{ "__fileName__": "enUS_Text/meta/StringList/Social.stl", "arStrings": [ { "szLabel": "InClan", "szText": "In a Clan: {s1}", "hLabel": 4243346261 }, { "szLabel": "FullName_BattleTag", "szText": "{s1} ({s2})", "hLabel": 2501392459 }, { "szLabel": "FullName_PSN", "szText": "{s1} ( {icon:PlatformIcon_PS, 2.0}  {s2})", "hLabel": 33647268 }, { "szLabel": "FullName_XB", "szText": "{s1} ({icon:PlatformIcon_Xbox, 2.0} {s2})", "hLabel": 3384933485 }, { "szLabel": "NameLoadingPlaceholder", "szText": "...", "hLabel": 902213506 }, { "szLabel": "SortBy", "szText": "Sort by Alphabetical - NYI", "hLabel": 341466627 }, { "szLabel": "WhisperPlayer", "szText": "Whisper {s1}", "hLabel": 3435510991 }, { "szLabel": "AddFriend", "szText": "Add {s1} as Friend", "hLabel": 1960189505 }, { "szLabel": "InvitePlayerToParty", "szText": "Invite {s1} to Party", "hLabel": 3460300943 }, { "szLabel": "PromotePlayer", "szText": "Promote {s1} to Party Leader ", "hLabel": 222620467 }, { "szLabel": "KickPartyPlayer", "szText": "Remove {s1} from Party", "hLabel": 4040973951 }, { "szLabel": "HeroesHeaderText", "szText": "{icon:Social_Tab_Icon_Sanctuary, 2.5} ({s1})", "hLabel": 2319185556 }, { "szLabel": "HeroesSubheaderText", "szText": "In Sanctuary", "hLabel": 3103117822 }, { "szLabel": "ClansHeaderText", "szText": "{icon:Social_Tab_Icon_Clan, 2.5} ({s1})", "hLabel": 1274028351 }, { "szLabel": "FriendsHeaderText", "szText": "{icon:Social_Tab_Icon_Friends, 2.5} ({s1})", "hLabel": 2443698361 }, { "szLabel": "PageControlHeader", "szText": "Page", "hLabel": 3270132743 }, { "szLabel": "SanctuaryCount", "szText": "{s1} ", "hLabel": 1272013059 }, { "szLabel": "Offline", "szText": "Offline", "hLabel": 1440829795 }, { "szLabel": "AddAFriendButton", "szText": "{icon:button4, 2} Add a Friend", "hLabel": 2767907518 }, { "szLabel": "InviteText", "szText": "Friend request from", "hLabel": 1153731892 }, { "szLabel": "Accept", "szText": "Accept", "hLabel": 3917210864 }, { "szLabel": "Decline", "szText": "Decline", "hLabel": 76890868 }, { "szLabel": "PartyInviteText", "szText": "Party invitation received from", "hLabel": 3066339012 }, { "szLabel": "Guild_Invite_Text", "szText": "Wants you to join their Clan!", "hLabel": 2829716135 }, { "szLabel": "Guild_Create_Text", "szText": "Create A Clan", "hLabel": 2052450188 }, { "szLabel": "PendingInviteText", "szText": "Party invitation sent to", "hLabel": 3786472953 }, { "szLabel": "UnknownPlayerID_Text", "szText": "Unknown Character", "hLabel": 236922766 }, { "szLabel": "InviteSent", "szText": "{s1} invite sent.", "hLabel": 1153695625 }, { "szLabel": "PartyText", "szText": "Party", "hLabel": 3661070101 }, { "szLabel": "PartyMemberKicked", "szText": "{s1} was removed from the party ({s2}/4)", "hLabel": 910440691 }, { "szLabel": "PartyMemberJoined", "szText": "{s1} joined the party ({s2}/4)", "hLabel": 878639713 }, { "szLabel": "PartyMemberLeft", "szText": "{s1} left the party ({s2}/4)", "hLabel": 592461011 }, { "szLabel": "PartyMemberPromoted", "szText": "{s1} was promoted to party leader", "hLabel": 1181971122 }, { "szLabel": "PartyPlayerPromoted", "szText": "You were promoted to party leader", "hLabel": 3552135783 }, { "szLabel": "PartyPlayerKicked", "szText": "You were removed from the party", "hLabel": 3042353000 }, { "szLabel": "PartyPlayerLeft", "szText": "You left the party", "hLabel": 909935112 }, { "szLabel": "FriendPendingText", "szText": "Friend invite sent.", "hLabel": 1739724066 }, { "szLabel": "OnlineFriendsCount", "szText": "{c:FF66cc99}{s1}{/c}/{c:FF727270}{s2}{/c}", "hLabel": 1698578201 }, { "szLabel": "ClanCount", "szText": "{c:FF66cc99}{s1}{/c}/{c:FF727270}{s2}{/c}", "hLabel": 3935065319 }, { "szLabel": "Clan_PendingInvites", "szText": "Pending Invites", "hLabel": 237727268 }, { "szLabel": "Clan_Expires", "szText": "Expires: {s1}", "hLabel": 4058800541 }, { "szLabel": "Clan_New", "szText": "NEW!", "hLabel": 3242711623 }, { "szLabel": "PartyLeaderSwitchCampaignState", "szText": "Would you like to return to your own world state?", "hLabel": 1315341552 }, { "szLabel": "PartyLeaderSwitchCampaignStateCountdown", "szText": "{s1}", "hLabel": 3522110865 }, { "szLabel": "Toast_Expire", "szText": "{s1}", "hLabel": 1885693399 }, { "szLabel": "PartyQueueInvite", "szText": "{s1} would like to join the {s2} Queue", "hLabel": 3013748196 }, { "szLabel": "QueueTimeWait", "szText": "{s1}", "hLabel": 2043514793 }, { "szLabel": "PartyQueueAccept", "szText": "{s1} accepted the queue invite", "hLabel": 2686932645 }, { "szLabel": "PartyQueueDecline", "szText": "{s1} declined the queue invite", "hLabel": 2427382601 }, { "szLabel": "PartyQueueEnter", "szText": "You entered the queue", "hLabel": 3470493331 }, { "szLabel": "PartyQueueFailToEnter", "szText": "The party did not enter the queue", "hLabel": 3760407890 }, { "szLabel": "PartyQueueCancelPartyLeader", "szText": "Your party left the queue", "hLabel": 92843576 }, { "szLabel": "Dungeon", "szText": "Dungeon", "hLabel": 715918288 }, { "szLabel": "PvP", "szText": "PvP", "hLabel": 125974 }, { "szLabel": "PartyTransferCountdown", "szText": "{s1}", "hLabel": 188088086 }, { "szLabel": "PartyLeaderSwitchCampaignStateCurrent", "szText": "Currently using {s1}'s world state", "hLabel": 2904674323 }, { "szLabel": "PartyQueueCancelPartyChange", "szText": "You left the queue", "hLabel": 4039161041 }, { "szLabel": "PartyQueueCancelGameError", "szText": "A game creation error occurred, you left the queue", "hLabel": 4228942751 }, { "szLabel": "PVPDungeonCrawl", "szText": "PvP / Dungeon Crawl", "hLabel": 3284816991 }, { "szLabel": "LookForGroupsButton", "szText": "Look for groups", "hLabel": 2802538488 }, { "szLabel": "LookForGroupsDescription", "szText": "Group up with others for dungeon invasion", "hLabel": 2178868320 }, { "szLabel": "VoiceChat", "szText": "{icon:r3, 2.0} Voice Chat", "hLabel": 2731852086 }, { "szLabel": "PartyInvitesHeader", "szText": "Party Invites", "hLabel": 2146963323 }, { "szLabel": "VoiceChatNone", "szText": "None", "hLabel": 2505876646 }, { "szLabel": "LookingForPartyButtonDisabled_Queuing", "szText": "Queuing...", "hLabel": 2698120123 }, { "szLabel": "LookingForPartyButtonDisabled_InviteSent", "szText": "You may not queue for a multiplayer activity while you have outstanding party invitations.", "hLabel": 2885128934 }, { "szLabel": "TitleError", "szText": "Error", "hLabel": 372727052 }, { "szLabel": "PartyQueueRequeued", "szText": "Game error. Your party was re-queued.", "hLabel": 3010394805 }, { "szLabel": "ClanInviteReceived", "szText": "{s1} invited you to join {s2}", "hLabel": 3337305652 }, { "szLabel": "ClanRequestReceived", "szText": "{s1} requested to join your clan", "hLabel": 4036098926 }, { "szLabel": "PlayerOnlineNotification", "szText": "{s1} has logged in", "hLabel": 1617814137 }, { "szLabel": "YourParty", "szText": "Your Party ({s1}/{s2})", "hLabel": 3217584255 }, { "szLabel": "EmptySlot", "szText": "Empty Slot", "hLabel": 1375712593 }, { "szLabel": "NoInvites", "szText": "You don't have any party invites", "hLabel": 433133183 }, { "szLabel": "PartyHeader", "szText": "{s1}'s Party: {c:FFdba864}{s2} {c:FF928c82}/4", "hLabel": 705224057 }, { "szLabel": "Clan_Invites_Information", "szText": "Go to the Clan screen for more information. You have {c:FFbf6b31}{s1}{/c} pending invites.", "hLabel": 3537099748 }, { "szLabel": "ClanPromotion", "szText": "You were promoted in your clan", "hLabel": 800458181 }, { "szLabel": "ClanDemotion", "szText": "You were demoted in your clan", "hLabel": 1971361213 }, { "szLabel": "ClanKick", "szText": "You were kicked from {s1}", "hLabel": 3243137344 }, { "szLabel": "SocialList_Header_Xbox", "szText": "Xbox", "hLabel": 3478431167 }, { "szLabel": "Clan_Tab_Voice", "szText": "Clan ({s1}) {icon:Voice_Speaking, 3}", "hLabel": 1798738761 }, { "szLabel": "Controller_Close", "szText": "{icon:button2, 2} Close", "hLabel": 3421837753 }, { "szLabel": "FriendRequest_Text", "szText": "sent you a Friend Request", "hLabel": 1962507333 }, { "szLabel": "Accept_Controller", "szText": "{icon:button1, 2} Accept", "hLabel": 3507362515 }, { "szLabel": "Decline_Controller", "szText": "{icon:button3, 2} Decline", "hLabel": 1251880535 }, { "szLabel": "WaitingForResponse", "szText": "Waiting for response...", "hLabel": 3565159657 }, { "szLabel": "VoiceConnectionLost", "szText": "Connection to Voice Server lost", "hLabel": 428054984 }, { "szLabel": "VoiceSpeakingWhileMuted", "szText": "Speaking while muted or mic off", "hLabel": 1705459488 }, { "szLabel": "Clan", "szText": "Clan", "hLabel": 3678686 }, { "szLabel": "FriendsPsnHeaderText", "szText": "PSN™ ({s1})", "hLabel": 2100981194 }, { "szLabel": "FriendsXblHeaderText", "szText": "{icon:Social_Tab_Icon_XboxLive, 2.5} ({s1})", "hLabel": 2907708383 }, { "szLabel": "PlatformName_XB", "szText": "{icon:PlatformIcon_Xbox, 2.0} {s1}", "hLabel": 139480767 }, { "szLabel": "PlatformName_PSN", "szText": "{icon:PlatformIcon_PS, 2.0}  {s1}", "hLabel": 307889974 }, { "szLabel": "FriendRequestSentTo", "szText": "Friend Request sent to {s1}", "hLabel": 1103470782 }, { "szLabel": "FriendRequestSent", "szText": "Your Friend Request was sent.", "hLabel": 1491828379 }, { "szLabel": "ClanVoicePlus", "szText": "+{s1}", "hLabel": 1072894296 }, { "szLabel": "SocialNotification_CoOpFormat", "szText": "{s1} | {s2}", "hLabel": 1260405083 }, { "szLabel": "VoiceChat_Title", "szText": "Voice Chat", "hLabel": 1014173559 }, { "szLabel": "SetActive_Controller", "szText": "{icon:button1, 2} Set Active", "hLabel": 4052791211 }, { "szLabel": "LeavePartyQuestWarning", "szText": "You will lose progress on any partially completed Dungeons, Strongholds, or Campaign quests when you leave this party.", "hLabel": 1458399013 }, { "szLabel": "PartyLeaderSwitchCampaignStateDetails", "szText": "You can always do this later from the Journal.", "hLabel": 3571741206 }, { "szLabel": "PartyVoteStarted", "szText": "You initiated a vote", "hLabel": 2479515813 }, { "szLabel": "PartyVoteReceived", "szText": "{s1} initiated a vote", "hLabel": 2716167285 }, { "szLabel": "PartyVoteKeyedDungeon", "szText": "Vote to start {s1} {s3} (Tier {s2})", "hLabel": 3634483888 }, { "szLabel": "PartyVoteFailed", "szText": "The party vote has failed", "hLabel": 845629939 }, { "szLabel": "PartyVoteAlreadyInProgress", "szText": "Unable to start a party vote while one is already in progress", "hLabel": 1464225788 }, { "szLabel": "ImportantNote", "szText": "{c_highlight}Important notice on your Social screen{/c}", "hLabel": 2681632852 }, { "szLabel": "Close", "szText": "Close", "hLabel": 121412150 }, { "szLabel": "LeaveParty", "szText": "Leave Party", "hLabel": 2643615389 }, { "szLabel": "LeavePartyNotification", "szText": "Are you sure you want to leave the party?", "hLabel": 903490212 }, { "szLabel": "WorldTier_PartyChangeDenied", "szText": "A party member declined a World Tier change.", "hLabel": 2085876026 }, { "szLabel": "HeaderFriends", "szText": "Friends List", "hLabel": 2458915028 }, { "szLabel": "HeaderLocal", "szText": "Local Players", "hLabel": 2738476052 }, { "szLabel": "HeaderClan", "szText": "Clan Members", "hLabel": 603259463 }, { "szLabel": "HeaderConsole", "szText": "Console Friends", "hLabel": 2768506300 }, { "szLabel": "PartyVoteWorldTier1", "szText": "{s1} wants to change the party World Tier to Adventurer (I)", "hLabel": 954927195 }, { "szLabel": "PartyVoteWorldTier2", "szText": "{s1} wants to change the party World Tier to Veteran (II)", "hLabel": 954927196 }, { "szLabel": "PartyVoteWorldTier3", "szText": "{s1} wants to change the party World Tier to Nightmare (III)", "hLabel": 954927197 }, { "szLabel": "PartyVoteWorldTier4", "szText": "{s1} wants to change the party World Tier to Torment (IV)", "hLabel": 954927198 }, { "szLabel": "ClanKickNotificationCoop", "szText": "{s1} was kicked from their clan.", "hLabel": 400158136 }, { "szLabel": "ClanBanNotificationCoop", "szText": "{s1} has been banned from their clan.", "hLabel": 1145765223 }, { "szLabel": "ClanKickNotification", "szText": "You were kicked from your clan.", "hLabel": 585118151 }, { "szLabel": "ClanBanNotification", "szText": "You have been banned from your clan.", "hLabel": 3812016630 }, { "szLabel": "ClanPromoteNotificationCoop", "szText": "{s1} was promoted to {s2} in their clan.", "hLabel": 3333370236 }, { "szLabel": "ClanPromoteNotification", "szText": "You were promoted to {s1} in your clan.", "hLabel": 2428646283 }, { "szLabel": "ClanDemoteNotificationCoop", "szText": "{s1} was demoted to {s2} in their clan.", "hLabel": 2038059892 }, { "szLabel": "ClanDemoteNotification", "szText": "You were demoted to {s1} in your clan.", "hLabel": 370874755 }, { "szLabel": "ClanDisbandNotificationCoop", "szText": " {s1}, your clan has been disbanded.", "hLabel": 122799691 }, { "szLabel": "ClanDisbandNotification", "szText": "Your clan has been disbanded.", "hLabel": 202684634 }, { "szLabel": "LeaveParty_Prompt", "szText": "{icon:button3, 2.0} Leave Party", "hLabel": 340272158 }, { "szLabel": "VoiceChatJoinedNotification", "szText": "", "hLabel": 2903887990 }, { "szLabel": "ClanRank", "szText": "Rank: {s1}", "hLabel": 3243380554 }, { "szLabel": "SetNote_Prompt", "szText": "{icon:button4, 2} Set Note", "hLabel": 3352423363 }, { "szLabel": "Cancel_Prompt", "szText": "{icon:button2, 2} Cancel", "hLabel": 1529703623 }, { "szLabel": "PlayerOptions", "szText": "{icon:button1, 2} Options", "hLabel": 1777920089 }, { "szLabel": "PlayerOptions_KBM", "szText": "{icon:lmb, 2} Options", "hLabel": 313350418 }, { "szLabel": "PartyMemberPortalTooltip", "szText": "Teleport to {s1}", "hLabel": 3467788005 }, { "szLabel": "PartyMemberPortalTooltipLocation", "szText": "Location: {s1}", "hLabel": 2981290750 }, { "szLabel": "LastEdited_FullName_BattleTag", "szText": "Last edited by {c_white}{s1}{/c}", "hLabel": 2825778669 }, { "szLabel": "LastEdited_FullName_XB", "szText": "Last edited by {c_white}{s1} ({icon:PlatformIcon_Xbox, 2.0}{s2}){/c}", "hLabel": 2394205263 }, { "szLabel": "LastEdited_FullName_PS", "szText": "Last edited by {c_white}{s1} ( {icon:PlatformIcon_PS, 2.1} {s2}){/c}", "hLabel": 2394205016 }, { "szLabel": "PartyInvitePending", "szText": "You have already invited this player to your party", "hLabel": 2460907364 }, { "szLabel": "FullName_PSN_Dark", "szText": "{s1} ( {icon:PlatformIcon_PS_Dark, 2.0}  {s2})", "hLabel": 854674085 }, { "szLabel": "SocialCardPreview", "szText": "Card Preview", "hLabel": 1901751895 }, { "szLabel": "SocialFeatureUnavailable", "szText": "Action unavailable.", "hLabel": 1460197931 }, { "szLabel": "PlatformName_Other", "szText": "{icon:PlatformIcon_Other, 2.0} {s1}", "hLabel": 283579527 }, { "szLabel": "AddAFriend", "szText": "Add a Friend", "hLabel": 1935521922 }, { "szLabel": "PlatformName_Cedar", "szText": "{icon:PlatformIcon_Cedar, 2.0}  {s1}", "hLabel": 268804932 }, { "szLabel": "FullName_Cedar", "szText": "{s1} ( {icon:PlatformIcon_Cedar, 2.0}  {s2})", "hLabel": 2266208818 }, { "szLabel": "OpenCedarOverlayWarning", "szText": "This will open Steam overlay's browser which may not support controller input. Are you sure you want to continue?", "hLabel": 3815113897 }, { "szLabel": "FriendsCedarHeaderText", "szText": "{icon:Social_Tab_Icon_Cedar, 2.5} ({s1})", "hLabel": 180081880 }, { "szLabel": "HeaderConsole_Cedar", "szText": "Steam™ Friends", "hLabel": 2041647354 }, { "szLabel": "PartyLeaderDroppedSwitchCampaignState", "szText": "You're now party leader. Return to your own world state?", "hLabel": 3860943582 }, { "szLabel": "LastEdited_FullName_Cedar", "szText": "Last edited by {c_white}{s1} ({icon:PlatformIcon_Cedar, 2.0}{s2}){/c}", "hLabel": 3744978644 }, { "szLabel": "SearchPrompt", "szText": "Search", "hLabel": 3003069208 }, { "szLabel": "PartyVoteChallengeRift", "szText": "Vote to start the current Trial", "hLabel": 87251878 }, { "szLabel": "CancelRequest", "szText": "CancelRequest", "hLabel": 4161290319 }, { "szLabel": "FriendsListSearchBar", "szText": "Search for players", "hLabel": 1739506034 }, { "szLabel": "ClearTextField_Icon", "szText": "{icon:BtnIcon_CloseFull_Up, 1.45}", "hLabel": 2825134744 }, { "szLabel": "PartyX1InviteWarning", "szText": "You will not be able to progress certain Vessel of Hatred quests while this player is in your party.", "hLabel": 4080925246 }, { "szLabel": "PartyMemberPortalInaccessible", "szText": "{c_red}You do not have access to this location{/c}", "hLabel": 3192151455 }, { "szLabel": "PartyReaccessCampaign_X1", "szText": "Your party has regained access to all Vessel of Hatred campaign quests", "hLabel": 445732769 }, { "szLabel": "PartyFinder", "szText": "Party Finder", "hLabel": 632164136 }, { "szLabel": "PartyRestrictedNMD_X1", "szText": "You cannot activate a Nightmare Dungeon at {s1}. {c_highlight}Some of your party members do not have access to that location.{/c}", "hLabel": 1957343664 }, { "szLabel": "RaidProgressDifficultyPromptTitle", "szText": "Dark Citadel Difficulty Change", "hLabel": 1886213356 }, { "szLabel": "RaidProgressDifficultyPromptDetails", "szText": "You have {s1} progress in {s2}. {c_highlight}Reset{/c} or {c_highlight}ignore progress{/c} in {s3}?", "hLabel": 1746397328 }, { "szLabel": "RaidProgressDifficultyPromptSwitchButton", "szText": "Reset", "hLabel": 1714047128 }, { "szLabel": "RaidProgressDifficultyPromptIgnoreButton", "szText": "Ignore", "hLabel": 3851465290 }, { "szLabel": "RaidProgressDifficultyPromptCountDown", "szText": "{s1}", "hLabel": 4292485771 } ], "ptMapStringTable": "0" }