References to this File
{ "__fileName__": "enUS_Text/meta/StringList/DeathMenu.stl", "arStrings": [ { "szLabel": "YouHaveDied", "szText": "You Have Died", "hLabel": 1181926935 }, { "szLabel": "YouDroppedXgold", "szText": "You dropped {s1} gold.", "hLabel": 183212809 }, { "szLabel": "WaitToBeResurected", "szText": "Wait to be Resurrected ({s1})", "hLabel": 269804661 }, { "szLabel": "ReviveAtCheckpoint", "szText": "Revive at Checkpoint", "hLabel": 135433454 }, { "szLabel": "WaitToBeRessurectedTextOnly", "szText": "Wait to be Resurrected", "hLabel": 3169725199 }, { "szLabel": "Durability_Warning", "szText": "You will lose {c_highlight}{s1} equipment durability{/c} when you revive at checkpoint", "hLabel": 1160027342 }, { "szLabel": "Durability_Broken", "szText": "{c_red}Your equipment is fully broken{/c}. Visit a {icon:Marker_Blacksmith, 3} Blacksmith to repair.", "hLabel": 1836369017 }, { "szLabel": "Durability_Caution", "szText": "{c_highlight}Your equipment is close to breaking{/c}. Visit a {icon:Marker_Blacksmith, 3} Blacksmith to repair.", "hLabel": 1104245163 }, { "szLabel": "RevivesRemaining", "szText": "You have {c_number}{s1} |4Revive:Revives;{/c} remaining for this {s2}", "hLabel": 2093752030 }, { "szLabel": "NightmareDungeon", "szText": "Nightmare Dungeon", "hLabel": 191179823 }, { "szLabel": "Hardcore_BodyText", "szText": "Your deeds of valor will be remembered.", "hLabel": 138101498 }, { "szLabel": "Hardcore_Button", "szText": "Back to Main Menu", "hLabel": 646732483 }, { "szLabel": "IGR_BodyText", "szText": "You have been slain. Revive to continue your journey. ", "hLabel": 2261216564 }, { "szLabel": "HeroNotHardcore", "szText": "Only a Hardcore character can join a party of Hardcore heroes.", "hLabel": 1422289543 }, { "szLabel": "HeroNotSameWorldTier", "szText": "Only a character in the same World Tier can join the party.", "hLabel": 3253825857 }, { "szLabel": "HeroDidntCompletePrologue", "szText": "Only a character that has completed the prologue can join the party.", "hLabel": 4108421127 }, { "szLabel": "HeroDidCompletePrologue", "szText": "Only a character that has not completed the prologue can join the party.", "hLabel": 2141505957 }, { "szLabel": "Hardcore_BodyTextLvl10Plus", "szText": "Your deeds of valor will be remembered. {s1} has been moved to the Hall of Fallen Heroes.", "hLabel": 548490797 } ], "ptMapStringTable": "0" }