{ "MenuLabel": "TBD", "Line1.BD31C": "Sanktuario war als Flucht aus dem Ewigen Konflikt gedacht … und doch sind wir erneut mittendrin …", "Line7.BD31C": "Ich habe Euch freien Willen gegeben … und Ihr habt ihn vergeudet … an einen Kreuzzug, den Ihr nicht versteht …", "Line11.BD31C": "Ihr habt Tyrannei gewählt, als ich Frieden anbot. Ein schwaches Vermächtnis für meine Gabe.", "Line13.BD31C": "Ohne mich … hättet Ihr keinen Sieg errungen. Und er dürfte mehr kosten als Ihr … bereit seid zu geben.", "Line1.BD31C.F": "Sanktuario war als Flucht aus dem Ewigen Konflikt gedacht … und doch sind wir erneut mittendrin …", "Line11.BD31C.F": "Ihr habt Tyrannei gewählt, als ich Frieden anbot. Ein schwaches Vermächtnis für meine Gabe.", "Line13.BD31C.F": "Ohne mich … hättet Ihr keinen Sieg errungen. Und er dürfte mehr kosten als Ihr … bereit seid zu geben.", "Line7.BD31C.F": "Ich habe Euch freien Willen gegeben … und Ihr habt ihn vergeudet … an einen Kreuzzug, den Ihr nicht versteht …" }
Audio /4
play content
Sanctuary was meant as an escape from the eternal conflict. And yet, here we are again.
I gave you free will. And you've squandered it, wasting it on a crusade you don't understand.
You chose tyranny. When offered freedom, a poor legacy for my gift.
Without me, you would have no victory. And its cost will be more than you can pay.
References to this File
{ "__fileName__": "base/meta/Conversation/QST_Hell_City_Cine_BLD.cnv", "eConvType": 3, "unk_b7531ee": 0, "flCooldownTime": 0, "flCancelDistance": 0, "bFadeAtStart": false, "bFadeAtEnd": false, "bJournalVO": false, "unk_ac91f5d": true, "unk_e1d8535": true, "bBookendConversation": false, "bIsInterruptible": false, "tRequirementsToBeActive": { "arSeasons": [] }, "dwFlags": 128, "arRootNodes": [ { "dwType": 2571982133, "dwPad": 0, "dwNodeID": 1, "dwNextNodeID": 7, "dwParentNodeID": 0, "ptNextNode": "0", "dwFlags": 0, "szComment": "", "arChildNodes": [ { "dwType": 3220679561, "dwPad": 0, "dwNodeID": 2, "dwNextNodeID": 7, "dwParentNodeID": 1, "ptNextNode": "0", "dwFlags": 0, "szComment": "INT. THRONE ROOM IN THE CITADEL OF HATRED The boss fight with LILITH has ended and she has already returned to her base form. We can hear Lilith's harsh breathing before we see her. When we do see LILITH, she's on her knees and wounded. Clearly near death, her shoulders visibly rise and fall, and one of her wings is broken. Her gown is soaked through with blood, in a worse state than when we last saw it prior to the boss fight.", "snoSpeaker": "Speaker/NPC_QST_Lilith", "eSpeakerTarget": 0, "eGender": -1, "ePlayerClass": -1, "tDisplayTimes": [ { "flDisplayTime": [ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ] }, { "flDisplayTime": [ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ] }, { "flDisplayTime": [ 14.28614616394043, 14.28614616394043, 14.28614616394043, 14.28614616394043, 14.28614616394043, 14.28614616394043, 14.28614616394043, 14.28614616394043, 14.28614616394043, 14.28614616394043 ] }, { "flDisplayTime": [ 14.28614616394043, 14.28614616394043, 14.28614616394043, 14.28614616394043, 14.28614616394043, 14.28614616394043, 14.28614616394043, 14.28614616394043, 14.28614616394043, 14.28614616394043 ] }, { "flDisplayTime": [ 14.28614616394043, 14.28614616394043, 14.28614616394043, 14.28614616394043, 14.28614616394043, 14.28614616394043, 14.28614616394043, 14.28614616394043, 14.28614616394043, 14.28614616394043 ] }, { "flDisplayTime": [ 14.28614616394043, 14.28614616394043, 14.28614616394043, 14.28614616394043, 14.28614616394043, 14.28614616394043, 14.28614616394043, 14.28614616394043, 14.28614616394043, 14.28614616394043 ] }, { "flDisplayTime": [ 14.28614616394043, 14.28614616394043, 14.28614616394043, 14.28614616394043, 14.28614616394043, 14.28614616394043, 14.28614616394043, 14.28614616394043, 14.28614616394043, 14.28614616394043 ] }, { "flDisplayTime": [ 14.28614616394043, 14.28614616394043, 14.28614616394043, 14.28614616394043, 14.28614616394043, 14.28614616394043, 14.28614616394043, 14.28614616394043, 14.28614616394043, 14.28614616394043 ] }, { "flDisplayTime": [ 14.31177043914795, 14.31177043914795, 14.31177043914795, 14.31177043914795, 14.31177043914795, 14.31177043914795, 14.31177043914795, 14.31177043914795, 14.31177043914795, 14.31177043914795 ] }, { "flDisplayTime": [ 14.28614616394043, 14.28614616394043, 14.28614616394043, 14.28614616394043, 14.28614616394043, 14.28614616394043, 14.28614616394043, 14.28614616394043, 14.28614616394043, 14.28614616394043 ] }, { "flDisplayTime": [ 14.28614616394043, 14.28614616394043, 14.28614616394043, 14.28614616394043, 14.28614616394043, 14.28614616394043, 14.28614616394043, 14.28614616394043, 14.28614616394043, 14.28614616394043 ] }, { "flDisplayTime": [ 14.192500114440918, 14.192500114440918, 14.192500114440918, 14.192500114440918, 14.192500114440918, 14.192500114440918, 14.192500114440918, 14.192500114440918, 14.192500114440918, 14.192500114440918 ] }, { "flDisplayTime": [ 14.106103897094727, 14.106103897094727, 14.106103897094727, 14.106103897094727, 14.106103897094727, 14.106103897094727, 14.106103897094727, 14.106103897094727, 14.106103897094727, 14.106103897094727 ] }, { "flDisplayTime": [ 14.330353736877441, 14.330353736877441, 14.330353736877441, 14.330353736877441, 14.330353736877441, 14.330353736877441, 14.330353736877441, 14.330353736877441, 14.330353736877441, 14.330353736877441 ] }, { "flDisplayTime": [ 14.28614616394043, 14.28614616394043, 14.28614616394043, 14.28614616394043, 14.28614616394043, 14.28614616394043, 14.28614616394043, 14.28614616394043, 14.28614616394043, 14.28614616394043 ] }, { "flDisplayTime": [ 14.28614616394043, 14.28614616394043, 14.28614616394043, 14.28614616394043, 14.28614616394043, 14.28614616394043, 14.28614616394043, 14.28614616394043, 14.28614616394043, 14.28614616394043 ] }, { "flDisplayTime": [ 14.28614616394043, 14.28614616394043, 14.28614616394043, 14.28614616394043, 14.28614616394043, 14.28614616394043, 14.28614616394043, 14.28614616394043, 14.28614616394043, 14.28614616394043 ] }, { "flDisplayTime": [ 14.28614616394043, 14.28614616394043, 14.28614616394043, 14.28614616394043, 14.28614616394043, 14.28614616394043, 14.28614616394043, 14.28614616394043, 14.28614616394043, 14.28614616394043 ] }, { "flDisplayTime": [ 14.28614616394043, 14.28614616394043, 14.28614616394043, 14.28614616394043, 14.28614616394043, 14.28614616394043, 14.28614616394043, 14.28614616394043, 14.28614616394043, 14.28614616394043 ] } ], "snoSoundOverride": "Sound/Play_EXT_Voice_Cinematic_IGC_0db_2d", "flSoundEffectDuration": 1, "unk_357a6f3": false } ], "unk_d8bf9e4": false, "snoSpeaker": "Speaker/NPC_QST_Lilith", "fIsSkipPoint": false, "unk_ecabee0": true, "unk_2e54e3c": false, "flDurationAdjustment": 0.5, "arListenerReactions": [], "unk_aae0113": [], "unk_f95422b": [], "unk_b882e13": true, "unk_748463e": true, "unk_76d4bd": true }, { "dwType": 2571982133, "dwPad": 0, "dwNodeID": 7, "dwNextNodeID": 11, "dwParentNodeID": 0, "ptNextNode": "0", "dwFlags": 0, "szComment": "", "arChildNodes": [ { "dwType": 3220679561, "dwPad": 0, "dwNodeID": 8, "dwNextNodeID": 11, "dwParentNodeID": 7, "ptNextNode": "0", "dwFlags": 0, "szComment": "She is near the end and both she and the player know it. She grimaces again and we hear the PLAYER'S FOOTSTEPS as they walk toward her. Lilith lifts her head. She looks pained and angry. When she speaks, she's barely paying attention to the player.", "snoSpeaker": "Speaker/NPC_QST_Lilith", "eSpeakerTarget": 0, "eGender": -1, "ePlayerClass": -1, "tDisplayTimes": [ { "flDisplayTime": [ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ] }, { "flDisplayTime": [ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ] }, { "flDisplayTime": [ 14.933333396911621, 14.933333396911621, 14.933333396911621, 14.933333396911621, 14.933333396911621, 14.933333396911621, 14.933333396911621, 14.933333396911621, 14.933333396911621, 14.933333396911621 ] }, { "flDisplayTime": [ 14.933333396911621, 14.933333396911621, 14.933333396911621, 14.933333396911621, 14.933333396911621, 14.933333396911621, 14.933333396911621, 14.933333396911621, 14.933333396911621, 14.933333396911621 ] }, { "flDisplayTime": [ 14.933333396911621, 14.933333396911621, 14.933333396911621, 14.933333396911621, 14.933333396911621, 14.933333396911621, 14.933333396911621, 14.933333396911621, 14.933333396911621, 14.933333396911621 ] }, { "flDisplayTime": [ 14.933333396911621, 14.933333396911621, 14.933333396911621, 14.933333396911621, 14.933333396911621, 14.933333396911621, 14.933333396911621, 14.933333396911621, 14.933333396911621, 14.933333396911621 ] }, { "flDisplayTime": [ 14.93331241607666, 14.93331241607666, 14.93331241607666, 14.93331241607666, 14.93331241607666, 14.93331241607666, 14.93331241607666, 14.93331241607666, 14.93331241607666, 14.93331241607666 ] }, { "flDisplayTime": [ 14.933333396911621, 14.933333396911621, 14.933333396911621, 14.933333396911621, 14.933333396911621, 14.933333396911621, 14.933333396911621, 14.933333396911621, 14.933333396911621, 14.933333396911621 ] }, { "flDisplayTime": [ 14.933333396911621, 14.933333396911621, 14.933333396911621, 14.933333396911621, 14.933333396911621, 14.933333396911621, 14.933333396911621, 14.933333396911621, 14.933333396911621, 14.933333396911621 ] }, { "flDisplayTime": [ 14.933333396911621, 14.933333396911621, 14.933333396911621, 14.933333396911621, 14.933333396911621, 14.933333396911621, 14.933333396911621, 14.933333396911621, 14.933333396911621, 14.933333396911621 ] }, { "flDisplayTime": [ 14.933333396911621, 14.933333396911621, 14.933333396911621, 14.933333396911621, 14.933333396911621, 14.933333396911621, 14.933333396911621, 14.933333396911621, 14.933333396911621, 14.933333396911621 ] }, { "flDisplayTime": [ 14.93331241607666, 14.93331241607666, 14.93331241607666, 14.93331241607666, 14.93331241607666, 14.93331241607666, 14.93331241607666, 14.93331241607666, 14.93331241607666, 14.93331241607666 ] }, { "flDisplayTime": [ 14.933333396911621, 14.933333396911621, 14.933333396911621, 14.933333396911621, 14.933333396911621, 14.933333396911621, 14.933333396911621, 14.933333396911621, 14.933333396911621, 14.933333396911621 ] }, { "flDisplayTime": [ 14.933333396911621, 14.933333396911621, 14.933333396911621, 14.933333396911621, 14.933333396911621, 14.933333396911621, 14.933333396911621, 14.933333396911621, 14.933333396911621, 14.933333396911621 ] }, { "flDisplayTime": [ 14.933333396911621, 14.933333396911621, 14.933333396911621, 14.933333396911621, 14.933333396911621, 14.933333396911621, 14.933333396911621, 14.933333396911621, 14.933333396911621, 14.933333396911621 ] }, { "flDisplayTime": [ 14.933333396911621, 14.933333396911621, 14.933333396911621, 14.933333396911621, 14.933333396911621, 14.933333396911621, 14.933333396911621, 14.933333396911621, 14.933333396911621, 14.933333396911621 ] }, { "flDisplayTime": [ 14.933333396911621, 14.933333396911621, 14.933333396911621, 14.933333396911621, 14.933333396911621, 14.933333396911621, 14.933333396911621, 14.933333396911621, 14.933333396911621, 14.933333396911621 ] }, { "flDisplayTime": [ 14.933333396911621, 14.933333396911621, 14.933333396911621, 14.933333396911621, 14.933333396911621, 14.933333396911621, 14.933333396911621, 14.933333396911621, 14.933333396911621, 14.933333396911621 ] }, { "flDisplayTime": [ 14.933333396911621, 14.933333396911621, 14.933333396911621, 14.933333396911621, 14.933333396911621, 14.933333396911621, 14.933333396911621, 14.933333396911621, 14.933333396911621, 14.933333396911621 ] } ], "snoSoundOverride": "Sound/Play_EXT_Voice_Cinematic_IGC_0db_2d", "flSoundEffectDuration": 1, "unk_357a6f3": false } ], "unk_d8bf9e4": false, "snoSpeaker": "Speaker/NPC_QST_Lilith", "fIsSkipPoint": false, "unk_ecabee0": true, "unk_2e54e3c": false, "flDurationAdjustment": 0.5, "arListenerReactions": [], "unk_aae0113": [], "unk_f95422b": [], "unk_b882e13": true, "unk_748463e": true, "unk_76d4bd": true }, { "dwType": 2571982133, "dwPad": 0, "dwNodeID": 11, "dwNextNodeID": 13, "dwParentNodeID": 0, "ptNextNode": "0", "dwFlags": 0, "szComment": "", "arChildNodes": [ { "dwType": 3220679561, "dwPad": 0, "dwNodeID": 12, "dwNextNodeID": 13, "dwParentNodeID": 11, "ptNextNode": "0", "dwFlags": 0, "szComment": "The grief on her face is momentary, but palpable. She raises a hand to the player, almost an invitation. Her grief is gone, subsumed by wrath. She has made Sanctuary and the player has doomed it. ", "snoSpeaker": "Speaker/NPC_QST_Lilith", "eSpeakerTarget": 0, "eGender": -1, "ePlayerClass": -1, "tDisplayTimes": [ { "flDisplayTime": [ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ] }, { "flDisplayTime": [ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ] }, { "flDisplayTime": [ 8.966666221618652, 8.966666221618652, 8.966666221618652, 8.966666221618652, 8.966666221618652, 8.966666221618652, 8.966666221618652, 8.966666221618652, 8.966666221618652, 8.966666221618652 ] }, { "flDisplayTime": [ 8.966666221618652, 8.966666221618652, 8.966666221618652, 8.966666221618652, 8.966666221618652, 8.966666221618652, 8.966666221618652, 8.966666221618652, 8.966666221618652, 8.966666221618652 ] }, { "flDisplayTime": [ 8.966666221618652, 8.966666221618652, 8.966666221618652, 8.966666221618652, 8.966666221618652, 8.966666221618652, 8.966666221618652, 8.966666221618652, 8.966666221618652, 8.966666221618652 ] }, { "flDisplayTime": [ 8.966666221618652, 8.966666221618652, 8.966666221618652, 8.966666221618652, 8.966666221618652, 8.966666221618652, 8.966666221618652, 8.966666221618652, 8.966666221618652, 8.966666221618652 ] }, { "flDisplayTime": [ 8.966666221618652, 8.966666221618652, 8.966666221618652, 8.966666221618652, 8.966666221618652, 8.966666221618652, 8.966666221618652, 8.966666221618652, 8.966666221618652, 8.966666221618652 ] }, { "flDisplayTime": [ 8.966666221618652, 8.966666221618652, 8.966666221618652, 8.966666221618652, 8.966666221618652, 8.966666221618652, 8.966666221618652, 8.966666221618652, 8.966666221618652, 8.966666221618652 ] }, { "flDisplayTime": [ 9.346208572387695, 9.346208572387695, 9.346208572387695, 9.346208572387695, 9.346208572387695, 9.346208572387695, 9.346208572387695, 9.346208572387695, 9.346208572387695, 9.346208572387695 ] }, { "flDisplayTime": [ 8.966666221618652, 8.966666221618652, 8.966666221618652, 8.966666221618652, 8.966666221618652, 8.966666221618652, 8.966666221618652, 8.966666221618652, 8.966666221618652, 8.966666221618652 ] }, { "flDisplayTime": [ 8.966666221618652, 8.966666221618652, 8.966666221618652, 8.966666221618652, 8.966666221618652, 8.966666221618652, 8.966666221618652, 8.966666221618652, 8.966666221618652, 8.966666221618652 ] }, { "flDisplayTime": [ 8.966646194458008, 8.966646194458008, 8.966646194458008, 8.966646194458008, 8.966646194458008, 8.966646194458008, 8.966646194458008, 8.966646194458008, 8.966646194458008, 8.966646194458008 ] }, { "flDisplayTime": [ 9.017958641052246, 9.017958641052246, 9.017958641052246, 9.017958641052246, 9.017958641052246, 9.017958641052246, 9.017958641052246, 9.017958641052246, 9.017958641052246, 9.017958641052246 ] }, { "flDisplayTime": [ 8.966666221618652, 8.966666221618652, 8.966666221618652, 8.966666221618652, 8.966666221618652, 8.966666221618652, 8.966666221618652, 8.966666221618652, 8.966666221618652, 8.966666221618652 ] }, { "flDisplayTime": [ 8.966666221618652, 8.966666221618652, 8.966666221618652, 8.966666221618652, 8.966666221618652, 8.966666221618652, 8.966666221618652, 8.966666221618652, 8.966666221618652, 8.966666221618652 ] }, { "flDisplayTime": [ 8.966666221618652, 8.966666221618652, 8.966666221618652, 8.966666221618652, 8.966666221618652, 8.966666221618652, 8.966666221618652, 8.966666221618652, 8.966666221618652, 8.966666221618652 ] }, { "flDisplayTime": [ 8.966666221618652, 8.966666221618652, 8.966666221618652, 8.966666221618652, 8.966666221618652, 8.966666221618652, 8.966666221618652, 8.966666221618652, 8.966666221618652, 8.966666221618652 ] }, { "flDisplayTime": [ 8.966666221618652, 8.966666221618652, 8.966666221618652, 8.966666221618652, 8.966666221618652, 8.966666221618652, 8.966666221618652, 8.966666221618652, 8.966666221618652, 8.966666221618652 ] }, { "flDisplayTime": [ 8.966666221618652, 8.966666221618652, 8.966666221618652, 8.966666221618652, 8.966666221618652, 8.966666221618652, 8.966666221618652, 8.966666221618652, 8.966666221618652, 8.966666221618652 ] } ], "snoSoundOverride": "Sound/Play_EXT_Voice_Cinematic_IGC_0db_2d", "flSoundEffectDuration": 1, "unk_357a6f3": false } ], "unk_d8bf9e4": false, "snoSpeaker": "Speaker/NPC_QST_Lilith", "fIsSkipPoint": false, "unk_ecabee0": true, "unk_2e54e3c": false, "flDurationAdjustment": 0.5, "arListenerReactions": [], "unk_aae0113": [], "unk_f95422b": [], "unk_b882e13": true, "unk_748463e": true, "unk_76d4bd": true }, { "dwType": 2571982133, "dwPad": 0, "dwNodeID": 13, "dwNextNodeID": 4294967295, "dwParentNodeID": 0, "ptNextNode": "0", "dwFlags": 0, "szComment": "", "arChildNodes": [ { "dwType": 3220679561, "dwPad": 0, "dwNodeID": 14, "dwNextNodeID": 4294967295, "dwParentNodeID": 13, "ptNextNode": "0", "dwFlags": 0, "szComment": "Her fingers move just slightly and the scene FLASHES to 2D images : We see Baal, Lord of Destruction against a dark background. We CUT back to Lilith, still wrathful, still weak, then FLASH to another 2D image, this time we see Diablo, Lord of Terror. Again, we cut back to Lilith, a close up of her face. We FLASH back to one final image, a battlefield strewn with corpses. Above the battlefield is Mephisto himself, Lord of Hatred. We FLASH back this time not to Lilith but to the stained-glass window of Mephisto, the 2D flash’s image of him resolving into the glass. It's a reminder to the Player: of Mephisto’s endurance, his eternality, but of Lilith’s origins too. Like her father she is eternal, and like her father before she has lost. And perhaps, like her father, this will not be the last time humanity is forced to confront her. We hear the PLAYER'S FOOTSTEPS retreating from Lilith. Lilith looks up at the stained-glass window in her final moments, her face hard and grim, distant, and alien. Her horns disintegrate first, turning to rose petals, then to dust as they drift apart. Soon Lilith is gone and all that remains are the ashes of what used to herald her arrival. 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