{ "__fileName__": "enUS_Text/meta/StringList/Seasonal_Vampire_UI.stl", "arStrings": [ { "szLabel": "AvailablePacts", "szText": "Pacts:", "hLabel": 4269588732 }, { "szLabel": "PactValue", "szText": "{c_number}{s2}{/c}{c_number_req}/{s1}{/c}", "hLabel": 1464686693 }, { "szLabel": "Medallion_TotalSeals", "szText": "Vampiric Powers", "hLabel": 835513328 }, { "szLabel": "Medallion_ActiveSeals", "szText": "Active:", "hLabel": 2570473384 }, { "szLabel": "Medallion_InactiveSeals", "szText": "Inactive:", "hLabel": 127146559 }, { "szLabel": "UpgradeSeal_BTN", "szText": "Spend: {c_number}{s1}{/c} (of {s2}) {icon:Potent_Blood_Icon, 2.0} ", "hLabel": 3273513104 }, { "szLabel": "UpgradeSeal_HeaderTitle", "szText": "Spend Potent Blood to upgrade or unlock powers.", "hLabel": 3380431831 }, { "szLabel": "UpgradeSeal_CurrencyValue", "szText": "Total {icon:Potent_Blood_Icon, 2.0} {s1}", "hLabel": 199344404 }, { "szLabel": "UpgradeSeal_AllocateXP", "szText": "Allocate XP", "hLabel": 3208414201 }, { "szLabel": "UpgradeSeal_CurrentLevel_Title", "szText": "Current Level: {c_number}{s1}{/c}", "hLabel": 2526408680 }, { "szLabel": "UpgradeSeal_Description", "szText": "Choose to apply XP towards unlocking or upgrading a Vampiric Power.", "hLabel": 3422335984 }, { "szLabel": "UpgradeSeal_PanelTitle", "szText": "Choose One", "hLabel": 3884968286 }, { "szLabel": "UpgradeSeal_AvailableXP_Description", "szText": "Select a Vampiric Power to unlock or upgrade by {c_number}{s1} XP.{/c}", "hLabel": 3584144696 }, { "szLabel": "CurrentSeal_XPAmount", "szText": "{c_number}{s1}{/c} {c_number_req}/ {s2} XP{/c}", "hLabel": 3382951267 }, { "szLabel": "UpgradeSeal_SealLevel", "szText": "{s1}", "hLabel": 1415435945 }, { "szLabel": "XPAmount", "szText": "{s1}XP", "hLabel": 1452150844 }, { "szLabel": "UpgradeSeal_Warning", "szText": "You will not be able to cancel or reroll your Vampiric Power choices once you have paid the cost.", "hLabel": 2100500834 }, { "szLabel": "BloodSeal_Tootip_Header", "szText": "Vampiric Power", "hLabel": 2925508571 }, { "szLabel": "BloodSeal_Tooltip_ActivationCost", "szText": "Activation Cost:", "hLabel": 3276874377 }, { "szLabel": "BloodSeal_Tooltip_Instructions", "szText": "Place into the Sanguine Circle", "hLabel": 1838537555 }, { "szLabel": "BloodSeal_Tooltip_NotUnlocked", "szText": "Not Yet Unlocked", "hLabel": 3394689604 }, { "szLabel": "SinglePactAmount", "szText": "{s1}", "hLabel": 773284478 }, { "szLabel": "Vamptide_Name", "szText": "Blood Harvest", "hLabel": 1657719450 }, { "szLabel": "SanguineCircle_Inventory_TabIcon", "szText": "{icon:VampireCircleTabIcon, 3.3}", "hLabel": 1916291000 }, { "szLabel": "AlterCircle", "szText": "Alter Sanguine Circle", "hLabel": 1895571594 }, { "szLabel": "BloodSeal_Equip", "szText": "Equip", "hLabel": 3854206008 }, { "szLabel": "BloodSeal_Unequip", "szText": "Unequip", "hLabel": 99861147 }, { "szLabel": "BloodSeal_Tooltip_Inactive", "szText": "Insufficient Pacts to Activate", "hLabel": 598966257 }, { "szLabel": "BloodSeal_Tooltip_Equipped", "szText": "Equipped", "hLabel": 2293009499 }, { "szLabel": "PactArmor_Tooltip_PactsGranted", "szText": "Pacts Granted {c_number_req}({/c}{s1}{c_number_req}/{s2}){/c}:", "hLabel": 3961200562 }, { "szLabel": "Medallion_Pact_Tooltip_Divinity", "szText": "Pact of Divinity", "hLabel": 3547666869 }, { "szLabel": "Medallion_Pact_Tooltip_Eternity", "szText": "Pact of Eternity", "hLabel": 3883054265 }, { "szLabel": "Medallion_Pact_Tooltip_Ferocity", "szText": "Pact of Ferocity", "hLabel": 1864480970 }, { "szLabel": "PotentBlood_Currency_Tooltip", "szText": "{s1} Potent Blood (Unlocks or Upgrades Vampiric Powers)", "hLabel": 721523582 }, { "szLabel": "PowersStateValue", "szText": "{s1}", "hLabel": 2805377502 }, { "szLabel": "PactChangeNotificationHeader", "szText": "Pacts Updated", "hLabel": 2037572734 }, { "szLabel": "PactChangeNotificationMessage", "szText": "Go to the Sanguine Circle", "hLabel": 704677050 }, { "szLabel": "Locked", "szText": "Locked", "hLabel": 66970098 }, { "szLabel": "BloodSeal_Tooltip_Power_Level", "szText": "Level {s1}", "hLabel": 2210998946 }, { "szLabel": "BloodSeal_Tooltip_Power_Level_Max", "szText": "Max Level", "hLabel": 1140301895 }, { "szLabel": "AvailablePacts_Descriptor", "szText": "{c_number_req}{c_number}Available{/c} / Required{/c}", "hLabel": 757391322 }, { "szLabel": "BloodSeal_Tooltip_Unlock_Roll", "szText": "Acquired with Potent Blood", "hLabel": 3963074370 }, { "szLabel": "BloodSeal_Tooltip_Unlock_Quest_Generic", "szText": "Acquired from Seasonal Quest", "hLabel": 3770529047 }, { "szLabel": "BloodSeal_Tooltip_Unlock_BloodHarvest", "szText": "Acquired from the Blood Harvest", "hLabel": 1951563830 }, { "szLabel": "UpgradeSeal_FullUpgrades", "szText": "{c_highlight}All powers are fully upgraded{/c}", "hLabel": 3385931930 }, { "szLabel": "UpgradeSeal_Complete", "szText": "Your Vampiric Power has been upgraded.", "hLabel": 3634158949 }, { "szLabel": "ArmorPact_ToolTip_Divinity", "szText": "Pact of Divinity 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"BloodSeal_Tooltip_Unlock_Quest_06", "szText": "Acquired from \"Beckoning Thirst\" (Quest)", "hLabel": 4125943168 }, { "szLabel": "BloodSeal_Tooltip_Unlock_Quest_09", "szText": "Acquired from \"Battle of Fear and Faith\" (Quest)", "hLabel": 4125943171 }, { "szLabel": "BloodSeal_Tooltip_Unlock_Quest_11", "szText": "Acquired from \"A Serpent Cornered\" (Quest)", "hLabel": 4125943196 }, { "szLabel": "BloodSeal_Tooltip_UnlockText_PH", "szText": "[PH] Unlock by defeating Lord Zir.", "hLabel": 199070342 }, { "szLabel": "Upgrade_Equipped_Indicator", "szText": "{c_bonus}Currently Equipped{/c}", "hLabel": 3132448608 } ], "ptMapStringTable": "0" }