{ "__fileName__": "enUS_Text/meta/StringList/FrontEnd_CharacterCreate.stl", "arStrings": [ { "szLabel": "Confirm", "szText": "Create", "hLabel": 3484573774 }, { "szLabel": "Appearance", "szText": "Face & Body", "hLabel": 612624592 }, { "szLabel": "Accessories", "szText": "Accessories", "hLabel": 51574740 }, { "szLabel": "Hair", "szText": "Hair", "hLabel": 3846660 }, { "szLabel": "ColorAndTone", "szText": "Color", "hLabel": 1606830248 }, { "szLabel": "HairStyle", "szText": "Hair Style", "hLabel": 2087797621 }, { "szLabel": "HairFacial", "szText": "Details", "hLabel": 3940725540 }, { "szLabel": "AccessoriesMarkings", "szText": "Markings ({c:FFdba864}{s1}{/c} {c:FFb3a99b}/ {s2}{/c})", "hLabel": 1371013072 }, { "szLabel": "AccessoriesJewelry", "szText": "Jewelry", "hLabel": 2576626070 }, { "szLabel": "ColorSkinTone", "szText": "Skin Tones", "hLabel": 427924234 }, { "szLabel": "ColorHair", "szText": "Hair Color", "hLabel": 24304547 }, { "szLabel": "ColorEye", "szText": "Eye Color", "hLabel": 3254497122 }, { "szLabel": "ColorMarkings", "szText": "Markings Color", "hLabel": 2733790491 }, { "szLabel": "CharacterName", "szText": "Name (Required)", "hLabel": 1062831150 }, { "szLabel": "CharacterNameLimit", "szText": "Character Limit {s1}", "hLabel": 454498509 }, { "szLabel": "GameplayOptions", "szText": "Gameplay Options", "hLabel": 2315750172 }, { "szLabel": "Hardcore", "szText": "{icon:FrontEnd_Gameplay_Hardcore, 1.8} Hardcore", "hLabel": 918903656 }, { "szLabel": "Seasonal", "szText": "Seasonal", "hLabel": 1794162454 }, { "szLabel": "HardcoreWarning", "szText": "{c_red}WARNING:{/c} Hardcore heroes die permanently. ", "hLabel": 1534271870 }, { "szLabel": "SeasonalDetails", "szText": "A new form of Lilith's corruption spreads across Sanctuary, and you must stop it! This unlocks {c_highlight}after Campaign completion{/c}.", "hLabel": 774833532 }, { "szLabel": "ViewSeasonalRewards", "szText": "View Seasonal Rewards", "hLabel": 746499657 }, { "szLabel": "CharacterNameDetails", "szText": "Hero names may not contain number, punctuation, or invalid characters. Please use either letters (a-z, A-Z) OR valid characters in your locale.", "hLabel": 3432259476 }, { "szLabel": "Class", "szText": "Class", "hLabel": 121396918 }, { "szLabel": "Details", "szText": "Gameplay Style", "hLabel": 96656166 }, { "szLabel": "AppearancePresets", "szText": "Face & Body", "hLabel": 4032234102 }, { "szLabel": "SeasonRewards", "szText": "Season Rewards", "hLabel": 2457604161 }, { "szLabel": "InvalidHeroName", "szText": "The current hero name is invalid. Please check the input hero name.", "hLabel": 1735578838 }, { "szLabel": "ProfaneHeroName", "szText": "Profane hero name.", "hLabel": 1648675034 }, { "szLabel": "DisabledClassGender", "szText": "The selected class and gender has been disabled for any hero creation.", "hLabel": 1551792803 }, { "szLabel": "CharacterCreate", "szText": "{s1} Create", "hLabel": 1666303137 }, { "szLabel": "Return", "szText": "Return to Campfire", "hLabel": 290545504 }, { "szLabel": "EdTest", "szText": "Just a test 12", "hLabel": 4075549385 }, { "szLabel": "Overlay_Warning", "szText": "Warning", "hLabel": 1907492087 }, { "szLabel": "Overlay_Body", "szText": "Changes have been made to a character preset. Leaving customization will reset any changes made.", "hLabel": 563896367 }, { "szLabel": "Accept", "szText": "Accept", "hLabel": 3917210864 }, { "szLabel": "AccessoriesMakeup", "szText": "Makeup", "hLabel": 3183773175 }, { "szLabel": "SkipCampaign", "szText": "{icon:FrontEnd_Campaign, 1.8} Skip Base Campaign", "hLabel": 3900966391 }, { "szLabel": "SkipCampaignExplanation", "szText": "Skips the original game's campaign and starts you at the beginning of Vessel of Hatred.", "hLabel": 1625944986 }, { "szLabel": "HairStyleTab", "szText": "Style", "hLabel": 399541676 }, { "szLabel": "HairBrowFacialTab", "szText": "Brow", "hLabel": 901542677 }, { "szLabel": "AccessoriesMarkings_Tab", "szText": "Markings", "hLabel": 1787394598 }, { "szLabel": "AccessoriesJewelry_Tab", "szText": "Jewelry", "hLabel": 3306495724 }, { "szLabel": "AccessoriesMakeup_Tab", "szText": "Makeup", "hLabel": 2016066509 }, { "szLabel": "SkipCampaign_Dialog_Title", "szText": "Skip Campaign", "hLabel": 1295662759 }, { "szLabel": "SkipCampaign_Dialog_Details", "szText": "You have unlocked the ability to {c:FFbf6b31}skip the campaign{/c} on any of your characters. ", "hLabel": 2881891595 }, { "szLabel": "VoicePresets", "szText": "Voice", "hLabel": 211352636 }, { "szLabel": "VoiceOption01", "szText": "Voice 1", "hLabel": 1003486096 }, { "szLabel": "VoiceOption02", "szText": "Voice 2", "hLabel": 1003486097 }, { "szLabel": "HairBrowTab", "szText": "Facial Hair", "hLabel": 1004075637 }, { "szLabel": "HairFacialTab", "szText": "Facial Hair", "hLabel": 4192176891 }, { "szLabel": "LevelOfTutorialsTitle", "szText": "Tutorial Preference", "hLabel": 1169596086 }, { "szLabel": "LevelOfTutorials_Body", "szText": "Select your guidance preference below. You can always {c_highlight}change this within the Options menu.{/c}", "hLabel": 1144434497 }, { "szLabel": "Tutorials_LessGuidance", "szText": "Less Guidance", "hLabel": 2835756253 }, { "szLabel": "Tutorials_MoreGuideance", "szText": "More Guidance", "hLabel": 1157515966 }, { "szLabel": "LessGuidanceBody", "szText": "Minimal guidance on new features only. Explore hell on your own. ", "hLabel": 740445189 }, { "szLabel": "MoreGuidanceBody", "szText": "More in depth tutorials. Recommended for new Diablo players.", "hLabel": 112131265 }, { "szLabel": "TutorialAccept", "szText": "Next", "hLabel": 2629862852 }, { "szLabel": "TutorialCancel", "szText": "Cancel", "hLabel": 2706154554 }, { "szLabel": "AcceptTutorialController", "szText": "{icon:button1, 2} Next", "hLabel": 928486536 }, { "szLabel": "CancelTutorialControllerq", "szText": "{icon:button2,2} Cancel", "hLabel": 3033851055 }, { "szLabel": "Create", "szText": "Create", "hLabel": 4013338100 }, { "szLabel": "Finalize", "szText": "Finalize", "hLabel": 3163390610 }, { "szLabel": "DifficultyTitle", "szText": "Select Difficulty", "hLabel": 1709691349 }, { "szLabel": "DifficultyBody", "szText": "This may be changed at any time from the Character Select Screen or from the World Tier Statue {icon:Marker_WorldTiers, 2.0} in Kyovashad. Players must be in the same World Tier to form a party.", "hLabel": 2524027937 }, { "szLabel": "WorldTier1", "szText": "World Tier 1", "hLabel": 57879821 }, { "szLabel": "WorldTier2", "szText": "World Tier 2", "hLabel": 57879822 }, { "szLabel": "WorldTier1Title", "szText": "Adventurer", "hLabel": 1111033647 }, { "szLabel": "WorldTier2Title", "szText": "Veteran", "hLabel": 1150169040 }, { "szLabel": "WorldTier1_Bullet1", "szText": "Recommended for new players to Diablo or want a light challenge", "hLabel": 3450210597 }, { "szLabel": "WorldTier1_Bullet2", "szText": "Enemies are easy to defeat", "hLabel": 3450210598 }, { "szLabel": "WorldTier1_Bullet3", "szText": "Drops are average", "hLabel": 3450210599 }, { "szLabel": "WorldTier2_Bullet1", "szText": "Recommended for Diablo veterans who want to be tested.", "hLabel": 1109555750 }, { "szLabel": "WorldTier2_Bullet2", "szText": "Enemies will challenge you", "hLabel": 1109555751 }, { "szLabel": "WorldTier2_Bullet3", "szText": "Better drops", "hLabel": 1109555752 }, { "szLabel": "WorldTier2_Bullet4", "szText": "Increased XP & Gold", "hLabel": 1109555753 }, { "szLabel": "ContinueButton", "szText": "Continue", "hLabel": 3328072193 }, { "szLabel": "BackButton", "szText": "Back", "hLabel": 643788909 }, { "szLabel": "ContinueDifficultyButtonController", "szText": "{icon:button1, 2} Continue", "hLabel": 3802013752 }, { "szLabel": "CancelDifficultyButtonController", "szText": "{icon:button2, 2} Cancel", "hLabel": 1316168025 }, { "szLabel": "CancelDialog", "szText": "Cancel", "hLabel": 3747180182 }, { "szLabel": "DifficultyModalAccept", "szText": "Start", "hLabel": 1466165264 }, { "szLabel": "DifficultyModalAcceptController", "szText": "{icon:button1, 2} Start", "hLabel": 317400276 }, { "szLabel": "BodyType", "szText": "Body Type", "hLabel": 3284596528 }, { "szLabel": "OnlyRandomNames", "szText": "{c_highlight}Only randomized names available.{/c} This is due to your character name being flagged as inappropriate 3 times.", "hLabel": 2313823095 }, { "szLabel": "Customize", "szText": "Customize", "hLabel": 2974541283 }, { "szLabel": "CharacterPresets", "szText": "Character Presets", "hLabel": 3058241523 }, { "szLabel": "BodyText_Info", "szText": "Select and customize Body Type.", "hLabel": 3327010878 }, { "szLabel": "BackToClassSelect", "szText": "Back to Class Select", "hLabel": 615325770 }, { "szLabel": "FaceVariants", "szText": "Face Variations", "hLabel": 2969498871 }, { "szLabel": "MarkingsValue", "szText": "{c:FFdba864}{s1}{/c} / {s2} {s3}", "hLabel": 3291654297 }, { "szLabel": "Legend_Controller_Info", "szText": "Navigate between categories with {icon:l1, 2.0} and {icon:r1, 2.0}", "hLabel": 4184138493 }, { "szLabel": "FaceType_Stepper", "szText": "Face Type - {s1} / {s2}", "hLabel": 1026783443 }, { "szLabel": "Finalize_Prompt", "szText": "{icon:button4, 2.0} Finalize", "hLabel": 1174315635 }, { "szLabel": "Customize_Prompt", "szText": "{icon:button3, 2.0} Customize", "hLabel": 4012114084 }, { "szLabel": "Back_Prompt", "szText": "{icon:button2, 2.0} Back", "hLabel": 4287497714 }, { "szLabel": "WorldTierTitle", "szText": "World Tier", "hLabel": 3106202846 }, { "szLabel": "BackToBodyType", "szText": "Back to Body Type", "hLabel": 2281390532 }, { "szLabel": "Presets", "szText": "Presets", "hLabel": 3200983974 }, { "szLabel": "CharacterPresetsInfo", "szText": "Select a preset below:", "hLabel": 3550561983 }, { "szLabel": "SeasonInfo", "szText": "Season Info", "hLabel": 3928053173 }, { "szLabel": "SeasonHeader", "szText": "Season {s1}: {c_highlight}{s2}{/c}", "hLabel": 4107448978 }, { "szLabel": "ViewSeasonInfo", "szText": "{icon:r3, 2} Season Info", "hLabel": 366142544 }, { "szLabel": "SeasonalRealm", "szText": "Seasonal Realm", "hLabel": 2245628807 }, { "szLabel": "EternalRealm", "szText": "Eternal Realm", "hLabel": 3907724700 }, { "szLabel": "EternalInfo", "szText": "Offers the default gameplay experience. No access to seasonal content in this Realm.", "hLabel": 2590962391 }, { "szLabel": "SeasonalInfo", "szText": "(Recommended) Offers {c_highlight}new content{/c} in addition to the default gameplay experience. Seasonal content takes place {c_highlight}after Campaign completion{/c}. ", "hLabel": 3842101090 }, { "szLabel": "SelectHeroRealm", "szText": "Select Hero Realm", "hLabel": 3361162911 }, { "szLabel": "HeroRealmInfo", "szText": "{icon:Exclamation_Mark,2} {c_highlight}Seasonal{/c} characters are {c_highlight}moved to the Eternal Realm{/c} when the season ends. {c_highlight}Season Journey{/c} and {c_highlight}Battle Pass{/c} are only available for {c_highlight}Seasonal{/c} characters.", "hLabel": 4136547435 }, { "szLabel": "SeasonModalHeader", "szText": "Season Info", "hLabel": 3114978623 }, { "szLabel": "SeasonModalBody", "szText": "If you want to access Seasonal content, you need to {c_highlight}create a new character{/c} for the {c_highlight}Seasonal Realm{/c}. Continue to Eternal Realm (non Seasonal)?", "hLabel": 1592069764 }, { "szLabel": "ContinueToGame", "szText": "Continue to game", "hLabel": 4024905794 }, { "szLabel": "ViewEventInfo", "szText": "{icon:l3, 2} Event Info", "hLabel": 1800231273 }, { "szLabel": "StashMigrationWarning", "szText": "{icon:FrontEnd_StashMigration_Icon, 2} Seasonally migrated items in your Stash will expire in {c_highlight}{s1} days{/c}. Enter the {c_highlight}Eternal Realm{/c} to retrieve them.", "hLabel": 1066544355 }, { "szLabel": "StashMigrationWarning_NoDate", "szText": "{icon:FrontEnd_StashMigration_Icon, 2} Seasonally migrated items in your Stash will expire soon. Enter the {c_highlight}Eternal Realm{/c} to retrieve them.", "hLabel": 802001437 }, { "szLabel": "Locked", "szText": "Locked", "hLabel": 66970098 }, { "szLabel": "Spiritborn_Locked", "szText": "The {c_highlight}Spiritborn class{/c} is only available in {c_highlight}Vessel of Hatred{/c}.", "hLabel": 753436029 }, { "szLabel": "Explore_X1", "szText": "Explore Vessel of Hatred", "hLabel": 336825255 }, { "szLabel": "Explore_X1_Prompt", "szText": "{icon:button4, 2.0} Explore Vessel of Hatred", "hLabel": 3701932520 }, { "szLabel": "Undo_Character_Delete", "szText": "Undo Character Delete", "hLabel": 210173524 }, { "szLabel": "Undo_Character_Delete_Prompt", "szText": "{icon:button3, 2.0} Undo Character Delete", "hLabel": 1862471669 }, { "szLabel": "ConfirmClass_Controller", "szText": "{icon:button1, 2.0} Confirm Class", "hLabel": 553675047 }, { "szLabel": "ConfirmClass", "szText": "Confirm Class", "hLabel": 459087812 }, { "szLabel": "SkipX1Campaign", "szText": "Skip Expansion 1 Campaign", "hLabel": 4133714016 }, { "szLabel": "SkipCampaignX1Explaination", "szText": "Skip both the base and expansion 1 campaign. Head straight into the open world. This is a permanent choice for this character.", "hLabel": 1103115212 }, { "szLabel": "CampaignStartAtBase", "szText": "Start with the original campaign", "hLabel": 2114891486 }, { "szLabel": "CampaignStartAfterBase", "szText": "Start with the original campaign completed", "hLabel": 1383259163 }, { "szLabel": "CampaignStartWithX1", "szText": "Start with the Vessel of Hatred campaign", "hLabel": 2963479603 }, { "szLabel": "CampaignStartAfterX1", "szText": "Start with Vessel of Hatred campaign completed", "hLabel": 545536713 }, { "szLabel": "ChangeCampaignState", "szText": "Change Campaign State", "hLabel": 3922412263 }, { "szLabel": "SelectCampaignStatePrompt", "szText": "Select where you want to start the game:", "hLabel": 1982909539 }, { "szLabel": "Close", "szText": "Close", "hLabel": 121412150 }, { "szLabel": "SelectStartingDifficulty", "szText": "Select Starting Difficulty", "hLabel": 1926159903 }, { "szLabel": "SelectStartingDifficultySubtitle", "szText": "This may be changed at any time from the Character Selection Screen or the Difficulty Level Statue in Kyovashad.", "hLabel": 2732009995 }, { "szLabel": "DifficultyNormal", "szText": "Normal", "hLabel": 357472028 }, { "szLabel": "DifficultyHard", "szText": "Hard", "hLabel": 2524228754 }, { "szLabel": "DifficultyExpert", "szText": "Expert", "hLabel": 15846763 }, { "szLabel": "Recommended", "szText": "Recommended", "hLabel": 1146017795 }, { "szLabel": "SelectAndEnterSanctuary", "szText": "Select And Enter Sanctuary", "hLabel": 3427072299 }, { "szLabel": "CampaignStartAfterBaseDescription", "szText": "Start with original campaign completed", "hLabel": 2606970079 }, { "szLabel": "CampaignStartAfterX1Description", "szText": "Start with latest campaign completed", "hLabel": 2122795725 }, { "szLabel": "CampaignStartAtBaseDescription", "szText": "Start with the beginning of the original campaign", "hLabel": 1545070530 }, { "szLabel": "CampaignStartWithX1Description", "szText": "Skip original campaign; start with latest campaign", "hLabel": 700200439 }, { "szLabel": "CampaignContinueWithBase", "szText": "Continue with the original campaign", "hLabel": 2394875612 }, { "szLabel": "CampaignContinueWithBaseDescription", "szText": "Carry on the original campaign", "hLabel": 2035180800 }, { "szLabel": "CampaignContineWithX1Description", "szText": "Carry on with the latest campaign", "hLabel": 1224145305 }, { "szLabel": "CampaignContineWithX1", "szText": "Continue with latest campaign", "hLabel": 3430019349 }, { "szLabel": "ChooseCampaignState", "szText": "Choose the campaign state", "hLabel": 2772691426 }, { "szLabel": "SeasonalCharacter", "szText": "Seasonal Character", "hLabel": 919531715 }, { "szLabel": "SeasonalTooltipSubtitle", "szText": "Season of Hatred", "hLabel": 1755124173 }, { "szLabel": "SeasonTooltipBullet2", "szText": "Slay Realmwalkers to access Hell Portals", "hLabel": 1726793326 }, { "szLabel": "RecommendSeasonal", "szText": "Creating a seasonal character is recommended", "hLabel": 4097283376 }, { "szLabel": "HardcoreCharacter", "szText": "Hardcore Character", "hLabel": 1291159893 }, { "szLabel": "HardcoreTooltipBullet1", "szText": "Hardcore characters die permanently", "hLabel": 766885932 }, { "szLabel": "HardcoreTooltipBullet2", "szText": "You can’t rebirth dead hardcore characters", "hLabel": 766885933 }, { "szLabel": "SeasonToolTipBullet1", "szText": "Encounter creatures twisted by the ichor of Mephisto's hatred", "hLabel": 1726793325 }, { "szLabel": "SeasonTooltipBullet3", "szText": "Delve into Hell Portals for powerful buffs", "hLabel": 1726793327 }, { "szLabel": "SeasonTooltipFlavor", "szText": "Hatred seeps from the jungles of Nahantu as the mysterious Realmwalkers spread Mephisto's influence across Sanctuary.", "hLabel": 3451574366 }, { "szLabel": "SeasonTooltipDescription", "szText": "Select seasonal character to access Season 6 content: ", "hLabel": 2189226104 }, { "szLabel": "SeasonalWithIcon", "szText": "{icon:FrontEnd_Gameplay_Seasonal, 1.8} Seasonal", "hLabel": 2975463899 }, { "szLabel": "Hardcore_NoIcon", "szText": "Hardcore", "hLabel": 1108827853 } ], "ptMapStringTable": "0" }