{ "__fileName__": "enUS_Text/meta/StringList/Errors.stl", "arStrings": [ { "szLabel": "CannotEnchantUniqueItem", "szText": "Unique items cannot be enchanted.", "hLabel": 3427729450 }, { "szLabel": "IAR_CannotSalvageAllSigils", "szText": "You have no Nightmare Sigils to salvage.", "hLabel": 2647151301 }, { "szLabel": "IAR_CannotSalvageAllAncestralSigils", "szText": "You have no Ancestral Nightmare Sigils to salvage.", "hLabel": 1690355138 }, { "szLabel": "IAR_CannotSalvageAllSacredSigils", "szText": "You have no Sacred Nightmare Sigils to salvage.", "hLabel": 814731479 }, { "szLabel": "AspectDefinitionAlreadyOnItem", "szText": "The target item already has this Codex of Power Aspect.", "hLabel": 3051857303 }, { "szLabel": "IAR_CannotSalvageAllMagic", "szText": "You have no Magic items to salvage.", "hLabel": 3717028347 }, { "szLabel": "IAR_CannotSalvageAllJunk", "szText": "You have no items Marked as Junk to salvage.", "hLabel": 503002994 }, { "szLabel": "IAR_CannotSalvageAllRare", "szText": "You have no Rare items to salvage.", "hLabel": 503268836 }, { "szLabel": "IAR_CannotSalvageAll", "szText": "You have no items to salvage.", "hLabel": 384215546 }, { "szLabel": "ContentNotAllowedDescription", "szText": "This account has restrictions on viewing user generated content.", "hLabel": 132533176 }, { "szLabel": "SocialFeaturesDisabled", "szText": "This account has restrictions on communications.", "hLabel": 2685628562 }, { "szLabel": "IAR_NotEnoughRoomStash", "szText": "You do not have enough Stash space in the current tab.", "hLabel": 2030911474 }, { "szLabel": "PowerUnusableInArea", "szText": "You cannot do that in this area.", "hLabel": 55790076 }, { "szLabel": "ItemNotReady", "szText": "That item is not ready yet.", "hLabel": 2929917109 }, { "szLabel": "PowerInvalidTarget", "szText": "That target is invalid.", "hLabel": 450871067 }, { "szLabel": "PowerNotEnoughHealth", "szText": "Not enough Life to use that Skill.", "hLabel": 3317879674 }, { "szLabel": "PowerNotEnoughMana", "szText": "Not enough Mana to use that Skill.", "hLabel": 1332335393 }, { "szLabel": "PowerNotEnoughFury", "szText": "Not enough Fury to use that Skill.", "hLabel": 1332105770 }, { "szLabel": "PowerWrongWeapon", "szText": "That Skill requires a different weapon.", "hLabel": 2979839332 }, { "szLabel": "PowerInTown", "szText": "You cannot do that in this area. ", "hLabel": 3109716300 }, { "szLabel": "PowerTargetTooFar", "szText": "That target is too far for that Skill.", "hLabel": 3094514015 }, { "szLabel": "PowerInCooldown", "szText": "That Skill is not ready.", "hLabel": 924740649 }, { "szLabel": "PowerNeedsLineOfSight", "szText": "That Skill requires line of sight to the target.", "hLabel": 309247032 }, { "szLabel": "PowerUnusableInCombat", "szText": "You cannot do that while in combat.", "hLabel": 700855545 }, { "szLabel": "PowerUnusableGeneric", "szText": "That Skill is not ready.", "hLabel": 3215849641 }, { "szLabel": "PowerMissingItem", "szText": "You don't have the item to do that.", "hLabel": 1274555062 }, { "szLabel": "IAR_NotAllowedHere", "szText": "That item is not allowed there.", "hLabel": 3988515352 }, { "szLabel": "IAR_CantEquipUnidentifiedItem", "szText": "You cannot equip unidentified items.", "hLabel": 668783340 }, { "szLabel": "IAR_PlayerDoesntMeetItemRequirements", "szText": "You do not meet the requirements to equip that item.", "hLabel": 58151859 }, { "szLabel": "IAR_PlayerIsWrongClassForItem", "szText": "That item cannot be equipped by your Class.", "hLabel": 1203122237 }, { "szLabel": "IAR_ItemTypeDoesntMatchSlot", "szText": "That item is the wrong type of item for this slot.", "hLabel": 3521732296 }, { "szLabel": "IAR_NotEnoughRoom", "szText": "You do not have enough Inventory space to do that.", "hLabel": 2364382415 }, { "szLabel": "ItemCrafting_MissingReagents", "szText": "You do not have enough materials to craft this item.", "hLabel": 1744221327 }, { "szLabel": "IAR_ContainerRemoveOnly", "szText": "You cannot place items here.", "hLabel": 2078144846 }, { "szLabel": "IAR_CannotSalvage", "szText": "You cannot salvage that item here.", "hLabel": 3839391393 }, { "szLabel": "CannotUnSocket", "szText": "That item has no Gems to unsocket.", "hLabel": 4263996079 }, { "szLabel": "PowerNotEnoughSpirit", "szText": "Not enough Spirit to use that Skill.", "hLabel": 3761707807 }, { "szLabel": "IAR_CannotSalvageGemmedItems", "szText": "All Gems must be removed from that item before it can be salvaged.", "hLabel": 3843529842 }, { "szLabel": "Pickup_Failed", "szText": "That item cannot be picked up.", "hLabel": 809004880 }, { "szLabel": "Pickup_OnlyOneAllowed", "szText": "You are not allowed to have more than one of that item.", "hLabel": 3550348599 }, { "szLabel": "Pickup_BelongsToOther", "szText": "That item belongs to someone else and cannot be picked up.", "hLabel": 1196912122 }, { "szLabel": "Pickup_NoSuitableSlot", "szText": "You have no place to put that item.", "hLabel": 1729302211 }, { "szLabel": "CannotDoWhileDead", "szText": "You cannot do that while dead.", "hLabel": 813310877 }, { "szLabel": "InsufficientFunds", "szText": "You do not have enough Gold.", "hLabel": 1915599335 }, { "szLabel": "ItemUse_AlreadyAtMaxHealth", "szText": "You are already at full Life.", "hLabel": 1442939118 }, { "szLabel": "IAR_PlayerDoesntMeetItemLevel", "szText": "You do not meet the required Level to equip that item.", "hLabel": 2263464839 }, { "szLabel": "IAR_NoFreeSockets", "szText": "There are no empty sockets in the item. See the Jeweler to modify sockets and Gems.", "hLabel": 2613647510 }, { "szLabel": "ItemUse_RecipeAlreadyKnown", "szText": "That Recipe is already known.", "hLabel": 1550357250 }, { "szLabel": "ItemUse_NotEnoughPagesToConvert", "szText": "You don't have enough pages to convert them into a tome.", "hLabel": 794050822 }, { "szLabel": "ItemCannotBeSold", "szText": "That item cannot be sold.", "hLabel": 2821047691 }, { "szLabel": "ItemIsUniqueEquipped", "szText": "You cannot equip more than one of this item.", "hLabel": 3880470623 }, { "szLabel": "CannotDoThatRightNow", "szText": "You cannot do that right now.", "hLabel": 2682578457 }, { "szLabel": "ItemSocketTypeMismatch", "szText": "That item cannot be socketed into this type of item. ", "hLabel": 3118485872 }, { "szLabel": "ItemCannotBeDropped", "szText": "That item cannot be dropped.", "hLabel": 3807154215 }, { "szLabel": "IAR_ItemRequiresSkill", "szText": "That item requires a Skill to be equipped. ", "hLabel": 3966204409 }, { "szLabel": "Skills_CantChangeWhileInCombat", "szText": "You cannot change your Skills while in combat.", "hLabel": 2537905923 }, { "szLabel": "PowerNotEnoughCharges", "szText": "That Skill requires a Charge to use.", "hLabel": 71081953 }, { "szLabel": "InsufficientFunds_PvPCurrency", "szText": "You do not have enough Red Dust.", "hLabel": 1585672519 }, { "szLabel": "ItemSocketUniqueEquipped", "szText": "You cannot socket more than one of that item.", "hLabel": 867152652 }, { "szLabel": "CannotUseFromThisSide", "szText": "You cannot use that from this side.", "hLabel": 1331798977 }, { "szLabel": "LockedDoor_001", "szText": "This door is locked and bears no keyholes.", "hLabel": 3814303062 }, { "szLabel": "WaypointNotActive", "szText": "The destination Waypoint has not been discovered.", "hLabel": 3856284808 }, { "szLabel": "ItemUse_NotInADungeon", "szText": "That item can only be used in dungeons.", "hLabel": 250355444 }, { "szLabel": "PowerNotEnoughDruidCharges", "szText": "Not enough Wrath to use that Skill.", "hLabel": 680483993 }, { "szLabel": "IAR_PlayerIsWrongClassToSocketItem", "szText": "That item cannot be socketed by your Class.", "hLabel": 2397494914 }, { "szLabel": "IAR_PlayerDoesntMeetSocketLevel", "szText": "You do not meet the required Level to socket that item.", "hLabel": 1336240001 }, { "szLabel": "ItemSocketMaxEquippedConditionRunes", "szText": "You cannot equip more than {s1} Runes of Ritual.", "hLabel": 2380684431 }, { "szLabel": "ItemSocketMaxEquippedEffectRunes", "szText": "You cannot equip more than {s1} Runes of Invocation.", "hLabel": 2045147541 }, { "szLabel": "IAR_ItemNotSocketable", "szText": "You cannot socket into that item.", "hLabel": 2965296824 }, { "szLabel": "IAR_CantSocketIntoUnidentifiedItem", "szText": "You cannot socket into an unidentified item.", "hLabel": 3606246955 }, { "szLabel": "ItemSocketRuneAlreadyEquipped", "szText": "You cannot equip more than one of this Rune.", "hLabel": 319010577 }, { "szLabel": "ItemSocketEquipUniqueRuneEquipped", "szText": "You cannot equip this item because it contains a Rune that is already equipped.", "hLabel": 3233524074 }, { "szLabel": "ItemSocketRuneNotEnoughSockets", "szText": "Cannot socket Runes in items with fewer than 2 sockets.", "hLabel": 2809555909 }, { "szLabel": "PowerNeedTarget", "szText": "That Skill requires a target.", "hLabel": 3349191888 }, { "szLabel": "LockedDoor", "szText": "You need a key to open this door.", "hLabel": 3009038278 }, { "szLabel": "IAR_ItemTypeDoesntMatch2HBluntSlot", "szText": "That slot can only equip a Two-Handed Bludgeoning weapon.", "hLabel": 800488775 }, { "szLabel": "IAR_ItemTypeDoesntMatch2HSlashSlot", "szText": "That slot can only equip a Two-Handed Slashing weapon.", "hLabel": 4080919645 }, { "szLabel": "IAR_ItemTypeDoesntMatch1HSlot", "szText": "That slot can only equip a One-Handed weapon.", "hLabel": 1468101505 }, { "szLabel": "IAR_CannotSalvageQuestItems", "szText": "You cannot salvage Quest items.", "hLabel": 1407303253 }, { "szLabel": "ItemCrafting_Unknown", "szText": "You cannot craft that item.", "hLabel": 892558764 }, { "szLabel": "IAR_CannotSalvageEquippedItems", "szText": "You cannot salvage an item while it is equipped.", "hLabel": 206936096 }, { "szLabel": "EventRewardNotAllowed", "szText": "That reward does not belong to you.", "hLabel": 2329266240 }, { "szLabel": "PowerNotEnoughEnergy", "szText": "Not enough Energy to use that Skill.", "hLabel": 3211296654 }, { "szLabel": "PowerNotEnoughComboPoints", "szText": "That Skill requires Combo Points to use.", "hLabel": 1590384721 }, { "szLabel": "PowerOutOfPotions", "szText": "You are out of Healing Potions.", "hLabel": 2280585414 }, { "szLabel": "ItemSocketConditionRuneAlreadySocketed", "szText": "You cannot socket multiple Runes of Ritual on the same item.", "hLabel": 3549354253 }, { "szLabel": "ItemSocketEffectRuneAlreadySocketed", "szText": "You cannot socket multiple Runes of Invocation on the same item.", "hLabel": 3304691123 }, { "szLabel": "ItemSocketConditionRuneNotAllowed", "szText": "This is a Rune of Ritual. Runes of Ritual must be socketed above Runes of Invocation.", "hLabel": 2127822162 }, { "szLabel": "ItemSocketEffectRuneNotAllowed", "szText": "This is a Rune of Invocation. Runes of Invocation must be socketed below Runes of Ritual.", "hLabel": 2594617912 }, { "szLabel": "CannotExtractAffixFromEssenceItem", "szText": "That item cannot have Aspects extracted from it.", "hLabel": 930503477 }, { "szLabel": "CannotExtractAffixFromItem", "szText": "That item cannot have Aspects extracted from it.", "hLabel": 2523865711 }, { "szLabel": "CannotImprintAffixOnItem", "szText": "That item cannot have Aspects imprinted on it.", "hLabel": 145555680 }, { "szLabel": "CannotExtractAffixFromImprintedItem", "szText": "You cannot extract from items with imprinted Aspects.", "hLabel": 55632699 }, { "szLabel": "PowerNeedCorpse", "szText": "That Skill requires a Corpse.", "hLabel": 2700503349 }, { "szLabel": "CannotExtractAffixFromItemWithNoAffixes", "szText": "You cannot extract Aspects from items that have no Legendary powers.", "hLabel": 886022606 }, { "szLabel": "EntirePartyMustBePresent", "szText": "Your entire party must be present and alive to do that.", "hLabel": 1028677224 }, { "szLabel": "CannotImprintItemWithNoAffixes", "szText": "That item has no affixes that can be replaced with Aspects.", "hLabel": 2100141460 }, { "szLabel": "WaypointAccessError", "szText": "You must interact with a Waypoint in the world to access Waypoint travel.", "hLabel": 2431624471 }, { "szLabel": "PowerTargetBadLocation", "szText": "That target location is invalid.", "hLabel": 1223840756 }, { "szLabel": "BossEncounterNotAvailable", "szText": "You cannot join a Boss encounter right now.", "hLabel": 1377818620 }, { "szLabel": "LeavingPvPShrineTurnIn", "szText": "Leaving the ring will result in abandoning the Extraction Ritual.", "hLabel": 363928837 }, { "szLabel": "ItemSelectionCancelled", "szText": "Item selection action has been cancelled.", "hLabel": 668761616 }, { "szLabel": "VesselOfHatred_Altar_Disabled", "szText": "You cannot use that while Hatred's Chosen.", "hLabel": 770890089 }, { "szLabel": "NoPartyMembersToSummon", "szText": "There are no party members to summon.", "hLabel": 3286976730 }, { "szLabel": "PetSpecializationLocked", "szText": "That Minion specialization is currently locked.", "hLabel": 3395535290 }, { "szLabel": "CannotExtractFromItemWithNoExtractableAffixes", "szText": "You cannot extract aspects from items that have no legendary powers.", "hLabel": 313979983 }, { "szLabel": "IAR_FullDurability", "szText": "That item does not need to be repaired.", "hLabel": 1006775911 }, { "szLabel": "MustImprintLegendaryOrRareItem", "szText": "Only Rare and Legendary items can have Aspects imprinted onto them.", "hLabel": 545526497 }, { "szLabel": "CannotImprintAffixOnItemType", "szText": "You cannot imprint that Aspect on this item type.", "hLabel": 2806259298 }, { "szLabel": "PowerRequiresWeapon", "szText": "That Skill requires an equipped weapon.", "hLabel": 371895079 }, { "szLabel": "ItemCannotAddMoreThanMaxSockets", "szText": "That item already has the maximum number of sockets allowed.", "hLabel": 1272233883 }, { "szLabel": "ItemUse_RecipeLevelTooHigh", "szText": "You do not meet the required Level to learn that Recipe.", "hLabel": 3236445565 }, { "szLabel": "WorldTiers_PartyWarning", "szText": "Only the party lead can change World Tiers.", "hLabel": 3007136564 }, { "szLabel": "ActionNotAllowedInPrologue", "szText": "You must complete the Prologue to do that.", "hLabel": 795050619 }, { "szLabel": "NoLearnedMount", "szText": "You have not unlocked any Mounts.", "hLabel": 1605547691 }, { "szLabel": "PowerAtFullHealth", "szText": "You cannot use that Skill while you are at full Life.", "hLabel": 466873771 }, { "szLabel": "ConnectionLost", "szText": "Unable to perform that action while attempting to reconnect.", "hLabel": 4196795890 }, { "szLabel": "ItemUse_NoItem", "szText": "You do not have the required item.", "hLabel": 1495349543 }, { "szLabel": "InsufficientFunds_GamblingCurrency", "szText": "You do not have enough Obols.", "hLabel": 4224479154 }, { "szLabel": "PowerNotEnoughEssence", "szText": "Not enough Essence to use that Skill.", "hLabel": 3105394154 }, { "szLabel": "SideQuestLimitReached", "szText": "You have reached the maximum number of active Side Quests.", "hLabel": 2964147714 }, { "szLabel": "IAR_ItemTypeDoesntMatch2HRangedSlot", "szText": "That slot can only equip a Two-Handed Ranged weapon.", "hLabel": 2972244595 }, { "szLabel": "KeyedDungeonRequiresTier2", "szText": "Your party must be in World Tier 3 to activate this Dungeon Key.", "hLabel": 4032420984 }, { "szLabel": "KeyedDungeonRequiresTier3", "szText": "Your party must be in World Tier 4 to activate this Dungeon Key.", "hLabel": 4032420985 }, { "szLabel": "LockedChest_GamblingCurrencyKey", "szText": "You need a Whispering Key to open this locked chest.", "hLabel": 2259460509 }, { "szLabel": "CannotImprintClassRestrictedItem", "szText": "You cannot imprint items that are not for your current Class.", "hLabel": 427294980 }, { "szLabel": "Pickup_Failed_Local_Coop", "szText": "That item cannot be picked up. {s1}'s inventory is full.", "hLabel": 2914418218 }, { "szLabel": "Pickup_NoSuitableSlot_Local_Coop", "szText": "{s1} has no place to put that item.", "hLabel": 3433213885 }, { "szLabel": "Pickup_OnlyOneAllowed_Local_Coop", "szText": "{s1} is not allowed to have more than one of that item.", "hLabel": 418264497 }, { "szLabel": "InsufficientFunds_GenericCurrency", "szText": "You cannot afford to unlock that.", "hLabel": 3716601070 }, { "szLabel": "SkillTree_NoPointsSpent", "szText": "You cannot refund a node that has no Skill Points invested.", "hLabel": 133775634 }, { "szLabel": "SkillTree_BreaksNodeConnection", "szText": "You cannot refund a node that breaks the connection to another node.", "hLabel": 3207745788 }, { "szLabel": "SkillTree_InvalidatesRootNode", "szText": "You cannot refund a node that is required to keep a cluster unlocked.", "hLabel": 56105260 }, { "szLabel": "ItemCrafting_CannotUpgradeFurther", "szText": "You cannot upgrade this item further.", "hLabel": 4023129447 }, { "szLabel": "ItemCrafting_CannotUpgradeAtVendor", "szText": "That item cannot be upgraded at this Vendor.", "hLabel": 122934826 }, { "szLabel": "ItemCrafting_CannotUpgrade", "szText": "That item cannot be upgraded.", "hLabel": 2441977735 }, { "szLabel": "LeavingPvPCausesShardLoss", "szText": "Leaving the PvP area will cause you to lose all uncleansed Seeds of Hatred.", "hLabel": 423316403 }, { "szLabel": "Bnet_PartyJoin_NotFound", "szText": "The party you attempted to join no longer exists.", "hLabel": 4270781524 }, { "szLabel": "Bnet_PartyJoin_NotCrossplayCompatible", "szText": "Your cross-play setting is not compatible with the party you attempted to join.", "hLabel": 1533307608 }, { "szLabel": "Bnet_PartyJoin_NoRoom", "szText": "There is not enough room in that party.", "hLabel": 1991613121 }, { "szLabel": "SocialWheelLeaveDungeonNotAvailable", "szText": "Leave Dungeon not available.", "hLabel": 193602751 }, { "szLabel": "PartyTownPortalNotAvailable", "szText": "You cannot use Town Portal until the Prologue is completed.", "hLabel": 2031847132 }, { "szLabel": "ClassUnavailable", "szText": "{c_red}Unavailable{/c}", "hLabel": 2483686010 }, { "szLabel": "MountUpDisabled", "szText": "Mounts are restricted in this area.", "hLabel": 2990163920 }, { "szLabel": "WaypointNotAllowedInPrologue", "szText": "You cannot use Waypoints until the Prologue is completed.", "hLabel": 3629665368 }, { "szLabel": "TownPortalNotAllowedInPrologue", "szText": "You cannot Town Portal until the Prologue is completed.", "hLabel": 2628326935 }, { "szLabel": "TradeChatSpamError", "szText": "You need to wait before you can send another message to this channel.", "hLabel": 3793975243 }, { "szLabel": "ItemCrafting_CannotUpgradeAtCrafterGoJeweler", "szText": "Amulet and Rings can only be upgraded at a Jeweler.", "hLabel": 153931367 }, { "szLabel": "SocialWheelQuickTradeNotAvailable", "szText": "Trade is not available at this time.", "hLabel": 3367404399 }, { "szLabel": "SocialWheelQuickInviteNotAvailable", "szText": "Party Invite is not available at this time.", "hLabel": 512050222 }, { "szLabel": "SocialWheelPlayerContextMenuNotAvailable", "szText": "Context menu not available at this time.", "hLabel": 2980125385 }, { "szLabel": "SocialWheelQuickChatNotAvailable", "szText": "Chat is not available at this time.", "hLabel": 2101906207 }, { "szLabel": "SocialWheelZonePVPFlagged", "szText": "That action is not available at this time.", "hLabel": 2987061324 }, { "szLabel": "SocialWheelZonePVPNonPremium", "szText": "A premium account is required for that action.", "hLabel": 3173771148 }, { "szLabel": "SocialWheelZonePVPNotInZone", "szText": "You must be in a PvP territory to perform that action.", "hLabel": 2230876774 }, { "szLabel": "BlockedSubzone", "szText": "You will be teleported back if you continue.", "hLabel": 2463045626 }, { "szLabel": "Pickup_AtCurrencyCap_Local_Coop", "szText": "{s1} cannot carry the additional {s2}.", "hLabel": 495235737 }, { "szLabel": "ParagonBoard_RefundNodeBreaksConnection", "szText": "You cannot refund a node that breaks the connection to another node.", "hLabel": 695300673 }, { "szLabel": "ParagonBoard_UnequipBoardContainingPurchasedNodes", "szText": "You must refund all nodes on this board before you can detach it.", "hLabel": 2106153600 }, { "szLabel": "IAR_ItemCannotBeStashed", "szText": "That item cannot be stored in your Stash.", "hLabel": 3571237984 }, { "szLabel": "Pickup_AtCurrencyCap", "szText": "You cannot carry the additional {s1}.", "hLabel": 1996489503 }, { "szLabel": "ContentBlockedDescription", "szText": "You cannot view this user generated content.", "hLabel": 2036816851 }, { "szLabel": "ItemUse_AlreadyAtMaxHealthAndResource", "szText": "You are already at full Life and Resource.", "hLabel": 2449489257 }, { "szLabel": "ItemCrafting_CannotUpgradeAtCrafterGoBlacksmith", "szText": "Armor and Weapons can only be upgraded at a Blacksmith.", "hLabel": 553095355 }, { "szLabel": "ItemUse_TransmogAlreadyUnlocked", "szText": "You already own that cosmetic.", "hLabel": 3458602525 }, { "szLabel": "CannotDoInCoop", "szText": "You cannot do that in shared screen play. ", "hLabel": 2203903998 }, { "szLabel": "CannotEnchantItemType", "szText": "You cannot enchant items of this type.", "hLabel": 1898781621 }, { "szLabel": "CannotEnchantItemQuality", "szText": "You cannot enchant items of this quality.", "hLabel": 2616285180 }, { "szLabel": "IAR_CannotSalvageAllNormal", "szText": "You have no Common items to salvage.", "hLabel": 2458989155 }, { "szLabel": "ClanNoStream", "szText": "There was a problem sending the clan chat message.", "hLabel": 3224471751 }, { "szLabel": "CannotDoWhenCoOpBusy", "szText": "You cannot do that while {s1} is busy. ", "hLabel": 2435897500 }, { "szLabel": "ItemCannotHaveSocket", "szText": "That item cannot have a socket.", "hLabel": 1140038911 }, { "szLabel": "ParagonBoard_RefundNodeNoPointsSpent", "szText": "You cannot refund a node that has not been unlocked.", "hLabel": 927310813 }, { "szLabel": "PinnedLockedDungeon", "szText": "You cannot pin a locked dungeon.", "hLabel": 1371076768 }, { "szLabel": "SocialWheelZonePVPFlaggedNeedCleansing", "szText": "You are already marked. Find the Altar of Cleansing {icon:Marker_PVPRemoveHostile, 1} in town to remove the Bloodmark.", "hLabel": 2631626684 }, { "szLabel": "WorldTierUnavailable", "szText": "World Tier is unavailable due to outstanding party invites.", "hLabel": 2600860000 }, { "szLabel": "PVPAltarCooldown", "szText": "Altar of Extraction is on cooldown.", "hLabel": 3726585039 }, { "szLabel": "QuestItemRequired", "szText": "You don't have the item to do that.", "hLabel": 3182218082 }, { "szLabel": "ItemRequired", "szText": "You don't have the item to do that.", "hLabel": 1461533232 }, { "szLabel": "BnetServerRestart", "szText": "Server restarting for updates in {s1}.", "hLabel": 1480044101 }, { "szLabel": "BnetServerShutdown", "szText": "Server shutting down in {s1}.", "hLabel": 923397244 }, { "szLabel": "SocialFriendsFailedToLoad", "szText": "{c_red}Failed to load friends list.{/c}", "hLabel": 84003662 }, { "szLabel": "ContentBlockedClanName", "szText": "{c_red}Content Blocked{/c}", "hLabel": 1511460910 }, { "szLabel": "ContentNotAllowedClanName", "szText": "{c_red}Content Blocked{/c}", "hLabel": 78676531 }, { "szLabel": "IAR_ItemAffixBlocklisted", "szText": "That item has a blocklisted affix and cannot be equipped.", "hLabel": 3472059784 }, { "szLabel": "KeyedDungeonRequiresTier4", "szText": "Your party must be in World Tier 5 to activate this Dungeon Key.", "hLabel": 4032420986 }, { "szLabel": "ItemCrafting_HasNotUnlockedNextUpgradeLevel", "szText": "You are not high enough Level to upgrade this item.", "hLabel": 84851965 }, { "szLabel": "RareMalignantHeartLimit", "szText": "You cannot have more than 1 Wrathful Malignant Heart equipped.", "hLabel": 3835913784 }, { "szLabel": "ItemSocketMalignantColorMismatch", "szText": "There is no eligible socket in the item. You can only insert a matching heart or a Wrathful heart.", "hLabel": 2283150312 }, { "szLabel": "ItemSocketCanOnlyHaveOneWrathfulOrb", "szText": "[PH] You cannot equip more than 1 Wrathful Malignant Orb", "hLabel": 4021055202 }, { "szLabel": "S01_MalignantChoice_Defensive", "szText": "You must craft a Brutal Malignant Invoker to proceed.", "hLabel": 3991697201 }, { "szLabel": "S01_MalignantChoice_Powerful", "szText": "You must craft a Wrathful Malignant Invoker to proceed.", "hLabel": 3088635340 }, { "szLabel": "S01_MalignantChoice_Offensive", "szText": "You must craft a Vicious Malignant Invoker to proceed.", "hLabel": 3683067677 }, { "szLabel": "S01_MalignantChoice_Utility", "szText": "You must craft a Devious Malignant Invoker to proceed.", "hLabel": 3476488044 }, { "szLabel": "S01_Varshan", "szText": "You must craft an Invoker of Varshan to proceed.", "hLabel": 147614054 }, { "szLabel": "S01_Varshan_WT3", "szText": "You must craft a Foul Invoker of Varshan to proceed.", "hLabel": 38063555 }, { "szLabel": "S01_Varshan_WT4", "szText": "You must craft a Tormented Invoker of Varshan to proceed.", "hLabel": 38063556 }, { "szLabel": "CannotUnsocketHeart", "szText": "A malignant heart can not be unsocketed. It can only be replaced with another heart.", "hLabel": 3508761219 }, { "szLabel": "CannotReplaceGemWithHeart", "szText": "You cannot replace a socketed gem with hearts. See the Jeweler to unsocket the Gem first.", "hLabel": 98126856 }, { "szLabel": "CannotSummonBoss", "szText": "You must defeat the boss before summoning it again.", "hLabel": 1169282649 }, { "szLabel": "S2_Vampzone_BloodStone_Altar", "szText": "Requires a Glowing Blood Stone to operate", "hLabel": 2076876351 }, { "szLabel": "S2_Vampzone_LockedVampireChest", "szText": "You need a Seeker Key to open this.", "hLabel": 1832433968 }, { "szLabel": "S2_Vampzone_SanguineAltar", "szText": "Requires 15 Blood Lures to operate", "hLabel": 4159828449 }, { "szLabel": "IAR_CannotSalvageAllScrap", "szText": "You have no scrap to salvage.", "hLabel": 3724227475 }, { "szLabel": "S02_BloodSealLocked", "szText": "Cannot equip locked Vampiric Power.", "hLabel": 1363425563 }, { "szLabel": "S02_BloodSealCannotEquip", "szText": "Cannot equip this Vampiric Power.", "hLabel": 4237277072 }, { "szLabel": "S02_BloodSealAlreadyEquipped", "szText": "This Vampiric Power is already equipped.", "hLabel": 3533698760 }, { "szLabel": "S02_InsufficientFunds_BloodSealUpgradeCurrency", "szText": "You do not have enough Potent Blood.", "hLabel": 2643096290 }, { "szLabel": "S2_Vampzone_BloodLure_Pedestal", "szText": "Requires 50 Blood Lures to operate", "hLabel": 531298828 }, { "szLabel": "IAR_CannotSalvageLocked", "szText": "You cannot salvage a favorited item.", "hLabel": 3963030867 }, { "szLabel": "ItemCannotBeSoldLocked", "szText": "Favorited items cannot be sold.", "hLabel": 3498206141 }, { "szLabel": "ItemSocketLocked", "szText": "You cannot socket favorited items", "hLabel": 1441880138 }, { "szLabel": "ItemCannotBeDroppedLocked", "szText": "Favorited items cannot be dropped.", "hLabel": 3828724569 }, { "szLabel": "CannotTradeItemLocked", "szText": "Favorited items cannot be traded.", "hLabel": 3533678740 }, { "szLabel": "ItemUse_Locked", "szText": "You cannot use favorited items.", "hLabel": 1416853325 }, { "szLabel": "CannotExtractFromItemLocked", "szText": "Cannot extract from a favorited item.", "hLabel": 2583409907 }, { "szLabel": "IAR_CannotSalvageAllCrudeGems", "szText": "You have no Crude Gems to salvage.", "hLabel": 2251720697 }, { "szLabel": "IAR_CannotSalvageAllChippedGems", "szText": "You have no Chipped Gems to salvage.", "hLabel": 2899323043 }, { "szLabel": "IAR_CannotSalvageAllStandardGems", "szText": "You have no Standard Gems to salvage.", "hLabel": 1720327991 }, { "szLabel": "IAR_CannotSalvageAllFlawlessGems", "szText": "You have no Flawless Gems to salvage.", "hLabel": 1896145543 }, { "szLabel": "IAR_CannotSalvageAllRoyalGems", "szText": "You have no Royal Gems to salvage. ", "hLabel": 3257126157 }, { "szLabel": "IAR_CannotSalvageAllGems", "szText": "You have no Gems to salvage.", "hLabel": 502877734 }, { "szLabel": "InsufficientFunds_Currency", "szText": "You cannot afford this item.", "hLabel": 1433147633 }, { "szLabel": "S02_MaxArmorPacts", "szText": "This item cannot have more Pacts added.", "hLabel": 1875105814 }, { "szLabel": "S02_CannotAddPactsToNonArmor", "szText": "Can only add Pacts to armor.", "hLabel": 1300176266 }, { "szLabel": "S02_CannotRemoveArmorPacts", "szText": "No Pacts to remove on this item.", "hLabel": 3512362273 }, { "szLabel": "S2_Vampzone_LockedWell", "szText": "Requires 15 Blood Lures to operate", "hLabel": 3491072377 }, { "szLabel": "ObjectInUseByAnotherPlayer", "szText": "Object is in use by another player", "hLabel": 2212911188 }, { "szLabel": "IAR_CannotSalvageConsumables", "szText": "You cannot salvage Consumable items.", "hLabel": 3659371677 }, { "szLabel": "IAR_CannotSalvageAspects", "szText": "You cannot salvage Aspects.", "hLabel": 781495348 }, { "szLabel": "CannotPortalDuringPartySummon", "szText": "Cannot use a portal while being summoned by a party member.", "hLabel": 2904543629 }, { "szLabel": "WithdrawOnly", "szText": "You cannot store item in this stash tab because it's withdraw only.", "hLabel": 395389516 }, { "szLabel": "ItemCrafting_MissingReagents_Exchange", "szText": "You do not have enough materials to exchange this item.", "hLabel": 3768281361 }, { "szLabel": "ParagonBoard_UnequipBoardCannotAfford", "szText": "You do not have enough gold to unequip this board.", "hLabel": 2668125427 }, { "szLabel": "ParagonBoard_BoardCannotBeUnequipped", "szText": "[PH]This paragon board cannot be unequipped.", "hLabel": 1621074017 }, { "szLabel": "S03_LBD_Rift_ScoreChestLocked", "szText": "A key is required to open this chest.", "hLabel": 1978653983 }, { "szLabel": "CannotDoWhileLocalCoopPlayerIsDead", "szText": "Can't do this while {s1} is dead", "hLabel": 961492354 }, { "szLabel": "SkillTree_RespecModeNoPendingOperations", "szText": "You have no changes to confirm", "hLabel": 547775035 }, { "szLabel": "SkillTree_RespecModeInvalidTree", "szText": "You have broken paths in the skill tree", "hLabel": 138399084 }, { "szLabel": "S03_Attunement_InsufficientPearls", "szText": "A Pearl of Warding is required to receive Zoltun's Warding.", "hLabel": 196975047 }, { "szLabel": "CannotDoWhileTraverse", "szText": "You cannot travel whilst traversing. ", "hLabel": 272506235 }, { "szLabel": "Trial_PartyMemberStopped", "szText": "A party member stopped the Challenge Rift", "hLabel": 3941968226 }, { "szLabel": "Trial_PartySizeChanged", "szText": "The Challenge Rift stopped because the party size changed", "hLabel": 2006504144 }, { "szLabel": "ChallengerRiftCanceled", "szText": "You have abandoned your Trial.", "hLabel": 3145778489 }, { "szLabel": "ChallengerRiftCannotChangeBuild", "szText": "You cannot adjust your skill points, class specializations, Paragon points, or equipment at this time.", "hLabel": 2029284675 }, { "szLabel": "ChallengerRiftRequiredTier4", "szText": "Your party must be in World Tier 4 to initiate or join Trials.", "hLabel": 2681763091 }, { "szLabel": "WrongSlotErrorMessage", "szText": "That stone is the wrong type for this slot.", "hLabel": 2685616318 }, { "szLabel": "IAR_CannotSalvageAllJunkSigil", "szText": "You have no sigils Marked as Junk to salvage.", "hLabel": 1893599370 }, { "szLabel": "SkillTree_RefundAllNoPointsSpent", "szText": "You have no nodes to refund", "hLabel": 1113319919 }, { "szLabel": "ParagonBoard_RefundAllNoPointsSpent", "szText": "You have no nodes to refund", "hLabel": 3019160624 }, { "szLabel": "KeyedDungeonInsideNMD", "szText": "You can only use that item outside of this Dungeon.", "hLabel": 3555198973 }, { "szLabel": "Helltide_Summon_Lock", "szText": "You do not have enough Baneful Hearts.", "hLabel": 2519108049 }, { "szLabel": "ItemUse_RecipeRarityTooLow", "szText": "A more powerful Tempering Recipe is already known.", "hLabel": 2173738674 }, { "szLabel": "Temper_GenericError", "szText": "You cannot Temper this item.", "hLabel": 3911953587 }, { "szLabel": "Temper_WrongItemType", "szText": "The selected Tempering Recipe cannot be used on this item type.", "hLabel": 1167417130 }, { "szLabel": "Temper_LegacyItem", "szText": "Legacy items cannot be Tempered.", "hLabel": 974010608 }, { "szLabel": "Temper_UnsupportedItemQuality", "szText": "Only Rare and Legendary items can be Tempered.", "hLabel": 1796218605 }, { "szLabel": "Temper_ItemNotEquippable", "szText": "Only equippable items can be Tempered.", "hLabel": 2004188628 }, { "szLabel": "Temper_MaxCount", "szText": "This item has reached its Temper Reroll limit.", "hLabel": 421297595 }, { "szLabel": "SocialWheelMountLocked", "szText": "You have not unlocked any Mounts.", "hLabel": 3621912629 }, { "szLabel": "SocialWheelTownPortalLocked", "szText": "Town Portal not Available.", "hLabel": 3965919228 }, { "szLabel": "SocialWheelMountNotAvailable", "szText": "Mounts are restricted in this area.", "hLabel": 2300957941 }, { "szLabel": "PowerUnusableSitting", "szText": "You cannot use that Skill while sitting.", "hLabel": 1697782606 }, { "szLabel": "Temper_CannotRerollCategory", "szText": "This item cannot reroll affixes with the selected recipe.", "hLabel": 3356314237 }, { "szLabel": "Masterwork_InvalidItem", "szText": "You cannot Masterwork this item.", "hLabel": 59986916 }, { "szLabel": "BSK_WaveCountTooLow", "szText": "Clear more waves to unlock this chest.", "hLabel": 3697049151 }, { "szLabel": "StashNotAvailable", "szText": "Stash is currently not available", "hLabel": 471946933 }, { "szLabel": "LockedChest_DungeonKey", "szText": "You need the Dungeon Key to open this chest.", "hLabel": 2995217761 }, { "szLabel": "PowerNotEnoughVigor", "szText": "Not enough Vigor to use that Skill.", "hLabel": 1028348747 }, { "szLabel": "PowerNotEnoughAllegiance", "szText": "Not enough Allegiance to use that Skill.", "hLabel": 3399726633 }, { "szLabel": "PlayerNotAllowedInSubzone", "szText": "You are not allowed to travel here.", "hLabel": 585241667 }, { "szLabel": "InvalidItem", "szText": "Item Invalid", "hLabel": 464183318 }, { "szLabel": "LockedChest", "szText": "You need a key to open this chest.", "hLabel": 512567145 }, { "szLabel": "PartyBuffReceptacleEmpty", "szText": "[PH] The party buff receptacle has no juice in it.", "hLabel": 3249934074 }, { "szLabel": "LocalCoopNotSupported", "szText": "This content does not support local co-op.", "hLabel": 3985571699 }, { "szLabel": "EXP1_RaidBelowMinimumWorldTier", "szText": "The Dark Citadel is only available in Torment difficulties.", "hLabel": 2248006446 }, { "szLabel": "SocialWheelToggleWorldMarkerNotAvailable", "szText": "Markers can only be used within the Dark Citadel.", "hLabel": 2879544526 }, { "szLabel": "ResetTemperReroll_AlreadyReset", "szText": "Scroll of Restoration has already been used on this item.", "hLabel": 2159158596 }, { "szLabel": "ResetTemperReroll_GenericError", "szText": "Scroll of Restoration cannot be used on this item.", "hLabel": 3988770950 }, { "szLabel": "EXP1_MercCannotHireInParty", "szText": "You can not hire a mercenary while teamed up with other players", "hLabel": 3022335542 }, { "szLabel": "EntirePartyMustBePresent_EntitlementMissing", "szText": "Your entire party must be present and alive to do this. Party members who do not have access to your location will be removed from the party.", "hLabel": 4245486026 }, { "szLabel": "BlockedSubzone_X1Entitlement", "szText": "Access to this location requires the Vessel of Hatred expansion. If you don't turn back, you will be teleported away.", "hLabel": 769030059 }, { "szLabel": "BlockedSubzone_X1Entitlement_Port", "szText": "You are being removed from this inaccessible area.", "hLabel": 1867605039 }, { "szLabel": "BlockedSubzone_Port", "szText": "You are being removed from this inaccessible area.", "hLabel": 2700447198 }, { "szLabel": "EXP1_MercSkillTreeNoActor", "szText": "You cannot modify the abilities of a mercenary that is not hired and active.", "hLabel": 2992924105 }, { "szLabel": "ItemSocketGemNotAllowed", "szText": "You cannot socket a Gem into an item socketed with Runes.", "hLabel": 1409347818 }, { "szLabel": "ItemCrafting_UnentitledProduct", "szText": "You cannot craft this item because it requires Vessel of Hatred.", "hLabel": 3084795385 }, { "szLabel": "BlockedSubzone_X1Mismatch", "szText": "You have been teleported due to not having access to Vessel of Hatred.", "hLabel": 1803566360 }, { "szLabel": "InsufficientFunds_PaleMarks", "szText": "You do not have enough Pale Marks.", "hLabel": 2356524902 }, { "szLabel": "LockedChest_S06RealmwalkerCurrencyKey", "szText": "You need [ph] Hate Shards to open this locked chest.", "hLabel": 2657684268 }, { "szLabel": "CannotTradeItemTargetEntitlementMismatch", "szText": "You cannot trade this item to a player that does not own Vessel of Hatred.", "hLabel": 89757352 }, { "szLabel": "CannotTradeItemSelfEntitlementMismatch", "szText": "You cannot trade this item while you do not own Vessel of Hatred.", "hLabel": 2842560555 }, { "szLabel": "ResetTemperReroll_HasRerolls", "szText": "Scroll of Restoration cannot be used on this item until all Tempering Charges have been used.", "hLabel": 2740458942 } ], "ptMapStringTable": "0" }