Charges: 5
Charge Cooldown: 5 per 0.15 seconds
Lucky Hit Chance: 25%
Slash a short distance through an enemy, striking all enemies along the way twice for a total of 50% total damage.
Rank Up:
Damage 50%

  • Enhanced Rushing Claw: Enemies hit by Rushing Claw take x10% increased damage from Rushing Claw, up to x80%.
  • Poised Rushing Claw: When Rushing Claw hits an Elite enemy you gain 10% increased Dodge Chance for 3 seconds.
  • Invasive Rushing Claw: Using Rushing Claw's last Charge will refill 4 Charges by consuming 4 stacks of Ferocity.
  • (PH) Plains Offense Upgrade C:
Affix /2
Charges: 5
Charge Cooldown: 5 per 0.15 seconds
Lucky Hit Chance: 25%
Slash a short distance through an enemy, striking all enemies along the way twice for a total of 50% total damage.
Rank Up:
Damage 50%

  • Enhanced Rushing Claw: Enemies hit by Rushing Claw take x10% increased damage from Rushing Claw, up to x80%.
  • Poised Rushing Claw: When Rushing Claw hits an Elite enemy you gain 10% increased Dodge Chance for 3 seconds.
  • Invasive Rushing Claw: Using Rushing Claw's last Charge will refill 4 Charges by consuming 4 stacks of Ferocity.
  • (PH) Plains Offense Upgrade C:
Spiritborn, Defensive, Codex of Power
  • Casting Rushing Claw extends the durations of your active Incarnate Skill effects by 0.25 seconds, up to 2 seconds.
  • Unlocked by completing Putrescent Larder in OR salvaging a Legendary item with {s3}
    Allowed Item Types: Helm, Chest Armor, Pants, Amulet [+50%]
    Info /32
    name desc
    SF_14 + GetBonusMaxChargesForPower(SNO.Power.Spiritborn_Jaguar_Potency)
    SF_20.5 * [1/1.1/1.2/1.3/1.4]
    nameRushing Claw
    descCharges: {SF_1}
    Charge Cooldown: {SF_1} per {Recharge Time} seconds
    Lucky Hit Chance: {Combat Effect Chance}%
    Slash a short distance through an enemy, striking all enemies along the way twice for a total of {payload:IMPACT_TOOLTIP} total damage.
    rankup_desc Damage {payload:IMPACT_TOOLTIP}
    Buff10_NameRushing Claw Cooldown
    Buff10_DescriptionRushing Claw cannot consume Ferocity
    Mod0_DescriptionEnemies hit by Rushing Claw take [{SF_9}*100|%x|] increased damage from Rushing Claw, up to [{SF_9}*{SF_10}*100|%x|].
    Mod0_NameEnhanced Rushing Claw
    Mod1_DescriptionWhen Rushing Claw hits an Elite enemy you gain [{SF_6}*100|%|] increased Dodge Chance for {SF_8} seconds.
    Mod1_NamePoised Rushing Claw
    Mod2_DescriptionUsing Rushing Claw's last Charge will refill {SF_13} Charges by consuming {SF_12} stacks of Ferocity.
    Mod2_NameInvasive Rushing Claw
    Mod3_Name(PH) Plains Offense Upgrade C
    {payload:IMPACT_TOOLTIP}0.5 * [1/1.1/1.2/1.3/1.4]*100%
    {Combat Effect Chance}25
    {Cooldown Time}20
    {Recharge Time}0.15