Cooldown: 0 seconds
Lucky Hit Chance: 20%
Passive: Enemies that attack you are Poisoned for [3*0]*100% damage over [3] seconds.

Active: Your toxins overflow, applying the Poisoning in a trail and making you Unhindered for [|1|] seconds.
Rank Up:
Poisoning Damage [3*0]*100%
Active Duration [|1|] seconds
Rank (Ceil((sLevel)/5))* 5:
Poisoning Duration [3 + Ceil((sLevel)/5) * 2]

  • Enhanced Toxic Skin: While active, Toxic Skin's Poisoning is increased by 130% to [3*0]*100% over [3] seconds.
  • Replenishing Toxic Skin: Toxic Skin passively increases Thorns damage you deal to Poisoned enemies by x100%.
  • Measured Toxic Skin: While Toxic Skin is active, you deal an additional 0*100% Poison damage as Critical Strikes to Nearby Vulnerable Poisoned enemies every second.
  • (PH) Soil Offense Upgrade C:
Info /42