World Boss /1
name | date |
TBD | 2024-10-05 22:30:00 |
World Boss Quest /3
label | name |
id | Quest_Bounty_WE_Tier3_Frac_Boss |
Name | World Boss |
Toast | Ashava the Pestilent, Avarice the Gold-cursed, and the Wandering Death have occasionally been seen at this location. |
"Name": "World Boss",
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World Boss Quest /3
label | name |
id | Quest_Bounty_WE_Tier3_Hawe_Boss |
Name | World Boss |
Toast | Ashava the Pestilent, Avarice the Gold-cursed, and the Wandering Death have occasionally been seen at this location. |
"Name": "World Boss",
"Toast": "Ashava the Pestilent, Avarice the Gold-cursed, and the Wandering Death have occasionally been seen at this location.",
"Callback4Header": "Slay the World Boss"
References to this File
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World Boss Quest /3
label | name |
id | Quest_Bounty_WE_Tier3_Kehj_Boss |
Name | World Boss |
Toast | Ashava the Pestilent, Avarice the Gold-cursed, and the Wandering Death have occasionally been seen at this location. |
"Name": "World Boss",
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World Boss Quest /3
label | name |
id | Quest_Bounty_WE_Tier3_Naha_Boss |
Name | World Boss |
Toast | Ashava the Pestilent, Avarice the Gold-cursed, and the Wandering Death have occasionally been seen at this location. |
"Name": "World Boss",
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World Boss Quest /3
label | name |
id | Quest_Bounty_WE_Tier3_Scos_Boss |
Name | World Boss |
Toast | Ashava the Pestilent, Avarice the Gold-cursed, and the Wandering Death have occasionally been seen at this location. |
"Name": "World Boss",
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World Boss Quest /3
label | name |
id | Quest_Bounty_WE_Tier3_Step_Boss |
Name | World Boss |
Toast | Ashava the Pestilent, Avarice the Gold-cursed, and the Wandering Death have occasionally been seen at this location. |
"Name": "World Boss",
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World Boss