{ "__fileName__": "enUS_Text/meta/StringList/MercenaryUI.stl", "arStrings": [ { "szLabel": "Mercenary_UnlockDescription", "szText": "Find Mercenaries across Sanctuary to gain access to their perk, profession, and companionship.", "hLabel": 461460981 }, { "szLabel": "Browse Mercenaries", "szText": "Browse Mercenaries", "hLabel": 3413413728 }, { "szLabel": "MercenaryTab_Overview", "szText": "Overview", "hLabel": 832379827 }, { "szLabel": "MercenaryTab_Skills", "szText": "Skills", "hLabel": 810926126 }, { "szLabel": "MercenaryTab_Reinforcement", "szText": "Reinforcement", "hLabel": 251715597 }, { "szLabel": "Mercenary_InParty", "szText": "In Your Party", "hLabel": 4226034220 }, { "szLabel": "Mercenary_Perk", "szText": "Perk", "hLabel": 2102129047 }, { "szLabel": "Mercenary_Profession", "szText": "Profession", "hLabel": 2633661421 }, { "szLabel": "MercenaryButton_Hire", "szText": "Hire Mercenary", "hLabel": 2413959753 }, { "szLabel": "MercenaryButton_Remove", "szText": "Remove from Party", "hLabel": 668631311 }, { "szLabel": "Mercenary_BasicSkill", "szText": "Basic Skill", "hLabel": 996827174 }, { "szLabel": "Mercenary_CoreSkill", "szText": "Core Skill", "hLabel": 1514447725 }, { "szLabel": "Mercenary_IconicSkill", "szText": "Iconic Skill", "hLabel": 3402142521 }, { "szLabel": "Mercenaries", "szText": "Mercenaries", "hLabel": 66132398 }, { "szLabel": "MercenaryInstructions_Profession", "szText": "Visit {s1} in the Mercenary Den {icon:Marker_MercenaryHideout, 2.4} to access their profession.", "hLabel": 2085333634 }, { "szLabel": "ModalDescription_RemoveFromParty", "szText": "Are you sure you want to remove {s1} from your party? You will need to return to the Den to add a Mercenary back to your party.", "hLabel": 1954746658 }, { "szLabel": "TooltipDescription_VisitHideoutToHire", "szText": "Visit the Den {icon:Marker_MercenaryHideout, 2.4} to hire Mercenaries.", "hLabel": 1135757626 }, { "szLabel": "Mercenary_AvailablePoints", "szText": "Available Points", "hLabel": 3830696483 }, { "szLabel": "MercenaryButton_RefundAll", "szText": "Refund All", "hLabel": 2331426750 }, { "szLabel": "ModalDescription_RefundAllMercSkills", "szText": "All skill points will be refunded. Are you sure you want to continue?", "hLabel": 175703718 }, { "szLabel": "ModalTitle_RefundAllMercSkills", "szText": "Refund All Skills", "hLabel": 11349572 }, { "szLabel": "ModalDescription_ChangeBaseSkill", "szText": "To change {s1}’s Base Skill, all skill points will be refunded. Are you sure you want to continue?", "hLabel": 2053654128 }, { "szLabel": "ModalTitle_ChangeBaseSkill", "szText": "Change Base Skill", "hLabel": 2049789710 }, { "szLabel": "Mercenary_ReadyToClaim", "szText": "Ready to claim", "hLabel": 4169775651 }, { "szLabel": "Mercenary_CanOnlyClaimOnce", "szText": "{c_highlight}Can only claim once{/c}", "hLabel": 1203451748 }, { "szLabel": "Mercenary_FollowerNameHUD", "szText": "{s1} | {s2}", "hLabel": 3549301361 }, { "szLabel": "Mercenary_SkillExclusiveChoice", "szText": "{c_warning}You may only select one skill.{/c}", "hLabel": 2619083463 }, { "szLabel": "DismissMercenary", "szText": "Dismiss", "hLabel": 4165611746 }, { "szLabel": "Mercenary_Close", "szText": "Close", "hLabel": 635613499 }, { "szLabel": "DismissMercenaryWarningTitle", "szText": "DISMISS MERCENARY", "hLabel": 2980005562 }, { "szLabel": "DismissMercenaryWarningMessage", "szText": "You will need to return to the Den to hire this Mercenary again. Are you sure you want to dismiss {c_highlight}{s1}{/c} from your party?", "hLabel": 1917930557 }, { "szLabel": "Mercenary_UnlockDescriptionFlyout", "szText": "Find more Mercenaries across Sanctuary to gain access to their perk, profession, and companionship.", "hLabel": 2948465112 }, { "szLabel": "MercenaryTab_Rapport", "szText": "Rapport", "hLabel": 3611352324 }, { "szLabel": "Mercenary_RapportRank", "szText": "Rank {s1}", "hLabel": 2967897689 }, { "szLabel": "Tooltip_Overview_PlaystyleTitle", "szText": "Playstyles", "hLabel": 724770825 }, { "szLabel": "ModalTitle_Reinforcements", "szText": "Reinforcement", "hLabel": 1100135922 }, { "szLabel": "Reinforcements_BottomTitle_Mercenaries", "szText": "I. Select Mercenary", "hLabel": 3676708679 }, { "szLabel": "Reinforcements_BottomTitle_Skills", "szText": "Select a Skill", "hLabel": 1457049035 }, { "szLabel": "Reinforcements_BottomText_Mercenaries", "szText": "(PH) Choose a Mercenary as a reinforcement. They will appear during combat and perform their skill in critical moments. You cannot choose a Mercenary that is currently hired. (PH) You gain Rapport with your Reinforcement at a 50% rate.", "hLabel": 3844036682 }, { "szLabel": "Reinforcements_BottomText_Skills", "szText": "(PH) The Mercenary assigned as a reinforcement will come to aid in critical situations and perform this skill. Your hired mercenary and your reinforcement must be different characters. (PH) You gain Rapport with your Reinforcement at a 50% rate.", "hLabel": 567711982 }, { "szLabel": "Reinforcements_Disable", "szText": "Disable Reinforcements", "hLabel": 2418162839 }, { "szLabel": "Reinforcements_Select_Skill", "szText": "Select Skill", "hLabel": 403465569 }, { "szLabel": "Reinforcements_Select_Mercenary", "szText": "Select Mercenary", "hLabel": 3282669992 }, { "szLabel": "Reinforcements_Apply", "szText": "Apply", "hLabel": 1927505577 }, { "szLabel": "Reinforcements_MercNode_NoMercenary", "szText": "(PH) A Mercenary can be assigned as a Reinforcement. This Mercenary will come to your aid in critical situations. {icon:bullet, 1.2} You cannot choose a Mercenary that is currently hired. {icon:bullet, 1.2} Reinforcements remain active upon joining a party, while hired Mercenaries deactivate. {icon:bullet, 1.2} If you have no Reinforcement assigned when you join a party, your hired Mercenary will become your Reinforcement by default. {icon:bullet, 1.2} You gain 50% Rapport with Reinforcements.", "hLabel": 2824599378 }, { "szLabel": "Reinforcements_SkillNode_NoSkill", "szText": "Assign a Mercenary Skill for the Reinforcement to perform.", "hLabel": 3936782307 }, { "szLabel": "Reinforcements_MercNode_HasMercenary", "szText": "(PH) A Mercenary can be assigned as a Reinforcement. This Mercenary will come to your aid in critical situations. {icon:bullet, 1.2} You cannot choose a Mercenary that is currently hired. {icon:bullet, 1.2} Reinforcements remain active upon joining a party, while hired Mercenaries deactivate. {icon:bullet, 1.2} If you have no Reinforcement assigned when you join a party, your hired Mercenary will become your Reinforcement by default. {icon:bullet, 1.2} You gain Rapport with your Reinforcement at a 50% rate.", "hLabel": 2101551313 }, { "szLabel": "Reinforcements_BottomTitle_Opportunity", "szText": "Select an Opportunity", "hLabel": 881631958 }, { "szLabel": "Reinforcements_BottomText_Opportunity", "szText": "(PH) Select when the mercenary will be prompted to perform its skill", "hLabel": 1048959961 }, { "szLabel": "Opportunity_Cast_When_Available_Title", "szText": "Cast When Available.", "hLabel": 3451396473 }, { "szLabel": "Opportunity_Cast_When_Available_Description", "szText": "Cast when the player casts any skill in combat.", "hLabel": 2564813915 }, { "szLabel": "Opportunity_Cast_When_Health_Low_Title", "szText": "Cast when {c_important}Injured{/c}.", "hLabel": 1398812479 }, { "szLabel": "Opportunity_Cast_When_Health_Low_Description", "szText": "Cast when the player becomes {c_important}Injured{/c}.", "hLabel": 4213751457 }, { "szLabel": "Opportunity_Cast_When_Player_Is_Crowd_Controlled_Title", "szText": "Cast when hit with a Control Impairing Effect.", "hLabel": 585734867 }, { "szLabel": "Opportunity_Cast_When_Player_Is_Crowd_Controlled_Description", "szText": "Cast when the player is hit with a Control Impairing Effect.", "hLabel": 2776729909 }, { "szLabel": "Opportunity_Cast_Slot_Title", "szText": "Cast when the player casts {c_white}{powername}{/c}.", "hLabel": 1763710569 }, { "szLabel": "Opportunity_Cast_Slot_Description", "szText": "Cast when the player casts {c_white}{powername}{/c}.", "hLabel": 2449988939 }, { "szLabel": "Reinforcements_Select_Opportunity", "szText": "Select Opportunity", "hLabel": 2914707615 }, { "szLabel": "Reinforcement_Info", "szText": "Reinforcements will emerge during combat and execute their {c_highlight}Skill{/c} at an {c_highlight}Opportunity{/c} of your choosing.", "hLabel": 360988412 }, { "szLabel": "Reinforce_Order_1", "szText": "I.", "hLabel": 2212717832 }, { "szLabel": "Reinforce_Order_2", "szText": "II.", "hLabel": 2212717833 }, { "szLabel": "Reinforce_Order_3", "szText": "III.", "hLabel": 2212717834 }, { "szLabel": "Reinforcements_OpportunityNode_None", "szText": "Assign an opportunity for when the Mercenary skill would be triggered.", "hLabel": 2862672693 }, { "szLabel": "NoMercs", "szText": "You have no mercenaries available.", "hLabel": 509639703 }, { "szLabel": "Mercenary_NoHiredMerc", "szText": "Visit the Den to hire Mercenary.", "hLabel": 2177808533 }, { "szLabel": "Status_Mercenary_Hired", "szText": "Hired:", "hLabel": 822653076 }, { "szLabel": "Status_Reinforcement_Active", "szText": "Assigned:", "hLabel": 2650748847 }, { "szLabel": "Status_Mercenary_Disabled", "szText": "Standby:", "hLabel": 2783054656 }, { "szLabel": "Mercenary_Name", "szText": "{s1}", "hLabel": 2102052646 }, { "szLabel": "ModalTitle_HiredMercenary", "szText": "Hired Mercenary", "hLabel": 3286625024 }, { "szLabel": "StatusInfo_Hired_Active", "szText": "Fights by your side. You are gaining Rapport while they accompany you. ", "hLabel": 2938622582 }, { "szLabel": "StatusInfo_Reinforcement_Active", "szText": "Comes to your aid at your command. You gain 50% Rapport with Reinforcements.", "hLabel": 2087573115 }, { "szLabel": "Statusinfo_Hired_Disabled", "szText": "Hired Mercenaries don't join player parties. They will return when you venture alone again.", "hLabel": 2820176402 }, { "szLabel": "StatusInfo_Hire_Inactive", "szText": "Visit {icon:Marker_MercenaryHideout, 2.4} The Den to hire a Mercenary", "hLabel": 1797469289 }, { "szLabel": "StatusInfo_Reinforcement_Inactive", "szText": "Visit the Den to enlist a Reinforcement.", "hLabel": 3545044338 }, { "szLabel": "MercenaryButton_Reinforcement", "szText": "Assign as Reinforcement", "hLabel": 2714215794 }, { "szLabel": "Reinforcement_Info_Hire_Text", "szText": "Visit {icon:Marker_MercenaryHideout, 2.4} The Den to enlist a Reinforcement.", "hLabel": 2032583879 }, { "szLabel": "Mercenary_NameAndRank", "szText": "{s1} | Rank {s2}", "hLabel": 3607411589 }, { "szLabel": "Notification_MercenaryUpgrade", "szText": "Mercenary Rapport", "hLabel": 2817250676 }, { "szLabel": "Notification_MercenaryUnlocked", "szText": "Mercenary Unlocked", "hLabel": 384221953 }, { "szLabel": "Notification_MercenaryGoToHideout", "szText": "Recruit Mercenaries from {icon:Marker_MercenaryHideout, 2.4} The Den.", "hLabel": 3105478935 }, { "szLabel": "BerserkerCrone_Massacre", "szText": "Massacre!", "hLabel": 3608039978 }, { "szLabel": "BerserkerCrone_MassacreX", "szText": "x", "hLabel": 3101202402 }, { "szLabel": "ModalTitle_NotHired", "szText": "{c_advanced}No Mercenary Hired{/c}", "hLabel": 230618507 }, { "szLabel": "ModalTitle_ReinforcementsNotEnlisted", "szText": "{c_advanced}No Reinforcement Enlisted{/c}", "hLabel": 4164434267 }, { "szLabel": "Status_Mercenary_Active", "szText": "Active:", "hLabel": 1096761380 }, { "szLabel": "MercenaryButton_Hideout", "szText": "Travel to the Den", "hLabel": 705720915 }, { "szLabel": "Mercenary_Overview_FooterText", "szText": "Speak with Mercenaries in the Den {icon:Marker_MercenaryHideout, 2.4} to hire them, enlist them as Reinforcements, or dismiss them. ", "hLabel": 3023842543 }, { "szLabel": "Reputation_InfoText", "szText": "Mercenaries gain {c_important}Rapport{/c} whenever your character earns experience. Rewards are automatically claimed.", "hLabel": 3098072187 }, { "szLabel": "Notification_RepeatableReward", "szText": "{s1} | Reward Earned", "hLabel": 1465397504 }, { "szLabel": "Mercenary_TalentExclusiveChoice", "szText": "{c_warning}You may only select one talent.{/c}", "hLabel": 2784602064 }, { "szLabel": "TooltipSkill_Rapport_Required", "szText": "Requires Rapport Rank {s1}", "hLabel": 1513470353 }, { "szLabel": "Hired_Merc_Standby_Without_Reinforcement", "szText": "(PH) Your Mercenary is on standby as long as you are in a party. Go to {icon:Marker_MercenaryHideout, 2.4} the Den to enlist a Reinforcement. ", "hLabel": 1012090537 }, { "szLabel": "Hired_Merc_Standby_With_Reinforcement", "szText": "(PH) Your Mercenary is on standby as long as you are in a party.", "hLabel": 100119697 } ], "ptMapStringTable": "0" }