Node
+[0.005 * 100|1%|] Attack Speed
Magic Node
+0.025*100% Poison Resistance
Rare Node
+[0.025 * 100|1%|] Attack Speed +0.1*100% Poison Resistance
Bonus: Another +[0.025 * 100|1%|] Attack Speed if requirements met:[760 + (455 * EquipIndex)] Dexterity
Magic Node
+0.025*100% Lightning Resistance
Magic Node
+0.005*100% Lucky Hit Chance
Rare Node
+0.05*100% Lucky Hit Chance +0.1*100% Lightning Resistance
Bonus: Another +0.05*100% Lucky Hit Chance if requirements met:[630 + (455 * EquipIndex)] Dexterity
Magic Node
+7 Intelligence
Magic Node
+0.025*100% Vulnerable Damage
Rare Node
+0.25*100% Vulnerable Damage +10 Dexterity
Bonus: Another +0.25*100% Vulnerable Damage if requirements met:[210 + (75 * EquipIndex)] Intelligence
Normal Node
Glyph Socket
Magic Node
+0.035*100% Damage to Crowd Controlled Enemies
Magic Node
+7 Strength
Rare Node
+0.35*100% Damage to Crowd Controlled Enemies +10 Dexterity
Venom Weaver
Bonus: Another +0.35*100% Damage to Crowd Controlled Enemies if requirements met:[210 + (75 * EquipIndex)] Strength
Drive Paragon /24
Normal Node
+5 Strength +5 Intelligence +5 Willpower +5 Dexterity
Board Attachment Gate
Normal Node
+5 Intelligence
Normal Node
+5 Dexterity
Normal Node
+5 Strength
Magic Node
+0.015*100% Healing Received
Magic Node
0.01*100% Maximum Life
Normal Node
+5 Willpower
Magic Node
[0.005 * 100|1%|] Dodge Chance
Magic Node
+0.005*100% Lucky Hit Chance
Rare Node
0.04*100% Maximum Life +0.06*100% Healing Received
Bonus: Another 0.04*100% Maximum Life if requirements met:[210 + (75 * EquipIndex)] Willpower
Bonus: Another 0.04*100% Maximum Life if requirements met:[210 + (75 * EquipIndex)] Intelligence
Rare Node
+[0.02 * 100|1%|] Dodge Chance +0.05*100% Lucky Hit Chance
Nature's Dance
Bonus: Another +[0.02 * 100|1%|] Dodge Chance if requirements met:[700 + (455 * EquipIndex)] Dexterity [185 + (70 * EquipIndex)] Intelligence
Legendary Node
After moving [10] meters, you deal x3% increased damage for [10] seconds. This can stack up to [10] times.
After moving [10] meters, you deal x3% increased damage for [10] seconds. This can stack up to [10] times.
Glyph Socket: 15 Strength, 25 Intelligence, 10 Willpower, 50 Dexterity
Magic Node
+0.01*100% Critical Strike Chance
Magic Node
+0.025*100% Movement Speed
Rare Node
+0.05*100% Movement Speed +0.02*100% Critical Strike Chance
Piercing Gale
Bonus: Another +0.05*100% Movement Speed if requirements met:[700 + (455 * EquipIndex)] Dexterity [185 + (70 * EquipIndex)] Strength
Rare Node
0.08*100% Damage Reduction while Moving 0.04*100% Maximum Life
Bonus: Another 0.08*100% Damage Reduction while Moving if requirements met:[630 + (455 * EquipIndex)] Dexterity
Magic Node
0.02*100% Damage Reduction while Moving
Magic Node
+7 Strength
Magic Node
+0.025*100% Vulnerable Damage
Magic Node
+0.03*100% Critical Strike Damage
Magic Node
+7 Intelligence
Rare Node
+0.25*100% Vulnerable Damage +10 Dexterity
Bonus: Another +0.25*100% Vulnerable Damage if requirements met:[210 + (75 * EquipIndex)] Strength
Normal Node
Glyph Socket
Rare Node
+0.2*100% Damage +10 Dexterity
Bonus: Another +0.2*100% Damage if requirements met:[210 + (75 * EquipIndex)] Intelligence
Convergence Paragon /21
Normal Node
+5 Strength +5 Intelligence +5 Willpower +5 Dexterity
Board Attachment Gate
Normal Node
+5 Intelligence
Normal Node
+5 Dexterity
Normal Node
+5 Willpower
Normal Node
+5 Strength
Magic Node
+[0.02 * 100|1%|] Non-Physical Damage
Magic Node
0.01*100% Maximum Life
Magic Node
+0.0075*100% Resistance to All Elements
Rare Node
+[0.2 * 100|1%|] Non-Physical Damage 0.04*100% Maximum Life
Bonus: Another +[0.2 * 100|1%|] Non-Physical Damage if requirements met:[630 + (455 * EquipIndex)] Intelligence
Bonus: Another +[0.2 * 100|1%|] Non-Physical Damage if requirements met:[230 + (75 * EquipIndex)] Intelligence
Rare Node
0.04*100% Maximum Life +0.03*100% Resistance to All Elements
Bonus: Another 0.04*100% Maximum Life if requirements met:[210 + (75 * EquipIndex)] Strength
Rare Node
+[0.2 * 100|1%|] Non-Physical Damage +[0.025 * 100|1%|] Attack Speed
Bonus: Another +[0.2 * 100|1%|] Non-Physical Damage if requirements met:[190 + (75 * EquipIndex)] Willpower
Bonus: Another +[0.2 * 100|1%|] Non-Physical Damage if requirements met:[230 + (75 * EquipIndex)] Intelligence
Magic Node
+[0.005 * 100|1%|] Attack Speed
Legendary Node
You deal bonus damage equal to x20% of your 2 highest bonuses to damage types combined, up to 30% total.
You deal bonus damage equal to x20% of your 2 highest bonuses to damage types combined, up to 30% total.
Glyph Socket: 30 Strength, 10 Intelligence, 5 Willpower, 55 Dexterity
Magic Node
+7 Strength
Magic Node
+0.02*100% Damage
Rare Node
+0.03*100% Resistance to All Elements +[30] Armor
Bonus: Another +0.03*100% Resistance to All Elements if requirements met:[190 + (75 * EquipIndex)] Dexterity
Bonus: Another +0.03*100% Resistance to All Elements if requirements met:[190 + (75 * EquipIndex)] Strength
Magic Node
+[7.5] Armor
Rare Node
+0.2*100% Damage +10 Dexterity
Bonus: Another +0.2*100% Damage if requirements met:[210 + (75 * EquipIndex)] Strength
Normal Node
Glyph Socket
Magic Node
+7 Intelligence
Rare Node
+0.2*100% Damage +10 Dexterity
Bonus: Another +0.2*100% Damage if requirements met:[210 + (75 * EquipIndex)] Intelligence
Sapping Paragon /23
Normal Node
+5 Dexterity
Normal Node
+5 Strength +5 Intelligence +5 Willpower +5 Dexterity
Board Attachment Gate
Normal Node
+5 Strength
Normal Node
+5 Intelligence
Normal Node
+5 Willpower
Magic Node
+7 Intelligence
Magic Node
+0.02*100% Damage
Rare Node
+0.2*100% Damage +10 Dexterity
Bonus: Another +0.2*100% Damage if requirements met:[210 + (75 * EquipIndex)] Intelligence
Normal Node
Glyph Socket
Magic Node
+7 Strength
Magic Node
+[0.8] Maximum Resource
Magic Node
+[0.005 * 100|1%|] Attack Speed
Rare Node
+[4] Maximum Resource +10 Dexterity
Eager Prey
Bonus: Another +[4] Maximum Resource if requirements met:[210 + (75 * EquipIndex)] Strength
Rare Node
+[0.025 * 100|1%|] Attack Speed +[0.02 * 100|1%|] Dodge Chance
Bonus: Another +[0.025 * 100|1%|] Attack Speed if requirements met:[230 + (75 * EquipIndex)] Intelligence
Magic Node
[0.005 * 100|1%|] Dodge Chance
Magic Node
+0.0075*100% Resistance to All Elements
Rare Node
+0.03*100% Resistance to All Elements +[30] Armor
Bonus: Another +0.03*100% Resistance to All Elements if requirements met:[190 + (75 * EquipIndex)] Dexterity
Bonus: Another +0.03*100% Resistance to All Elements if requirements met:[190 + (75 * EquipIndex)] Strength
Rare Node
+0.03*100% Resistance to All Elements 0.04*100% Maximum Life
Bonus: Another +0.03*100% Resistance to All Elements if requirements met:[700 + (455 * EquipIndex)] Strength [190 + (70 * EquipIndex)] Dexterity
Bonus: Another +0.03*100% Resistance to All Elements if requirements met:[210 + (75 * EquipIndex)] Dexterity
Bonus: Another +0.03*100% Resistance to All Elements if requirements met:[210 + (75 * EquipIndex)] Strength
Magic Node
0.01*100% Maximum Life
Magic Node
+[7.5] Armor
Rare Node
0.04*100% Resource Generation +[8] Maximum Resource
Bonus: Another 0.04*100% Resource Generation if requirements met:[190 + (70 * EquipIndex)] Strength [185 + (70 * EquipIndex)] Intelligence
Magic Node
0.01*100% Resource Generation
Legendary Node
When you cast [3] Gorilla, Jaguar, Eagle, or Centipede Skills with the same Spirit in a row, restore 15% of your Vigor and deal x30% increased damage for [5] seconds.
When you cast [3] Gorilla, Jaguar, Eagle, or Centipede Skills with the same Spirit in a row, restore 15% of your Vigor and deal x30% increased damage for [5] seconds.
Glyph Socket: 15 Strength, 30 Intelligence, 5 Willpower, 40 Dexterity