Charges: 4
Charge Cooldown: 0.2 seconds
Lucky Hit Chance: 22%
Whirl out a cluster of razor sharp feathers that rebound back, dealing 50% damage each way.

You can have up to 12 active Razor Wings.
Rank Up:
Damage 50%

  • Enhanced Razor Wings: Razor Wings makes enemies Vulnerable for 5 seconds when hitting with a Critical Strike or from behind.
  • Poised Razor Wings: Razor Wings has a 10% chance to regain a Charge when hitting an enemy. Double this chance if you have an active Barrier.
  • Invasive Razor Wings: Razor Wings last 300% longer and spiral outwards.
  • (PH) Sky Offense1 Upgrade C:
Affix /4
(PH) Your Eagle Skill missiles fly 100% faster and have a 25% chance to hit twice.

Every second while moving gain 10% Bonus Movement Speed for 1.5 seconds, up to 40%.
Charges: 4
Charge Cooldown: 0.2 seconds
Lucky Hit Chance: 22%
Whirl out a cluster of razor sharp feathers that rebound back, dealing 50% damage each way.

You can have up to 12 active Razor Wings.
Rank Up:
Damage 50%

  • Enhanced Razor Wings: Razor Wings makes enemies Vulnerable for 5 seconds when hitting with a Critical Strike or from behind.
  • Poised Razor Wings: Razor Wings has a 10% chance to regain a Charge when hitting an enemy. Double this chance if you have an active Barrier.
  • Invasive Razor Wings: Razor Wings last 300% longer and spiral outwards.
  • (PH) Sky Offense1 Upgrade C:
Spiritborn, Mobility, Codex of Power
  • Razor Wings is now also an Incarnate Skill with:
    Passive: You are Unhindered.

    Active: You gain +15% increased Movement Speed per active Razor Wing.
  • Allowed Item Types: Boots, Amulet [+50%]
    Spiritborn, Defensive, Codex of Power
  • While active, Counterattack reflects incoming Razor Wings back out again. Other Small Missiles are also deflected back at enemies and deal 25% of Counterattack's Base damage on impact.
  • Unlocked by completing Sleepless Hollow in OR salvaging a Legendary item with {s3}
    Allowed Item Types: Helm, Chest Armor, Pants, Amulet [+50%]
    Info /44
    name desc
    SF_20.5 * [1/1.1/1.2/1.3/1.4]
    SF_6Mod.UpgradeA ? 3 + GetBonusMaxChargesForPower(SNO.Power.Spiritborn_Eagle_Potency1) : 1
    SF_120.05 * [1/1.1/1.2/1.3/1.4]
    SF_22PowerTag.Spiritborn_Talent_Combo_SkyPlains."Script Formula 9"
    SF_233 + GetBonusMaxChargesForPower(SNO.Power.Spiritborn_Eagle_Potency1)
    SF_24Mod.UpgradeB ? 1 : 1
    SF_253 + GetBonusMaxChargesForPower(SNO.Power.Spiritborn_Eagle_Potency1)
    nameRazor Wings
    descCharges: {SF_23}
    Charge Cooldown: {Recharge Time} seconds
    Lucky Hit Chance: [{Combat Effect Chance}|%|]
    Whirl out a cluster of razor sharp feathers that rebound back, dealing {payload:IMPACT} damage each way.

    You can have up to 12 active Razor Wings.
    rankup_desc Damage {payload:IMPACT}
    Mod0_DescriptionRazor Wings makes enemies Vulnerable for {SF_15} seconds when hitting with a Critical Strike or from behind.
    Mod0_NameEnhanced Razor Wings
    Mod1_DescriptionRazor Wings has a [{SF_16} * 100|%|] chance to regain a Charge when hitting an enemy. Double this chance if you have an active Barrier.
    Mod1_NamePoised Razor Wings
    Mod2_DescriptionRazor Wings last [{SF_28}*100|%|] longer and spiral outwards.
    Mod2_NameInvasive Razor Wings
    Mod3_Name(PH) Sky Offense1 Upgrade C
    {payload:IMPACT}0.5 * [1/1.1/1.2/1.3/1.4]*100%
    {Combat Effect Chance}22
    {Cooldown Time}10
    {Recharge Time}0.2