{ "__fileName__": "enUS_Text/meta/StringList/SkillTreeUI.stl", "arStrings": [ { "szLabel": "SkillPower", "szText": "Skill Power", "hLabel": 3849003276 }, { "szLabel": "TalentPointsAvailable", "szText": "Root Points Available", "hLabel": 1741366982 }, { "szLabel": "SkillPointsAvailable", "szText": "Skill Points Available", "hLabel": 2295076445 }, { "szLabel": "DebugLegendController", "szText": "{icon:button2, 2.0} Return to Skills", "hLabel": 828170394 }, { "szLabel": "MajorSkillsHeader", "szText": "Key Passives", "hLabel": 2377208852 }, { "szLabel": "MinorSkillsHeader", "szText": "Minor Passives", "hLabel": 2088253984 }, { "szLabel": "SpiritSkills", "szText": "Druidic Passives", "hLabel": 3121798029 }, { "szLabel": "SkillTreeGateTooltip", "szText": "Locked. Spend {c:FFFF0000}{s1}{/c} more Skill Points to enable this connection", "hLabel": 2094528347 }, { "szLabel": "SkillPointsSpent", "szText": "{s1} |4point:points; spent", "hLabel": 2236803686 }, { "szLabel": "SkillModCoreStatText", "szText": "{s1}: {s2}", "hLabel": 175914825 }, { "szLabel": "SkillModTooltipLabel", "szText": "Modifies {s1}", "hLabel": 768618986 }, { "szLabel": "SkillModTooltipHeader", "szText": "{s1} Upgrade {s2}", "hLabel": 3737755027 }, { "szLabel": "SkillModReqSingle", "szText": "{s1} {s2}", "hLabel": 3897114665 }, { "szLabel": "SkillModReqDouble", "szText": "{s1} {s2} and {s3} {s4}", "hLabel": 3317445410 }, { "szLabel": "SkillModReqDoubleSameValue", "szText": "{s1} {s2} and {s3}", "hLabel": 823689957 }, { "szLabel": "StatPointsAvailable", "szText": "Stat Points Available", "hLabel": 2806342458 }, { "szLabel": "StatPointPendingChanges", "szText": "*", "hLabel": 263080676 }, { "szLabel": "SaveChanges", "szText": "Save Stat Changes", "hLabel": 376625960 }, { "szLabel": "SkillPointsNoneAvailable", "szText": "No Skill Points Available", "hLabel": 385501901 }, { "szLabel": "SpendStatPoints", "szText": "Spend Stat Points", "hLabel": 3276055955 }, { "szLabel": "ViewStatPoints", "szText": "View Stat Points", "hLabel": 947847956 }, { "szLabel": "ReturnToSkills", "szText": "Return to Skills", "hLabel": 827095253 }, { "szLabel": "CloseSpiritPanel_Controller", "szText": "Close Spirit Panel", "hLabel": 1249241252 }, { "szLabel": "OpenSpiritPanel", "szText": "Open Spirit Panel", "hLabel": 1679678365 }, { "szLabel": "AvailablePoints", "szText": "Available Points", "hLabel": 3474286814 }, { "szLabel": "BackToPanel", "szText": "Back", "hLabel": 1301544356 }, { "szLabel": "Close", "szText": "Close", "hLabel": 121412150 }, { "szLabel": "ControllerPrompt_SkillAssignment", "szText": "Skill Assignment", "hLabel": 1371572221 }, { "szLabel": "ExclusiveChoice_SkillMod", "szText": "{c_warning}You may only select one upgrade.{/c}", "hLabel": 1388235009 }, { "szLabel": "ExclusiveChoice_Ultimate", "szText": "{c_warning}You may only select one Ultimate Skill.{/c}", "hLabel": 2444197607 }, { "szLabel": "ExclusiveChoice_Talent", "szText": "{c_warning}You may only select one Key Passive.{/c}", "hLabel": 825330186 }, { "szLabel": "SkillPoint_Value", "szText": "{icon:Skill_Icon, 1.7}{s1}", "hLabel": 1457122373 }, { "szLabel": "KeyPassive_RootNode_Tooltip", "szText": "{c_important}Key Passives{/c} drive vital synergies through unique interactions", "hLabel": 4063103735 }, { "szLabel": "Level_Requirement", "szText": "Lv. {s1}", "hLabel": 318151592 }, { "szLabel": "ComboPoints", "szText": "{c:FFdba864}{s1}{/c}{c:FF928c82}/2", "hLabel": 3413431853 }, { "szLabel": "SkillTreeGateNeedRulerTooltip", "szText": "[PH] Choose a Ruler in order to enable this connection.", "hLabel": 4027748225 } ], "ptMapStringTable": "0" }