{ "__fileName__": "enUS_Text/meta/StringList/Bnet_Errors.stl", "arStrings": [ { "szLabel": "ERROR_14400", "szText": "Your login information is incorrect. Please try again.", "hLabel": 3806002434 }, { "szLabel": "Error_Logon_Account", "szText": "There was a problem logging in.", "hLabel": 538958228 }, { "szLabel": "ERROR_316209", "szText": "There was an error selecting the cabal.", "hLabel": 1118815870 }, { "szLabel": "ERROR_316205", "szText": "Unable to create a new cabal because all slots are filled. You must delete another cabal to create a new one.", "hLabel": 1118815866 }, { "szLabel": "ERROR_316204", "szText": "There was a problem deleting the cabal {name}.", "hLabel": 1118815865 }, { "szLabel": "ERROR_5003", "szText": "This account is already a friend.", "hLabel": 505924241 }, { "szLabel": "ERROR_5005", "szText": "This friend invitation already exists.", "hLabel": 505924243 }, { "szLabel": "ERROR_20004", "szText": "The party invitation already exists.", "hLabel": 3807040255 }, { "szLabel": "ERROR_20003", "szText": "There was a problem inviting {name} into a party.", "hLabel": 3807040254 }, { "szLabel": "ERROR_34200", "szText": "Game servers are not available. Please try again later.", "hLabel": 3808372098 }, { "szLabel": "ERROR_22001", "szText": "The operation failed because the game does not exist.", "hLabel": 3807112126 }, { "szLabel": "ERROR_24000", "szText": "There was an error creating the game. Please try again.", "hLabel": 3807183999 }, { "szLabel": "ERROR_24001", "szText": "There was an error adding players to the game. Please try again.", "hLabel": 3807184000 }, { "szLabel": "ERROR_24100", "szText": "The game servers are currently busy. Please try again later.", "hLabel": 3807185088 }, { "szLabel": "ERROR_25001", "szText": "The operation failed because the game does not exist.", "hLabel": 3807219937 }, { "szLabel": "ERROR_25002", "szText": "This game is full.", "hLabel": 3807219938 }, { "szLabel": "ERROR_25004", "szText": "The game servers are unavailable. Please try again later.", "hLabel": 3807219940 }, { "szLabel": "ERROR_25005", "szText": "The game servers are unavailable. Please try again later.", "hLabel": 3807219941 }, { "szLabel": "ERROR_300001", "szText": "The player has been disconnected. Please reconnect.", "hLabel": 1117412141 }, { "szLabel": "ERROR_300002", "szText": "There was an issue with the game service. Please try again.", "hLabel": 1117412142 }, { "szLabel": "ERROR_300003", "szText": "You cannot perform this action on the selected target.", "hLabel": 1117412143 }, { "szLabel": "ERROR_3005", "szText": "You were disconnected from the Battle.net service.", "hLabel": 505852369 }, { "szLabel": "ERROR_3006", "szText": "Your request has timed out. Please try again.", "hLabel": 505852370 }, { "szLabel": "ERROR_3007", "szText": "Your connection to the Battle.net service has timed out. Please log in again.", "hLabel": 505852371 }, { "szLabel": "ERROR_3014", "szText": "Input limit reached. Please wait to perform more actions.", "hLabel": 505852401 }, { "szLabel": "ERROR_3018", "szText": "You were disconnected from the service.", "hLabel": 505852405 }, { "szLabel": "ERROR_300017", "szText": "You are not logged in.", "hLabel": 1117412180 }, { "szLabel": "ERROR_300010", "szText": "The operation was canceled.", "hLabel": 1117412173 }, { "szLabel": "ERROR_316702", "szText": "There was an error with the party action. Please try again.", "hLabel": 1118821308 }, { "szLabel": "ERROR_316707", "szText": "The party invitation you tried to accept was canceled or removed.", "hLabel": 1118821313 }, { "szLabel": "ERROR_316703", "szText": "The selected party member was not found.", "hLabel": 1118821309 }, { "szLabel": "ERROR_316701", "szText": "This action is only available to the Party Leader.", "hLabel": 1118821307 }, { "szLabel": "ERROR_GENERIC", "szText": "There was an error.", "hLabel": 3101401350 }, { "szLabel": "ERROR_10010", "szText": "This invitation already exists.", "hLabel": 3805854363 }, { "szLabel": "Error_Party_Chat", "szText": "There was a problem sending the party message.", "hLabel": 3171316472 }, { "szLabel": "Error_Party_Chat_10001", "szText": "Not in a valid party channel.", "hLabel": 3425351209 }, { "szLabel": "Error_Whisper", "szText": "Unable to deliver the whisper to {playerName}.", "hLabel": 2402029771 }, { "szLabel": "Error_Game_Chat", "szText": "There was a problem sending the game chat message.", "hLabel": 1592488098 }, { "szLabel": "Error_Game_Chat_10001", "szText": "Not in a valid game channel.", "hLabel": 3041250131 }, { "szLabel": "ERROR_397000", "szText": "The lobby server is currently not available. Please double check your version.", "hLabel": 1128336988 }, { "szLabel": "ERROR_397001", "szText": "The lobby server is currently too busy.", "hLabel": 1128336989 }, { "szLabel": "ERROR_397004", "szText": "This account is already connected to the lobby server.", "hLabel": 1128336992 }, { "szLabel": "ERROR_31004", "szText": "There was a problem finding a game. Please try again.", "hLabel": 3808262113 }, { "szLabel": "ERROR_316721", "szText": "The selected player was already invited to party.", "hLabel": 1118821373 }, { "szLabel": "Error_Friend_Invite_20", "szText": "Target is not a valid target to be a friend.", "hLabel": 136889552 }, { "szLabel": "Error_Friend_Invite", "szText": "There was a problem sending friend invite.", "hLabel": 3408776303 }, { "szLabel": "Error_Friend_Invite_Self", "szText": "You can't send a friend request to yourself.", "hLabel": 3046231352 }, { "szLabel": "ERROR_319004", "szText": "Player is already in a clan.", "hLabel": 1118921498 }, { "szLabel": "Error_Whisper_7004", "szText": "You have sent too many whispers to {playerName}. Please wait and try again later. ", "hLabel": 496196341 }, { "szLabel": "Error_Clan_Chat", "szText": "There was a problem sending the clan chat message.", "hLabel": 756115174 }, { "szLabel": "Error_Group_Chat", "szText": "There was a problem sending the group chat message.", "hLabel": 3357616725 }, { "szLabel": "ERROR_316736", "szText": "Unable to quick join the party.", "hLabel": 1118821411 }, { "szLabel": "ERROR_319008", "szText": "Player already has an invite to the clan.", "hLabel": 1118921502 }, { "szLabel": "ERROR_319021", "szText": "Clan name already claimed.", "hLabel": 1118921561 }, { "szLabel": "ERROR_319022", "szText": "Clan contains profanity.", "hLabel": 1118921562 }, { "szLabel": "ERROR_319023", "szText": "Clan name is invalid.", "hLabel": 1118921563 }, { "szLabel": "ERROR_319024", "szText": "Clan tag is invalid.", "hLabel": 1118921564 }, { "szLabel": "ERROR_319025", "szText": "Clan description is invalid.", "hLabel": 1118921565 }, { "szLabel": "ERROR_319026", "szText": "Clan MOTD is invalid.", "hLabel": 1118921566 }, { "szLabel": "ERROR_316002", "szText": "This name contains restricted or inappropriate words.", "hLabel": 1118813685 }, { "szLabel": "Error_Party_Quick_Join", "szText": "Unable to quick join the party.", "hLabel": 1407201668 }, { "szLabel": "Error_Party_Quick_Join_316716", "szText": "Unable to quick join because the party is already full.", "hLabel": 2935600731 }, { "szLabel": "ERROR_399008", "szText": "No games are available at this time. Please retry.", "hLabel": 1128408870 }, { "szLabel": "Error_Hero_Select", "szText": "There was a problem selecting the character.", "hLabel": 53720790 }, { "szLabel": "Error_Game_Create", "szText": "There was a problem entering the game.", "hLabel": 3359704630 }, { "szLabel": "Error_Hero_List", "szText": "There was a problem getting the list of character.", "hLabel": 480964914 }, { "szLabel": "Error_Party_Invite_Accept", "szText": "There was a problem accepting the party invite.", "hLabel": 2708272886 }, { "szLabel": "Error_Party_Invite_Decline", "szText": "There was a problem declining the party invite.", "hLabel": 3131610554 }, { "szLabel": "Error_Party_Invite_Revoke", "szText": "There was a problem revoking the party invite.", "hLabel": 3376639922 }, { "szLabel": "Error_Party_Invite", "szText": "There was a problem sending the party invite.", "hLabel": 652606535 }, { "szLabel": "Error_Party_Request_Join", "szText": "There was a problem requesting to join the party.", "hLabel": 2300810640 }, { "szLabel": "Error_Clan_Invite", "szText": "There was a problem inviting player to clan.", "hLabel": 3313345461 }, { "szLabel": "Error_Clan_Promote", "szText": "There was a problem promoting clan member.", "hLabel": 2564938028 }, { "szLabel": "Error_Clan_Demote", "szText": "There was a problem demoting clan member.", "hLabel": 3106678308 }, { "szLabel": "Error_Clan_Kick", "szText": "There was a problem kicking clan member.", "hLabel": 756403816 }, { "szLabel": "Error_Friend_Remove", "szText": "There was a problem removing friend.", "hLabel": 3750004718 }, { "szLabel": "Error_Friend_Favorite_Add", "szText": "There was a problem adding friend to favorites.", "hLabel": 1434950728 }, { "szLabel": "Error_Friend_Favorite_Remove", "szText": "There was a problem removing friend from favorites.", "hLabel": 3113892269 }, { "szLabel": "Error_Party_Member_Promote", "szText": "There was a problem promoting party member to leader.", "hLabel": 3889552277 }, { "szLabel": "Error_Party_Member_Remove", "szText": "There was a problem removing party member.", "hLabel": 2913810557 }, { "szLabel": "Error_Party_Leave", "szText": "There was a problem leaving party.", "hLabel": 1584794117 }, { "szLabel": "Error_Party_Voice_Toggle", "szText": "There was a problem toggling party voice chat.", "hLabel": 789489327 }, { "szLabel": "Error_Report", "szText": "There was an error reporting player.", "hLabel": 3648166533 }, { "szLabel": "ERROR_316716", "szText": "There is not enough space in the party.", "hLabel": 1118821345 }, { "szLabel": "ERROR_316717", "szText": "You are not in a party.", "hLabel": 1118821346 }, { "szLabel": "ERROR_316720", "szText": "This player is already in your party.", "hLabel": 1118821372 }, { "szLabel": "ERROR_316722", "szText": "This invite does not exist.", "hLabel": 1118821374 }, { "szLabel": "ERROR_316723", "szText": "You are not in the party chat channel.", "hLabel": 1118821375 }, { "szLabel": "Error_Format", "szText": "{message} (Code {errCode})", "hLabel": 3190470162 }, { "szLabel": "Error_Friend_Invite_Accept", "szText": "There was a problem accepting the friend invite.", "hLabel": 924060190 }, { "szLabel": "Error_Friend_Invite_Decline", "szText": "There was a problem declining the friend invite.", "hLabel": 87166434 }, { "szLabel": "ERROR_5004", "szText": "This account is not a friend.", "hLabel": 505924242 }, { "szLabel": "Error_Party_Invite_316735", "szText": "{Invitee} is already in another party.", "hLabel": 847079423 }, { "szLabel": "Error_Party_Invite_316734", "szText": "{Invitee} has declined your party invitation.", "hLabel": 847079422 }, { "szLabel": "Error_Party_Invite_316716", "szText": "The party is full.", "hLabel": 847079358 }, { "szLabel": "Error_Party_Invite_316744", "szText": "The party invite has been revoked.", "hLabel": 847079455 }, { "szLabel": "Error_Party_Invite_316745", "szText": "{Invitee} canceled the party join.", "hLabel": 847079456 }, { "szLabel": "Error_Party_Invite_316746", "szText": "The party invitation sent to {Invitee} has expired.", "hLabel": 847079457 }, { "szLabel": "Error_Party_Quick_Join_316751", "szText": "Quick join to the party is not allowed.", "hLabel": 2935600858 }, { "szLabel": "Error_Party_Quick_Join_316752", "szText": "Quick join to the party is not allowed.", "hLabel": 2935600859 }, { "szLabel": "Error_Party_Quick_Join_316753", "szText": "The player is not your friend, quick join not allowed.", "hLabel": 2935600860 }, { "szLabel": "ERROR_319045", "szText": "You have too many pending clan applications.", "hLabel": 1118921631 }, { "szLabel": "Error_Party_Join_316756", "szText": "Bloodmarked players cannot join a non-Bloodmarked party.", "hLabel": 845989187 }, { "szLabel": "Error_Join_Game", "szText": "Failed to join the game.", "hLabel": 2299656146 }, { "szLabel": "Error_Join_Game_316616", "szText": "Unable to re-enter a keyed dungeon that you left before.", "hLabel": 3921646760 }, { "szLabel": "Error_Party_Request_Join_316758", "szText": "Party join request has been declined.", "hLabel": 3306853741 }, { "szLabel": "Error_Party_Request_Join_300008", "szText": "Party join request timed out.", "hLabel": 3305444410 }, { "szLabel": "Error_Party_Quick_Join_300008", "szText": "Quick join timed out.", "hLabel": 2934191534 }, { "szLabel": "ERROR_315404", "szText": "The request to link your device to your Battle.net account has expired.", "hLabel": 1118782106 }, { "szLabel": "Error_Party_Request_Join_316759", "szText": "Party join request was already sent.", "hLabel": 3306853742 }, { "szLabel": "ERROR_316757", "szText": "You can't join a non-Bloodmarked party while you are flagged as Bloodmarked.", "hLabel": 1118821478 }, { "szLabel": "Error_Block_Player", "szText": "There was a problem blocking the player.", "hLabel": 2428140448 }, { "szLabel": "Error_Unblock_Player", "szText": "There was a problem unblocking the player.", "hLabel": 1608435171 }, { "szLabel": "ERROR_395002", "szText": "Your character has not finished being saved by their current game, or your account is otherwise busy. Please wait a few minutes so we can safely log your account out, and try again.", "hLabel": 1128265116 }, { "szLabel": "ERROR_316001", "szText": "This name contains invalid characters.", "hLabel": 1118813684 }, { "szLabel": "ERROR_316006", "szText": "This name has an invalid length.", "hLabel": 1118813689 }, { "szLabel": "Error_Party_Quick_Join_316754", "szText": "The player is queued for Looking For Party.", "hLabel": 2935600861 }, { "szLabel": "Error_Trade_Chat", "szText": "There was a problem sending the trade message.", "hLabel": 3670678776 }, { "szLabel": "ERROR_319047", "szText": "This clan has too many outstanding applications.", "hLabel": 1118921633 }, { "szLabel": "ERROR_316760", "szText": "The invite was to a session with an incompatible version.", "hLabel": 1118821504 }, { "szLabel": "ERROR_300027", "szText": "No network connection detected.", "hLabel": 1117412213 }, { "szLabel": "ERROR_396022", "szText": "There was a problem finding servers available to ping.", "hLabel": 1128301119 }, { "szLabel": "ERROR_397006", "szText": "There was a problem reaching the game network. Please check your network settings.", "hLabel": 1128336994 }, { "szLabel": "ERROR_1016", "szText": "Unable to connect to Battle.net. Please check your network settings.", "hLabel": 505780529 }, { "szLabel": "ERROR_300008", "szText": "Your request has timed out. Please try again.", "hLabel": 1117412148 }, { "szLabel": "ERROR_300203", "szText": "There was an internal server error.", "hLabel": 1117414321 }, { "szLabel": "Error_Logon_Account_300008", "szText": "Your login attempt has timed out. Please try again.", "hLabel": 1444162494 }, { "szLabel": "ERROR_300004", "szText": "This feature is not yet implemented.", "hLabel": 1117412144 }, { "szLabel": "ERROR_75", "szText": "There was a problem authenticating your account.", "hLabel": 2406277365 }, { "szLabel": "ERROR_315306", "szText": "Unable to find a valid license for Diablo IV.", "hLabel": 1118781019 }, { "szLabel": "ERROR_34202", "szText": "Game servers are not available. Please try again later.", "hLabel": 3808372100 }, { "szLabel": "ERROR_316013", "szText": "Invalid character selection. Please try a different character. ", "hLabel": 1118813719 }, { "szLabel": "ERROR_316763", "szText": "You are unable to join the party because you have not yet completed the prologue.", "hLabel": 1118821507 }, { "szLabel": "ERROR_600021", "szText": "The player is too far away. ", "hLabel": 1234818386 }, { "szLabel": "ERROR_600006", "szText": "A trade is already in progress.", "hLabel": 1234818325 }, { "szLabel": "ERROR_60", "szText": "Your account has been logged into from another location.", "hLabel": 2406277327 }, { "szLabel": "ERROR_316762", "szText": "You are not eligible for this party's World Tier.", "hLabel": 1118821506 }, { "szLabel": "ERROR_600022", "szText": "An item cannot be traded when your Inventory is full", "hLabel": 1234818387 }, { "szLabel": "ERROR_600023", "szText": "The player is blocked.", "hLabel": 1234818388 }, { "szLabel": "Error_Friend_Set_Note", "szText": "There was a problem setting the note.", "hLabel": 3459677057 }, { "szLabel": "ERROR_315308", "szText": "There was a problem contacting the Battle.net service.", "hLabel": 1118781021 }, { "szLabel": "ERROR_315309", "szText": "You are unable to login due to your country's age requirements for Diablo IV.", "hLabel": 1118781022 }, { "szLabel": "ERROR_18012", "szText": "There was an error due to account owner being too young to access content.", "hLabel": 3806141861 }, { "szLabel": "ERROR_5015", "szText": "You are at the maximum number of friends. Please remove an existing friend if you would like to add more.", "hLabel": 505924276 }, { "szLabel": "ERROR_11", "szText": "You are unable to play Diablo IV due to parental control restrictions applied to your account.", "hLabel": 2406277163 }, { "szLabel": "ERROR_522", "szText": "There was an issue validating the console authentication token. This could be due to a temporary outage.", "hLabel": 2097739490 }, { "szLabel": "ERROR_332006", "szText": "You do not have enough Platinum for this purchase.", "hLabel": 1121041783 }, { "szLabel": "ERROR_332007", "szText": "Your purchase could not be completed at this time.", "hLabel": 1121041784 }, { "szLabel": "ERROR_600024", "szText": "Action unavailable.", "hLabel": 1234818389 }, { "szLabel": "ERROR_316003", "szText": "A new character can't be created with the provided settings.", "hLabel": 1118813686 }, { "szLabel": "ERROR_319053", "szText": "The leader is still an active member of the clan. Unable to dethrone.", "hLabel": 1118921662 }, { "szLabel": "ERROR_319001", "szText": "The clan can't be found.", "hLabel": 1118921495 }, { "szLabel": "ERROR_5016", "szText": "The player who invited you is at the maximum number of friends. They must remove at least one friend to be able to accept this invitation.", "hLabel": 505924277 }, { "szLabel": "ERROR_40014", "szText": "Sorry, you can not proceed until you pass real-name verification. Learn more ([https://www.battlenet.com.cn/support/zh/article/210633](d4://URL.https://www.battlenet.com.cn/support/zh/article/210633))", "hLabel": 3809412130 }, { "szLabel": "ERROR_40011", "szText": "You can’t login due to regulatory minor game time restrictions. Please be advised to keep a balanced and healthy lifestyle while playing video games. Learn more ([https://www.battlenet.com.cn/support/zh/article/210633](d4://URL.https://www.battlenet.com.cn/support/zh/article/210633)) ", "hLabel": 3809412127 }, { "szLabel": "ERROR_40012", "szText": "You can’t login due to regulatory minor game time restrictions. Please be advised to keep a balanced and healthy lifestyle while playing video games. Learn more ([https://www.battlenet.com.cn/support/zh/article/210633](d4://URL.https://www.battlenet.com.cn/support/zh/article/210633)) ", "hLabel": 3809412128 }, { "szLabel": "ERROR_316005", "szText": "You do not have any available character slots.", "hLabel": 1118813688 }, { "szLabel": "CharacterNameFlagged", "szText": "Your {c_highlight}character name{/c} was flagged as {c_highlight}inappropiate.{/c} This must be changed from the character select screen.", "hLabel": 1971856568 }, { "szLabel": "TempCharacterName", "szText": "temp-{s1}", "hLabel": 210685956 }, { "szLabel": "CharacterNameFlaggedTitle", "szText": "Character Name Flagged", "hLabel": 3655500218 }, { "szLabel": "CharacterNameFlaggedBody", "szText": "You are required to enter a new name for the character ‘{s1}’. Please follow the Code of Conduct. Entering offensive content can result in the {c_highlight}loss of naming privileges{/c} or other {c_highlight}account penalties, including suspension.{/c}", "hLabel": 2452841318 }, { "szLabel": "CharacterNameFlagged2ndTimeBody", "szText": "The name ‘{s1}’ was flagged as inappropriate and must be changed. Note as this is your {c_highlight}second time{/c} having your character name flagged, the next time this happens you will be {c_highlight}lose naming privileges{/c} and only able to have {c_highlight}randomized default names{/c} going forward.", "hLabel": 1206625337 }, { "szLabel": "CharacterNameFlaggedFinal", "szText": "Your {c_highlight}character name{/c} was flagged as {c_highlight}inappropiate.{/c} A random name has been given to your character.", "hLabel": 3638890434 }, { "szLabel": "CharacterNameFlaggedFinalTimeBody", "szText": "The name ‘{s1}’ was flagged as inappropiate and has been replaced Note as this is your {c_highlight}third time{/c} having your character name flagged, a random name has been applied and going forward {c_highlight}only randomized{/c} names can be used.", "hLabel": 619097343 }, { "szLabel": "ERROR_600025", "szText": "Trading has been temporarily disabled.", "hLabel": 1234818390 }, { "szLabel": "ERROR_300031", "szText": "Online play is blocked.", "hLabel": 1117412240 }, { "szLabel": "ERROR_600026", "szText": "Cannot trade with a dead hero.", "hLabel": 1234818391 }, { "szLabel": "ERROR_600027", "szText": "Cannot trade while dead.", "hLabel": 1234818392 }, { "szLabel": "ERROR_300016", "szText": "There was a problem retrieving the data.", "hLabel": 1117412179 }, { "szLabel": "Error_Party_Invite_Accept_316767", "szText": "Party invites can't be accepted during a town portal. ", "hLabel": 2770839603 }, { "szLabel": "ERROR_332016", "szText": "An invalid currency type was used to purchase. The accepted currency type for this product may have changed recently.", "hLabel": 1121041816 }, { "szLabel": "ERROR_332008", "szText": "Your purchase was not completed.", "hLabel": 1121041785 }, { "szLabel": "ERROR_332017", "szText": "Purchasing this product is not allowed at this time.", "hLabel": 1121041817 }, { "szLabel": "ERROR_332018", "szText": "Product not found.", "hLabel": 1121041818 }, { "szLabel": "ERROR_332019", "szText": "Invalid token. Authentication may have failed.", "hLabel": 1121041819 }, { "szLabel": "ERROR_332020", "szText": "An invalid request was made.", "hLabel": 1121041843 }, { "szLabel": "ERROR_332014", "szText": "An unknown error occurred. ", "hLabel": 1121041814 }, { "szLabel": "ERROR_333000", "szText": "There was an error loading your store catalog.", "hLabel": 1121077714 }, { "szLabel": "ERROR_700004", "szText": "This season has ended and it's Battle Pass can no longer be activated. Log out to access the new season.", "hLabel": 1273953716 }, { "szLabel": "ERROR_315313", "szText": "Unable to fetch licenses for Diablo IV.", "hLabel": 1118781049 }, { "szLabel": "ERROR_316748", "szText": "Cannot join party. Your character needs to be on the same realm as the party leader. (Eternal, Eternal Hardcore, Seasonal, or Seasonal Hardcore)", "hLabel": 1118821446 }, { "szLabel": "ERROR_33", "szText": "Server access is restricted to authorized accounts only.", "hLabel": 2406277231 }, { "szLabel": "ERROR_700005", "szText": "This season has ended. Please update to the latest version to access the new season.", "hLabel": 1273953717 }, { "szLabel": "ERROR_57", "szText": "Your account is currently locked.", "hLabel": 2406277301 }, { "szLabel": "Error_Whisper_Self", "szText": "You cannot whisper to yourself.", "hLabel": 498412308 }, { "szLabel": "ERROR_332028", "szText": "There was a problem please try again.", "hLabel": 1121041851 }, { "szLabel": "ERROR_53", "szText": "Your account has been suspended. Please review your Battle.net account dashboard for more information. ", "hLabel": 2406277297 }, { "szLabel": "ERROR_316756", "szText": "The party is currently locked and cannot be joined.", "hLabel": 1118821477 }, { "szLabel": "Error_Hero_Profile_300016", "szText": "The profile is not currently available. ", "hLabel": 2189559088 }, { "szLabel": "ERROR_316705", "szText": "Cannot join party, all members must be online before you join.", "hLabel": 1118821311 }, { "szLabel": "ERROR_600030", "szText": "You cannot hold that much currency", "hLabel": 1234818418 }, { "szLabel": "ERROR_600031", "szText": "Action unavailable.", "hLabel": 1234818419 }, { "szLabel": "ERROR_52", "szText": "Your account has been banned. Please review your Battle.net account dashboard for more information. ", "hLabel": 2406277296 }, { "szLabel": "ERROR_316729", "szText": "Local co-op is not available at this time.", "hLabel": 1118821381 } ], "ptMapStringTable": "0" }