Mercenary_BerserkerCrone Skills /6
Cooldown: 0 seconds
Varyana swings two axes in an arc in front of her, dealing 60%{else}moderate Physical damage and 24%{else}minor Bleeding damage over 4 seconds.

Selecting a Mercenary Core Skill alters their wielded Weapon and Basic Attack.
Weapon: Dual Axes
Basic Attack: Double Strike
Varyana slashes enemies with dual axes, dealing 58%{else}moderate Physical damage. She has a [45]% chance to also deal 24%{else}minor Bleeding damage over 3 seconds.
Cooldown: 0 seconds
Varyana slams the ground for a brutal shockwave in front of her, dealing 80%{else}moderate Physical damage and Knocking Down enemies for 1.5 seconds.

Selecting a Mercenary Core Skill alters their wielded Weapon and Basic Attack.
Weapon: Two-Handed Mace
Basic Attack: Heavy Strike
Varyana batters enemies with a mace, dealing 80%{else}moderate Physical damage with +20%% increased Critical Strike Chance.
Cooldown: 0 seconds
Varyana enters Bloodthirst, gaining +30% Attack Speed, +200% Movement Speed, and Unstoppable for 7 seconds.

Varyana's Bloodthirst grants +10% Attack Speed to you for the same duration.
Cooldown: 0 seconds
Varyana spins violently in a line, repeatedly dealing 65%{else}moderate Physical damage and 30%{else}light Bleeding damage over 5 seconds.
Cooldown: 0 seconds
Varyana crushes the ground with her mace, leaving a tremor that deals 180%{else}massive Physical damage over 3 seconds and Knocks enemies Down repeatedly.
Cooldown: 0 seconds
Varyana launches three harpoons ahead of her, piercing enemies for 140%{else}heavy Physical damage. She then rips them back, Pulling In and Stunning enemies for 2 seconds.
Mercenary_BerserkerCrone Skill Tree /18
If you become Crowd Controlled, Varyana leaps towards the enemy that inflicted it, dealing 128%{else}heavy Physical damage and Knocking Down surrounding enemies for 2.28 seconds on impact. Can only occur once every [12] seconds.
Ranks: 1
Crushing Force
When Varyana deals damage to an enemy, she has a [30|%|] chance to Knock them Down for 1.5 seconds.
Ranks: 1
You deal [15|x% |] increased damage to enemies afflicted by any of Varyana's Crowd Control effects.
Ranks: 1
Enemies damaged by Varyana's Earth Breaker are left exposed, causing your next hit against them within 3 seconds to be a guaranteed Overpower. This may only occur on the same target once every 5 seconds.
Ranks: 1
Earth Breaker
Cooldown: 0 seconds
Varyana crushes the ground with her mace, leaving a tremor that deals 180%{else}massive Physical damage over 3 seconds and Knocks enemies Down repeatedly.
Ranks: 1
Iron Grip
Varyana's Ancient Harpoons travel [33|%|] farther and reduce enemies' Impairment Resistance by [50|%|] for [5] seconds.
Ranks: 1
Varyana's Ancient Harpoons additionally Slow enemies by [40|%|] for 3 seconds. During this time, you gain [30|%x|] Lucky Hit Chance against those targets.
Ranks: 1
Ancient Harpoons
Cooldown: 0 seconds
Varyana launches three harpoons ahead of her, piercing enemies for 140%{else}heavy Physical damage. She then rips them back, Pulling In and Stunning enemies for 2 seconds.
Ranks: 1
Taste of Flesh
When you or Varyana deal direct damage to an enemy inflicted with any of her Bleeding effects, you Heal for [1|%|] of your Maximum Life ([Max(1,{heal:HEAL_INSTANT})|0|]).
Ranks: 1
No Escape
Varyana's Whirlwind Pulls In enemies every [1.5|1|] |4second;seconds and gains [60|%|] Size.
Ranks: 1
Varyana's Bloodthirst further increases your Attack Speed by [5|+%|].
Ranks: 1
While Varyana has Bloodthirst, enemies around her deal [10|%|] reduced damage.
Ranks: 1
Varyana's Cleave inflicts Vulnerable on enemies for 3 seconds.
Ranks: 1
You gain [1|1%+|] Attack Speed for 5 seconds whenever Varyana damages an enemy, up to [10|1%+|].
Ranks: 1
Cooldown: 0 seconds
Varyana spins violently in a line, repeatedly dealing 65%{else}moderate Physical damage and 30%{else}light Bleeding damage over 5 seconds.
Ranks: 1
Cooldown: 0 seconds
Varyana swings two axes in an arc in front of her, dealing 60%{else}moderate Physical damage and 24%{else}minor Bleeding damage over 4 seconds.

Selecting a Mercenary Core Skill alters their wielded Weapon and Basic Attack.
Weapon: Dual Axes
Basic Attack: Double Strike
Varyana slashes enemies with dual axes, dealing 58%{else}moderate Physical damage. She has a [45]% chance to also deal 24%{else}minor Bleeding damage over 3 seconds.
Ranks: 1
Cooldown: 0 seconds
Varyana slams the ground for a brutal shockwave in front of her, dealing 80%{else}moderate Physical damage and Knocking Down enemies for 1.5 seconds.

Selecting a Mercenary Core Skill alters their wielded Weapon and Basic Attack.
Weapon: Two-Handed Mace
Basic Attack: Heavy Strike
Varyana batters enemies with a mace, dealing 80%{else}moderate Physical damage with [20%|+%|] increased Critical Strike Chance.
Ranks: 1
Cooldown: 0 seconds
Varyana enters Bloodthirst, gaining [30|+%|] Attack Speed, [200|+%|] Movement Speed, and Unstoppable for 7 seconds.

Varyana's Bloodthirst grants [10|+%|] Attack Speed to you for the same duration.
Ranks: 1