References to other File
  • MaterialValue/Alpha Brightness Global
  • MaterialValue/Color Hitflash Enabled
  • MaterialValue/Vertex Normal Offset Intensity - Vertex Animation
  • MaterialValue/Noise Multiply Contrast Factor - Vertex Animation
  • MaterialValue/Vertex Normal Clamp Min to 0 - Vertex Anim
  • MaterialValue/World X Offset - Vertex Anim
  • MaterialValue/World Y Offset - Vertex Anim
  • MaterialValue/World Z Offset - Vertex Anim
  • MaterialValue/Wind Direction Offset (Meters) - Vertex Anim
  • MaterialValue/Hair Scattering
  • MaterialValue/Hair Roughness
  • MaterialValue/Hair Noise Scale
  • MaterialValue/Hair Highlight Shift
  • MaterialValue/zSwitch UVsets Noise 3
  • MaterialValue/zSwitch UVsets Noise 4
  • MaterialValue/zSwitch UVsets Mask 1
  • MaterialValue/Wetness Bias
  • MaterialValue/Dithered Alpha Noise Range Scale
  • MaterialValue/zSwitch Actor Offset Space
  • MaterialValue/AO Multiplier
  • MaterialValue/Hair Specular Reflectance
  • MaterialValue/Fresnel Double Sided
  • MaterialValue/Use Hit Flash Proximity Mask
  • MaterialValue/Hit Flash Proximity Distance
  • MaterialValue/Cylindrical UV Projection Direction
  • MaterialValue/Invert Cylindrical UVs
  • MaterialValue/Override Falloff Bias
  • MaterialValue/Override Falloff Height
  • MaterialValue/Enable Override Falloff
  • MaterialValue/Bloodiness Bias
  • MaterialValue/Hit Flash NormalMap Influence
  • MaterialValue/Hair Roughness Source
  • MaterialValue/Blood Color
  • Texture/fxKit_buffs_demonic_mask
  • Texture/npcM_001_HAR_mask
  • Texture/Scos_BurningCoals_Torch_Normal
  • Texture/tileableGoop_Normal
  • Texture/hero_blood_tiling
  • Texture/solid_white
  • Texture/CharacterSnow_Mask
  • Texture/CharacterSnow_Normal
  • Texture/default_aniso_hair_flow
  • 1238127
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