{ "__fileName__": "enUS_Text/meta/StringList/Console.stl", "arStrings": [ { "szLabel": "PlayerName", "szText": "Player {s1}", "hLabel": 3292363022 }, { "szLabel": "Equipped", "szText": "Equipped", "hLabel": 1225048253 }, { "szLabel": "Inventory", "szText": "Inventory", "hLabel": 3125601614 }, { "szLabel": "Value", "szText": "Value", "hLabel": 143546141 }, { "szLabel": "PressStart", "szText": "Press Any Button", "hLabel": 2198839899 }, { "szLabel": "Multiplayer", "szText": "Don't Click Me", "hLabel": 1935666200 }, { "szLabel": "Options", "szText": "Options", "hLabel": 1848685356 }, { "szLabel": "Credits", "szText": "Credits", "hLabel": 3591234862 }, { "szLabel": "HeroList", "szText": "Switch Character ", "hLabel": 1803170314 }, { "szLabel": "TODO", "szText": "Placeholder String", "hLabel": 4292982 }, { "szLabel": "Back", "szText": "Back", "hLabel": 3630833 }, { "szLabel": "Accept", "szText": "Accept", "hLabel": 3917210864 }, { "szLabel": "Act", "szText": "Act", "hLabel": 109016 }, { "szLabel": "Quest", "szText": "Quest", "hLabel": 138327602 }, { "szLabel": "Step", "szText": "Step", "hLabel": 4262524 }, { "szLabel": "FindGame", "szText": "Find Game", "hLabel": 3166759547 }, { "szLabel": "Select", "szText": "Select", "hLabel": 329375488 }, { "szLabel": "ViewProfile", "szText": "View Character Profile", "hLabel": 2822546476 }, { "szLabel": "NetworkOptions", "szText": "Network Settings", "hLabel": 3223978294 }, { "szLabel": "PartyLabel", "szText": "Xbox Live Party", "hLabel": 546573584 }, { "szLabel": "InviteParty", "szText": "Invite Xbox Live Party", "hLabel": 3708520223 }, { "szLabel": "HeroCreate", "szText": "Character Creation", "hLabel": 510352546 }, { "szLabel": "HeroSelect", "szText": "Character Selection", "hLabel": 1121357230 }, { "szLabel": "MainMenu", "szText": "Main Menu", "hLabel": 3217710074 }, { "szLabel": "HardcoreAccept", "szText": "Accept", "hLabel": 2571251288 }, { "szLabel": "HardcoreDecline", "szText": "Decline", "hLabel": 2904865116 }, { "szLabel": "Hardcore", "szText": "Hardcore", "hLabel": 918903656 }, { "szLabel": "StartNewGame", "szText": "Start", "hLabel": 3898050162 }, { "szLabel": "PartyOnlinePublic", "szText": "Open To Public", "hLabel": 3857164436 }, { "szLabel": "PartyOnlineFriends", "szText": "Friends Only", "hLabel": 2593246304 }, { "szLabel": "PartyOnlineInviteOnly", "szText": "Invite Only", "hLabel": 3363987270 }, { "szLabel": "PartyLAN", "szText": "System Link", "hLabel": 2583792619 }, { "szLabel": "PartyOffline", "szText": "Local Only", "hLabel": 2293255411 }, { "szLabel": "InviteFriend", "szText": "Invite Friends...", "hLabel": 1750549767 }, { "szLabel": "XP", "szText": "XP", "hLabel": 4072 }, { "szLabel": "PlayerLabelShort", "szText": "P{s1}", "hLabel": 2411943997 }, { "szLabel": "LeaveGameLocalPlayer", "szText": "Drop Out of Game", "hLabel": 4202207167 }, { "szLabel": "QuitMessage", "szText": "Do you wish to quit the current game and return to the main menu? ", "hLabel": 1176880808 }, { "szLabel": "ItemPickupEvent", "szText": "{icon:damage}{s1}", "hLabel": 17943101 }, { "szLabel": "PressToJoin", "szText": "Press {icon:button1, 2.0} to join!", "hLabel": 3875765632 }, { "szLabel": "AcceptWithButton", "szText": "{icon:button1,2.0} Accept", "hLabel": 3223592392 }, { "szLabel": "Toggle", "szText": "Toggle", "hLabel": 380192866 }, { "szLabel": "SearchingForGame", "szText": "Searching for a game...", "hLabel": 1236385621 }, { "szLabel": "GameFound", "szText": "Game found!", "hLabel": 480028694 }, { "szLabel": "LeaveParty", "szText": "Leave Party", "hLabel": 2643615389 }, { "szLabel": "ListInvites", "szText": "List Invites", "hLabel": 3908727262 }, { "szLabel": "JoiningParty", "szText": "Joining...", "hLabel": 3232823262 }, { "szLabel": "AdjustSafeZone", "szText": "Use {icon:l_stick,2.0} to adjust the corners so it lines up with the edges of your display.", "hLabel": 2272641478 }, { "szLabel": "PlayerOptions", "szText": "Player Options", "hLabel": 1777920089 }, { "szLabel": "PlayerOptionInvite", "szText": "Invite to Party", "hLabel": 1377467349 }, { "szLabel": "PlayerOptionJoin", "szText": "Join Party", "hLabel": 1180544118 }, { "szLabel": "PlayerOptionMute", "szText": "Mute", "hLabel": 1180658817 }, { "szLabel": "PlayerOptionUnmute", "szText": "Unmute", "hLabel": 1846781700 }, { "szLabel": "HardcoreDeathFlavorText", "szText": "Where others cowered in fear, you dared to face the demons. Your courage will stand as an example for all who come after you.", "hLabel": 3651113245 }, { "szLabel": "HardcoreDeathEnd", "szText": "Your journey is at an end.", "hLabel": 1302439557 }, { "szLabel": "HardcoreDeathExit", "szText": "{icon:button2, 2.0} Exit to Character Selection", "hLabel": 30843592 }, { "szLabel": "PlayCinematic", "szText": "Play", "hLabel": 3414791363 }, { "szLabel": "Cinematics", "szText": "Cinematics", "hLabel": 1065543488 }, { "szLabel": "StatAbbr", "szText": "{s1}k", "hLabel": 3986982579 }, { "szLabel": "PlayerOptionViewGamercard", "szText": "View Gamercard", "hLabel": 1954118951 }, { "szLabel": "SaveSubTitle", "szText": "Stash and Characters", "hLabel": 2489563067 }, { "szLabel": "MutliplayerResOptionHeader", "szText": "Resurrect At:", "hLabel": 3838377412 }, { "szLabel": "MultiplayerDeathTitle", "szText": "You have died.", "hLabel": 1484622976 }, { "szLabel": "MultiplayerHardcoreDeath", "szText": "You have died a permanent death.", "hLabel": 4062064678 }, { "szLabel": "Challenges", "szText": "Challenges", "hLabel": 3832952566 }, { "szLabel": "MultiplayerDeathResTitle", "szText": "Resurrection ", "hLabel": 574318698 }, { "szLabel": "MultiplayerHardcoreDeathAcceptPrimaryUser", "szText": "Are you sure you want to quit? You will be brought back to the Character Selection Menu.", "hLabel": 995945209 }, { "szLabel": "BackToStartMessage", "szText": "Are you sure you want to return to the title screen?", "hLabel": 2665148423 }, { "szLabel": "HallOfFallenClose", "szText": "Close", "hLabel": 4141011934 }, { "szLabel": "EnterGame", "szText": "Enter Game", "hLabel": 1319611544 }, { "szLabel": "WaitingHost", "szText": "Waiting For Host...", "hLabel": 4122294577 }, { "szLabel": "ChangeStorageDevice", "szText": "Change Storage Device", "hLabel": 164789739 }, { "szLabel": "HardcoreArchive", "szText": "Are you sure you want to move {s1} to the Hall of Fallen Heroes?", "hLabel": 3834045130 }, { "szLabel": "HardcoreHallTutorial", "szText": "The Hall of the Fallen is a tribute to characters slain while walking the lands of Sanctuary. Their deeds of valor will always be remembered.", "hLabel": 605473949 }, { "szLabel": "HardcoreHallFull", "szText": "You have reached the maximum number of fallen characters. Please choose a character to replace.", "hLabel": 3822529788 }, { "szLabel": "HardcoreHallReplace", "szText": "Are you sure you want to replace {s1}? This action is irreversible.", "hLabel": 2010396229 }, { "szLabel": "QuestComplete", "szText": "Quest Complete", "hLabel": 1665297867 }, { "szLabel": "QuestReward", "szText": "Rewards", "hLabel": 3223438103 }, { "szLabel": "QuestItemReward", "szText": "Item Reward", "hLabel": 1631969798 }, { "szLabel": "HardcoreReplace", "szText": "Replace Character ", "hLabel": 3820955396 }, { "szLabel": "HardcoreArchiving", "szText": "Archiving Character...", "hLabel": 566942947 }, { "szLabel": "Warning", "szText": "Warning", "hLabel": 3001264918 }, { "szLabel": "Notice", "szText": "Notice", "hLabel": 145849570 }, { "szLabel": "Attention", "szText": "Attention", "hLabel": 100648726 }, { "szLabel": "Congratulations", "szText": "Congratulations!", "hLabel": 3024151837 }, { "szLabel": "CongratulationsAlt", "szText": "Congratulations", "hLabel": 3387184894 }, { "szLabel": "InviteFriendAlt", "szText": "Invite Friends", "hLabel": 1121101480 }, { "szLabel": "PlayerStateInGame", "szText": "Currently Playing", "hLabel": 2887502303 }, { "szLabel": "MultiplayerHardcoreDeathAcceptNonPrimaryUser", "szText": "Are you sure you want to quit? This will remove you from the game.", "hLabel": 2209867012 }, { "szLabel": "SelectFriend", "szText": "Select Friend", "hLabel": 2038794392 }, { "szLabel": "Online", "szText": "Online", "hLabel": 183511909 }, { "szLabel": "ExportSave", "szText": "Export Save", "hLabel": 36545169 }, { "szLabel": "Help", "szText": "Help", "hLabel": 3851113 }, { "szLabel": "ImportSave", "szText": "Import Save", "hLabel": 285150218 }, { "szLabel": "Install", "szText": "Install Game", "hLabel": 2610735415 }, { "szLabel": "InstallationCompleted", "szText": "Installation complete.", "hLabel": 1454488367 }, { "szLabel": "InstallationInProgress", "szText": "Installing... Do not turn off the system.", "hLabel": 914924414 }, { "szLabel": "SonyTrademarks", "szText": "\"Sony Entertainment Network\" is a trademark of Sony Corporation. \"PSN\" is a trademark, or registered trademark of Sony Computer Entertainment Inc.", "hLabel": 1474093591 }, { "szLabel": "UserSignedOut", "szText": "{s1} has signed out of their profile", "hLabel": 3918778609 }, { "szLabel": "AdjustSafeZoneTitle", "szText": "Adjust Your Screen Safe Zone", "hLabel": 2189588360 }, { "szLabel": "ConfirmWithButton", "szText": "{icon:button1,2.0} Confirm", "hLabel": 3841648294 }, { "szLabel": "RestoreDefaulsWithButton", "szText": "{icon:button3,2.0} Restore Defaults", "hLabel": 26277920 }, { "szLabel": "SafeZoneReset", "szText": "{icon:button3,2.0} Reset to Defaults", "hLabel": 3930303870 }, { "szLabel": "SafeZoneSave", "szText": "{icon:button4,2.0} Save Changes", "hLabel": 379432842 }, { "szLabel": "SafeZoneClose", "szText": "{icon:button2,2.0} Close", "hLabel": 3912762705 }, { "szLabel": "SafeZoneContinue", "szText": "{icon:button1,2.0} Continue", "hLabel": 3855747776 }, { "szLabel": "Gold", "szText": "Gold", "hLabel": 3826054 }, { "szLabel": "ConnectionToServiceLost", "szText": "Connection to online services has been lost.", "hLabel": 1355251750 }, { "szLabel": "BetaInfo", "szText": "Diablo IV is pre-release software. Some platform features might not work correctly. Some game features might not work correctly and the application might crash. For customer support, please visit: blizzard.com/support", "hLabel": 3852115304 } ], "ptMapStringTable": "0" }