References to this File
{ "__fileName__": "enUS_Text/meta/StringList/PartyInviteToast.stl", "arStrings": [ { "szLabel": "JoinGroup", "szText": "Join {s1}'s group?", "hLabel": 1188347677 }, { "szLabel": "JoinGroupCountDown", "szText": "{s1}", "hLabel": 1088037470 }, { "szLabel": "JoinGroupLegend", "szText": "{icon:down, 2} Accept", "hLabel": 2227955436 }, { "szLabel": "JoinGroupInvite", "szText": "{s1} invited you to their party", "hLabel": 2121766156 }, { "szLabel": "JoinGroupRequest", "szText": "{s1} requested to join your party", "hLabel": 3974350886 }, { "szLabel": "InstanceTransferWarningDetails", "szText": "If you do not wish to be transferred, you must leave the party.", "hLabel": 890549014 }, { "szLabel": "TurnHostileWarningDetails", "szText": "If you do not wish to go hostile, you must leave the party.", "hLabel": 253781757 }, { "szLabel": "SummonInvite", "szText": "{s1} wants to summon you to {s2}", "hLabel": 3275083374 }, { "szLabel": "PartyGatherNotice", "szText": "Your party is being gathered.", "hLabel": 3653707821 }, { "szLabel": "JoinPartyX1Warning", "szText": "You will not be able to progress certain Vessel of Hatred quests while in this party.", "hLabel": 342840447 }, { "szLabel": "JoinPartyX1RequestWarning", "szText": "You will not be able to progress certain Vessel of Hatred quests while this player is in your party.", "hLabel": 576813032 } ], "ptMapStringTable": "0" }