Lucky Hit Chance: 10%
The Centipede Spirit emerges, blasting enemies in a line for 0*100% damage and spitting at others for *100% damage. Lasts for 15 seconds.
The Devourer's damage is increased by x150% of your Healing Received bonus.
Current Bonus: [0 * 100|1%x|].
Rank Up:
Blast Damage 0*100%
Spit Damage *100%
Cooldown 0 seconds
At Rank 5:
The Devourer's damage is increased by x150% of your Healing Received bonus
Spit Damage *100%
Cooldown 0 seconds
At Rank 5:
The Devourer's damage is increased by x150% of your Healing Received bonus
- (PH) Ultimate Centipede: (PH) Ultimate Centipede
The Centipede emerges and Knocks Down enemies, dealing 15% Poison damage and applying 199.95% Poisoning over 15 seconds. Non-Boss enemies are instantly consumed if their entire remaining Life becomes Poisoned while in the area. - Harmonious Devourer: As it emerges, The Devourer launches 10 toxic globs that apply [6*]*100% Poisoning damage over [6] seconds wherever they land.
- :
Affix /2
Unique Glaive
800 Item Power
1,838 Damage Per Second
- [1,470 – 2,206] Damage per Hit
- 1.00 Attacks per Second
Your Ultimate Skills each gain an additional Skill Type:
The Seeker is a Focus Skill.
The Hunter is a Mobility Skill.
The Devourer is a Potency Skill.
The Protector is a Defensive Skill.
"Fear not the limits of your flesh, Spiritborn! As our ancestors said: wushe nak pa! Transcend your being!" - Maka
Info /55