{ "__fileName__": "enUS_Text/meta/StringList/Seasons.stl", "arStrings": [ { "szLabel": "SeasonJourney", "szText": "Season Journey", "hLabel": 1105383701 }, { "szLabel": "SeasonRewards", "szText": "Season Rewards", "hLabel": 2457604161 }, { "szLabel": "TBD", "szText": "TBD", "hLabel": 129658 }, { "szLabel": "PH_SeasonName", "szText": "{Season Name}", "hLabel": 66926625 }, { "szLabel": "SeasonDescription", "szText": "Season Ends In {s1} Days", "hLabel": 1573990381 }, { "szLabel": "PH_NextTier", "szText": "Next Tier: {s1}/{s2} Favor", "hLabel": 980103178 }, { "szLabel": "PH_SeasonRank", "szText": "{s1}", "hLabel": 67070412 }, { "szLabel": "PH_SeasonJourneyDescription", "szText": "Complete Objectives To Earn {c:ffe3e0d9}Favor{/c}", "hLabel": 4063598800 }, { "szLabel": "PH_Chapters", "szText": "Chapters", "hLabel": 3298207953 }, { "szLabel": "ChapterProgress", "szText": "{s1}:", "hLabel": 1216016252 }, { "szLabel": "PH_RewardsToClaim", "szText": "{s1} Rewards Ready To Claim!", "hLabel": 590702232 }, { "szLabel": "ChapterProgressPercentage", "szText": "{s1}%", "hLabel": 1988669018 }, { "szLabel": "PH_Adventure", "szText": "Adventure", "hLabel": 4091903493 }, { "szLabel": "PH_CurrentAdventure", "szText": "{s}", "hLabel": 4177448616 }, { "szLabel": "PH_Upgrades", "szText": "Season Blessings", "hLabel": 3609344594 }, { "szLabel": "PH_Upgrade_Points", "szText": "{icon:SeasonUpgrade_Currency_Icon, 3.5}{c:ffe3e0d9}{s1}{/c} Smoldering Ashes", "hLabel": 2354466363 }, { "szLabel": "PH_Upgrades_Ready", "szText": "{s1} Blessings Ready!", "hLabel": 1752119622 }, { "szLabel": "PH_FreeLabel", "szText": "Free", "hLabel": 153116633 }, { "szLabel": "PH_Upgrade_Title_Salvage", "szText": "Salvage", "hLabel": 309354402 }, { "szLabel": "PH_Percentage", "szText": "+{s1}", "hLabel": 3242757845 }, { "szLabel": "PH_Level", "szText": "Level {s1}/{s2}:", "hLabel": 2280366255 }, { "szLabel": "PH_Upgrade_Description_Salvage", "szText": "Increase salvage materials when mining.", "hLabel": 1030749636 }, { "szLabel": "PH_Next_Level", "szText": "Next Lv. {c:ffffffff}({s1}/{s2}){/c}: {b}{c:FFDBA864}+{s3}{/c}{/b}", "hLabel": 1362193741 }, { "szLabel": "PH_Upgrades_Available", "szText": "{s1} Blessings Available", "hLabel": 325548722 }, { "szLabel": "Upgrade", "szText": "Upgrade", "hLabel": 992449448 }, { "szLabel": "PH_Objective_Title", "szText": "Objective Title", "hLabel": 1537295475 }, { "szLabel": "Objective_Reward", "szText": "{c:FFDBA864}{s1}{/c}", "hLabel": 863182783 }, { "szLabel": "PH_Objective_Description", "szText": "lorem ipsum dolor tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua, quis ipsum suspendisse.", "hLabel": 2583292629 }, { "szLabel": "Objective_Progress", "szText": "{c:FFDAA864}{s1}{/c}/{c:FF928C82}{s2}{/c}", "hLabel": 3668891919 }, { "szLabel": "PH_Chapter_Title", "szText": "{s1}", "hLabel": 3058520287 }, { "szLabel": "Chapter_Progress", "szText": "({c:FFDAA864}{s1}{/c}/{c:FF928C82}{s2}{/c} objectives completed)", "hLabel": 3152644027 }, { "szLabel": "PH_Chapter_OverviewTitle", "szText": "Overview", "hLabel": 1717005462 }, { "szLabel": "PH_Chapter_Rewards_Title", "szText": "Chapter Rewards", "hLabel": 3197437974 }, { "szLabel": "PH_Chapter_Rewards_Info", "szText": "Complete {s} of {s} Objectives to earn chapter rewards and unlock the next chapter.", "hLabel": 356802784 }, { "szLabel": "PH_ClaimRewards", "szText": "Claim All Rewards", "hLabel": 1234247637 }, { "szLabel": "Prompt_AddToJournal", "szText": "{icon:lmb,2.0} Add to Journal", "hLabel": 1571583336 }, { "szLabel": "PH_ActivateSeasonPass", "szText": "Activate Premium Battle Pass", "hLabel": 2688997480 }, { "szLabel": "PH_SeasonPassStatus_Inactive", "szText": "{icon:SeasonLocked, 2.0} Premium Battle Pass Inactive", "hLabel": 420038029 }, { "szLabel": "PH_Modal_PromotionTitle", "szText": "Promotion words for special rewards!", "hLabel": 1605403276 }, { "szLabel": "PH_Modal_PromotionDescription", "szText": "Lorem ipsum 90 tiers dolor sit amet, consectetur adicpiscing elit, sed do euismod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua.", "hLabel": 1282381742 }, { "szLabel": "PH_Modal_SeasonTitle", "szText": "{Season Name}", "hLabel": 1721375854 }, { "szLabel": "PH_PremiumPass", "szText": "Premium Battle Pass", "hLabel": 3001737773 }, { "szLabel": "PH_ActivatePremiumPass", "szText": "Activate Premium Battle Pass", "hLabel": 3628351230 }, { "szLabel": "PH_Modal_PresentPrice", "szText": "{s1}", "hLabel": 1120813111 }, { "szLabel": "PH_Modal_OldPrice", "szText": "{x}{s1}{/x}", "hLabel": 3797536021 }, { "szLabel": "PH_Modal_Sale", "szText": "Sale", "hLabel": 3418048712 }, { "szLabel": "PH_Item_Tooltip", "szText": "This is a placeholder tooltip string that will be filled out with the tier item information.", "hLabel": 1097513840 }, { "szLabel": "TierLabel", "szText": "{s1}", "hLabel": 534956564 }, { "szLabel": "Debug_EarnFavor_Label", "szText": "Add Favor...", "hLabel": 2395361385 }, { "szLabel": "PH_SeasonPass_Active", "szText": "Premium Battle Pass Active", "hLabel": 201994898 }, { "szLabel": "PH_Upgrade_Title_XPGain", "szText": "EXP Gain", "hLabel": 482938918 }, { "szLabel": "PH_Upgrade_Description_XPGain", "szText": "Gain XP at a faster rate.", "hLabel": 895250952 }, { "szLabel": "PH_Upgrade_Title_Gold", "szText": "Gold Drop", "hLabel": 216749157 }, { "szLabel": "PH_Upgrade_Description_Gold", "szText": "Enemies and objects drop more gold.", "hLabel": 2753091015 }, { "szLabel": "PH_Upgrade_Title_Obol", "szText": "Obol Cap", "hLabel": 217022603 }, { "szLabel": "PH_Upgrade_Description_Obol", "szText": "More Obols available to spend.", "hLabel": 2753364461 }, { "szLabel": "PH_Upgrade_Title_Elixir", "szText": "Elixir Boost", "hLabel": 4029686988 }, { "szLabel": "PH_Upgrade_Description_Elixir", "szText": "Elixir effects last longer.", "hLabel": 147031726 }, { "szLabel": "PH_Upgrade_Points_Next_Tier", "szText": "{icon:SeasonUpgrade_Currency_Icon, 3.5}{b}{s1}{/b} ", "hLabel": 1504075212 }, { "szLabel": "PH_TierPurchase_Title", "szText": "Buy Tiers", "hLabel": 1784264327 }, { "szLabel": "PH_TierPurchase_AmountToPurchase", "szText": "Buy {s1} Tiers: {s2} - {s3}", "hLabel": 3595872407 }, { "szLabel": "PH_TierPurchase_AfterPurchase", "szText": "After this purchase you will have {s1} Tier Tokens remaining", "hLabel": 2361422194 }, { "szLabel": "PH_TierPurchase_TierSkipsRequired", "szText": "({s1} more Tier Tokens needed)", "hLabel": 849622820 }, { "szLabel": "PH_TierPurchase_TierSkipPlus", "szText": "+ {s1} Tier Tokens", "hLabel": 601689748 }, { "szLabel": "PH_TierPurchase_VCTotalRequired", "szText": "Total: {s1}", "hLabel": 3243383395 }, { "szLabel": "PH_TierPurchase_TierPurchaseLabel", "szText": "Purchase {s1} Tiers", "hLabel": 286501492 }, { "szLabel": "PH_TierPurchase_TokenPurchaseLabel", "szText": "\"Purchase and Apply Tier Tokens", "hLabel": 2816646465 }, { "szLabel": "PH_TierPurchase_VCPurchaseLabel", "szText": "Buy More Platinum", "hLabel": 1033821401 }, { "szLabel": "TierPurchase_VCPurchaseAlert", "szText": "{icon:CurrencyIcon, 2.0} {b}{s1} more Platinum{/b} needed to purchase {s2} Battle Pass Tiers.", "hLabel": 3424215866 }, { "szLabel": "PH_TierPurchase_AfterPurchasePlatinum", "szText": "After purchase you will have {s1} Tier Tokens and {icon:CurrencyIcon, 2.0} {s2} Platinum remaining", "hLabel": 3676143100 }, { "szLabel": "PH_SeasonHeader_HasTokens", "szText": "Buy {s1} Tiers", "hLabel": 3491446744 }, { "szLabel": "PH_SeasonHeader_NoTokens", "szText": "Buy Tiers", "hLabel": 3347127001 }, { "szLabel": "SeasonHeader_CompleteTokens", "szText": "Season Complete", "hLabel": 3116035326 }, { "szLabel": "PH_SeasonHeader_TokenReadout", "szText": "{s1} Tier Tokens", "hLabel": 2445063869 }, { "szLabel": "SkipAnimation", "szText": "Skip Favor Animation", "hLabel": 3565246103 }, { "szLabel": "SeasonChapter1", "szText": "Chapter I", "hLabel": 3201328193 }, { "szLabel": "SeasonChapter2", "szText": "Chapter II", "hLabel": 3201328194 }, { "szLabel": "SeasonChapter3", "szText": "Chapter III", "hLabel": 3201328195 }, { "szLabel": "SeasonChapter4", "szText": "Chapter IV", "hLabel": 3201328196 }, { "szLabel": "SeasonObjectivesTitle", "szText": "Season Journey", "hLabel": 111661177 }, { "szLabel": "ChaptersTab", "szText": "Chapters", "hLabel": 2355463089 }, { "szLabel": "EventsTab", "szText": "Events", "hLabel": 1127630540 }, { "szLabel": "InspectText", "szText": "Inspect", "hLabel": 1851898907 }, { "szLabel": "BuyTierText", "szText": "Buy Tier", "hLabel": 2307116041 }, { "szLabel": "ClaimText", "szText": "Claim", "hLabel": 3751410155 }, { "szLabel": "NextUpgradePoint", "szText": "{c_highlight}Next {icon:SeasonUpgrade_Currency_Icon, 3.5} Smoldering Ashes Unlocked at Reward Tier {s1}{/c}. (Character Level {s2} required).", "hLabel": 689399345 }, { "szLabel": "AcceleratedPassBundleTitle", "szText": "Accelerated Battle Pass", "hLabel": 2071300640 }, { "szLabel": "PremiumBattlePassTitle", "szText": "Premium Battle Pass", "hLabel": 749532436 }, { "szLabel": "PurchaseAcceleratedBattlePassButton", "szText": "Purchase Accelerated", "hLabel": 1763094967 }, { "szLabel": "AcceleratedPassDescription", "szText": "Includes everything in Free and Premium, plus:", "hLabel": 1990314376 }, { "szLabel": "PremiumPassDescription", "szText": "Access to all 90 Battle Pass Rewards Including:", "hLabel": 1086686778 }, { "szLabel": "PremiumBattlePassButton", "szText": "Explore Battle Pass", "hLabel": 2569537038 }, { "szLabel": "UnlockBattlePass", "szText": "Explore Battle Pass", "hLabel": 1944062175 }, { "szLabel": "UnlockAllPremiumTiers", "szText": "Unlock All Premium Battle Pass Tiers!", "hLabel": 4096932651 }, { "szLabel": "SeasonLastChanceTitle", "szText": "Time is Running out To Earn Season Rewards", "hLabel": 2568842465 }, { "szLabel": "SeasonLastChanceSubTitle", "szText": "Season ends in: ", "hLabel": 2713872235 }, { "szLabel": "CountdownValue", "szText": "{s1}", "hLabel": 2558801502 }, { "szLabel": "CountdownUnitDays", "szText": "Days", "hLabel": 221696114 }, { "szLabel": "CountdownUnitHours", "szText": "Hours", "hLabel": 3026246994 }, { "szLabel": "CountdownUnitMinutes", "szText": "Minutes", "hLabel": 3262431526 }, { "szLabel": "CountdownUnitSeconds", "szText": "Seconds", "hLabel": 2251495856 }, { "szLabel": "BattlePassCallToActionTitle", "szText": "Complete the Battle Pass", "hLabel": 2782072178 }, { "szLabel": "BattlePassCallToActionBody", "szText": "{c_highlight}{s1} Tiers Remain!{/c} Earn all {c_highlight}{s2} remaining free rewards{/c}", "hLabel": 2816825374 }, { "szLabel": "PremiumPassCallToActionTitle", "szText": "Activate Premium Battle Pass", "hLabel": 3301020053 }, { "szLabel": "PremiumPassCallToActionBody", "szText": "Instantly earn {c_highlight}{s1} Premium Rewards{/c}", "hLabel": 489841633 }, { "szLabel": "BattlePassCallToActionBtn", "szText": "Continue To Battle Pass", "hLabel": 85358516 }, { "szLabel": "PremiumPassCallToActionBtn", "szText": "ACTIVATE PREMIUM BATTLE PASS", "hLabel": 1967101719 }, { "szLabel": "LastChanceNotice", "szText": "Season Rewards may not be available after the season ends. All unclaimed rewards will be automatically claimed.", "hLabel": 260560312 }, { "szLabel": "DismissPermanently_KBM_Prompt", "szText": "{c_highlight}(Hold){/c} Dismiss Permanently", "hLabel": 2562528741 }, { "szLabel": "DismissPermanently_Prompt", "szText": "{icon:button_2,2}{c_highlight}(Hold){/c} Dismiss Permanently", "hLabel": 3192858188 }, { "szLabel": "PremiumPassNotNowBtn", "szText": "Not now", "hLabel": 3405402879 }, { "szLabel": "SeasonPassComplete", "szText": "Battle Pass Complete!", "hLabel": 2221890649 }, { "szLabel": "SeasonCompleteActivePremiumPassTitle", "szText": "ACTIVATE PREMIUM BATTLE PASS!", "hLabel": 1845176630 }, { "szLabel": "SeasonCompleteActivatePremiumPassBody", "szText": "{c_highlight}Activate the Premium Battle pass{/c} to instantly earn{c_highlight} {s1} premium rewards{/c}", "hLabel": 3448220823 }, { "szLabel": "SeasonCompleteJournetLargeCTA_Body", "szText": "Do you have what it takes to truly conquer the season? Prove your mastery in the {c_highlight}Season Journey{/c} by earning the {c_highlight}{item name}{/c} and title {b}“{title name}”{/b}", "hLabel": 2814398201 }, { "szLabel": "SeasonCompleteJournetLargeCTA_Title", "szText": "CONQUER THE SEASON JOURNEY!", "hLabel": 2701975469 }, { "szLabel": "SeasnJourneyRewardPreviewTitle", "szText": "Backslot item", "hLabel": 3597985711 }, { "szLabel": "SeasonPassStatusActive", "szText": "Premium Battle Pass Active", "hLabel": 1313553248 }, { "szLabel": "SeasonCompleJourneyCTA_Title", "szText": "CONQUER THE SEASON JOURNEY", "hLabel": 1871992302 }, { "szLabel": "SeasonCompleteJourneyCTA_Body", "szText": "Prove your mastery in the {c_highlight}Season Journey{/c} by earning the {c_highlight}{Item Name}{/c} and title {i}“{Title Name}”{/i}", "hLabel": 640840083 }, { "szLabel": "BuyNextTier", "szText": "Buy Next Tier {s1}", "hLabel": 4169539395 }, { "szLabel": "BuyTiers", "szText": "Buy Tier {s1}", "hLabel": 3258966391 }, { "szLabel": "BuyTiersController", "szText": "{icon:button4, 2} Buy Tier {s1}", "hLabel": 3760147195 }, { "szLabel": "TierSkipSummary", "szText": "Battle Pass Tiers {s1} -{s2} ({s3} total)", "hLabel": 3502375097 }, { "szLabel": "TierSkipsPurchaseAlert", "szText": "You need {icon:CurrencyIcon, 2.0} {b}{s1}{/b} more platinum to make this purchase.", "hLabel": 1338732625 }, { "szLabel": "PurchaseRemainingPaladium", "szText": "After purchase you will have {icon:CurrencyIcon, 2.0} {b}{s1}{/b} Platinum remaining", "hLabel": 2723905922 }, { "szLabel": "TierPurchaseCompleteAwayTitle", "szText": "Tier Purchase Complete", "hLabel": 3825599068 }, { "szLabel": "TierPurchaseCompleteAwayBody", "szText": "Your tier purchase completed while you were away. Tiers {s1} - {s2} have been completed. Go claim your rewards!", "hLabel": 1807243208 }, { "szLabel": "TierClaimedNotificationTitle", "szText": "Tier {s1} Reward Claimed", "hLabel": 3702871852 }, { "szLabel": "TierClaimedNotificationBody", "szText": "Find it in the wardrobe", "hLabel": 241717912 }, { "szLabel": "FavorExplanationTitle", "szText": "Earning Favor", "hLabel": 149606083 }, { "szLabel": "FavorOverviewTitle", "szText": "Favor can be earned by “Just playing the game”", "hLabel": 3392612951 }, { "szLabel": "FavorOverviewBody", "szText": "All activities that award XP will reward Favor. The XP > Favor conversion is set up to reward all skill levels and types of gameplay. ", "hLabel": 102165603 }, { "szLabel": "SeasonJourneyOverviewTitle", "szText": "Season Journey is a lucrative source of Favor", "hLabel": 2251842542 }, { "szLabel": "SeasonJourneyOverviewBody", "szText": "If you choose to take on the challenge, large amounts of Favor can be earned by completing Season Journey chapters and objectives.", "hLabel": 3581660954 }, { "szLabel": "FairDropsTitle", "szText": "Favor Drop Amounts", "hLabel": 3421791084 }, { "szLabel": "SmallFavorDropsBody", "szText": "Small Favor drops are rewarded for passive activities", "hLabel": 2170218477 }, { "szLabel": "MediumFavorDropsBody", "szText": "Medium Favor drops are rewarded for completing quests and dungeons", "hLabel": 189116213 }, { "szLabel": "LargeFavorDropsBody", "szText": "Large Favor drops are rewarded for completing challenging activities", "hLabel": 2396178175 }, { "szLabel": "FavorExplanationPrompt", "szText": "Earn {icon:FavorSmall-CenterAligned, 1.8} {c:FFE3E0D9}Favor{/c} to complete tiers", "hLabel": 495987043 }, { "szLabel": "FavorExplanationControllerPrompt", "szText": "{icon:r3, 2.0} ", "hLabel": 1346691687 }, { "szLabel": "SeasonNotificationSubTitle", "szText": "Tier {s1}", "hLabel": 949337820 }, { "szLabel": "SeasonNotificationPrompt", "szText": "Tier Reward Ready to Claim!", "hLabel": 2526761586 }, { "szLabel": "SeasonNotificationTitle", "szText": "Season Tier Complete!", "hLabel": 731746802 }, { "szLabel": "SeasonNotificationActionPrompt_KBM", "szText": "{icon:KeyPrompt_U, 2} View Battle Pass", "hLabel": 601295209 }, { "szLabel": "FavorRewardAmount", "szText": "+{s1}", "hLabel": 240570199 }, { "szLabel": "SeasonNotificationsUpgrade", "szText": "Smoldering Ashes Unlocked!", "hLabel": 1482118827 }, { "szLabel": "SeasonNotificationObjectiveCompleteTitle", "szText": "{s1} OBJECTIVE COMPLETED!", "hLabel": 3408249382 }, { "szLabel": "SeasonNotificationObjectiveCompleteSubtitle", "szText": "{s1}", "hLabel": 629961360 }, { "szLabel": "SeasonNotificationsChapterCompleteTitle", "szText": "CHAPTER COMPLETED!", "hLabel": 2934665413 }, { "szLabel": "SeasonNotificationsChapterCompleteSubtitle", "szText": "{s1}", "hLabel": 2398261455 }, { "szLabel": "SeasonNotificationEventObjectiveCompleteCategoryTitle", "szText": "Event Objective Completed!", "hLabel": 1020008614 }, { "szLabel": "SeasonJourneyRewardPreviewName", "szText": "Demon Cage", "hLabel": 2857556381 }, { "szLabel": "PremiumBattlePassActivated", "szText": "Premium Battle Pass Activated", "hLabel": 3240972551 }, { "szLabel": "NewRewardsToClaim", "szText": "You have {s1} Premium Rewards to claim!", "hLabel": 664042251 }, { "szLabel": "PremiumBattlePassRequired", "szText": "{icon:SeasonLocked, 2.0} Premium Battle Pass Required", "hLabel": 1892333139 }, { "szLabel": "UpgradeLevelRequirement", "szText": "Reach Level {s1} with any seasonal character to unlock", "hLabel": 28390737 }, { "szLabel": "UpgradePoint", "szText": "Smoldering Ashes", "hLabel": 3253174386 }, { "szLabel": "SpendUpgradePoints", "szText": "Use Smoldering Ashes to upgrade Blessings", "hLabel": 1356554751 }, { "szLabel": "PremiumPassRequiredToClaim", "szText": "Premium Battle Pass required to claim", "hLabel": 1431672224 }, { "szLabel": "ReadyToClaim", "szText": "Ready to Claim", "hLabel": 154819262 }, { "szLabel": "MultipleRewards_Heading", "szText": "Multiple Class Rewards Claimed", "hLabel": 2324743507 }, { "szLabel": "MultipleClassRewards_Earned", "szText": "You claimed cosmetics for multiple classes", "hLabel": 1977905320 }, { "szLabel": "MultipleClassRewards_EquipFrom", "szText": "Equip the cosmetic item to your current class from the Wardrobe {icon:Marker_Wardrobe, 3.0}", "hLabel": 961995473 }, { "szLabel": "MultipleRewards_OtherRewards_EquipFrom", "szText": "Other cosmetics have been added to the Wardrobe of the appropriate character class. Login or create a character of another class to view and equip new cosmetics.", "hLabel": 3509628020 }, { "szLabel": "SeasonNotificationEventCompleteTitle", "szText": "{s1} Complete", "hLabel": 4166246477 }, { "szLabel": "SeasonNotificationEventObjectiveCompleteTitle", "szText": "{s1} ", "hLabel": 3856234888 }, { "szLabel": "SeasonNotificationEventCompleteCategoryTitle", "szText": "Event Completed!", "hLabel": 1645180011 }, { "szLabel": "TierReward", "szText": "Tier {s1} Reward", "hLabel": 714004089 }, { "szLabel": "Claimed", "szText": "Claimed", "hLabel": 3351862351 }, { "szLabel": "SeasonJourneyObjectivesTitle", "szText": "Objectives", "hLabel": 642215973 }, { "szLabel": "PurchaseCelebrationNoRewardstoClaim", "szText": "You now have access to all Premium Rewards!", "hLabel": 1757258561 }, { "szLabel": "ShortUpgradeCurrencyAmount", "szText": "{s1}", "hLabel": 4185363127 }, { "szLabel": "Claim Rewards", "szText": "Claim Rewards", "hLabel": 3854670846 }, { "szLabel": "AddToJournal", "szText": "Add to Journal", "hLabel": 1552662215 }, { "szLabel": "Or", "szText": "Or", "hLabel": 3777 }, { "szLabel": "MultipleRewards_Tooltip", "szText": "This tier rewards multiple cosmetics. One per class.", "hLabel": 1050746094 }, { "szLabel": "CurrencyAmount_Tooltip", "szText": "Amount: {s1}", "hLabel": 2237751913 }, { "szLabel": "EquippedFromPlayerProfile", "szText": "Equipped from Player Profile {icon:Social_ViewProfile_Disabled, 2.0 }", "hLabel": 92355087 }, { "szLabel": "SeasonJourneyRewardsClaimed", "szText": "Rewards Claimed", "hLabel": 3453932444 }, { "szLabel": "PointReallocationConfirmation_Message", "szText": "This will remove a Smoldering Ash from The {s1} so it can be used to upgrade other blessings.", "hLabel": 4230539892 }, { "szLabel": "PointReallocationConfirmation_Title", "szText": "Confirm Reallocation", "hLabel": 3250318129 }, { "szLabel": "PointReallocationConfirmation_CostIncrease_Note", "szText": "Gold cost increases with each point reallocation.", "hLabel": 121986471 }, { "szLabel": "PointReallocationConfirmation_Cost", "szText": "{b}Cost: {icon:gold, 2.0} {c:FFB3A99B}{s1} Gold {/b}{/c}", "hLabel": 2570750024 }, { "szLabel": "S1Name", "szText": "Season of the Malignant", "hLabel": 267775429 }, { "szLabel": "TierPurchase_AfterPurchasePlatinum", "szText": "After purchase you will have {icon:CurrencyIcon, 2.0} {s1} Platinum remaining. Smoldering Ashes can only be unlocked through earned favor.", "hLabel": 3449687557 }, { "szLabel": "SeasonJourneyChapterComplete", "szText": "{s1} Complete!", "hLabel": 1410627413 }, { "szLabel": "SeasonChapter5", "szText": "Slayer", "hLabel": 3201328197 }, { "szLabel": "SeasonChapter6", "szText": "Champion", "hLabel": 3201328198 }, { "szLabel": "SeasonChapter7", "szText": "Destroyer", "hLabel": 3201328199 }, { "szLabel": "SeasonObjectivesComplete", "szText": "Season Complete!", "hLabel": 1494240432 }, { "szLabel": "SJ_RewardClaimedTitle", "szText": "{s1} Claimed", "hLabel": 3743591634 }, { "szLabel": "SJ_CodexRewardClaimedBody", "szText": "It has been added to the Codex of Power.", "hLabel": 4134015025 }, { "szLabel": "SJ_InventoryRewardClaimedBody", "szText": "It has been added to your inventory.", "hLabel": 32754188 }, { "szLabel": "UpgradeComplete", "szText": "Blessing Upgrade Complete", "hLabel": 487874881 }, { "szLabel": "UpgradeReady", "szText": "Upgrade Ready!", "hLabel": 3255177821 }, { "szLabel": "SJ_InventoryFullErrorTitle", "szText": "Inventory Full", "hLabel": 2534977033 }, { "szLabel": "SJ_InventoryFullErrorBody", "szText": "Your inventory is currently full. You need to make space before these rewards can be claimed.", "hLabel": 1377681877 }, { "szLabel": "AllUpgradesCompleted", "szText": "All blessings have been upgraded fully", "hLabel": 3795315889 }, { "szLabel": "RewardFlavor", "szText": "Flavor", "hLabel": 2866520879 }, { "szLabel": "SJ_Reward_ValueTitle", "szText": "Sell Value:", "hLabel": 2629974879 }, { "szLabel": "SJ_Reward_ValueAmount", "szText": "{s1}", "hLabel": 150826833 }, { "szLabel": "SJ_RewardNotForSale", "szText": "Cannot be Sold", "hLabel": 3870435614 }, { "szLabel": "SJ_Reward_Requirements", "szText": "{s1}", "hLabel": 1230286660 }, { "szLabel": "RealloocatePrompt", "szText": "Reallocate Blessing ({s1} Gold {icon:gold, 3.0})", "hLabel": 3377618605 }, { "szLabel": "RewardTypeFavor", "szText": "Favor", "hLabel": 2465478821 }, { "szLabel": "SmallFavorDrop", "szText": "Smaller Favor", "hLabel": 1647051724 }, { "szLabel": "MediumFavorDrop", "szText": "Favor", "hLabel": 463674900 }, { "szLabel": "LargeFavorDrop", "szText": "Greater Favor", "hLabel": 2483400606 }, { "szLabel": "FavorRewardDescription", "szText": "Favor is used towards unlocking Battle Pass reward tiers", "hLabel": 3797923463 }, { "szLabel": "RewardTypeTitle", "szText": "Title", "hLabel": 2482366921 }, { "szLabel": "SJ_Reward_TitlePrefixDescription", "szText": "Title Prefix. Equipped from Player Profile.", "hLabel": 4218374996 }, { "szLabel": "SJ_Reward_TitleSuffixDescription", "szText": "Title Suffix. Equipped from Player Profile.", "hLabel": 2078527675 }, { "szLabel": "BP_Explainer_FavorTitle", "szText": "EARN FAVOR", "hLabel": 872774456 }, { "szLabel": "BP_Explainer_FavorDescription", "szText": "Earn {icon:FavorRewardSmall, 2.0} {c_highlight}Favor{/c} by killing monsters, completing quests and completing objectives in the {c_highlight}Season Journey{/c1}.", "hLabel": 851403098 }, { "szLabel": "BP_ExplainerTitle", "szText": "Battle Pass", "hLabel": 2903301563 }, { "szLabel": "BP_ExplainterTiersTitle", "szText": "UNLOCK REWARDS", "hLabel": 1501098870 }, { "szLabel": "BP_ExplainerTiersDescription", "szText": "Use {icon:FavorRewardSmall, 2.0} {c_highlight}Favor{/c} to unlock reward tiers. Premium tiers will only grant rewards to {c_highlight}Premium Battle Pass{/c} Owners.", "hLabel": 2113594980 }, { "szLabel": "BP_ExplainerSJ_Title", "szText": "SEASON JOURNEY", "hLabel": 3413330903 }, { "szLabel": "BP_ExplainerSJ_Description", "szText": "Complete objectives across multiple chapters to earn additional {icon:FavorRewardSmall, 2.0} {c_highlight}Favor{/c} and rewards.", "hLabel": 146074937 }, { "szLabel": "BP_ExplainerBlessingsDescription", "szText": "{icon:SeasonUpgrade_Currency_Icon, 2.5} {c_highlight}Smoldering Ashes{/c} are rewards in the Battle Pass. Use these to unlock {c_highlight}Season Blessings{/c} boosts for XP, gold and more. Smoldering Ashes are only awarded to those dedicated to eradicating evil in Sanctuary. ", "hLabel": 338470183 }, { "szLabel": "BP_ExplainerBlessingsTitle", "szText": "Blessings", "hLabel": 1236478277 }, { "szLabel": "XL_FavorDrop", "szText": "Epic Favor", "hLabel": 707729814 }, { "szLabel": "XXL_FavorDrop", "szText": "Legendary Favor", "hLabel": 1589349902 }, { "szLabel": "SeasonProgressionExplainerPrompt", "szText": "Learn about Season Progression", "hLabel": 1522331406 }, { "szLabel": "SJ_ChapterRewards_Subtext", "szText": "Complete {s1} of {s2} objectives to earn rewards and unlock the next chapter.", "hLabel": 3040741065 }, { "szLabel": "SJ_ChapterRewards_Subtext_LastChapter", "szText": "Complete {s1} of {s2} objectives to earn rewards.", "hLabel": 599162851 }, { "szLabel": "RewardTypeScroll", "szText": "Scroll", "hLabel": 267410582 }, { "szLabel": "RewardTypeCache", "szText": "Item Cache", "hLabel": 2461900123 }, { "szLabel": "RewardTypeLegendaryAspect", "szText": "Legendary Aspect", "hLabel": 1694895234 }, { "szLabel": "SJ_ObjectiveReward", "szText": "Reward: {s1}", "hLabel": 1994481788 }, { "szLabel": "SJ_ObjectiveTextWithDescription", "szText": "{s1}. {s2}", "hLabel": 1519733404 }, { "szLabel": "SJ_ObjectiveCompleted", "szText": "{icon:Season_Check, 1.5} {c:FF11af00}Completed{/c}", "hLabel": 3560834772 }, { "szLabel": "Prompt_RemoveFromJournal", "szText": "{icon:lmb,2.0} Remove from Journal", "hLabel": 4267008702 }, { "szLabel": "Prompt_AddToJournalController", "szText": "{icon:button1, 2.0} Add to Journal", "hLabel": 2061910060 }, { "szLabel": "Prompt_RemoveFromJournalController", "szText": "{icon:button1, 2.0} Remove from Journal", "hLabel": 2927644930 }, { "szLabel": "SJ_ObjectivedAddedToJournal", "szText": "Has been added to your journal", "hLabel": 3786920683 }, { "szLabel": "UnlockAcceleratedBattlePass", "szText": "Activate Accelerated", "hLabel": 3201159468 }, { "szLabel": "BattlePassNowActivated", "szText": "Your Battle Pass is now activated!", "hLabel": 954839356 }, { "szLabel": "Processing", "szText": "Processing...", "hLabel": 3444933469 }, { "szLabel": "TierSkipSummarySingular", "szText": "Battle Pass Tier {s1} ({s3} total)", "hLabel": 1560709054 }, { "szLabel": "BuyTiersText", "szText": "Buy Tiers", "hLabel": 3119718012 }, { "szLabel": "PurchasePremiumPassTitle", "szText": "Purchase Premium Battle Pass", "hLabel": 1660959123 }, { "szLabel": "CharacterLevel", "szText": "{s1}", "hLabel": 711471397 }, { "szLabel": "PurchasePremiumBattlePassButton", "szText": "Purchase Premium", "hLabel": 4085051177 }, { "szLabel": "SeasonNotificationObjectiveNearCompletion", "szText": "Season Journey: \"{s1}\" is close to completion", "hLabel": 2411369387 }, { "szLabel": "SeasonNotificationObjectiveNearCompletion_CoOpFormat", "szText": "Season Journey: {s1} is close to completing \"{s2}\"", "hLabel": 472352516 }, { "szLabel": "TierPurchaseButtonPrompt", "szText": "{icon:button1, 2.0} Purchase {s1} Tiers", "hLabel": 3421673549 }, { "szLabel": "PurchaseVCButtonPrompt", "szText": "{icon:button1, 2.0} Buy More Platinum", "hLabel": 2843985426 }, { "szLabel": "SeasonBeginText", "szText": "Next Season Begins {s1}", "hLabel": 482330067 }, { "szLabel": "SeasonEndText", "szText": "Season Ends {s1}", "hLabel": 3178745093 }, { "szLabel": "SeasonEnded", "szText": "The season has ended", "hLabel": 771989737 }, { "szLabel": "SeasonTimeRemainingText", "szText": "Season ends in {s1}", "hLabel": 3875049783 }, { "szLabel": "CurrencyMultiCountLabel", "szText": "x{s1}", "hLabel": 2801984415 }, { "szLabel": "RemoveFromJournal", "szText": "Remove From Journal", "hLabel": 1187274621 }, { "szLabel": "UnableToAddToJournalError", "szText": "You are unable to add an objective from a chapter that is locked", "hLabel": 1683754571 }, { "szLabel": "TooltipAcquisitionSeason", "szText": "{icon:Season_Item_Icon, 2.0}{s1}", "hLabel": 2786032381 }, { "szLabel": "SJ_ObjectiveRewardLockedWarning", "szText": "{icon:SJ_ObjectiveWarning, 1.5} The chapter must be unlocked before any rewards can be awarded", "hLabel": 2412704452 }, { "szLabel": "UpgradeToAcceleratedButtonText", "szText": "Upgrade", "hLabel": 1299055097 }, { "szLabel": "UpgradeToAcceleratedHeading", "szText": "Upgrade To The Accelerated Battle Pass", "hLabel": 3453914792 }, { "szLabel": "UpgradeToAcceleratedDescription", "szText": "Instantly earn {s1} premium rewards with {c_highlight}20 Tier Skips{/c} and Receive the {c_highlight}“{emote name}” Emote.{/c}", "hLabel": 2070382684 }, { "szLabel": "PreviewAcceleratedItemsButtonText", "szText": "Preview {Emote Name}", "hLabel": 2537264658 }, { "szLabel": "UpgradeToAcceleratedNotificationTitle", "szText": "Upgrade to Accelerated Battle Pass", "hLabel": 118899105 }, { "szLabel": "UpgradeToAcceleratedNotificationDescription", "szText": "{c_highlight} Receive 20 Tier Skips + “On the Warpath\" Emote", "hLabel": 795841155 }, { "szLabel": "UpgradeToAcceleratedButtonPrompt", "szText": "Upgrade to Accelerated", "hLabel": 1485308406 }, { "szLabel": "UpgradeButtonPrompt", "szText": "{icon:button3, 2.0} Upgrade", "hLabel": 3050353126 }, { "szLabel": "UpgradeToAcceleratedNotificationButtonPrompt", "szText": "{icon:button3, 2.0} Upgrade", "hLabel": 2375110909 }, { "szLabel": "SeasonEndingMessage", "szText": "Unclaimed {b}Season Journey chapter rewards {/b}will be lost at the end of the season. Rewards that are {c:FFFFE5BD}ready to claim{/c} are indicated with a {icon:New_Indicator_Secondary, 2.0} diamond icon.", "hLabel": 3002101891 }, { "szLabel": "SeasonEndingRewardsDisclaimer", "szText": "Unclaimed {b}Season Journey chapter rewards {/b}will be lost and Legendary Aspects will expire at the end of the season.", "hLabel": 1872150195 }, { "szLabel": "SeasonEndingSoon", "szText": "{s1} is ending in {s1}", "hLabel": 328136253 }, { "szLabel": "SeasonEndingRewards_Modal_Title", "szText": "Season Ending Soon", "hLabel": 1180645955 }, { "szLabel": "SeasonEndingLogOffMessage", "szText": "The new season will begin soon. You will be logged out of this game automatically, prior to the new season beginning. ", "hLabel": 86665472 }, { "szLabel": "SeasonEndingClaimSeasonJourneyRewards", "szText": "Claim all of your Season Journey rewards!", "hLabel": 3397923537 }, { "szLabel": "LastChanceSeasonJourneyRewardClaiming", "szText": "Last chance to claim all of your Season Journey rewards! ", "hLabel": 3820718516 }, { "szLabel": "GoToSJ", "szText": "Go to Season Journey", "hLabel": 4166876182 }, { "szLabel": "SeasonNameEnded", "szText": "{s1} has ended", "hLabel": 2775603914 }, { "szLabel": "ActivatingBattlePass", "szText": "Activating Premium Battle Pass", "hLabel": 351380829 }, { "szLabel": "BlessingDisabled", "szText": "This Blessing has been disabled.", "hLabel": 3508936463 }, { "szLabel": "RewardsClaimedModal_Title", "szText": "Rewards Claimed", "hLabel": 1230994997 }, { "szLabel": "RewardsClaimedModal_Description", "szText": "All unclaimed Battle Pass rewards from last season were auto-claimed.", "hLabel": 1801514519 }, { "szLabel": "PurchasePremiumModal_Title", "szText": "Welcome to Battle Pass", "hLabel": 3714076712 }, { "szLabel": "PurchaseOptionAccelerated_Heading", "szText": "Accelerated", "hLabel": 1231670480 }, { "szLabel": "PurchaseOptionPremium_Heading", "szText": "Premium", "hLabel": 4042392514 }, { "szLabel": "PurchaseOption_Free_Heading", "szText": "Free", "hLabel": 3847491364 }, { "szLabel": "FreeRewards_Header", "szText": "{s1} Free Rewards Including:", "hLabel": 1946878338 }, { "szLabel": "PremiumRewards_Heading", "szText": "{s1} Premium Rewards Including:", "hLabel": 3397495430 }, { "szLabel": "PurchaseOption_Active_Label", "szText": "Active", "hLabel": 1953931790 }, { "szLabel": "PurchaseOption_Continue_ButtonText", "szText": "Continue", "hLabel": 428526360 }, { "szLabel": "PremiumBattlePassUnlockAvailable", "szText": "{s1} Premium Battle Pass Unlock(s) Available", "hLabel": 3532901631 }, { "szLabel": "AcceleratedBattlePassUnlockAvailable", "szText": "{s1} Accelerated Battle Pass Unlock(s) Available", "hLabel": 4045343181 }, { "szLabel": "GenericBattlePassButtonText", "szText": "Explore Battle Pass", "hLabel": 1540443345 }, { "szLabel": "ContnueWithFreeButton", "szText": "Continue", "hLabel": 1211249046 }, { "szLabel": "ContinueWithPremiumButton", "szText": "Continue", "hLabel": 2681286460 }, { "szLabel": "ActivatePremiumButtonText", "szText": "Activate Premium", "hLabel": 2420560913 }, { "szLabel": "ActivateConfirmationModalDescription", "szText": "Are you sure you want to use {c_highlight}1 {s1}{/c} to activate \"{s2}\" {s3}?", "hLabel": 906104843 }, { "szLabel": "UnlockAcceleratedBattlePassButtonText", "szText": "Explore Battle Pass", "hLabel": 3255691373 }, { "szLabel": "ActivateConfirmation_DifferentUnlocksRemaining", "szText": " {s1} Battle Pass unlock(s) will remain for use in future seasons: {icon:bullet, 2.0}{s2} {s3} {icon:bullet, 2.0}{s4} {s5}", "hLabel": 1584916841 }, { "szLabel": "ActivateConfirmation_SameUnlocksRemaining", "szText": " After activation, you will have {s1} {s2} remaining to use in future seasons.", "hLabel": 479682136 }, { "szLabel": "PremiumBattlePassUnlockName", "szText": "Premium Battle Pass Unlock", "hLabel": 2033320031 }, { "szLabel": "PremiumBattlePassName", "szText": "Premium Battle Pass", "hLabel": 2104896915 }, { "szLabel": "AcceleratedBattlePassName", "szText": "Accelerated Battle Pass", "hLabel": 1611677473 }, { "szLabel": "AcceleratedBattlePassUnlockName", "szText": "Accelerated Battle Pass Unlock", "hLabel": 3089269869 }, { "szLabel": "PurchasePreviewBullet", "szText": "{icon:bullet, 2.0}", "hLabel": 1280460581 }, { "szLabel": "PremiumBattlePassRequiredToUpgrade", "szText": "(Premium Battle Pass Required)", "hLabel": 985307486 }, { "szLabel": "AcceleratedBattlePassUpgradeUnlockAvailable", "szText": "{s1} Accelerated Upgrade Unlock(s) Available", "hLabel": 129248373 }, { "szLabel": "ActivateConfirmation_AcceleratedUpgradeUnlocksRemaining", "szText": "{icon:bullet, 2.0}{s1} Accelerated Upgrade Unlock(s) remaining ", "hLabel": 3207280647 }, { "szLabel": "SJ_reward_TitlePrefixSuffixDescription", "szText": "Title Prefix & Suffix. Equipped from Player Profile.", "hLabel": 730563081 }, { "szLabel": "AshUpgradeRequirement", "szText": "Smoldering Ashes can only be unlocked through {icon:favor_puck_text_icon, 2.0} favor earned. Purchased tier skips do not count towards this.", "hLabel": 3150027285 }, { "szLabel": "JumpToEarnedFavor", "szText": "Jump to Earned Favor", "hLabel": 3712859276 }, { "szLabel": "SmolderingAshesIconText", "szText": "{icon:SeasonUpgrade_Currency_Icon, 3.5}", "hLabel": 1405925110 } ], "ptMapStringTable": "0" }