Cooldown: 0 seconds
Lucky Hit Chance: 30%
Passive: Minimum Ferocity increased by +2.

Active: Unleash a savage roar, causing each of your attacks to trigger an additional *100% damage strike per enemy for 6 seconds.
Rank Up:
Damage *100%
Rank (Ceil((sLevel)/5))* 5:
Minimum Ferocity [2 + Ceil((sLevel)/5) * 1]

  • Enhanced Ravager: Ravager's duration is extended by [2] seconds per kill while active. This bonus is reduced by 0.25 each kill, to a minimum of 0.25 seconds.
  • Measured Ravager: While Ravager is active, your Core Skills instantly dash to your target and all Vigor Generation is increased by x30%.
  • Replenishing Ravager: Ravager passively stockpiles any Healing you receive up to 40 stacks. While active, Ravager spends stacks to strike Elite enemies up to an additional [(1.1/0.25)] times.
  • (PH) Plains Mobility2 Upgrade C:
Affix /7
Vigor Cost: 30
Lucky Hit Chance: 18%
Conjure claws that rake through enemies in front of you, dealing *100% damage before exploding for an additional *100% damage.
Rank Up:
Damage *100%
Explosion Damage *100%

  • Enhanced Rake: Casting Rake grants a stack of Ferocity.
  • Advantageous Rake: Hitting at least one enemy with Rake reduces your longest active Cooldown by 0.5 seconds.
  • Rampant Rake: Rake's Vigor cost is reduced by [2] per stack of Ferocity you have.
  • (PH) Plains Core Upgrade C:
  • (PH) Plains Spirit: (PH) Activates Plains Core Empowerment
Vigor Cost: 30
Lucky Hit Chance: 25%
Smash down next to you with devastating force, creating 2 shockwaves on either side that overlap and each deal *100% damage.
Rank Up:
Damage *100%

  • Enhanced Crushing Hand: Crushing Hand grants a Barrier equal to 10% of the damage it deals for 2 seconds, up to 40% of your Maximum Life ([PlayerHealthMax() * 0.4]).
  • Rampant Crushing Hand: Crushing Hand's damage increases by x3% for every stack of Resolve you have, up to x0.03*0*100%.
  • Advantageous Crushing Hand: Enemies hit by both strikes of Crushing Hand are Knocked Down for 2 seconds.
  • (PH) Forest Core Upgrade C:
  • (PH) Forest Spirit: (PH) Activates Forest Core Empowerment
Vigor Cost: 40
Lucky Hit Chance: 20%
Strike a small area, dealing *100% damage to enemies within as well as all surrounding Poisoned enemies.
Rank Up:
Damage *100%

  • Enhanced Stinger: Stinger applies 60% of its Base damage as Poisoning over [6] seconds to all enemies hit.
  • Rampant Stinger: Stinger does x40% increased damage if it only hits a single enemy. Instead of echoing to surrounding Poisoned enemies, Stinger now draws from each to hit enemies in the primary area again for an additional 10% of its Base damage, up to 5 times.
  • Advantageous Stinger: If Stinger strikes a Vulnerable enemy it Heals you for 10% of your Maximum Life ([Max(1,PlayerHealthMax() * 0.1)]). If you are Healthy it makes enemies Vulnerable for 3 seconds.
Vigor Cost: 35
Lucky Hit Chance: 12%
Hurl 5 feathers that pierce through enemies, each dealing *100% damage.
Rank Up:
Damage *100%

  • Enhanced Quill Volley: Quill Volley makes enemies Vulnerable for 3 seconds if they are hit with at least 3 feathers at once.
  • Rampant Quill Volley: Quill Volley's feathers fly 50% further and converge on your target with +0.2% additional Critical Strike Chance for each point of Vigor you had on cast.
  • Advantageous Quill Volley: Quill Volley hurls out 3 additional feathers and deals x10% increased damage to each enemy per hit.
  • (PH) Sky Core Upgrade C:
  • (PH) Sky Spirit: (PH) Activates Sky Core Empowerment
Vigor Cost: All Remaining Vigor
Cooldown: 0 seconds
Lucky Hit Chance: 30%
Smash enemies in front of you, dealing *100% damage.

When attacked, you have a 35% chance to reduce Payback's active Cooldown by 1 seconds.
Rank Up:
Damage *100%

  • Enhanced Payback: Each time an enemy attacks you the damage they take from Payback is increased by x5% for 60 seconds, up to x100%.
  • Invasive Payback: Becoming Control Impaired while Payback is on Cooldown makes it free to cast and grants you Unstoppable for 5 seconds. Can only occur once every 8 seconds.
  • Poised Payback: Payback passively grants you Vigor when you take damage. Payback is now also a Core Skill and consumes all available Vigor to increase its damage by x0.5% for each point you had on cast.
  • (PH) Upgrade C:
Vigor Cost: 0
{else}Cooldown: 0 seconds
Lucky Hit Chance: 20%
Strike an enemy and infect them, dealing 5% damage and applying [9*0]*100% Poisoning damage over [9] seconds.

When the infection expires or the host dies, a swarm hatches and seeks enemies for 9 seconds, dealing *100% damage per hit.

You can have up to 3 swarms active at once.
Rank Up:
Poisoning Damage [9*0]*100%
Swarm Damage *100%

  • Enhanced Touch of Death: Touch of Death's infection Heals you for 2% of your Maximum Life ([Max(1,PlayerHealthMax() * 0.02)]) per second for a total of 18% Maximum Life ([Max(1,PlayerHealthMax() * 0.02*9)]). You Heal any remaining when the swarm hatches.
  • Invasive Touch of Death: Touch of Death's swarm bursts every second, applying 30% of its Base Poisoning damage over [6] seconds to surrounding enemies.
  • Poised Touch of Death: Touch of Death is now also a Core Skill which costs 70 Vigor and has no Cooldown.
  • (PH) Soil Defense Upgrade C:
Spiritborn, Offensive, Codex of Power
  • Ravager no longer has a duration and instead drains 14 Vigor every second until depleted. Effects which extend Ravager instead generate Vigor.
  • Allowed Item Types: Gloves, Offhand, 1H Weapon, 2H Weapon [+100%], Ring, Amulet [+50%]
    Info /44