Lucky Hit Chance: 25%
Dart at and jab an enemy several times, dealing a total of 0*100% damage and applying [6*0]*100% Poisoning damage over [6] seconds.
Your 3rd attack bursts on your target, damaging surrounding enemies and Slowing them by 40% for 3 seconds.
Rank Up:
Damage *100%
Poisoning Damage [6*0]*100%
Poisoning Damage [6*0]*100%
- Enhanced Withering Fist: You gain 1 Vigor per second for every Nearby enemy Poisoned by Withering Fist, up to 10 .
- Accelerated Withering Fist: Enemies Poisoned by Withering Fist deal 20% less damage.
- Sharp Withering Fist: Withering Fist's 3rd attack spreads its Poisoning to 5 Nearby unaffected enemies. Hitting a Vulnerable enemy will also spread that effect to all hit.
Info /44